59 research outputs found

    Manejo da biomassa e sustentabilidade nutricional em povoamentos de Eucalyptus spp. em pequenas propriedades rurais

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    This study was conducted to achieve practical subsidies for nutritional management in Eucalyptus spp. stands in small farms located in Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. Different stand ages were evaluated (2, 4, 6 and 8 years old), twenty-four (24) trees were sampled and biomass and nutrients were determined for the following components: leaf, live branch, dead branch, wood and bark from the trunk and root. Biomass and nutrient content in the understory and litter were also estimated. Biomass and nutrients stock in eucalypts were estimated through the product of the mean values for each component, diametric class and number of trees per hectare, and in understory and litter, it was obtained through extrapolation based on the sample unit areas. Utilization efciency from eucalyptus nutrients was estimated through the coefcient of biological utilization (CUB). Considering total nutrients stock in the eucalyptus, nutrients partition followed this order: Ca (40.0%), N (25.6%), K (22.6%), Mg (5.9%), S (3.1%), P (2.8%); and for component: trunk bark (27.5%), leaf (25.1%), wood trunk (22.5%), live branch (14.4%), root (9.4%) and dead branch (1.1%). Litter and understory play an important role in nutrients maintenance in forest ecosystems and accumulate (in average), based on the total stock for eucalyptus, for N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S, respectively, 47.1%, 34.0%, 33.6%, 32.8%, 35.3% and 36.6%. Forest harvesting in young stands leads to loss in wood yield and a higher nutrients relative export (lower CUB). The total eucalyptus biomass harvest above the soil, when compared to the harvest of only the trunk wood, increased the exports of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S, respectively, in 83%, 152%, 193%, respectively. 445%, 305% and 49%, while the removal of biomass increased only 20%.O estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de subsidiar práticas de manejo nutricional de povoamentos de Eucalyptus spp. em pequenas propriedades rurais no estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Foram avaliados povoamentos de 2, 4, 6 e 8 anos de idade, com amostragem de 24 árvores e determinação da biomassa e nutrientes nos componentes: folha, galho vivo, galho morto, madeira e casca do tronco e raiz. Também foi estimada a biomassa e o conteúdo de nutrientes no sub-bosque e na serapilheira. A biomassa e o estoque de nutrientes no eucalipto foram estimados por meio do produto dos valores médios por componente, classe diamétrica e número de árvores por hectare, e no sub-bosque e serapilheira, por extrapolação com base na área das unidades amostrais. A eficiência de utilização dos nutrientes no eucalipto foi estimada através do coeficiente de utilização biológico (CUB). Considerando-se o estoque total de nutrientes no eucalipto, em média, a partição, por nutriente, obedeceu a seguinte ordem: Ca (40,0%), N (25,6%), K (22,6%), Mg (5,9%), S (3,1%), P (2,8%); e por componente: casca do tronco (27,5%), folha (25,1%), madeira do tronco (22,5%), galho vivo (14,4%), raiz (9,4%) e galho morto (1,1%). A serapilheira e o sub-bosque desempenham importante função na manutenção dos nutrientes no ecossistema florestal, e acumularam em média, em relação ao estoque total no eucalipto, para N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S, respectivamente, 47,1%, 34,0%, 33,6%, 32,8%, 35,3% e 36,6%. A colheita florestal realizada em povoamentos jovens acarreta perda no rendimento de madeira do tronco e maior exportação relativa de nutrientes (menor CUB). A colheita total da biomassa de eucalipto acima do solo, quando comparada com a colheita apenas da madeira do tronco, aumentou a exportação de N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S, respectivamente, em 83%, 152%, 193%, 445%, 305% e 49%, ao passo que a remoção de biomassa aumentou apenas 20%

