12 research outputs found

    Relationship between scenery of flow ecology habitat and physical environment

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    For the evaluation of the natural environment of the small river, generally is explained by \ud physical factors such as flow velocity and water depth or scour/pool and riffle landscape classification.\ud However, in small urban rivers, a quantitative study of how many are related to what extent environmental\ud factors, such as shallow, riverbed materials and other physical environmental factors and the flow rate was\ud classified from the perspective of the landscape has not yet been established. The authors are being conducted\ud in collaboration with the Fukutsu city to cooperate with the river environment which is flowing in the\ud Kamisaigo River, Fukuoka Prefecture. In order to evaluate this environmental restoration project, the present\ud study was performed the basic relationships of habitat and the physical environment must be clearly and\ud quantitatively. Here we provide a frame of evaluation: flow ecological habitat. Extracts from the reach of the\ud five sections of flow ecology habitat of the river was done in the Kamisaigo River. The perspective of the\ud landscape to reach, classified by the five local habitat stagnation, from the rapids/riffle, run, glide, scour/pool\ud and slack/shallow, their habitat with a rope delimited. Habitat for each depth, flow velocity, bed material was\ud measured at 50 m terrain. The results of habitat landscape are as follows; we create a diagram of the depth???\ud velocity-substrate distribution, we were also founded relatively clear overlap between glide and pool for\ud velocity and between glide and slack/shallow in depth. Physical quantities of slack/shallows and scour/pool in\ud particular often overlap. Reynolds number as a-biotic environment was the best criterion for objectively\ud classifying rapid/ riffle, run and glide respectively, also Froude number for the run, slack/shallow and\ud scour/pool respectively. Research methods showed the effectiveness of a habitat relationship with\ud environmental a landscap


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    River restoration is the act of working with a degraded river or stream in order to\ud return it to a pre-disturbed condition. Restoration of urban rivers is a new endeavor in\ud the world. There are more than 23000 river restorations have been done in Japan for\ud past 15 years, but the methods of works and evaluation of river restoration is not\ud established.\ud In this study I try to establish evaluation methods of river restoration and implement a\ud river restoration by using the evaluation methods.\ud In the chapter 1, I review river restoration in Japan and concept of river restoration. I\ud introduce the Kamisaigo Rive which is a case study river and flowing through Fukutsu\ud city in Fukuoka prefecture. Basic concept\ud The 2nd chapter was performed frame of evaluating of the river environment. 1) Fish\ud Biological Health Index(FBII) was proposed by using information about fish ecological\ud life styles. FBII is consists of 14 metrics and the highest point of each metric is 10.0. 2???\ud 5 habitats of the Kamisaigo river were distinguished as rapid, run, glide, slack and pool.\ud Each habitat was explained by hydraulic factors. 3) Physical, chemical and biological\ud monitoring methods were explained.\ud In the 3rd chapter, the situation of physical and fish fauna of pre-restoration of the\ud Kamisaigo river was explained. I evaluated the environment of the 7 stations by FBII. I\ud collected 746 fish of 15 species. Station 1 is the best situations, because it is very close\ud to the main river. The station 2, 4 and 5 were worse stations and almost points of\ud metrics of FBII were below 5.0. The metric 9 (index of fish depended on slow flow area )\ud and the metric 11 (index of fish spawning on plant raw ) were especially low. With these\ud results Kyushu University and Fukutsu city made restoration plan of the Kamisaigo\ud river and Fukutsu city installed river restorations.\ud In the 4th chapter, the restoration methods were evaluated. Fukutsu city installed 5\ud methods of the river restoration, an artificial riffle, artificial meandering, big rocks and\ud a stone steps to 6 sections. The section A is not installed restoration methods for a\ud control section. The section B was installed a artificial riffle. The section C was installed\ud meandering of a low water course. The section D and E were installed big rocks and\ud meandered. The section F is installed a stone steps. The station A and C were the lowest\ud of FBII. The station C was meandered but the water course was changed straight after\ud a flood. Other sections were improved points of FBII but the points of metric 9 were\ud almost low.\ud In the 5th chapter, I evaluated adaptive management methods which we improved the\ud river restoration methods based on the results of chapter 4. We installed woody debris\ud and a small back water area to supply deeper area and low floe area in station B and C.\ud The points of FBII of the Station B and C are quite improved than before. The woody\ud debris are efficient to improve fish habitats.\ud In the 6th chapter, I concluded the results. I proposed Fish Biological Health Index(FBII)\ud and clarified effectiveness of the index to improve and evaluate river environment from\ud the view points of fish fauna. I evaluated that the methods of river restoration in the\ud Kamisaigo river are effective efficiently but we have to consider change of river\ud morphology by flood

