81 research outputs found

    Utilization of carbon nanotubes in hydrogen electrosynthesis from tropical fruit fermentation

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    The use of fossil fuels, especially oil and gas, has accelerated in recent years, resulting in the global energy crisis. The fermentative biological process is a sustainable way to produce hydrogen, as it can use as a substrate various types of carbohydrate-rich industrial and household waste such as fruit, minimizing but not completely eliminating the problems caused by improper disposal of this material. From a perspective of energy conservation and use of renewable sources for energy generation, this work aims to contribute to the identification of the use of a currently unused portion of energy, optimizing hydrogen production from a fuel cell. microbial. The main nanomaterial used in electrolysis was carbon nanotubes (CNT) incorporated into carbon felt (CF). Cyclic voltammetry studies were also performed on three electrode systems: vitreous carbon electrode as working electrode, platinum electrode as auxiliary electrode and Ag / AgCl / Cl- as reference electrode. An electrochemical cell formed by two separate compartments was constructed. Before starting the electrolysis experiment, an experimental design was performed using the complete factorial design technique to analyze the influence of the variables selected for this study. The independent variables selected were: Tropical fruit liquor concentration in %v/v, type of working electrode, electrolysis time and pH of the electrolyte medium. The observed variable was the concentration in% v / v of the hydrogen gas obtained in the electrolysis. After the results of the tests, it was concluded that carbon nanotubes can be used as working electrode, presenting success in the hydrogen production process and that the pH of the electrolytic medium has a strong influence on this process. The present work was concluded presenting an alternative way in the production of a renewable energy source. Keywords: Electrolysis, Tropical Fruits, Hydrogen


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    O artigo analisa a relação entre Estado, políticas públicas e sociedade civil na configuração política que sanciona a Lei nº 13.415, de 16 de fevereiro de 2017, precedida pela MP nº 746/2016 no governo Temer no contexto pós-golpe (2016), com o objetivo de identificar as concepções e as interfaces neoliberais presentes nesta legislação e seus desdobramentos ao ensino médio enquanto última etapa da educação básica. Metodologicamente, utiliza uma abordagem qualitativa, bem como a pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, cujos dados foram subsidiados pela análise de conteúdo. Constata-se conceitualmente um Estado de poder soberano e subserviente ao mercado, sucumbido à subordinação dos interesses econômicos sobre os sociais materializadas nas políticas púbicas como ação política desarticulada da construção social, com características da concorrência, da meritocracia e da precarização do público que passa a incidir  sobre a sociedade civil identificada como um conjunto das organizações em oposição às estruturas apoiadas pela força de um estado na proposta de ensino médio conceitualmente empobrecido, mínimo, diluído e pragmático, pois balizado na fragmentação do conhecimento, subjugado a fragmentação de sua identidade, traduzida como atividade-meio, a partir de uma perspectiva de visão empresarial do mercado


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    O presente artigo tem como objetivo proporcionar discussões e reflexões sobre a atuação do psicopedagogo diante de problemas advindos da falta de afetividade positiva no meio familiar ou escolar da criança. O estudo visa analisar a relação entre afetividade e dificuldade de aprendizagem de uma criança de nove anos, mediante pesquisas bibliográficas e estudo de caso realizado durante o período de estágio. Ao final de dois meses de acompanhamento na Clínica Psicopedagógica em Indiara, GO, foi possível identificar que a falta de afetividade positiva gerou deficiência no processo de aprendizagem.This paper aims to provide discussions and reflections on the role of psychoeducator face problems arising from lack of positive affectivity in the family or child's school. The research aims to examine the relationship between affective / learning difficulty which guides the intervention of educational psychology and suggests new tools for educators, parents andRevista Plurais – Virtual, Anápolis - Go, Vol. 9, n. 3 – Set. / Dez. 2019 – p. 245-265 ‖e-ISSN 2238-3751 ‖ISSN 1984-3941 246students. Objective evidence through literature searches and case studies conducted during the probationary period, where it was accepted monitor and diagnose a child of nine years, who presented a learning disability. After two months of monitoring at the clinic in Indiara psychopedagogical, GO, was identified that the lack of positive affectivity generated in the process of learning disabled children

    Análise da Composição Cianobacteriana das Esteiras Pustulares em Salina, Araruama, Rio de Janeiro.

