10 research outputs found

    Clustering of physical activity, sedentary behavior, and diet associated with social isolation among Brazilian adolescents

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    Backgound Although obesogenic behaviors have been found to be related to social isolation, evidence-based person-centered approaches are lacking. This study investigated the association between clusters of obesogenic behavior – derived from a data-driven process – and social isolation among Brazilian adolescents. Methods Data from the National Adolescent School-based Health Survey (PeNSE) 2015 were analyzed. A total of 100,794 9th-grade students (51.3% females; 14.3 ± 0.1 years old) enrolled in 3,040 public and private high schools participated in the study. Social isolation was assessed by two outcomes (i.e., perceived loneliness and lack of close friends). A two-step cluster analysis was conducted to identify patterns of obesogenic behaviors with the input of leisure-time physical activity (PA), sitting time as a proxy of sedentary behavior (SB), and the weekly consumption of healthy and unhealthy food. Crude and adjusted binary logistic regression models were applied to evaluate the associations between the clusters of obesogenic behaviors and social isolation variables in adolescents. Results Three clusters were identified. Adolescents in the “Health-promoting SB and diet” (32.6%; OR = 0.69; 95% CI = 0.62–0.76) and “Health-promoting PA and diet” (44.9%; OR = 0.73; 95% CI = 0.67–0.79) clusters had lower odds of loneliness compared to those in the “Health-risk” cluster (22.5%). Those belonging to the “Health-promoting PA and diet” cluster were more likely to report having close friends (OR = 1.19; 95% CI = 1.00–1.41) than those in the “Health-risk” cluster. Conclusion Adolescents in clusters where positive behaviors outweighed negative ones were less likely to perceive themselves as lonely and without close connections

    Preference for leisure activities among adolescents in southern Brazil : What changed after a decade?

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    The preference for a specic activity during leisure time can directly influence its practice, both for active and sedentary behaviors. Thus, the purpose of this study was to identify changes after a decade in the preference for leisure activities according to gender and age group between two generations of adolescents from southern Brazil. It was a repeated cross-sectional study (2001-2011). Representative samples of high school students (aged 15-19 years) from public schools in the state of Santa Catarina were evaluated in 2001 (n = 5028) and 2011 (n = 6529). Students answered one question on the preferred leisure activity, organized into six groups of activities. Comparisons between surveys were based on the relative frequency and 95% condence intervals (95% CI). After a decade, there were signicant reductions (95% CI did not overlap) in the preference for practicing physical activities, cultural activities and other activities, while the preference for watching TV, playing video games and using computer increased over time. These trends were similar between boys and girls and between younger (15-16 years-old) and older (17-19 years-old) students. The magnitude of changes was bigger in the proportion of preference for using computer and for practicing physical activities. There was an increase in the preference for leisure activities that involve screen time use, but the preference for other leisure activities (e.g., physical and cultural activities) reduced after a decade. Reasons underlying