    Analisis Pemecah Gelombang (Breakwater) Di Bamballoka Kabupaten Pasangkayu

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    Abstrak   Analisis skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aman atau tidaknya bangunan pengaman pantai yang berada di Bambaloka Kabupaten Pasangkayu, terhadap stabilitas kuat dukung tanah, geser dan guling dan studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tipe bangunan pengaman pantai yang cocok untuk pantai Bambaloka. Dari hasil yang di dapatkan berdasarkan analisis yang di lakukan dapat di simpulkan beberapa hal mengenai analisis stabilitas bangunan pengaman pantai ( Breakwater ) yang berada pada pantai Bambaloka, Kecamatan Baras  Kabupaten Pasangkayu, Sulawesi Barat. Dapat di simpulkan sebagai berikut, Gaya terhadap gelombang,   = 0,7 m, = 0,17 m, Stabilitas bangunan pengaman pantai terhadap kuat dukung tanah           = - 44,4 kN/m²  <  = 7,393 kN/m² ( Aman ) Stabilitas Pemecah Gelombang terhadap geser dan penggulingan Terhadap geser  =  0 < 2 ( Aman ) Terhadap guling             =  0,116  < 2 ( Aman ).   Kata Kunci : Analisis, Breakwater, Geser, Guling, Stabilitas, Pengaman Pantai.     Abstrak   The analysis this thesis aims to determine whether or not a safe beach building located in Bambaloka Pasangkayu Regency, to the strong stability of soil support, shear and rolling and this study aims to determine the type of beach safety building suitable for Bambaloka beach. From the results obtained based on the analysis carried out, it can be concluded that there are several things concerning the stability analysis of the beach safety building (Breakwater) located on the coast of Bambaloka, Baras District, Pasangkayu Regency, West Sulawesi. It can be summarized as follows, force against wave, l_c = 0.7 m, l_t = 0.17 m, stability of coastal protection building against soil bearing strength σ_maks = - 44.4 kN / m² <q_a = 7.393 kN / m² (safe ) Stability of Breakwaters to shear and rolling Against shear = 0 <2 (Safe) Against rolling = 0.116 <2 (Safe).   Keywords : Analysis, Breakwater, Slide, Bolster, Stability, Beach Safety

    The Revitalization of Makassar Urban Drainage System Based on Eco Drainage Retention Pond

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    One of the causes of flooding in Makassar City is the management of the water system that is not optimal. It is necessary to arrange a drainage system to overcome flooding in Makassar City. In this study the topography on Catchment area analysis, analysis of hydrology and hydraulics analysis. Modeling the distribution of flood performed using HEC-RAS applications. This research was conducted in the Tallo watershed which consists of the Upper Tallo sub-watershed and the Mangalarang sub-watershed. The results of the analysis of flood discharge in the Tallo Hilir sub-watershed are 523.76 m3/s and in the Mangalarang sub-watershed are 886.82 m3/s. The flood overflow of the Tallo River spread over 6.48 km2 of Manggala District, 0.31 km2 of Rappocini District, 4.24 km2 of Panakukang District, 3.37 km2 of Tallo District, 11.59 km2 of Tamalanrea District and 0.01 km2 of Biringkanaya District. The total area of flood distribution is 26 km2. The solution to overcome the flooding of the Tallo River with an environmentally sound drainage system, it is necessary to plan the construction of a retention pond in Tamalanrea District, with a normal total storage volume of 2.48 million m3 and a maximum capacity of 5.31 million m3. The construction of this retention pond can reduce 17.7 km2 of flood-affected area


