28 research outputs found


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    Emotional intelligence (EI) is based on the concept of understanding one’s own emotion and the emotions of others. Aggression is often categorized by hurtful and destructive behaviour towards others; it seems to oppose the empathetic nature of EI. In this study the objective was to study the role of emotional intelligence on adolescents and also a gender difference in emotional intelligence and aggression of adolescents. The aggression scale developed by D. Spielberger et al., State Trait Anger Expression Inventory (STAXI) (1983) was used to measure aggression and the emotional intelligence scale developed by Mangal S.K., Emotional Intelligence Inventory (MEI) (2004) was used to measure emotional intelligence of adolescents. Data was collected from 246 adolescents from various Colleges. The t-test was used and it was found that there exists a significant difference between the levels of emotional intelligences and aggression of adolescent girls as compared to adolescent boys. Boys were found to be more aggressive whereas girls were found to be more emotionally intelligent

    Test Anxiety, Emotional Intelligence and Academic Achievement among Students at the Higher Secondary Level

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    We are living in the age of Globalization where our traditional ways of living are in transitional phase. Due to privatization, urbanization and liberalization, the youth is in a dilemma where they find themselves unfit and unequipped. A rapid change in family life, pressures of peers and society, today’s life style and academic challenges etc. are the factors where there is an increase in competition and stress. The youth is not able to cope up with the negative emotions which have become a stigma of their life.Emotional Intelligence (EI) has been a popular topic of debate in the field of education in general and management in particular. It is considered as a successful predictor of academic success/performance/achievement. Researchers have claimed that EI predicts success at schools, and colleges/ universities. However, Academic achievement has become an index of child’s future in this highly competitive world. Academic achievement has been one of the most important goals of the educational process. The present study provides a further need on how to improve upon the academics of students. Also, the study has shown that emotional well - being could be emphasized on academic success. Implications and recommendations for developing EI among students are discussed

    A Cross Cultural Study on Aggression in a Group of college students: Implications for College Instructors

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    Cross culture is an important factor that plays a role in aggression. Aggression is a form of social behaviour. It is also distinguished on the parameter of antisocial and prosocial aggression. Unprovoked criminal acts are antisocial aggression. For example, assault and battery, raging and gang beating clearly violate social norms in the colleges .But aggressive acts dictated by social norms are called prosocial aggression. For example, acts of college law enforcement, appropriate parental discipline or obeying the orders of teachers in wartime are regarded as necessary and may be classified as prosocial aggression. Socio-cultural factors such as changes in class roles, academic pressure, course work, child abuse, student discrimination, diverse category students, unemployed parents, and community racial tension are often regarded as contributing factors to personal violence in the schools and colleges. Adolescence can be a stressful period, and is the most common age when serious mental health conditions like Aggression, anxiety, and depression typically begin. Upon entering a post-secondary institute, students may face intense academic pressures along with for the first time being separated from family, friends and getting classmates from different cultures. Since stress and lack of belonging are risk factors in the development of mental health problems among college students, it is necessary that college instructors attempt to offer acknowledge the importance of student mental health self-care, and to create caring learning communities. College student services can also offer information regarding mental health services and resources that may be helpful for students at ris

    Reading Habits and Attitudes of Undergraduate Students: A Gender Based Comparative Study of Government Degree College (Boys) and Government Degree College for Women, Anantnag (J&K)

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    Reading habit is an essential and important aspect for crating the literate society in this world. It shapes the personality of an individual and it helps them to develop the proper thinking methods and creating new ideas.One of the main functions of library system at college level is to inculcate the reading habits among the students. Today\u27s students are the future citizens and also the nation builders of tomorrow. In present scenario, due to the influence of the social media and digital environment, students do not show much interest in reading the books, magazines and journals etc. The current study was carried out to investigate the disparity and dynamics of Reading Habits and Attitudes, also influence of social media on Reading Habits among the students of GDC (Boys) and GDC (Women). Based on the sample of 300 students, it was found that significant differences exist between the two groups of students in terms of types of reading material and reading resources used. Differences in reading habits and attitudes were also observed between male and female participants. The results clearly show that there is much disparity in reading habits and attitudes between the two genders. Social media and other digital media have greatly impacted the reading habits and Behaviour across the genders also

    Isolation, identification and antifungal susceptibility of Candida in patients with fungal sepsis

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    Background: In this study, our aim was to identify and isolate Candida species from patients admitted in ICU,s of our hospital and to determine their susceptibilities to various antifungal agents so as to find the local resistance pattern and guide for empirical treatment.Methods: In our study 37 strains of candida were isolated (4 Candida albicans, 33 Non-albicans Candida strains). Candida species were identified by conventional, biochemical and molecular methods. Antifungal susceptibility tests for amphotericin B, fluconazole, itraconazole, ketoconazole and voriconazole were performed with broth microdilution method and E- tests as described by National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS).Results: Out of 37 Candida strains, the most prevalent species were C. tropicalis (43.2%), C. parapsilosis (24.3%), C. krusei (16.2%), C. albicans (10.8%), and C. glabrata (2.7%). Among all strains four strains (10.8 %) were resistant, two Candida albicans where found resistant to fluconazole one Candida krusei and one Candida parapsilosis were found to be resistant to all azoles.Conclusions: Candidemia continues to be associated with substantial morbidity and mortality and non albicans Candida species are the commonly isolated pathogen from those patients admitted in tertiary care hospitals in Indian scenario. Thus, it is imperative to perform antifungal susceptibility to select appropriate and effective antifungal therapy

    Influence of sowing dates and nitrogen levels on growth, yield and quality of scented rice cv. Pusa Sugandh-3 in Kashmir valley