    Litterfall deposition in a Pinus stand

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    Litterfall is the main responsible for maintaining forest stands yield in soils with low natural fertility. This study aimed to evaluate seasonal and monthly litterfall deposition in a Pinus taeda L. stand, in Quedas do Iguaçu, Paraná State, Brazil. Three plots with 21.0 m x 20.0 m were randomly allocated, where four collectors of 1.0 m2 each were systematically distributed. The litterfall was monthly collected, between April 2007 and March 2009, respectively at eight and nine years after the stand plantation, and divided in needles, thin branches (diameter < 0.5 cm), and miscellaneous, being subsequently determined its dry mass. The litterfall annual deposition reached 7.1 Mg ha-1, being higher in the autumn. The average maximum temperature and average air temperature had inverse and significant influence on needles deposition and total litterfall

    Fine root quantification in a Pinus taeda L. stand and in grassland area in Cambar\ue1 do Sul (RS)

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    Os objetivos do trabalho foram quantificar e comparar a densidade e a biomassa de ra\uedzes finas ( 64 2,0 mm) na serapilheira e nas camadas de 0-10, 10-20, 20-30, 30-40 cm ao longo do perfil de solo, em um povoamento de Pinus taeda L., com 15 anos de idade, e em uma \ue1rea de campo adjacente. A obten\ue7\ue3o das amostras de ra\uedzes, foi realizada partindo da escava\ue7\ue3o de monolitos. As ra\uedzes foram separadas do solo por meio de lavagem e cata\ue7\ue3o e, na sequ\ueancia, foram distribu\ueddas sobre uma folha de papel branca, em que, com o aux\uedlio de uma c\ue2mera digital, foram obtidas imagens. Com o auxilio do software Image Tool for Windows version 3.00\ua9 as imagens foram processadas para quantifica\ue7\ue3o do comprimento das ra\uedzes. Ap\uf3s, as ra\uedzes foram secas e, depois, pesadas para determina\ue7\ue3o da biomassa. A vegeta\ue7\ue3o presente na \ue1rea de campo apresenta uma densidade de ra\uedzes finas 234,28% maior que a \ue1rea adjacente onde encontra-se o povoamento de Pinus taeda L.The objectives of this study were to comparatively quantify length and biomass of fine roots ( 64 2.0 mm) in the soil profile (0-10, 10-20, 20-30, 30-40 cm) and in the litter of a 15-year-old Pinus taeda L. stand, as well as in an adjacent Grassland area. The samples were obtained through monolith excavation. Roots were separated through washing and collecting and were then distributed over a white sheet of paper, where images were obtained with a digital camera. Using the software Image Tool for Windows version 3.00\ua9 the images were processed to quantify root length. Subsequently, roots were dried in a stove and, weighed to determine the biomass. The vegetation in the Grassland area showed 234.28% greater density of fine roots than the adjacent area where the Pinus taeda L.stand is located