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    Mandar River is one of the rivers in West Sulawesi Province which is located in Polewali Mandar Regency and comes from one of the foot of the mountain with a length of about 150 km. The use of Mandar River water, apart from being a source of air for the surrounding community, is also used as a power plant, so that the Mandar River cannot be separated from the lives of some people who live in the border areas of the Mandar River. Over time, activities in the Mandar River border area have increased, especially in the construction of residences and other buildings such as residential buildings. This study aims to identify the use of space in the Mandar River border area and provide recommendations for spatial planning by zoning the use of space in the area and reducing the impact of flooding. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with spatial analysis. The results of this study are the zoning arrangements for regional activities in the form of conservation areas and border areas, while the zoning of cultivation areas are river conservation areas and agricultural and plantation areas. The border area of ​​the Mandar River for structuring more arrangements is right on the edge, where the area is a flood-prone area with relocation development or river normalization.Sungai Mandar merupakan salah satu sungai di Provinsi Sulawesi Barat yang terletak di Kabupaten Polewali Mandar dan berasal dari salah satu kaki gunung dengan Panjang sekitar 150 km. Pemanfaatan air Sungai Mandar selain sebagai sumber air bagi masyarakat disekitarnya juga digunakan sebagai pembangkit tenaga listrik, sehingga Sungai Mandar tidak bisa terlepas dari kehidupan sebahagian orang yang tinggal di daerah sempadan Sungai Mandar. Seiring berjalannya waktu, kegiatan di daerah sempadan Sungai Mandar semakin meningkat, khususnya pada pembangunan tempat tinggal maupun bangunan lainnya seperti bangunan permukiman penduduk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pemanfaatan ruang di daerah sempadan Sungai Mandar dan memberikan rekomendasi penataan ruang dengan menyusun penataan zonasi pemanfaatan ruang di daerah tersebut dan mengurangi dampak dari banjir. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan analisis spasial. Hasil dalam penelitian ini adalah pengaturan zonasi kegiatan kawasan lindung berupa kawasan konservasi dan kawasan sempadan sungai, sedangkan zonasi kawasan budidaya adalah kawasan permukiman dan kawasan pertanian dan perkebunan. Pengaturan wilayah daerah sempadan Sungai Mandar lebih diprioritaskan untuk penataan kawasan permukiman yang berada tepat di tepi sungai, dimana kawasan tersebut merupakan kawasan yang rawan banjir dengan dilakukannya relokasi ataupun pembangunan tanggul dan normalisasi sungai. Sungai Mandar merupakan salah satu sungai di Provinsi Sulawesi Barat yang terletak di Kabupaten Polewali Mandar dan berasal dari salah satu kaki gunung dengan Panjang sekitar 150 km. Pemanfaatan air Sungai Mandar selain sebagai sumber air bagi masyarakat disekitarnya juga digunakan sebagai pembangkit tenaga listrik, sehingga Sungai Mandar tidak bisa terlepas dari kehidupan sebahagian orang yang tinggal di daerah sempadan Sungai Mandar. Seiring berjalannya waktu, kegiatan di daerah sempadan Sungai Mandar semakin meningkat, khususnya pada pembangunan tempat tinggal maupun bangunan lainnya seperti bangunan permukiman penduduk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pemanfaatan ruang di daerah sempadan Sungai Mandar dan memberikan rekomendasi penataan ruang dengan menyusun penataan zonasi pemanfaatan ruang di daerah tersebut dan mengurangi dampak dari banjir. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan analisis spasial. Hasil dalam penelitian ini adalah pengaturan zonasi kegiatan kawasan lindung berupa kawasan konservasi dan kawasan sempadan sungai, sedangkan zonasi kawasan budidaya adalah kawasan permukiman dan kawasan pertanian dan perkebunan. Pengaturan wilayah daerah sempadan Sungai Mandar lebih diprioritaskan untuk penataan kawasan permukiman yang berada tepat di tepi sungai, dimana kawasan tersebut merupakan kawasan yang rawan banjir dengan dilakukannya relokasi ataupun pembangunan tanggul dan normalisasi sungai