the change in leisure preferences need to be examined to support future interventions.La preferencia por una actividad especĂ­ca en el ocio puede influir directamente en su prĂĄctica, tanto para los comportamientos activos como los sedentarios. AsĂ­, el objetivo de este estudio fue identicar cambios tras una dĂ©cada en la preferencia por actividades de ocio de acuerdo con el gĂ©nero y con la franja etaria entre dos generaciones de adolescentes del sur de Brasil. Para ello, se realizĂł un estudio transversal de repeticiĂłn en 2001 y 2011. Se evaluaron muestras representativas de estudiantes de secundaria (15-19 años) de escuelas pĂșblicas del estado de Santa Catarina en 2001 (n = 5028) y 2011 (n= 6529). Los alumnos contestaron a una pregunta sobre la actividad de ocio preferida, organizada en seis grupos de actividades. Las comparaciones entre las encuestas se basaron en la frecuencia relativa y en los intervalos de conanza del 95% (IC95%). DespuĂ©s de una dĂ©cada, hubo reducciones significativas (IC95% no se solapĂł) en la preferencia por la practica de actividades fĂ­sicas, actividades culturales y otras actividades, mientras que la preferencia por ver la televisiĂłn, jugar a los videojuegos y usar las computadoras aumentĂł con el paso del tiempo. Estas tendencias fueron similares entre niños y niñas y entre estudiantes mĂĄs jĂłvenes (15-16 años) y mayores (17-19 años). La magnitud de los cambios fue mayor en la proporciĂłn de preferencia por el uso de las computadoras y por la prĂĄctica de actividades fĂ­sicas. En conclusiĂłn, se observĂł un aumento en la preferencia por actividades de ocio que involucran el uso del tiempo de pantalla, pero la preferencia por otras actividades de ocio (por ejemplo, actividades fĂ­sicas y culturales) se redujo tras una dĂ©cada. Las razones subyacentes al cambio en las preferencias de ocio deben ser examinadas para apoyar a futuras intervenciones.A preferĂȘncia por uma atividade especĂ­fica no lazer pode influenciar diretamente sua prĂĄtica, tanto para comportamentos ativos quanto sedentĂĄrios. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi identificar mudanças apĂłs uma dĂ©cada na preferĂȘncia por atividades de lazer de acordo com o gĂȘnero e a faixa etĂĄria entre duas geraçÔes de adolescentes do sul do Brasil. Para isso, um estudo transversal de repetição foi realizado em 2001 e 2011. Amostras representativas de estudantes do ensino mĂ©dio (15-19 anos) de escolas pĂșblicas do estado de Santa Catarina foram avaliadas em 2001 (n = 5028) e 2011 (n = 6529). Os alunos responderam a uma pergunta sobre a atividade de lazer preferida, organizada em seis grupos de atividades. As comparaçÔes entre as pesquisas foram baseadas na frequĂȘncia relativa e nos intervalos de con"ança de 95% (IC95%). ApĂłs uma dĂ©cada, houve reduçÔes signi"cativas (IC95% nĂŁo se sobrepĂŽs) na preferĂȘncia por praticar atividades fĂ­sicas, atividades culturais e outras atividades, enquanto a preferĂȘncia por assistir TV, jogar videogames e usar computador aumentou com o tempo. Essas tendĂȘncias foram semelhantes entre rapazes e moças e entre estudantes mais jovens (15-16 anos) emais velhos (17-19 anos). A magnitude das mudanças foi maior na proporção de preferĂȘncia pelo uso do computador e pela prĂĄtica de atividades fĂ­sicas. Como conclusĂŁo, houve um aumento na preferĂȘncia por atividades de lazer que envolvem o uso do tempo de tela, mas a preferĂȘncia por outras atividades de lazer (como atividades fĂ­sicas e culturais) diminuiu apĂłs uma dĂ©cada. As razĂ”es subjacentes Ă  mudança nas preferĂȘncias de lazer precisam ser examinadas para apoiar futuras intervençÔes