    Biomassa e nutrientes em sistema agrossilvicultural no extremo sul do Brasil

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    Historically, in southerly Brazil, composed of large rural estates, meat and grains are produced in a monocultural system. In this scenario, agroforestry systems arise as an alternative to diversify rural production, also allowing the use of natural resources more efficiently. Thus, in this study, we aimed to quantify the biomass and nutrients contained in the different components of an agroforestry system (eucalyptus + sorghum/sunflower/canola) in the extreme south of Brazil. The eucalyptus was planted at spacing 10.0 m x (3.0 m x 2.0 m) and agricultural crops were sown manually between rows of the forest species, during the initial three years. We determined the biomass and nutrient content of sorghum (leaves, grain and stem), sunflower (leaves, stem, grains and flowers), canola (grain, stem and pod) and eucalyptus (leaves, branches, bark and wood) at 18 months of age. The biomass of sorghum was 9,866.3 kg ha-1 (17.6% leaves, 47.8% stem and 34.6% grain); of sunflower 11,958.1 kg ha-1 (21.6% grains and flowers, 24.0% leaves, 21.3% grain and 33.0% stem), of canola 4,651 kg ha-1 (46.1% stem, 28.2% seeds and 25.7% pod) and eucalyptus 10,974.3 kg ha-1 (45.3% wood, 8.4% bark, 26.3% branches and 20.0% leaves). The productivity of the agricultural components of an agroforestry system was considered satisfactory, and the harvesting is recommended only for the main grain fraction, responsible for P exportHistoricamente na área do pampa gaúcho, composta por grandes propriedades rurais, são produzidas de formamonocultural, carne e grãos. Nesse cenário, os sistemas agrossilviculturais surgem como alternativa de diversificação naprodução rural, também permitindo o uso dos recursos naturais de maneira mais eficiente. Dessa forma objetivou-sequantificar a biomassa e os nutrientes contidos nos diferentes componentes de um sistema agrossilvicultural (eucalipto +sorgo / girassol / canola) na região extremo sul do Brasil. O eucalipto foi plantado no espaçamento 10,0 m x (3,0 m x 2,0 m)e as culturas agrícolas foram semeadas manualmente na entrelinha da espécie florestal, durante os três anos iniciais. Foramdeterminadas a biomassa e a quantidade de nutrientes do sorgo (folhas, grãos e colmo), do girassol (folhas, caule, capítulo),da canola (grãos, caule e vagem) e do eucalipto (folhas, galhos, casca e madeira) aos 18 meses de idade. A biomassa dosorgo foi de 9.866,3 kg ha-1 (17,6% de folhas, 47,8% de colmo e 34,6% de grãos), do girassol de 11.958,1 kg ha-1 (21,6% decapítulo, 24,0% de folhas, 21,3% de grãos e 33,0% de caule), da canola de 4.651 kg ha-1 (46,1% de caule, 28,2% desementes e 25,7% de vagem) e do eucalipto 10.974,3 kg ha-1 (45,3% de madeira, 8,4% de casca, 26,3% de galhos e 20,0%de folhas). A produtividade dos componentes agrícolas do sistema agrossilvicultural foi considerada satisfatória, sendorecomendada a colheita apenas do compartimento grãos principal responsável pela exportação de fósforo. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13086/2316-980x.v01n02a0

    Ion input via rainwater in the southwestern region of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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    Dans la culture de l’Égypte ancienne, les rites de deuil sont associés à un ensemble de manifestations émotionnelles exécutées en public. Ces émotions ritualisées impliquent non seulement l’ensemble des participants aux rites funéraires, mais encore plus particulièrement le groupe des « pleureuses ». Différentes manifestations d’affliction sont à observer : postures et paroles de tristesse, ou démonstrations bruyantes (pleurs et cris) et organisées. Plusieurs exemples concernant les cérémonies privées et aussi les rites de deuil collectif sont examinés ici. Le modèle de la résolution symbolique et rituelle de l’expérience du deuil fourni par le mythe osirien, ainsi que la déploration rituelle d’Osiris, est également discuté.In ancient Egyptian culture, mourning rites are associated with public expressions of emotions. These ritualized emotional manifestations concern the participants of the funerary rites as a whole, but even more specifically the feminine group of “weepers”. Among this group, some distinctive expressions of affliction can be observed: attitudes of sadness supported by particular words, or noisy and clearly organized demonstrative weeps and screams. In the present article, a choice of examples chosen among private ceremonies are examined and put in contrast with collective mourning rites. The symbolic and ritual model proposed in this context by the Osirian myth, as well as the ritual lament of this god, shall also be taken into account

    Variáveis físicas e químicas do solo importantes na distribuição de raízes finas em um povoamento de Pinus taeda L. no nordeste do Rio Grande do Sul

