283 research outputs found

    Frontal and Parietal Contributions to Probabilistic Association Learning

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    Neuroimaging studies have shown both dorsolateral prefrontal (DLPFC) and inferior parietal cortex (iPARC) activation during probabilistic association learning. Whether these cortical brain regions are necessary for probabilistic association learning is presently unknown. Participants' ability to acquire probabilistic associations was assessed during disruptive 1 Hz repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) of the left DLPFC, left iPARC, and sham using a crossover single-blind design. On subsequent sessions, performance improved relative to baseline except during DLPFC rTMS that disrupted the early acquisition beneficial effect of prior exposure. A second experiment examining rTMS effects on task-naive participants showed that neither DLPFC rTMS nor sham influenced naive acquisition of probabilistic associations. A third experiment examining consecutive administration of the probabilistic association learning test revealed early trial interference from previous exposure to different probability schedules. These experiments, showing disrupted acquisition of probabilistic associations by rTMS only during subsequent sessions with an intervening night's sleep, suggest that the DLPFC may facilitate early access to learned strategies or prior task-related memories via consolidation. Although neuroimaging studies implicate DLPFC and iPARC in probabilistic association learning, the present findings suggest that early acquisition of the probabilistic cue-outcome associations in task-naive participants is not dependent on either region

    Ports and media: A research project showcase

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    PortCityFutures: Mindsets and values, contestation and friction Vincent Baptist, Francesca Savoldi, and Carola Hein Showcasing the ‘Ports, Past and Present’ project through its media James Louis Smith Sustainable subsea networks: Connecting ports, ships,and cables George N. Ramírez Musicians’ labor organisation in the port city of Valparaíso Eileen Karmy Pleasurescapes: From maritime stereotypes to uncanny infrastructures Vincent Baptist, Judit Vidiella Pagès, and Aurelio Castro-Varel

    Training in the practice of noninvasive brain stimulation: Recommendations from an IFCN committee

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    © 2020 As the field of noninvasive brain stimulation (NIBS) expands, there is a growing need for comprehensive guidelines on training practitioners in the safe and effective administration of NIBS techniques in their various research and clinical applications. This article provides recommendations on the structure and content of this training. Three different types of practitioners are considered (Technicians, Clinicians, and Scientists), to attempt to cover the range of education and responsibilities of practitioners in NIBS from the laboratory to the clinic. Basic or core competencies and more advanced knowledge and skills are discussed, and recommendations offered regarding didactic and practical curricular components. We encourage individual licensing and governing bodies to implement these guidelines

    Results of a pilot study on the involvement of bilateral inferior frontal gyri in emotional prosody perception: an rTMS study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The right hemisphere may play an important role in paralinguistic features such as the emotional melody in speech. The extent of this involvement however is unclear. Imaging studies have shown involvement of both left and right inferior frontal gyri in emotional prosody perception. The present pilot study examined whether these brain areas are critically involved in the processing of emotional prosody and of semantics in 9 healthy subjects. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation was used with a coil centred over left and right inferior frontal gyri, as localized by neuronavigation based on the subject's MRI. A sham condition was included. An online-TMS approach was applied; an emotional language task was completed during stimulation. This computerized task consisted of sentences pronounced by actors. In the semantics condition an emotion (fear, anger or neutral) was expressed in the content pronounced with a neutral intonation. In the prosody condition the emotion was expressed in the intonation, while the content was neutral.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Reaction times on the emotional prosody task condition were significantly longer after rTMS over both the right and the left inferior frontal gyrus as compared to sham stimulation and after controlling for learning effects associated with order of condition. When taking all emotions together, there was no difference in effect on reaction times between the right and left stimulation. For the emotion Fear, reaction times were significantly longer after stimulating the left inferior frontal gyrus as compared to the right inferior frontal gyrus. Reaction times in the semantics task condition were not significantly different between the three TMS conditions.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The data indicate a critical involvement of both the right and the left inferior frontal gyrus in emotional prosody perception. The findings of this pilot study need replication. Future studies should include more subjects and examine whether the left and right inferior frontal gyrus play a differential role and complement each other, e.g. in the integrated processing of linguistic and prosodic aspects of speech, respectively.</p

