412 research outputs found

    Design of photonic crystal microcavities for cavity QED

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    We discuss the optimization of optical microcavity designs based on 2D photonic crystals for the purpose of strong coupling between the cavity field and a single neutral atom trapped within a hole. We present numerical predictions for the quality factors and mode volumes of localized defect modes as a function of geometric parameters, and discuss some experimental challenges related to the coupling of a defect cavity to gas-phase atoms.Comment: 12 pages, 16 figure

    Non-invasive screening: The probability of events

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    Congenital anomalies are the cause of 20.0-25.0% of cases of perinatal death, while 3.0% of children are born with malformations of varying size. We examined the predictive values and defined the credibility ratio of the combined test results. Sensitivity of the test is 94.0%, and specificity is 99.0%. The positive likelihood ratio [likelihood ratio test (LR+)] is 94.00; a negative likelihood ratio [likelihood ratio test (LR-)] is 0.06. The pretest probability that pregnant women carry a fetus with chromosomal abnormality is 1:250. Posttest odds after the combined test to discover this abnormality are 0.3760, and probability of the same case is 0.2732 if it happens that the test result is positive. The result of our study confirms the justification of combined test usage in routine clinical practice, since the posttest odds rate in the case of a positive screening increases several times over (almost 90 times); the probability of detecting a chromosomal abnormality was about 70 times

    Planar photonic crystal

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    We present results of guiding light in a single-line-defect planar photonic crystal (PPC) waveguide with 90° and 60° bends. The wave guiding is obtained by total internal reflection perpendicular to the plane of propagation and by the photonic band gap for the 2D photonic crystal in the plane. The results for photonic waveguiding are shown and demonstrated at 1.5 µm wavelength

    Medievalism in contemporary Fantasy: a new Species of Romance

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    Contemporary fantasists are often inspired by the texts from and with medieval context. This paper taps into Horace Walpole’s principles revealed in the preface to The Castle of Otranto to show that the works of medieval fantasy and contemporary fantasy subgenres written in 20th and 21st centuries have a lot in common with Walpole’s recipe for creating ‘a new species of romance’. When considered from the present time, the Medieval period can be seen as being halfway between fantasy and reality, in a blurry area where the two overlap, and contemporary fantasists use this trait to build their fictional worlds as effective reverberators of universal themes that remain interesting, appealing and worth repeating

    Ultrabroadband Nonlinear Optics in Nanophotonic Periodically Poled Lithium Niobate Waveguides

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    Quasi-phasematched interactions in waveguides with quadratic nonlinearities enable highly efficient nonlinear frequency conversion. In this article, we demonstrate the first generation of devices that combine the dispersion-engineering available in nanophotonic waveguides with quasi-phasematched nonlinear interactions available in periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN). This combination enables quasi-static interactions of femtosecond pulses, reducing the pulse energy requirements by several orders of magnitude, from picojoules to femtojoules. We experimentally demonstrate two effects associated with second harmonic generation. First, we observe efficient quasi-phasematched second harmonic generation with <100 fJ of pulse energy. Second, in the limit of strong phase-mismatch, we observe spectral broadening of both harmonics with as little as 2-pJ of pulse energy. These results lay a foundation for a new class of nonlinear devices, in which co-engineering of dispersion with quasi-phasematching enables efficient nonlinear optics at the femtojoule level

    Analysis of forensic samples of "Ecstasy" tablets seized in Novi Sad during the 2004 year

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    The paper presents results of the analysis of illicit synthetic drugs in the form of tablets distributed under the name "Ecstasy", seized by the police in the broader area of Novi Sad 2004. A huge number of tablets has been analyzed (n=121), of various colours and with impressed symbols from the total amount of 93 seizures, which totally amounted to 1458 tablets. Regarding the number of seizures ecstasy (3,4-methylendioxy-N-meth-yl-amphetamine - MDMA) is dominant among all, and according to the quantity of seized tablets it is amphetamine (AP), while other amphetamine-type drugs (methamphetamine MA 3,4-methylendioxiamphetamine - MDA, 3,4-methylendioxi-N-ethyl-amphetamine MDEA) have been found in rather small quantities and very rarely. Tablets mostly contain caffeine as an additive. In the analytical procedure, the samples of tablets were subjected to liquid-liquid extraction and afterwards analyzed on the GCD (GC-EI) Hewlett-Packard instrument. The method is fast reliable and reproducible for the analysis of amphetamine, methamphetamine MDA, MDMA, MDEA, as well as various additives in the samples of seized tablets