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    This study had as objective to correlate length and fine roots biomass regarding soil chemical and physical attributes in a 15 year Pinus taeda L. stand. Soil and root samples were obtained in Cambará do Sul (RS) county, through three monoliths (25 cm x 25 cm x 40 cm) excavation. Chemical and physical samples, as well as, root sample processing were conducted at Forest Ecology Laboratory, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Measured edaphic variables were used on Principal Component Analysis as explanatory variables upon roots biomass and length behavior in different soil depths. Soil chemical variables showed higher correlation with roots lenght and biomass, standing out P>K>V>Mg>Ca as main variables. This higher soil chemical variables correlation is more evidenced in the layer until 10 cm of soil.O objetivo do trabalho foi correlacionar o comprimento e a biomassa de raízes finas em relação aos atributos químicos e físicos do solo em um povoamento de Pinus taeda L., com 15 anos de idade. As amostras de raiz e solo foram obtidas no município de Cambará do Sul (RS), pela escavação de 3 monolitos com dimensões de 25 cm x 25 cm x 40 cm. As análises químicas e físicas do solo, assim como, o processamento das amostras de raízes foram realizadas no Laboratório de Ecologia Florestal da UFSM. As variáveis edáficas mensuradas foram utilizadas na Análise de Componentes Principais como variáveis explicativas sobre o comportamento da biomassa e do comprimento de raízes finas nas diferentes profundidades do solo. As variáveis químicas do solo apresentaram maior correlação com o comprimento e biomassa de raízes finas, destacando-se como principais variáveis o P>K>V>Mg>Ca. Esta maior correlação das variáveis químicas do solo se pronunciou com maior relevância na camada de até 10 cm de solo. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13086/2316-980x.v01n01a0

    Nutrientes na serapilheira acumulada em um povoamento de Eucalyptus saligna Smith em São Grabriel, RS

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    The aim of this work was quantify the stock of nutrients in litter in Eucalyptus saligna Smith stand at 4 and 5 years of age in the municipality of São Gabriel - RS. All material collected at the end of each season, was sent to the laboratory for determination of macronutrients. Total litter for the years 2011 and 2012 was 12.76 and 12.00 Mg ha-1, respectively. The amounts of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S stored in the litter were 94.4; 4.8; 21.8; 138.8; 25.6 and 8.8 kg ha-1 respectively. The litter is an excellent source of organic matter and nutrient reserves for future rotations.O objetivo deste trabalho foi, quantificar o estoque de nutrientes na serapilheira acumulada em um povoamento de Eucalyptus saligna Smith aos 4 e 5 anos de idade no município de São Gabriel – RS. Todo o material coletado, ao final de cada estação do ano, foi levado para o Laboratório para determinação dos macronutrientes. O total de serapilheira acumulada sobre o solo para os anos de 2011 e 2012 foi de 12,76 e 12,00 Mg ha-1, respectivamente. As quantidades de N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S estocadas na serapilheira foram de 94,4; 4,8; 21,8; 138,8; 25,6 e 8,8 kg ha-1 respectivamente. A serapilheira acumulada é uma excelente fonte de matéria orgânica e reserva de nutrientes para as rotações futuras

    Ghrelin and glucagon-like peptide-1 according to body adiposity and glucose homeostasis

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    ABSTRACT Objective: We investigated the biological behavior of ghrelin and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) after a standard liquid meal according to body adiposity and glucose homeostasis. Subjects and methods: This cross-sectional study included 41 individuals (92.7% women; aged 38.3 ± 7.8 years; BMI 32.2 ± 5.5 kg/m²) allocated into three groups according to body adiposity and glucose homeostasis, as follows: normoglycemic eutrophic controls (CON, n = 11), normoglycemic with obesity (NOB, n = 15), and dysglycemic with obesity (DOB, n = 15). They were tested at fasting and 30 and 60 min after the ingestion of a standard liquid meal in which we measured active ghrelin, active GLP-1, insulin, and plasma glucose levels. Results: As expected, DOB exhibited the worst metabolic status (glucose, insulin, HOMA-IR, HbA1c) and an inflammatory status (TNF-α) at fasting, besides a more significant increase in glucose than postprandial NOB (p ≤ 0.05). At fasting, no differences between groups were detected in lipid profile, ghrelin, and GLP-1 (p ≥ 0.06). After the standard meal, all groups exhibited a reduction in ghrelin levels between fasting vs. 60 min (p ≤ 0.02). Additionally, we noticed that GLP-1 and insulin increased equally in all groups after the standard meal (fasting vs. 30 and 60 min). Although glucose levels increased in all groups after meal intake, these changes were significantly more significant in DOB vs. CON and NOB at 30 and 60 min post-meal (p ≤ 0.05). Conclusions: Time course of ghrelin and GLP-1 levels during the postprandial period was not influenced by body adiposity or glucose homeostasis. Similar behaviors occurred in controls and patients with obesity, independently of glucose homeostasis