    Role of ER Stress in Ventricular Contractile Dysfunction in Type 2 Diabetes

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    BACKGROUND: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is associated with an increased risk of ischemic heart disease and of adverse outcomes following myocardial infarction (MI). Here we assessed the role of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress in ventricular dysfunction and outcomes after MI in type 2 DM (T2DM). METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In hearts of OLETF, a rat model of T2DM, at 25∼30 weeks of age, GRP78 and GRP94, markers of ER stress, were increased and sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase (SERCA)2a protein was reduced by 35% compared with those in LETO, a non-diabetic control. SERCA2a mRNA levels were similar, but SERCA2a protein was more ubiquitinated in OLETF than in LETO. Left ventricular (LV) end-diastolic elastance (Eed) was higher in OLETF than in LETO (53.9±5.2 vs. 20.2±5.6 mmHg/µl), whereas LV end-systolic elastance and positive inotropic responses to β-adrenergic stimulation were similar in OLETF and LETO. 4-Phenylbutyric acid (4-PBA), an ER stress modulator, suppressed both GRP up-regulation and SERCA2a ubiquitination and normalized SERCA2a protein level and Eed in OLETF. Sodium tauroursodeoxycholic acid, a structurally different ER stress modulator, also restored SERCA2a protein level in OLETF. Though LV dysfunction was modest, mortality within 48 h after coronary occlusion was markedly higher in OLETF than in LETO (61.3% vs. 7.7%). Telemetric recording showed that rapid progression of heart failure was responsible for the high mortality rate in OLETF. ER stress modulators failed to reduce the mortality rate after MI in OLETF. CONCLUSIONS: ER stress reduces SERCA2a protein via its augmented ubiquitination and degradation, leading to LV diastolic dysfunction in T2DM. Even at a stage without systolic LV dysfunction, susceptibility to lethal heart failure after infarction is markedly increased, which cannot be explained by ER stress or change in myocardial response to sympathetic nerve activation

    Variations in TcdB Activity and the Hypervirulence of Emerging Strains of Clostridium difficile

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    Hypervirulent strains of Clostridium difficile have emerged over the past decade, increasing the morbidity and mortality of patients infected by this opportunistic pathogen. Recent work suggested the major C. difficile virulence factor, TcdB, from hypervirulent strains (TcdBHV) was more cytotoxic in vitro than TcdB from historical strains (TcdBHIST). The current study investigated the in vivo impact of altered TcdB tropism, and the underlying mechanism responsible for the differences in activity between the two forms of this toxin. A combination of protein sequence analyses, in vivo studies using a Danio rerio model system, and cell entry combined with fluorescence assays were used to define the critical differences between TcdBHV and TcdBHIST. Sequence analysis found that TcdB was the most variable protein expressed from the pathogenicity locus of C. difficile. In line with these sequence differences, the in vivo effects of TcdBHV were found to be substantially broader and more pronounced than those caused by TcdBHIST. The increased toxicity of TcdBHV was related to the toxin's ability to enter cells more rapidly and at an earlier stage in endocytosis than TcdBHIST. The underlying biochemical mechanism for more rapid cell entry was identified in experiments demonstrating that TcdBHV undergoes acid-induced conformational changes at a pH much higher than that of TcdBHIST. Such pH-related conformational changes are known to be the inciting step in membrane insertion and translocation for TcdB. These data provide insight into a critical change in TcdB activity that contributes to the emerging hypervirulence of C. difficile

    Cognitive effects of high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation: a systematic review

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    Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was introduced as a non-invasive tool for the investigation of the motor cortex. The repetitive application (rTMS), causing longer lasting effects, was used to study the influence on a variety of cerebral functions. High-frequency (>1 Hz) rTMS is known to depolarize neurons under the stimulating coil and to indirectly affect areas being connected and related to emotion and behavior. Researchers found selective cognitive improvement after high-frequency (HF) stimulation specifically over the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). This article provides a systematic review of HF-rTMS studies (1999–2009) stimulating over the prefrontal cortex of patients suffering from psychiatric/neurological diseases or healthy volunteers, where the effects on cognitive functions were measured. The cognitive effect was analyzed with regard to the impact of clinical status (patients/healthy volunteers) and stimulation type (verum/sham). RTMS at 10, 15 or 20 Hz, applied over the left DLPFC, within a range of 10–15 successive sessions and an individual motor threshold of 80–110%, is most likely to cause significant cognitive improvement. In comparison, patients tend to reach a greater improvement than healthy participants. Limitations concern the absence of healthy groups in clinical studies and partly the absence of sham groups. Thus, future investigations are needed to assess cognitive rTMS effects in different psychiatric disorders versus healthy subjects using an extended standardized neuropsychological test battery. Since the pathophysiological and neurobiological basis of cognitive improvement with rTMS remains unclear, additional studies including genetics, experimental neurophysiology and functional brain imaging are necessary to explore stimulation-related functional changes in the brain

    Acute and repetitive fronto-cerebellar tDCS stimulation improves mood in non-depressed participants

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