53 research outputs found

    Can self-esteem mediate the association between social support and different levels of physical activity in adolescents?

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    The aim was to analyze the mediation role of self-esteem in the interaction between social support from the best friend, friends, and parents, and physical activity (PA). Participants were N=444 adolescents of both genders (male= 205), aged between 12-18 years (M= 16.02; SD= 1.57). Structural equation modeling, serial mediation and multigroup analysis were used to test the proposed hypothesis. Self-reported instruments were used to collect both PA social support and self-esteem. Self-esteem mediates partially the interaction between different social supports and vigorous PA, independently of adolescent sex. Interestingly, self-esteem was fully mediating the interaction between parents’ social support and vigorous PA in female adolescents. In contrast, self-esteem revealed no mediation in the interaction between social support and light and moderate PA. In conclusion, self-esteem mediates the relationship between social support and vigorous PA, the strength of mediation is higher in girls than in boys, in both genders the mediation is higher when the social support has come from parents

    Can self-esteem mediate the association between social support and different levelsof physical activity in adolescents?

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    The aim was to analyze the mediation role of self-esteem in the interaction between social support from the best friend, friends, and parents, and physical activity (PA). Participants were N=444 adolescents of both genders (male= 205), aged between 12-18 years (M= 16.02; SD= 1.57). Structural equation modeling, serial mediation and multigroup analysis were used to test the proposed hypothesis. Self-reported instruments were used to collect both PA social support and self-esteem. Self-esteem partially mediates the interaction between different social supports and vigorous PA, independently of adolescent sex. Interestingly, self-esteem fully mediated the interaction between parents’ social support and vigorous PA in female adolescents. In contrast, self-esteem revealed no mediation in the interaction between social support and light and moderate PA. In conclusion, self-esteem mediates the relationship between social support and vigorous PA, the strength of mediation is higher in girls than in boys, in both genders, the mediation is higher when the social support has come from parents.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Desenvolvimento motor. Indicadores bioculturais e somáticos do rendimento motor em crianças de 5/6 anos

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    Com este trabalho pretendemos avaliar a influência de factores biológicos e do envolvimento no rendimento motor de crianças com 5/ 6 anos, e estudar a diferença entre sexos em função daquelas variáveis. Foram avaliadas 21 variáveis do envolvimento, referidas na literatura como factores importantes do rendimento/desenvolvimento motor das crianças, em 181 crianças (84 raparigas e 97 rapazes). As variáveis biológicas avaliadas foram: peso, altura, diâmetros biacromial e bicristal, comprimento do membro superior, perímetros braquial e geminal e soma de cinco pregas adiposas. O rendimento motor foi avaliado através das tarefas: salto em comprimento com impulsão simultânea dos pés; lançamento da bola de ténis; 20 metros de corrida e uma prova de equilíbrio estático. Para identificar as variáveis determinantes do rendimento motor foi usada a análise de regressão múltipla com o método stepwise. A ANCOVA foi usada para analisar a influência das variáveis somáticas e do envolvimento na diferença entre os sexos. Foram sobretudo as variáveis do envolvimento que mais determinaram a variação dos resultados na generalidade das provas motoras, no entanto, foram as variáveis somáticas as que mais explicam a diferença entre os sexos no rendimento motor

    The Mediation Role of Perceived Benefits and Barriers in the Relationship Between Support Provided by Significant Others and Physical Activity of Adolescents

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    We investigated whether the relationship between significant others’ social support and adolescents’ physical activity (PA) is mediated by perceived barriers and benefits of PA. In this cross-sectional study, we analyzed data from 497 adolescents (girls = 272, boys = 225) aged between 12-18 years (M = 15.87, SD = 1.43) from six different middle and secondary schools. We collected data regarding social cognitive variables and PA with self-report measures and calculated the metabolic equivalent of total amount PA. We performed structural equation modeling and mediation analyses and found our proposed models fit the data. In girls, perceived PA benefits mediated the association between support provided by friends (β = .13; IC 95% = .02 .29), a best friend (β = .14; IC 95% = .03, .33), and parents (β = .07; IC 95% = .01, .18), and PA. Similarly in boys, perceived PA benefits partially mediated the association between support provided by parents (β = .09; IC 95% = .04, .37), friends (β = .11; IC 95% = .05, .40), and a best friend (β = .10; IC 95% = .05, .40) and PA. Perceived barriers to PA did not display any significant mediation role for either sex. Interventions to foster others’ support for PA, especially from a best friend, are important for promoting PA among adolescents.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Reliability and construct validity of the test of gross motor development-2 in portuguese children

