627 research outputs found

    Developing and sustainably utilize the coastal mudflat areas in China

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    Coastalmudflat areas are regarded as the important reserve land resource in China. Rational exploitation and development of the mudflat areas can relieve the stress of inadequate land resources. Probing into the developing models of resource exploitation of coastal tidal mudflats is one of the important components of achieving the sustainable development in the coastal areas. Therefore, the development history of coastal mudflats after 1950s in China is briefly introduced in this paper. Then, the status in quo of the modes of development and utilization of coastal mudflat in China the paper is reviewed with a special attention payed to the agricultural use of coastal resource, especially halophytes and improved salt-tolerant varieties planting, agricultural dyke pond and coastal saline-alkali soil remediation. Based on related research frontier, sustainable developmental prospects of these coastal areas are presented as well. (C) 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V


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    Habahe Group mainly consists of elastic sediments, which widely distribute in the Chinese Altai and can provide important constraints on the tectonic evolution of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). However, there are different opinions about its deposition time and tectonic background. Previous studies suggested that the Habahe Group formed in Sinian to Mid-Ordovician or Mid- to Late Ordovician in a passive continental margin. On the other hand, recent geological investigations reveal a long lasting subduction-related setting in the Chinese Altai at least since Cambrian. The current geochronological study for detrital zircons from the Habahe Group reveals that the detrital zircons of individual samples, irrespective of their lithological and metamorphic differences, all show similar age patterns, with the early Paleozoic ( 206Pb/ 238U age = 463 ± 542Ma) grains predominating. The youngest detrital zircons from different samples display similar ages (ca. 470Ma), which may reflect the maximum deposition time of the Habahe Group. Dating of growth rim of detrital zircons from migmatite yielded a Mid-Devonian age (384 ± 6Ma), which was coeval with intrusion of Early to Mid-Devonian granitic plutons in the area and clearly indicates the minimum deposition time of the Hababe Group. Therefore, the deposition time of the Habahe Group can be constrained to be Mid-Ordovician to Early Devonian. Zircon U Pb dating results indicate that the detrital zircons of the Habahe Group are dominated by early Paleozoic grains, with small proportion formed in Precambrian. The early Paleozoic detrital zircons are mostly magmatic in origin, and their less rounded shapes indicate a limited transportation. The age and morphological characteristics of the detrital zircons are consistent with those of detrital zircons in active tectonic settings and indicate that the Chinese Altai was under an active continental margin environment during the Early Paleozoic. 北疆阿爾泰造山帶的哈巴河群變質碎屑巖分布廣泛,其沉積時代和構造環境對于認識中亞造山帶的演化歷史有重要意義。早期研究認為哈巴河群沉積于震旦紀—中奧陶世時期,形成于被動大陸邊緣構造環境。而最近有學者根據中亞造山帶的地質演化背景提出,阿爾泰形成于活動陸緣構造環境。對哈巴河群中碎屑鋯石的年代學研究表明,不同巖性或變質程度不同的樣品碎屑鋯石主要類群具有相似的年齡分布特征,其206Pb/238U 年齡主要介于463~542Ma 之間。在這些樣品中, 最年輕的碎屑鋯石年齡均集中于470Ma 左右,代表了碎屑沉積的時代下限。而哈巴河群混合巖樣品中碎屑鋯石增生邊形成于中泥盆世晚期(384±6Ma),與侵入該群的早古生代花崗巖的年齡十分接近,大致反映了哈巴河群碎屑巖沉積時代的上限,因此哈巴河群的沉積時代應在早泥盆世—中奧陶世之間。鋯石的形態和內部結構特征顯示哈巴河群的年輕碎屑鋯石類群(463~542Ma)主要為巖漿鋯石,其磨圓度較差,而且在比例上遠高于前寒武紀碎屑鋯石。上述特點與活動大陸邊緣碎屑鋯石類群分布特征完全一致,反映阿爾泰在中奧陶世至早泥盆世可能處于活動大陸邊緣構造環境。postprin