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    A field experiment was carried out to determine the optimum sowing date and nitrogen (N) level for the scented rice cv. Pusa Sugandh-3. Twelve treatment combinations of 3 sowing dates, viz., 15th, 16th and 18th standard meteorological week (SMW) at an interval of 10 days and 4 nitrogen levels (‘0’, ‘40’, ‘60’ and ‘80’ kg N ha-1) were tested randomized in split plot design with three replications. Significant highest plant height (98.56 cm), tillers m-2 (333.41), dry matter (98.38 q ha-1), panicles m-2 (310.05), spikelets panicle-1(130.25) and grains panicle-1 (98.55), grain yield (45.2 q ha-1), harvest index (41.20 %), head rice recovery (47.5 %) and B:C ratio (3.03) were recorded for the early sown 15th SMW crop. Among the different nitrogen levels tested significant highest plant height (98.12 cm), tillers m-2 (342.33) dry matter (100.68 q ha-1), panicles m-2 (321.83), spikelets panicle-1(132.83) grains panicle-1 (96.79), grain yield (48.0 q ha-1), harvest index (42.68 %), head rice recovery (44.54 %) and B:C ratio (3.38) were recorded with the application of 80 kg N ha-1.Therefore, the variety, Pusa Sugandh-3 should be sown earlier in season from 15th to 16th SMW and with nitrogen application of 60-80 kg N ha-1 for realizing economically higher grain yield and profit under the temperate climatic conditions of Kashmir valley

    Knockdown of CSNK2β suppresses MDA-MB231 cell growth, induces apoptosis, inhibits migration and invasion

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    Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide. Among different types of breast cancer known, treatment of triple-negative breast cancer is a major challenge because of its aggressiveness and poor prognosis; thus, identification of specific drivers is required for targeted therapies of breast cancer malignancy. Protein Casein Kinase (CSNK) is a serine/threonine kinase that exists as a tetrameric complex consisting of two catalytic (ι and /or ι') and two regulatory β subunits. CSNK2β can also function independently without catalytic subunits and exist as a distinct population in cells. This study aims to elucidate the role of Casein Kinase 2β (CSNK2β) gene in cell proliferation, cell cycle, migration and apoptosis of triple-negative breast cancer MDA-MB-231 cells. The silencing of CSNK2β in MDA-MB-231 cells resulted in decreased cell viability and colony formation. Cell cycle analysis showed a significant arrest of cells in G2M phase. Hoechst and CM-H2DCFDA staining showed nuclear condensation and augmented intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. Furthermore, silencing of CSNK2β in MDA-MB-231 cells modulated the apoptotic machinery- BAX, Bcl-xL, and caspase 3; autophagy machinery-Beclin-1 and LC3-1; and inhibited the vital markers (p-ERK, c-Myc, NF-κB, E2F1, PCNA, p38-ι) associated with cell proliferation and DNA replication pathways. In addition, knockdown of CSNK2β also affected the migration potential of MDA-MB-231, as observed in the wound healing and transwell migration assays. Altogether, the study suggests that CSNK2β silencing may offer future therapeutic target in triple-negative breast cancer

    Effect of Different Levels of Phosphorus and Sulphur on Seed & Stover Yield of Soybean (Glycine max L. Merill) under 'Eutrochrepts'

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    A field experiment was conducted at KVK, Srinagar during two consecutive kharif seasons of 2010 and 2011 to study the “Effect of phosphorus and sulphur on yield and quality of soybean (Glycine max L. Merill) under Eutrochrepts”. The experiment was laid down under 16 treatment combinations viz four levels of phosphorus (0, 30, 60, 90 kg P2O5 ha-1) and four levels of sulphur (0,15, 30, 45 kg S ha-1) in randomized complete block design with three replications .The soil of the experimental site was typic Eutrochrepts, silty clay loam in texture having pH 7.18, EC 0.18 dSm-1, organic carbon 0.74 per cent, available N, P, K 250.52, 11.45, 120.62, kg ha-1, respectively. Soil was sufficient in available Fe, Cu, Mn and deficient in available Zn and sulphur. Total and organic phosphorus content in soil was 345 and 173 ppm, respectively while as total and organic sulphur content was 232 and 162 ppm, respectively. Both seed and stover yield of soybean increased significantly due to individual as well as combined application of phosphorus and sulphur. Combined application of 45 kg S with 90 kg P2O5 produced highest seed (24.39 q ha-1) and stover (43.51 q ha-1) yield of soybean. Application of increasing levels of both phosphorus and sulphur resulted in a significant increase in macro and micronutrient content of soybean seed. With application of 90 kg P2O5 ha-1, maximum nutrient content of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S in seed was 6.42, 0.56, 1.876, 0.324 0.440, 0.466 per cent, respectively while as Fe, Cu, Mn was 100.01, 2.86 and 3.74 mg kg-1, respectively

    Diversified Traditional Wooden Implements Used in Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Practices in Ladakh

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    The traditional wooden tools are the necessities of the daily life of the people of Ladakh region and are linked directly with geographical conditions of the region. A lot of diversity in the wooden tools used by the tribal farmers of Ladakh since ancient times is observed. The tools are made up of different, locally available materials in a unique fashion by the localites. These wooden implements are preferred over modern one’s because of their multipurpose uses. Secondly these traditional implements find wide applicability in the region because of steep terrain, where the scope of mechanized farm implements is very limited. In the present study few important traditional tools of Ladakh have been presented. The important tools viz; chepo, shak, zungba, rzgeem, saddle, khem, khaczhay, thougk, gourgur, butter churner, plough, smeing, rbhat, grookook etc. have been described in detail in this paper