    Water Quality Monitoring of Unhas Lake Water

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    The Hasanuddin University has two lakes / site that form a reservoir ecosystem network of water potential as a buffer zone soil water conservation both inside the campus and the region around the Unhas campus. Therefore, Unhas Lake water resources must be protected in order to get clear and healthy water for humans and other living things and should be monitored for water quality regularly and continuously. The research method is observational method with a descriptive study design. The water samples were taken from Unhas Lake which is divided into five sampling points determined by purposive sampling method. Based on physical parameters test results of five sampling points obtained, Unhas Lake Water temperatures were quite stable, ranged between 27,2°C-28,2°C. TDS test results obtained that TDS levels of Unhas Lake Water ranged from 129 mg/l-140 mg/l and were under water quality standard for Class 1 that requires TDS level maximum 1000 mg/l. Meanwhile, TSS test results that meet class I quality standard was station 2, 3, 4, ranged between 10 mg/l-26 mg/l, while stations (points) that did not meet the quality standard for Class 1 were station 1 and 5 i. e 60 mg/l and 90 mg/l, while the maximum permissible level was 50 mg/l. Based on chemical parameters test results, quality of Unhas Lake Water did not meet the quality standard criteria for Class 1 listed in Government Regulation Number 82 Year 2001 for parameters ammonia, BOD5, COD, DO, and nitrite. Meanwhile, the chemical parameters for class 1 quality standard that meet are iron, fluoride, nitrate, and sulfate. Based on microbiological parameters test results of five sampling points showed that Fecal coliform bacteria level at stations (points) 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 were 295 MPN/100 ml, 4352 MPN/100 ml, 17329 MPN/100 ml, 142 MPN/100 ml, and 30 MPN/100 ml, Fecal coliform bacteria with the highest number was at station (point) 3 and the lowest was at station (point) 5. The number of total coliform bacteria at stations 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 were 24196 MPN/100 ml, > 24196 MPN/100 ml, > 24196 MPN/100 ml, 10462 MPN/100 ml, and 10462 MPN/100 ml, total coliform bacteria with the highest number were at station (point) 2 and 3 and the lowest were at station (point) 4 and 5

    Refleksi Gelombang Pada Pemecah Gelombang Tipe OWC (Oscillating Water Column)

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    Breakwater functions as a coastal protection structure, it is important to design a breakwater model that is able to perform a dual function as a wave energy catcher. To gain a deeper understanding of the wave reflection influenced by the slope and inlet hole on the OWC type breakwater model, a more comprehensive study is needed. This study aims to determine the reflection of waves in front of the OWC type breakwater model with variations in slope angle and variations in inlet openings. The research method is experimental. The study used an OWC type wave absorber model with two variations of tilt angle (q) 450 and 600, variation of stroke with flap movement of 4, 5, and 6, variation of water depth (d) 17.5 cm, 21 cm, and 24.5 cm and variation of openings (closed inlet, open inlet 5 cm, 10 cm, and 15 cm). The results showed that the effect of the inlet opening (h) on the Kr value is quite significant, indicated by the reflected waves being large. The Kr value is greater with increasing inlet openings, due to the relatively small damped waves and the pressure that occurs from inside the inlet hole is greater, the Kr value is large in the OWC type breakwater model.Breakwater berfungsi sebagai struktur pelindung pantai, penting suatu inovasi untuk merancang model breakwater yang mampu menjalankan fungsi ganda sebagai penangkap energi gelombang. Untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang refleksi gelombang yang dipengaruhi oleh kemiringan slope dan lubang inlet pada model breakwater tipe OWC, diperlukan kajian yang lebih komprehensif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui refleksi gelombang di depan model breakwater tipe OWC dengan variasi sudut kemiringan dan variasi bukaan inlet. Metode penelitian adalah eksperimental. Penelitian menggunakan model peredam gelombang tipe OWC dengan variasi dua sudut kemiringan (q) 450 dan 600, variasi stroke dengan gerakan flap yaitu 4, 5, dan 6, variasi kedalaman air (d) 17,5 cm, 21 cm, dan 24,5 cm dan variasi bukaan (inlet tertutup, inlet terbuka 5 cm, 10 cm, dan 15 cm). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengaruh bukaan inlet (h) terhadap nilai Kr berpengaruh cukup signifikan, ditunjukkan dari gelombang yang direfleksikan menjadi besar. Nilai Kr lebih besar dengan bertambahnya bukaan inlet, disebabkan gelombang yang teredam relatif kecil dan tekanan yang terjadi dari dalam lubang inlet lebih besar maka nilai Kr besar pada model breakwater tipe OWC