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    Julieta saline receives water from lagoa de Araruama, which is located in the state of Rio de Janeiro, to the East of the city of Araruama and to the west of the city of Cabo Frio, between 22o 49’ and 22o 57’ S latitude and 42o 00’ and 42o 23’ W longitude. It is composed by a series of soil tanks obtained by natural excavation, where water gradually concentrates through natural evaporation until salt precipitation. The reservoirs can be divided in three types, according to their activity: cargo, evaporator and crystallizer tanks. The process of making such reservoirs waterproof is enabled bya fine layer of algae which is formed naturally with the passing of time. This study is based on monthly collects within the period ranging from May, 2004 to October, 2004, along three collection stations set up in different saline reservoirs. To identify the microbic composition, fresh, semi-permanent and permanent laminae were obtained and their analysis were performed by means of optical microscopy. The analysis revealed a total of twenty cyanobacterial types. In all layers, a predominant amount of oval spherical forms was observed. The predominance of cyanobacteria is justified by the fact that they are carriers of high morphological adaptations which enables them to survive in various types of environments andbe predominant in hypersaline sites

    Effect of different solutions in reversing the damage caused by radiotherapy in dentin structure

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    Previous studies have shown that radiotherapy of the head and neck region can cause direct changes in dental structure. This study evaluated the effect of different solutions on the dentin chemical composition and collagen structure of irradiated dentin. Sixty maxillary canines were distributed in 2 groups (n=30): non-irradiated and irradiated (radiotherapy: X-rays of 6 MV in 30 cycles of 2 Gy to 60 Gy). The teeth were sectioned, sanded, and polished to obtain 3x3x2 mm fragments, which were redistributed in 3 subgroups (n=10) according to the treatment employed: chlorhexidine 2% (CL), chitosan 0.2% (QT), and 0.5 M carbodiimide (EDC). The samples were analyzed in FTIR at time zero (T0-control) and after 1 (T1), 3 (T3), and 5 (T5) minutes of immersion in the tested solutions. The data for the areas of the carbonate (C), amide I (AI) bands, and the ratio between the areas of the amide III/proline and hydroxyproline (AIII/PH) bands were analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey test (?=5%). QT showed lower C values at T1, T3, and T5 (P0.05). Radiotherapy changes the secondary structure of collagen, and EDC was able to restore collagen integrity after 1 minute of immersion, without changing dentin inorganic composition

    Tapetes Microbianos Lisos Estratificados do Brejo do Espinho, RJ, Brasil.

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    Bogs are ecosystems found mainly in lower zones that separates inner and outer sandy terraces, and rivers and streams from valleys. These environments are always flooded or suffer seasonal flooding or can stay dry in a extended dry season. Its shallow waters increase the role of the sediment in the maintenance of such ecosystem. The Brejo do Espinho (22º56’ S and 42º14’W) is a coastal body of water located 108 km from Rio de Janeiro city where are observed the development of thick microbial mats (about 2-4 cm in thickness). Aiming the characterization of the microbial mats, was made monthly collections in five collects in stations located in the bog borders. Microbial mats samples were taken using a spatula, deposited into plastics vials and later fixed with 4% formaldeid solution. For identification of the cyanobacterias, fresh and permanent slides were made. Smooth layered microbial mats present in subtidal and intertida regions are composed by thin layers with different colors: green, red and brown, who show also distinct cyanobacterialcomposition. These structures show stratus of cohesive lamina with low lithification. Analysis revealed 27 species of cyanobacterias. Chroococcaceae Nägeli 1849 family was the main family found with 37% of the total frequency followed by Phormidiaceae Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988 family with 18,5%, Synechococcaceae Komárek & Anagnostidis 1995 family with 11,1%, Pseudanabaenaceae Anagnostidis & Komárek 1988 family with 11,1%, Entophysalidaceae Geitler1925 family with 7,4%, Schizothricaceae Elenkin 1934 family with 7,4% and Oscillatoriaceae Gomont 1892 family with 7,4%. The domain of cyanobacterias in the Brejo do Espinho reflects its general plasticity that allows them to adapt to hostile conditions of the environment

    Perfil dos pacientes internados por COVID-19: a importância da vigilância epidemiológica hospitalar

