211 research outputs found

    Implementing Network Protocols as Distributed Logic Programs

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    Declarative networking [2, 4, 3, 1] is an application of database query-language and processing techniques to the domain of networking. Declarative networking is based on the observation that network protocols deal at their core with computing and maintaining distributed state (e.g., routes, sessions, performance statistics) according to basic information locally available at each node (e.g., neighbor tables, link measurements, local clocks) while enforcing constraints such as local routing policies. Recursive query languages studied in the deductive database literature [6] are a natural fit for expressing the relationship between base data, derived data, and the associated constraints. Simple extensions to these languages and their implementations enable the natural expression and efficient execution of network protocols. Declarative networking aims to accelerate the process of specifying, implementing, experimenting with and evolving designs for network architectures. Declarative networking can reduce program sizes of distributed protocols by orders of magnitude relative to traditional approaches. In addition to serving as a platform for rapid prototyping of network protocols, declarative networking also open up opportunities for automatic protocol optimization and hybridization, program checking and debugging. This paper presents an introduction to declarative networking using a simple routing protocol example. For more details on declarative networking related projects, refer to the NetDB@Penn website [5], and the RapidNet [7] declarative networking engine

    Peer-To-Peer Backup for Personal Area Networks

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    FlashBack is a peer-to-peer backup algorithm designed for power-constrained devices running in a personal area network (PAN). Backups are performed transparently as local updates initiate the spread of backup data among a subset of the currently available peers. Flashback limits power usage by avoiding flooding and keeping small neighbor sets. Flashback has also been designed to utilize powered infrastructure when possible to further extend device lifetime. We propose our architecture and algorithms, and present initial experimental results that illustrate FlashBack’s performance characteristic

    Maintaining Distributed Recursive Views Incrementally

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    This paper proposes an algorithm to compute incrementally the changes to distributed recursive database views in response to insertions and deletions of base facts. Our algorithm uses a pipelined semi-näıve (PSN) evaluation strategy introduced in declarative networking. Unlike prior work, our algorithm is formally proven to be correct for recursive query computation in the presence of message reordering in the system. Our proof proceeds in two stages. First, we show that all the operations performed by our PSN algorithm computes the same set of results as traditional centralized semi-näıve evaluation. Second, we prove that our algorithm terminates, even in the presence of cyclic derivations due to recursion

    Real-Time MapReduce Scheduling

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    In this paper, we explore the feasibility of enabling the scheduling of mixed hard and soft real-time MapReduce applications. We first present an experimental evaluation of the popular Hadoop MapReduce middleware on the Amazon EC2 cloud. Our evaluation reveals tradeoffs between overall system throughput and execution time predictability, as well as highlights a number of factors affecting real-time scheduling, such as data placement, concurrent users, and master scheduling overhead. Based on our evaluation study, we present a formal model for capturing real-time MapReduce applications and the Hadoop platform. Using this model, we formulate the offline scheduling of real-time MapReduce jobs on a heterogeneous distributed Hadoop architecture as a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) and introduce various search strategies for the formulation. We propose an enhancement of MapReduce’s execution model and a range of heuristic techniques for the online scheduling. We further outline some of our future directions that apply state-of-the-art techniques in the real-time scheduling literature

    MOSAIC: Unified Platform for Dynamic Overlay Selection and Composition

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    MOSAIC constructs new overlay networks with desired characteristics by composing existing overlays with subsets of those attributes. Thus, MOSAIC overcomes the problem of multiple network infrastructures that are partial solutions, while preserving deployability. Composition of control and/or data planes is possible in the system. MOSAIC overlays are specified in Mozlog, a declarative language that specifies overlay properties without binding them to a particular implementation or underlying network. This paper focuses on the runtime aspects of MOSAIC: how it enables interoperability between different overlay networks and how it implements switching between different overlay compositions, permitting dynamic compositions with both existing overlay networks and legacy applications. The system is validated experimentally using declarative overlay compositions concisely specified in Mozlog: an indirection overlay that supports mobility (i3), a resilient overlay (RON), and scalable lookups (Chord), all of which are combined to provide new functionality. MOSAIC provides the benefits of runtime composition to simultaneously deliver application-aware mobility, NAT traversal and reliability with low performance overhead, demonstrated by measurements on both a local cluster and PlanetLab

    Measurement and Analysis of Ultrapeer-based P2P Search Networks

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    Unstructured Networks have been used extensively in P2P search systems today primarily for file sharing. These networks exploit heterogeneity in the network and offload most of the query processing load to more powerful nodes. As an alternative to unstructured networks, there have been recent proposals for using inverted indexes on structured networks for searching. These structured networks, otherwise known as distributed hash tables (DHTs), guarantee recall and are well suited for locating rare items. However, they may incur significant bandwidth for keyword-based searches. This paper performs a measurement study of Gnutella, a popular unstructured network used for file sharing. We focus primarily on studying Gnutella\u27s search performance and recall, especially in light of recent ultrapeer enhancements. Our study reveals significant query overheads in Gnutella ultrapeers, and the presence of queries that may benefit from the use of DHTs. Based on our study, we propose the use of a hybrid search infrastructure to improve the search coverage for rare items and present some preliminary performance results
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