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    PENDAHULUAN \ud Sejumlah kota di Indonesia sering mengalami masalah banjir. Bagaimana hal ini bisa teratasi? System seperti apa yang cocok untuk negeri ini ? Beberapa kota di dunia yang berhasil mengatasi banjir tentunya patut dipelajari. Fukutsu adalah contoh sebuah kota di Jepang yang dengan perencanaan yang brilliant berhasil membuat proyek pengendalian banjir dengan merestorasi Sungai Kamisaigo. Mengatasi banjir adalah merupakan basis pertimbangan utama dalam restorasi dan tentunya mengacu kepada konsep dasar daripada Metode Peningkatan Sungai di Jepang.\ud Model pengendalian banjir yang diusulkan telah disajikan dari laboratorium manajemen sungai Kyushu University, lokakarya pun dilakukan dalam bentuk diskusi dengan seluruh peserta termasuk stakeholder, LSM atau NGO dan masyarakat di wilayah tersebut. Pada saat diskusi rencana pembangunan pengendalian banjir tersebut termasuk lanskap, lingkungan, penggunaan, dan untuk keselamatan disajikan untuk didiskusikan bersama.\ud KESIMPULAN DAN SARAN\ud Dari kajian yang dilakukan, penerapan restorasi sungai sepanjang 880 m termasuk kolam pengatur 6640 m2 guna mengatasi problem banjir di wilayah ini akan mampu menampung air banjir sebanyak 4700 m


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    Sejak akhir tahun 1980 sampai dengan tahun 1997 pengelolaan sumberdaya air dilaksanakan???dengan pendekatan suplai (supply driven approach) mengakibatkan terabaikannya pemeliharan prasarana sumberdaya air serta pemanfaatan sumberdaya yang tidak berwawasan lingkungan. Lahirnya krisis moneter pada tahun 1997 Pemerintah Indonesia memulai Program Water Resources Sector Adjustment Loan (WATSAL, Loan No 4469 -IND) yang pembiayaannya didukung oleh Bank Dunia. Reformasi kelembagaan irigasi tersebut belum merefleksikan secara tepat terjadinya perubahan yang diharapkan. Oleh karena itu diperlukan kajian proses penguatan kelembagaan pengelolaan irigasi. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat mengoptimalkan inventarisasi program penguatan kelembagaan irigasi yakni terinventarisasinya rangkaian sejarah kebijakan pengelolaan irigasi dan program penguatan kapasitas dan pemberdayaan kelembagaan pengelolaan irigasi. Kajian ini akan berbasis pada tiga hal, yaitu : 1. kajian terhadap teori pembangunan yang mendasari dilakukannya suatu kebijakan yang dianut pemerintah pada suatu masa; 2. pendekatan berbasis sistem untuk melakukan analisis; dan 3. analisis secara empiris berdasarkan temuan fakta di lapangan. Kajian ini diawali dengan kegiatan Forum Group Discussion atau FGD internal yang dilanjutkan dengan pelaksanaan survey, penyusunan basis data dan system informasi serta analisis permasalahan dan kebutuhan penanganan. Metoda yang dilaksanakan pada tahap ini adalah melalui pelibatan aktif stakeholders. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa implikasi kebijaksanaan di bidang kelembagaan irigasi disimpulkan sebagai berikut : 1)Penggabungan P3A dan pelibatan petani anggota P3A dalam pengelolaan sumber daya air sampai pada distribusi air ditingkat atas (saluran primer dan sekunder) merupakan langkah strategis dalam meningkatkan efesiensi pemanfaatan air irigasi di tingkat lokal. Penggabungan P3A seyogyanya didasarkan pada wilayah hidrologi (bukan pendekatan administratif ), sehingga potensi konflik dalam pengelolaan irigasi relatif dapat dihindari. 2) Penyerahan urusan pemungutan dan pengelolaan dana IPAIR yang otonom,dapat mendorong partisipasi petani dalam membayar iuran. 3) Tarif IPAIR tidak dapat diberlakukan secara umum karena tingkat pelayanan aparat pengairan tergantung pada kebutuhan petani dan ketersediaan air. 4) Diperlukan adanya pedoman yang jelas dan partisipatif serta berwawasan lingkungan disesuaikan dengan kondisi sosiokultural masyarakat setempat melalui pemberdayaan institusi ???Community Management??? seperti P3A