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    The use of several different assessment motor tools make difficult to make comparisons of childhood motor competence across countries. Although the Test Gross Motor Development 2 (TGMD-2) is one of the most used instruments for assessing motor competence, its validation for Portuguese population is needed. The aim of the article is to examine the psychometric proprieties of the TGMD-2, using a Portuguese sample. Totally 330 children aged 5–10 years were assessed with TGMD-2. Cronbach’s alpha assessed internal consistency. Test–retest reliability was estimated with the Bland–Altman method. Construct validity was assessed by a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The hypothesised model used 12 items and 2 factors: object control and locomotor skills. The test–retest reliability analysis was good, with an agreement ratio of .96 (.09) for 12 skills. Cronbach’s alpha values showed acceptable internal consistency (.69 for 12 items, .46 for locomotor skills, and .64 for object control skills). The results of the CFA [CFI = .956, NFI = .868, NNFI = .937, SRMR = .048, and RMSEA = .036 (90% CI: .010–.054)] support the two factor structure of the original version. Portuguese TGMD-2 version is a reliable and valid tool to assess the gross motor skills of Portuguese children aged 5–10 years.4811-99FE-2ECD | Luis Paulo RodriguesN/

    Promoção da saúde e actividade física: contributos para o desenvolvimento humano

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    A inactividade física é um dos principais factores de risco associados ao desenvolvimento de diferentes patologias, sendo considerada uma questão fundamental de saúde pública nos países ocidentais. Diversas medidas têm sido adoptadas no sentido de favorecer a prática regular de actividade física, de acordo com as directrizes de organismos internacionais, verificando-se um aumento significativo do nível de informação e da oferta existente de programas exercício e saúde. No entanto, não se observam melhorias significativas nos níveis de actividade física, existindo dificuldades na alteração dos comportamentos conducentes a um estilo de vida mais activo. Uma das razões associadas está relacionada com a diferença existente entre os objectivos propostos pelas actividades físicas e as expectativas e motivações dos indivíduos envolvidos nestes programas. O conjunto de características individuais, resultantes também da forma como o indivíduo interage com o mundo exterior, devem ser atendidas neste tipo de actividade. A presente comunicação pretende assim evidenciar as implicações positivas que o conceito Qualidade de Vida (WHO) pode ter na concepção e estruturação das actividades físicas de modo a não serem apenas direccionadas para o desenvolvimento da aptidão física ou para a melhoria de sintomas clínicos, mas que possam contemplar outras necessidades do indivíduo, por vezes negligenciadas

    Policy-based network management in an integrated mobile network

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    Through the seamless integration of different kinds of technologies, services and terminals, and with the expected offered bandwidth, the next generation networks will put a new set of challenges related to operation and management. In this paper we present a Policy-based Network Management System that is being developed inside the Daidalos IST project

    Using CIM extensions to model managed entities in heterogeneous networks

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    This paper is devoted to the definition of management information which models specific functionality of the entities that build Daidalos European Project. This management information will be used in policy–based management system (PBNMS) to manage QoS aspects of the network functionality

    The future of power systems: Challenges, trends, and upcoming paradigms

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    The decarbonization of the economy, for which the contribution of power systems is significant, is a growing trend in Europe and in the world. In order to achieve the Paris Agreement's ambitious environmental goals, a substantial increase in the contribution of renewable sources to the energy generation mix is required. This trend brings about relevant challenges as the integration of this type of sources increases, namely in terms of the distribution system operation. In this paper, the challenges foreseen for future power systems are identified and the most effective approaches to deal with them are reviewed. The strategies include the development of Smart Grid technologies (meters, sensors, and actuators) coupled with computational intelligence that act as new sources of data, as well as the connection of distributed energy resources to distribution grids, encompassing the deployment of distributed generation and storage systems and the dissemination of electric vehicles. The impact of these changes in the distribution system as a whole is evaluated from a technical and environmental perspective. In addition, a review of management and control architectures designed for distribution systems is conducted. This article is categorized under: Energy Infrastructure > Systems and Infrastructure Energy Infrastructure > Economics and Policy.ERDF - European Regional Development Fund through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation - COMPETE 2020 Programme, and by National Funds through the Portuguese funding agency, FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia, Grant/Award Number: SAICTPAC/0004/2015-POCI-01-0145-FEDER-01643

    Expression of FOXA1 and GATA-3 in breast cancer: the prognostic significance in hormone receptor-negative tumours

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    The expression of additional genes, other than oestrogen receptor (ER), may be important to the hormone-responsive phenotype of breast cancer. Microarray analyses have revealed that forkhead box A1 (FOXA1) and GATA binding protein 3 (GATA-3) are expressed in close association with ERalpha, both encoding for transcription factors with a potential involvement in the ERalpha-mediated action in breast cancer. The purpose of this study was to explore if the expression of FOXA1 and GATA-3 may provide an opportunity to stratify subsets of patients that could have better outcome, among the ERalpha-negative/poor prognosis breast cancer group.The present study was supported by a research grant (SFRH/BD/15316/ 2005 to AA) financed by the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT). The authors thank Prof. Raquel Seruca ( coordinator from the Cancer Genetics group at IPATIMUP) for scientific assistance, Dr Jose Luis Costa (postdoctorate at IPATIMUP) for critically reading the manuscript before submission, and Dr Nuno Marcos ( PhD student at IPATIMUP) for artwork assistance
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