    On the bistable zone of milling processes

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    A modal-based model of milling machine tools subjected to time-periodic nonlinear cutting forces is introduced. The model describes the phenomenon of bistability for certain cutting parameters. In engineering, these parameter domains are referred to as unsafe zones, where steady-state milling may switch to chatter for certain perturbations. In mathematical terms, these are the parameter domains where the periodic solution of the corresponding nonlinear, time-periodic delay differential equation is linearly stable, but its domain of attraction is limited due to the existence of an unstable quasi-periodic solution emerging from a secondary Hopf bifurcation. A semi-numerical method is presented to identify the borders of these bistable zones by tracking the motion of the milling tool edges as they might leave the surface of the workpiece during the cutting operation. This requires the tracking of unstable quasi-periodic solutions and the checking of their grazing to a time-periodic switching surface in the infinite-dimensional phase space. As the parameters of the linear structural behaviour of the tool/machine tool system can be obtained by means of standard modal testing, the developed numerical algorithm provides efficient support for the design of milling processes with quick estimates of those parameter domains where chatter can still appear in spite of setting the parameters into linearly stable domains

    On the stability of high-speed milling with spindle speed variation

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    Spindle speed variation is a well-known technique to suppress regenerative machine tool vibrations, but it is usually considered to be effective only for low spindle speeds. In this paper, the effect of spindle speed variation is analyzed in the high-speed domain for spindle speeds corresponding to the first flip (period doubling) and to the first Hopf lobes. The optimal amplitudes and frequencies of the speed modulations are computed using the semidiscre- tization method. It is shown that period doubling chatter can effectively be suppressed by spindle speed variation, although, the technique is not effective for the quasiperiodic chatter above the Hopf lobe. The results are verified by cutting tests. Some special cases are also discussed where the practical behavior of the system differs from the predicted one in some ways. For these cases, it is pointed out that the concept of stability is understood on the scale of the principal period of the system—that is, the speed modulation period for variable spindle speed machining and the tooth passing period for constant spindle speed machining

    Accumulation capacity of ions in cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.) supplied with sea water

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    Cabbage seedlings were grown hydroponically to study the effects of different concentrations of seawater on the seedling growth, ion content under one-fourth strength Hoagland's nutrient solution in the greenhouse. The biomass of various organs of cabbage seedlings as well as the whole plants was significantly higher in the treatments with 1 g and 2 g sea salt/L than the no-salt control, but the treatments with 4, 5 or 6 g sea salt/L caused a decrease in growth. Root/shoot ratio remained at the level of control regardless of the sea salt treatment. Na+ and Cl- concentration in different parts of cabbage seedlings increased significantly, whereas K+ and Ca2+ concentration generally increased at low concentrations of sea salt and then decreased with increasing seawater concentration. Sodium and K+ concentrations were significantly higher in the stems than roots and leaves regardless of the sea salt treatment. The sea salt treatment increased Mg2+ concentration in stems and leaves of cabbage seedlings. An increase in Na+ and Cl- concentration in roots, stems and leaves of cabbage seedlings was the main contributor to declining ratios of K+/Na+, Ca2+/Na+ and Mg2+/Na+. The obtained data suggest that cabbage seedlings have strong ability to sustain seawater stress by the regulation of transport and distribution of ions

    Selectivity of biopolymer membranes using HepG2 cells

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    Bioartificial liver (BAL) system has emerged as an alternative treatment to bridge acute liver failure to either liver transplantation or liver regeneration. One of the main reasons that the efficacy of the current BAL systems was not convincing in clinical trials is attributed to the lack of friendly interface between the membrane and the hepatocytes in liver bioreactor, the core unit of BAL system. Here, we systematically compared the biological responses of hepatosarcoma HepG2 cells seeded on eight, commercially available biocompatible membranes made of acetyl cellulose&ndash;nitrocellulose mixed cellulose (CA&ndash;NC), acetyl cellulose (CA), nylon (JN), polypropylene (PP), nitrocellulose (NC), polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), polycarbonate (PC) and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). Physicochemical analysis and mechanical tests indicated that CA, JN and PP membranes yield high adhesivity and reasonable compressive and/or tensile features with friendly surface topography for cell seeding. Cells prefer to adhere on CA, JN, PP or PTFE membranes with high proliferation rate in spheriod-like shape. Actin, albumin and cytokeratin 18 expressions are favorable for cells on CA or PP membrane, whereas protein filtration is consistent among all the eight membranes. These results further the understandings of cell growth, morphology and spreading, as well as protein filtration on distinct membranes in designing a liver bioreactor.</p