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    Rationale: Since December 2019, the novel coronavirus SARS-Cov-2, also called COVID-19, has spread rapidly across countries, making it one of the biggest health challenges of this century. In Brazil, it was declared a public health emergency in March 2020. The aim of this study was to describe the profile of patients hospitalized by COVID-19 in an emergency hospital in the city of Rio de Janeiro, as well as the factors associated with in-hospital death. Methods: Retrospective observational study, which included patients hospitalized between March and December 2020 with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19. The epidemiological, clinical, and laboratory aspects were extracted from the epidemiological investigation files and the hospital chart. Results: 582 suspected cases of COVID-19 were hospitalized and 317 were confirmed, of which 182 (57.5%) were male, and most were residents in the north of Rio de Janeiro (42.5%). Main tomographic or radiological findings: ground glass (34.7%) and pulmonary infiltrate (15.4%), and more than half of those hospitalized (64.0%) had at least one comorbidity. Among hospitalized patients, the overall lethality was 53.6%, and among those admitted to the ICU, this percentage was 84.5%. Age and use of ventilatory support and ICU were the variables that showed a statistically significant association with in-hospital mortality. Conclusion: This study reinforces the importance of epidemiological surveillance, in a hospital setting, especially for diseases in which the passive surveillance system may not be able to adequately report, as in the case of COVID-19.Justificación: Desde diciembre de 2019, el coronavirus SARS-Cov-2, también llamado COVID-19, se ha extendido rápidamente por los países, convirtiéndose en uno de los mayores retos sanitarios de este siglo. En Brasil, se declaró una emergencia de salud pública en febrero de 2020. El objetivo de este estudio es describir el perfil de los casos hospitalizados por COVID-19 en un hospital de urgencias de la ciudad de Río de Janeiro, así como los factores asociados a la muerte hospitalaria. Métodos: Estudio observacional, retrospectivo, que incluyó pacientes hospitalizados entre marzo y diciembre de 2020 con diagnóstico confirmado de COVID-19. Los aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos y de laboratorio fueron extraídos del formulario de investigación epidemiológica y de los registros hospitalarios. Resultados: Se hospitalizaron 582 casos sospechosos de COVID-19 y se confirmaron 317, de los cuales 203 (57,5%) eran hombres, la mayoría residentes en el norte de Río de Janeiro (42,5%). Los principales hallazgos tomográficos o radiológicos: vidrio deslustrado (34,7%) e infiltrado pulmonar (15,4%) y más de la mitad de los hospitalizados (64%) tenían al menos 1 comorbilidad. La letalidad global entre los hospitalizados fue del 53,6% y entre los ingresados en la UCI, este porcentaje fue del 84,5%. Las variables que mostraron una asociación estadísticamente significativa con la mortalidad intrahospitalaria fueron la edad, el uso de soporte ventilatorio y el uso de la UCI. Conclusiones: El estudio refuerza la importancia de la vigilancia epidemiológica en el ámbito hospitalario, especialmente para aquellas enfermedades en las que el sistema de vigilancia pasiva puede no informar adecuadamente, como es el caso de la COVID-19.Justificativa: Desde dezembro de 2019, o novo coronavírus SARS-Cov-2, também chamado COVID-19, tem se espalhado rapidamente pelos países, tornando-se um dos maiores desafios sanitários deste século. No Brasil, ele foi declarado como una emergência de saúde pública em março de 2020. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever o perfil dos pacientes hospitalizados por COVID-19 em um hospital de emergência no município de Rio de Janeiro, bem como os fatores associados ao óbito hospitalar. Métodos: Estudo observacional retrospectivo, que incluiu pacientes internados entre março e dezembro de 2020 com um diagnóstico confirmado de COVID-19. Os aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos, e laboratoriais foram extraídos das fichas de investigação epidemiológica e do prontuário hospitalar. Resultados: Foram internados 582 casos suspeitos de COVID-19 e 317 foram confirmados, dos quais 182 (57,5%) eram do sexo masculino, e a maioria era residente na zona norte do Rio de Janeiro (42,5%). Principais achados ‘tomográficos ou radiológicos’: vidro fosco (34,7%) e infiltrado pulmonar (15,4%), e mais da metade dos hospitalizados (64,0%) apresentava pelo menos uma comorbidade. Entre os pacientes hospitalizados, a letalidade geral foi de 53,6% sendo que entre os internados na UTI esse percentual foi de 84,5%. Idade e uso de suporte ventilatório e UTI foram as variáveis que mostraram associação estatisticamente significante com mortalidade intra-hospitalar. Conclusão: Este estudo reforça a importância da vigilância epidemiológica, em âmbito hospitalar, principalmente para as doenças em que o sistema de vigilância passivo pode não ser capaz de reportar adequadamente, como no caso da COVID-19


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    Trata-se de um relato de experiência, de natureza qualitativa, desenvolvido  na maternidade e no domicílio de uma puérpera durante a prática da disciplina Enfermagem em Atenção à Saúde da Mulher. Teve como objetivos assistir a puérpera, de forma holística, a partir das necessidades identificadas e relatadas pela mesma e elaborar uma assistência de enfermagem, que contribuísse para a promoção da saúde materna e neonatal. A coleta de dados constituiu-se de prontuário, entrevista semi-estruturada e um roteiro de visita domiciliar. Os resultados apontaram: maior contribuição na área de educação e saúde, prevenção de complicações puerperais, promoção do auto-cuidado e do cuidado com o neo-nato, melhoria da qualidade de vida e saúde para mãe-filho-família. Dessa forma, entendemos que os cuidados desenvolvidos com o binômio de forma humanizada e integral tem como finalidade proporcionar uma rápida e efetiva recuperação da mãe e um desenvolvimento e crescimento saudável do neo-nato. Palavras-chave: Educação em saúde, promoção da saúde, cuidado, holística