    How do adolescents with short sleep duration spend their extra waking hours? A device-based analysis of physical activity and sedentary behaviour in a Brazilian sample

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    Objectives:: To compare sedentary behaviour and physical activity between short sleepers and adequate sleepers in a sample of Brazilian adolescents. Material and Methods:: 688 adolescents wore accelerometers on the non-dominant wrist for seven days. Sleep duration, sedentary behaviour, light (LPA), moderate (MPA), and vigorous physical activity (VPA) were estimated. Participants were classified as short (<8h/night) or adequate sleepers (≄8h/night). The minutes and the percentage of time spent in each waking behaviour was compared between short and adequate sleepers. Results:: Participants were 16.3 years old, 50.4% were female, and 67.7% were short sleepers. Adequate sleepers engaged in less (min/day) sedentary behaviour (-53.46), LPA (-25.44), MPA (-4.27), and VPA (-0.63) compared to short sleepers. However, no differences were observed for the proportion of time (68% in sedentary behaviour, 28% in LPA, 3% in MPA, and <0.4% in VPA). Conclusion:: Patterns of waking behaviours are similar between short and adequate sleepers

    Kelly's Research Group

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    ELEVA Study

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    Preference for leisure activities among adolescents in southern Brazil : What changed after a decade?

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    The preference for a speci c activity during leisure time can directly influence its practice, both for active and sedentary behaviors. Thus, the purpose of this study was to identify changes after a decade in the preference for leisure activities according to gender and age group between two generations of adolescents from southern Brazil. It was a repeated cross-sectional study (2001-2011). Representative samples of high school students (aged 15-19 years) from public schools in the state of Santa Catarina were evaluated in 2001 (n = 5028) and 2011 (n = 6529). Students answered one question on the preferred leisure activity, organized into six groups of activities. Comparisons between surveys were based on the relative frequency and 95% con dence intervals (95% CI). After a decade, there were signi cant reductions (95% CI did not overlap) in the preference for practicing physical activities, cultural activities and other activities, while the preference for watching TV, playing video games and using computer increased over time. These trends were similar between boys and girls and between younger (15-16 years-old) and older (17-19 years-old) students. The magnitude of changes was bigger in the proportion of preference for using computer and for practicing physical activities. There was an increase in the preference for leisure activities that involve screen time use, but the preference for other leisure activities (e.g., physical and cultural activities) reduced after a decade. Reasons underlying the change in leisure preferences need to be examined to support future interventions.La preferencia por una actividad especĂ­ ca en el ocio puede influir directamente en su prĂĄctica, tanto para los comportamientos activos como los sedentarios. AsĂ­, el objetivo de este estudio fue identi car cambios tras una dĂ©cada en la preferencia por actividades de ocio de acuerdo con el gĂ©nero y con la franja etaria entre dos generaciones de adolescentes del sur de Brasil. Para ello, se realizĂł un estudio transversal de repeticiĂłn en 2001 y 2011. Se evaluaron muestras representativas de estudiantes de secundaria (15-19 años) de escuelas pĂșblicas del estado de Santa Catarina en 2001 (n = 5028) y 2011 (n= 6529). Los alumnos contestaron a una pregunta sobre la actividad de ocio preferida, organizada en seis grupos de actividades. Las comparaciones entre las encuestas se basaron en la frecuencia relativa y en los intervalos de con anza del 95% (IC95%). DespuĂ©s de una dĂ©cada, hubo reducciones signi ficativas (IC95% no se solapĂł) en la preferencia por la practica de actividades fĂ­sicas, actividades culturales y otras actividades, mientras que la preferencia por ver la televisiĂłn, jugar a los videojuegos y usar las computadoras aumentĂł con el paso del tiempo. Estas tendencias fueron similares entre niños y niñas y entre estudiantes mĂĄs jĂłvenes (15-16 años) y mayores (17-19 años). La magnitud de los cambios fue mayor en la proporciĂłn de preferencia por el uso de las computadoras y por la prĂĄctica de actividades fĂ­sicas. En conclusiĂłn, se observĂł un aumento en la preferencia por actividades de ocio que involucran el uso del tiempo de pantalla, pero la preferencia por otras actividades de ocio (por ejemplo, actividades fĂ­sicas y culturales) se redujo tras una dĂ©cada. Las razones subyacentes al cambio en las preferencias de ocio deben ser examinadas para apoyar a futuras intervenciones.A preferĂȘncia por uma atividade especĂ­fica no lazer pode influenciar diretamente sua prĂĄtica, tanto para comportamentos ativos quanto sedentĂĄrios. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi identificar mudanças apĂłs uma dĂ©cada na preferĂȘncia por atividades de lazer de acordo com o gĂȘnero e a faixa etĂĄria entre duas geraçÔes de adolescentes do sul do Brasil. Para isso, um estudo transversal de repetição foi realizado em 2001 e 2011. Amostras representativas de estudantes do ensino mĂ©dio (15-19 anos) de escolas pĂșblicas do estado de Santa Catarina foram avaliadas em 2001 (n = 5028) e 2011 (n = 6529). Os alunos responderam a uma pergunta sobre a atividade de lazer preferida, organizada em seis grupos de atividades. As comparaçÔes entre as pesquisas foram baseadas na frequĂȘncia relativa e nos intervalos de con"ança de 95% (IC95%). ApĂłs uma dĂ©cada, houve reduçÔes signi"cativas (IC95% nĂŁo se sobrepĂŽs) na preferĂȘncia por praticar atividades fĂ­sicas, atividades culturais e outras atividades, enquanto a preferĂȘncia por assistir TV, jogar videogames e usar computador aumentou com o tempo. Essas tendĂȘncias foram semelhantes entre rapazes e moças e entre estudantes mais jovens (15-16 anos) emais velhos (17-19 anos). A magnitude das mudanças foi maior na proporção de preferĂȘncia pelo uso do computador e pela prĂĄtica de atividades fĂ­sicas. Como conclusĂŁo, houve um aumento na preferĂȘncia por atividades de lazer que envolvem o uso do tempo de tela, mas a preferĂȘncia por outras atividades de lazer (como atividades fĂ­sicas e culturais) diminuiu apĂłs uma dĂ©cada. As razĂ”es subjacentes Ă  mudança nas preferĂȘncias de lazer precisam ser examinadas para apoiar futuras intervençÔes

    Associations between Sociodemographic, Dietary, and Substance Use Factors with Self-Reported 24-Hour Movement Behaviors in a Sample of Brazilian Adolescents