    Primary Language and Receipt of Recommended Health Care Among Hispanics in the United States

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    BackgroundDisparities in health care services between Hispanics and whites in the United States are well documented.ObjectiveThe objective of the study was to determine whether language spoken at home identifies Hispanics at risk for not receiving recommended health care services.DesignThe design of the study was cross-sectional, nationally representative survey of households.PatientsThe patients were non-Hispanic white and Hispanic adults participating in the 2003 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey.MeasurementsWe compared receipt of ten recommended health care services by ethnicity and primary language adjusting for demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, health status, and access to care.ResultsThe sample included 12,706 whites and 5,500 Hispanics. In bivariate comparisons, 57.0% of whites received all eligible health care services compared to 53.6% for Hispanics who spoke English at home, 44.9% for Hispanics who did not speak English at home but who were comfortable speaking English, and 35.0% for Hispanics who did not speak English at home and were uncomfortable speaking English (p &lt; .001). In multivariate logistic models, compared to non-Hispanic whites, Hispanics who did not speak English at home were less likely to receive all eligible health care services, whether they were comfortable speaking English (risk ratio [RR] 0.88, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.74-0.97) or not (RR 0.84, 95% CI 0.68-0.95).ConclusionsSpeaking a language other than English at home identified Hispanics at risk for not receiving recommended health care services, whether they were comfortable in speaking English or not. Identifying the mechanism for disparities by language usage may lead to interventions to reduce ethnic disparities

    Observation of CR Anisotropy with ARGO-YBJ

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    The measurement of the anisotropies of cosmic ray arrival direction provides important informations on the propagation mechanisms and on the identification of their sources. In this paper we report the observation of anisotropy regions at different angular scales. In particular, the observation of a possible anisotropy on scales between \sim 10 ^{\circ} and \sim 30 ^{\circ} suggests the presence of unknown features of the magnetic fields the charged cosmic rays propagate through, as well as potential contributions of nearby sources to the total flux of cosmic rays. Evidence of new weaker few-degree excesses throughout the sky region 195195^{\circ}\leq R.A. 315\leq 315^{\circ} is reported for the first time.Comment: Talk given at 12th TAUP Conference 2011, 5-9 September 2011, Munich, German

    A Rice Gene of De Novo Origin Negatively Regulates Pathogen-Induced Defense Response

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    How defense genes originated with the evolution of their specific pathogen-responsive traits remains an important problem. It is generally known that a form of duplication can generate new genes, suggesting that a new gene usually evolves from an ancestral gene. However, we show that a new defense gene in plants may evolve by de novo origination, resulting in sophisticated disease-resistant functions in rice. Analyses of gene evolution showed that this new gene, OsDR10, had homologs only in the closest relative, Leersia genus, but not other subfamilies of the grass family; therefore, it is a rice tribe-specific gene that may have originated de novo in the tribe. We further show that this gene may evolve a highly conservative rice-specific function that contributes to the regulation difference between rice and other plant species in response to pathogen infections. Biologic analyses including gene silencing, pathologic analysis, and mutant characterization by transformation showed that the OsDR10-suppressed plants enhanced resistance to a broad spectrum of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae strains, which cause bacterial blight disease. This enhanced disease resistance was accompanied by increased accumulation of endogenous salicylic acid (SA) and suppressed accumulation of endogenous jasmonic acid (JA) as well as modified expression of a subset of defense-responsive genes functioning both upstream and downstream of SA and JA. These data and analyses provide fresh insights into the new biologic and evolutionary processes of a de novo gene recruited rapidly