    Contribuciones intelectuales y sociales de las mujeres en la revista puertorriqueña de psicología: Un estudio de método mixto

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    A finales de la década de los ochenta se comenzaron a estudiar algunas características de las publicaciones en psicología acerca de la presencia disímil de género, raza y otras minorías, mostrando que muchas autorías y participantes de los estudios eran de raza blanca, de clase media y hombres. Por esto, consideramos relevante investigar la posición que ocupó la mujer en la historia de la Revista Puertorriqueña de Psicología. Para ello realizamos un estudio mixto de base sociobibliométrica de la producción escrita de la revista. Analizamos y procesamos los datos en programas informáticos especializados en el ámbito de la bibliometría, el análisis de redes sociales y conceptuales. En los resultados se visibilizó el lugar de preponderancia y liderazgo que ocuparon las mujeres como productoras de textos y de redes de colaboración. Observamos en las principales temáticas de los textos una incipiente orientación a temas de género, que se consolidó con el transcurrir de los volúmenes, con temáticas que incluyeron a las mujeres y la diversidad sexual.At the end of the 1980s, researchers began examining gender, race, and minority group disparities in authorship and publications since findings informed that the majority of authors and study participants were white middle-class men. Based on this data, we decided to analyze trends in women’s representation as authors throughout the history of the Puerto Rican Journal of Psychology “Revista Puertorriqueña de Psicología.” For this purpose, we carried out a mixed method sociobibliometric study focused on the articles published in the journal. The data was collected, processed, and analyzed using specialized software in the field of bibliometrics, social and conceptual network analysis. The results made visible the place of preponderance and leadership occupied by women as producers of texts and collaborative networks. We observed in the main themes of the texts an incipient orientation to gender issues, which was consolidated as the volumes passed, with themes that included women and sexual diversity.Fil: Polanco, Fernando Andrés. Universidad Nacional de San Luis; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Luis; ArgentinaFil: Béria, Josiane Sueli. Universidad Nacional de San Luis; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Luis; ArgentinaFil: de Castro Pecanha, Viviane. The Chicago School Of Professional Psychology; Estados UnidosFil: Gallegos de San Vicente, Miguel Omar. Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Minas Gerais.; Brasil. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario. Instituto Rosario de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Educación. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Instituto Rosario de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Educación; ArgentinaFil: Lopes Miranda, Rodrigo. Universidade Católica Dom Bosco; BrasilFil: de Souza Santos, Guilherme. Universidade Católica Dom Bosco; BrasilFil: Cudina, Jean Nikola. Fundación Universitaria Católica Lumen Gentium; ColombiaFil: Ossa, Julio César. Fundación Universitaria de Popayán; Colombi

    Hiperplasia adrenal congênita por deficiência da 21-hidroxilase

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    A hiperplasia adrenal congênita é um distúrbio enzimático das supra-renais resultante da deficiência de uma das diversas enzimas necessárias para a biossíntese dos esteróides adrenais a partir do colesteroL A deficiência da enzima 21-hidroxilase é responsável pela grande maioria dos casos. Neste trabalho, revisamos as características clínicas e laboratoriais, o tratamento e o acompanhamento das crianças com hiperplasia adrenal congênita por deficiência da 21-hidroxilase. Discute-se também a importância do conhecimento das bases genéticas para o diagnóstico deste distúrbio, assim como os aspectos atuais do diagnóstico e tratamento intrauterino.The congenital adrenal hyperplasia is an enzimatic disturbance of the adrenal glands that results from the deficiency of the enzimes needed to the adrenal steroids biosynthesis from cholesterol. The 21 -hydroxylase deficiency is the most frequent enzimatic disorder. Clinical presentation, laboratory evaluation and management of this disorder are discussed. Furthermore, the genetic basis for the diagnosis of congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency and the current aspects of prenatal diagnosis and treatment are also presented