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    We aimed to identify sociodemographic, dietary, and substance use factors associated with self-reported sleep duration, physical activity (PA), and sedentary behavior (SB) indicators in a sample of Brazilian adolescents. Adolescents (n = 731, 51% female, mean age: 16.4 years) answered a questionnaire. The volume of total PA, sports, non-sports, total SB, leisure-time SB, involuntary SB, sleep duration, dietary behaviors, sociodemographic, and substance use indicators were self-reported. Multilevel linear models were fitted. Females engaged in less total PA, sports, total SB, and leisure-time SB, but in more involuntary SB than males. Age was positively associated with non-sports and involuntary SB. Socioeconomic status was positively associated with total PA. Adolescents who lived with the mother only practiced more sports compared to those living with two parents. Unprocessed food was positively associated with total PA and sports. Processed food was inversely associated with total PA and non-sports, and positively associated with total SB and leisure-time SB. Alcohol use was positively associated with total PA, and tobacco smoking was negatively associated with total PA. No associations were observed for sleep duration. In conclusion, sociodemographic, dietary, and substance use factors are associated with the 24 h movement behaviors among Brazilian adolescents, and some associations are type specific

    Clustering of Physical Activity, Diet and Sedentary Behavior among Youth from Low-, Middle-, and High-Income Countries: A Scoping Review

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    Background: The interaction between physical activity (PA), diet, and sedentary behavior (SB) plays an important role on health-related outcomes. This scoping review (Prospero CRD42018094826) aims to identify and appraise clusters of PA, diet, and SB among youth (0–19 years) according to country income. Methods: Five databases were searched. Fifty-seven articles met the inclusion criteria. Results: Fifty-five cluster types were identified, with greater variety in high-income than lower income countries. The most prevalent profiles were “High SB and consumption of sugar, salt, and beverages (SSB)” (n = 17) and “High PA” (n = 13–5), both of which presented in all income countries. The healthiest profile, “High PA and fruit and vegetables (F&amp;V); Low SB and SSB” (n = 12), was present in upper-middle and high-income countries, while the unhealthiest “Low PA and F&amp;V; High SB and SSB” (n = 6) was present only in high-income countries. Conclusions: High SB and unhealthy diet (SSB) were more prevalent in clusters, mainly in high-income countries. The results support the need for multi-component actions targeting more than one behavior at the same time

    Physical aggression among adolescents from Santa Catarina: association with sociodemographic factors and physical activity

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    The aims of the present study were to evaluate possible gender differences in the prevalence of physical aggression among adolescents, and to examine the association between sociodemographic factors and physical activity participation with physical aggression in boys and girls. The sample was composed of 6,529 high school students (aged 15-19 years) from public schools of the state of Santa Catarina. A questionnaire was applied to collect data regarding sociodemographic factors, involvement in physical aggressions and types of physical activity. Crude and adjusted binary logistic regression models were performed. Boys reported more involvement in physical aggression episodes (36.9%) compared to girls (26.0%, p<0.05). Boys who lived in urban areas (OR: 1.45) and did not live with the family (OR: 2.22), as well as girls enrolled in the night shift were more likely to engage in fights (OR: 1.26). Adolescents aged 17-19 years had reduced chances of getting involved in fights (OR Boys: 0.66; OR Girls: 0.80) compared to younger ones. The practice of team sports among boys (OR: 1.56) and the combined practice of team sports and individual physical activities among boys (OR: 1.91) and girls (OR: 1.36) were associated with physical aggressions. It was concluded that boys were more likely to engage in fights, mainly younger boys, who did not live with family and lived in urban areas. In boys and girls, the involvement in physical aggression was greater among those who are engaged in team sports

    Physical aggression among adolescents from Santa Catarina: association with sociodemographic factors and physical activity

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    <div><p>Abstract The aims of the present study were to evaluate possible gender differences in the prevalence of physical aggression among adolescents, and to examine the association between sociodemographic factors and physical activity participation with physical aggression in boys and girls. The sample was composed of 6,529 high school students (aged 15-19 years) from public schools of the state of Santa Catarina. A questionnaire was applied to collect data regarding sociodemographic factors, involvement in physical aggressions and types of physical activity. Crude and adjusted binary logistic regression models were performed. Boys reported more involvement in physical aggression episodes (36.9%) compared to girls (26.0%, p<0.05). Boys who lived in urban areas (OR: 1.45) and did not live with the family (OR: 2.22), as well as girls enrolled in the night shift were more likely to engage in fights (OR: 1.26). Adolescents aged 17-19 years had reduced chances of getting involved in fights (ORBoys: 0.66; ORGirls: 0.80) compared to younger ones. The practice of team sports among boys (OR: 1.56) and the combined practice of team sports and individual physical activities among boys (OR: 1.91) and girls (OR: 1.36) were associated with physical aggressions. It was concluded that boys were more likely to engage in fights, mainly younger boys, who did not live with family and lived in urban areas. In boys and girls, the involvement in physical aggression was greater among those who are engaged in team sports.</p></div