124 research outputs found

    De la sociologie de l'innovation à l'imagination sociologique : la théorie des champs à l'épreuve de la profession infirmière

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    Si l'on suit la perspective de Saussure pour qui le point de vue crée l'objet, la « nouveauté » d'un objet sociologique suppose au moins autant le renouvellement de son approche que la « nouveauté intrinsèque » de celui-ci. Dans cet article, nous privilégions la voie d'un tel renouvellement en mettant à l'épreuve un « vieil objet » par une « approche ancienne ». Nous inscrivant à contre-courant d'une tendance à la parcellisation de la discipline en sociologies thématiques, nous montrons la valeur heuristique qu'il y a à saisir une profession comme un espace social de positions différenciées qui ne prend sens qu'une fois réinscrit dans le champ au sein duquel il s'insère. Largement féminisée et partiellement dominée, la profession infirmière est soumise à une théorie traditionnellement mobilisée pour l'étude de groupes masculins et dominants : la théorie des champs de Pierre Bourdieu

    Bioaccessibility of selenium after human ingestion in relation to its chemical species and compartmentalization in maize

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    International audienceSelenium is a micronutrient needed by all living organisms including humans, but often present in low concentration in food with possible deficiency. From another side, at higher concentrations in soils as observed in seleniferous regions of the world, and in function of its chemical species, Se can also induce (eco)toxicity. Root Se uptake was therefore studied in function of its initial form for maize (Zea mays L.), a plant widely cultivated for human and animal food over the world. Se phytotoxicity and compartmentalization were studied in different aerial plant tissues. For the first time, Se oral human bioaccessibility after ingestion was assessed for the main Se species (SeIV and SeVI) with the BARGE ex vivo test in maize seeds (consumed by humans), and in stems and leaves consumed by animals. Corn seedlings were cultivated in hydroponic conditions supplemented with 1 mg L−1 of selenium (SeIV, SeVI, Control) for 4 months. Biomass, Se concentration, and bioaccessibility were measured on harvested plants. A reduction in plant biomass was observed under Se treatments compared to control, suggesting its phytotoxicity. This plant biomass reduction was higher for selenite species than selenate, and seed was the main affected compartment compared to control. Selenium compartmentalization study showed that for selenate species, a preferential accumulation was observed in leaves, whereas selenite translocation was very limited toward maize aerial parts, except in the seeds where selenite concentrations are generally high. Selenium oral bioaccessibility after ingestion fluctuated from 49 to 89 % according to the considered plant tissue and Se species. Whatever the tissue, selenate appeared as the most human bioaccessible form. A potential Se toxicity was highlighted for people living in seleniferous regions, this risk being enhanced by the high Se bioaccessibility

    Versican is differentially regulated in the adventitial and medial layers of human vein grafts

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    Changes in extracellular matrix proteins may contribute significantly to the adaptation of vein grafts to the arterial circulation. We examined the production and distribution of versican and hyaluronan in intact human vein rings cultured ex vivo, veins perfused ex vivo, and cultured venous adventitial and smooth muscle cells. Immunohistochemistry revealed higher levels of versican in the intima/media compared to the adventitia, and no differences in hyaluronan. In the vasa vasorum, versican and hyaluronan associated with CD34 + progenitor cells. Culturing the vein rings for 14 days revealed increased versican immunostaining of 30–40% in all layers, with no changes in hyaluronan. Changes in versican accumulation appear to result from increased synthesis in the intima/media and decreased degradation in the adventitia as versican transcripts were increased in the intima/media, but unchanged in the adventitia, and versikine (the ADAMTS-mediated cleavage product of versican) was increased in the intima/media, but decreased in the adventitia. In perfused human veins, versican was specifically increased in the intima/media in the presence of venous pressure, but not with arterial pressure. Unexpectedly, cultured adventitial cells express and accumulate more versican and hyaluronan than smooth muscle cells. These data demonstrate a differential regulation of versican and hyaluronan in human venous adventitia vs. intima/media and suggest distinct functions for these extracellular matrix macromolecules in these venous wall compartments during the adaptive response of vein grafts to the arterial circulation