423 research outputs found

    Gatorade y la V de Gowin en la enseñanza de la Química

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    Este artículo es resultado de una experiencia realizada durante la práctica pedagógica II de un estudiante profesora de la Licenciatura de Ciencias Naturales: Física, Química y Biología, en el grado 10° de una Institución Educativa de Neiva-Huila. Desde las temáticas de la química se aborda el tema de electrolitos, con prácticas de laboratorio o también consideradas trabajos prácticos, teniendo en cuenta las preguntas y orden propuesto por el esquema de la V de Go-win, donde la pregunta clave se contextualiza, basándola en un eslogan publicitario de Gatorade. La metodología se llevó a cabo bajo un enfoque cualitativo, de tipo descriptivo, con análisis de contenido de los informes de laboratorio y videos de las clases. Se logra el desarrollo de habilidades de pensamiento científico como: formulación de hipótesis, analizar, definir, diseñar, ejecutar y registrar

    Nanopore-based complete genome sequence of a Sri Lankan cassava mosaic virus (Geminivirus) strain from Thailand

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    Sri Lankan cassava mosaic virus is an emerging pathogen in Southeast Asia. Here, we report the complete genome of a Thai isolate obtained using Nanopore technology. The isolate was collected in 2019 from the northeastern province of Surin, soon after disease eradication was reported in the country

    Characterization of Self-Knowledge in Adolescent’s Students for the Choice of Pedagogical Carrers

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    Background The professional election in students has turned into a problem social educationally in resolute Cuba as of the present moment Objective To characterize self-knowledge in adolescents for the choice of pedagogical careers in students Methods The investigation covered a period from April 2017 to May 2018 A descriptive transactional design was used with a descriptive study under a sample of 40 eleventh grade students from the IPU Mariano Clemente Prado of the city of Santa Clara Cuba Preliminary instruments were used such as structured interviews with teacher guides and adolescent students Results Nevertheless the dedication to the study is a quality little recognized by the students Conclusions The pedagogical professional choice is not oriented in the sample under adequate student selfknowledg

    Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de un hospedaje especializado

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    Formular un estudio financiero que defina la viabilidad para la creación de un hospedaje especializado en adultos mayores en el municipio de la vega Cundinamarca.El presente documento presenta un estudio de factibilidad financiera para la creación de un hospedaje especializado en personas de la tercera edad que permita presentar a los inversionistas un panorama real y actualizado sobre el comportamiento actual del mercado, los costos y gastos que tiene operar este tipo de establecimientos teniendo en cuenta insumos y mano de obra. De mismo modo se dan a conocer los requerimientos iniciales en cuanto a normatividad, infraestructura e inmobiliario. Se presenta una propuesta de valor que ofrece unos estándares de calidad que cubre las necesidades de la población objetivo y fundamentada en un estudio que realizó una recolección de datos a un grupo representativo de clientes potenciales asi como el conocimiento de establecimientos que suplen actualmente la demanda de este servicio. Se realizan proyecciónes a 5 años apoyadas en datos económicos que permiten determinar el aumento de los costos e ingresos en el tiempo además de, el análisis de los indicadores financieros obtenidos tras la operación que permitiría a los inversores comprobar si tendría un margen de utilidad atractiva para implentar la idea de negocio.This document presents a financial feasibility study for the creation of a specialized accommodation for the elderly that allows investors to present a real and updated overview of the current market behavior, the costs and expenses of operating this type of establishments taking into account supplies and labor. In the same way, the initial requirements in terms of regulations, infrastructure and real estate are disclosed. A value proposition is presented that offers quality standards that covers the needs of the target population and is based on a study that collected data from a representative group of potential customers as well as the knowledge of establishments that currently supply the demand for this service. The 5-year projections are made supported by economic data that allow determining the increase in costs and income over time, in addition to the analysis of the financial indicators obtained after the operation that would allow investors to check if it would have an attractive profit margin for implement the business idea

    Genome sequence of SARS-CoV-2 isolate Cali-01, from Colombia, obtained using Oxford Nanopore MinION Sequencing

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    We report the genome sequence of a severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) isolate obtained from a patient with symptoms of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) who was infected in Cali, Colombia. The patient had no recent travel record and did not require hospitalization. The virus genome was obtained using Oxford Nanopore MinION sequencing

    Measurement of burnout syndrome (occupational syndrome) and determination of possible causes in university educators in the position of full-time professor of the Communication studies and Design schools and the Science department at a private university in Lima in 2022

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    El síndrome de burnout, también conocido como enfermedad de origen laboral por las Naciones Unidas en el 2022, consiste en el desgaste continuo y sistemático producido en el trabajo. Este síndrome fue analizado por Maslach en 1981, quien desarrolló una herramienta en base a tres dimensiones: agotamiento emocional, insatisfacción de logro y despersonalización. A través de esta investigación mixta secuencial, se busca comprobar y descubrir las posibles causas del síndrome de burnout en niveles altos en tres de los treinta y cinco profesores a tiempo completo encuestados y entrevistados, de una universidad privada de Lima, utilizando la herramienta MBI ES y entrevistas a profundidad. Además, se busca comparar estos resultados con el primer estudio desarrollado por Maslach y Jackson en 1981.Burnout syndrome, also known as work-related illness by the United Nations in 2022, consists of the continuous and systematic burnout produced at work. This syndrome was analyzed by Maslach in 1981, who developed a tool based on three dimensions: emotional exhaustion, reduced personal accomplishment, and depersonalization.Trabajo de investigació

    The Effects of Organizational Culture on Employee Performance: A Study of the Edge Newspaper

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    This research aims to examine the effect of organizational culture on employee performance. The research was conducted by interviewing the Edge Newspaper Sdn Bhd Company’s top management and their employees. Apart from that, data collection will be based on observations from surveys and journals. These collected data were used to test our hypothesis that is ‘A good employee behaviour will increase business productivity, lower absenteeism, and achieve turnover”. It is proven that a positive relationship exists between organizational culture and employee behaviour. These findings provide new insights for the management of the effects of organizational culture on its employee performances. In addition, this research enhances the understanding of employee behaviour, possibly utilized by top management to encourage and manage their employees