    Single Color Centers Implanted in Diamond Nanostructures

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    The development of materials processing techniques for optical diamond nanostructures containing a single color center is an important problem in quantum science and technology. In this work, we present the combination of ion implantation and top-down diamond nanofabrication in two scenarios: diamond nanopillars and diamond nanowires. The first device consists of a 'shallow' implant (~20nm) to generate Nitrogen-vacancy (NV) color centers near the top surface of the diamond crystal. Individual NV centers are then isolated mechanically by dry etching a regular array of nanopillars in the diamond surface. Photon anti-bunching measurements indicate that a high yield (>10%) of the devices contain a single NV center. The second device demonstrates 'deep' (~1\mu m) implantation of individual NV centers into pre-fabricated diamond nanowire. The high single photon flux of the nanowire geometry, combined with the low background fluorescence of the ultrapure diamond, allows us to sustain strong photon anti-bunching even at high pump powers.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Clinical and immunohistochemical caracteristcs of adrenocortical carcinomas and their influence on survival

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    Uvod: Karcinomi kore nadbubrežne žlezde su agresivni tumori sa lošom prognozom, uprkos multimodalnom tretmanu koji se primenjuje u njihovom lečenju. Veoma su retkici zbog toga još uvek nedovoljno istraženi. Cilj: Cilj našeg rada je da se odrede osnovne demografske, kliničke i imunohistopatološke karakteristike obolelih od karcinoma kore nadbubrežne žlezde, prikažu opšte stope preživljavanja, analizira uticaj pojedinih prognostičkih faktora na dužinu preživljavanja i identifikuju pozitivni i negativni prediktori preživljavanja. Materijal i metod rada: Istraživanjem su obuhvaćena 72 pacijenta (42 žene i 30 muškaraca) sa karcinomom kore nadbubrežne žlezde. Analizirane su demografske i kliničke karakteristike obolelih, karakteristike tumora, primenjena terapija i preživljavanje kod obolelih. Posebno su analizirane imunohistohemiske karakteristike tumora i njihovo bojenje na sledeće markere: MMP9, melan A, inhibin, caltretinin, D240 i synaptophysin kao i marker tumorske proleferacije Ki67. U statističkoj analizi podataka korišćene su Kaplan-Mejerove krive preživljavanja i log rank test, radi odreĎivanja opštih i specifičnih stopa preživljavanje i Cox-ov regresioni model. Rezulati: Prosečna starost obolelih je iznosila 50 godina. Samo 2 (3,1%) obolela su dijagnostikovana u I stadijumu bolesti, dok je skoro polovina bila u II stadijumu bolesti. Prosečni dijametar tumora iznosio je 98 mm, a prosečna težina 322 grama. U vreme postavljanja dijagnoze regionalne limfogene metastaze je imalo 12%, a udaljene metastaze 9% obolelih. Približno podjednako karcinom kore je bio lokalizovan u levoj i desnoj nadbubrežnoj žlezdi. Dve trećine obolelih je operisano kroz subtotalnu laparotomiju, jedna četvrtina transdorzačnim pristupom, a niko nije operisan endoskpskim pristupom. Kod skoro 90% obolelih načinjena je potencijalno radikalna operacija (adrenalektomija sa ili bez resekcije okolnih organa). Terapija mitotanom je bila jedina vrsta hemioterapije koja je sprovedena kod obolelih. Oko četvrtina obolelih je imalo hormonski aktivni karcinom kore nadbubrežne žlezde. U vreme kada je studija završena skoro polovina obolelih je još uvek bila živa. Jednogodišnje preživljavanje kod obolelih od karcinoma kore nadbubrežne žlezde je iznosilo 52,5%, petogodišnje 41,1%, a desetogodišnje preživljavanje 16,4%. Medijana preživljavanja je iznosila 36 meseci...Introduction: Adrenocortical carcinomas (ACC) are aggressive tumours with poor prognosis, even with multimodal treatment that is used in their treatment. Since they are rare tumours they have not been studied sufficiently. Aim: The aim of our study was to examine demographic, clinical and immunohistochemical characteristics of patients with ACC, to determine general survival rates, analyse the effect of certain prognostic factors on the survival rate, as well as to identify positive and negative predictors of survival. Material and methods: The study included 72 patients (42 women and 30 men) with ACC. We analysed demographic and clinical characteristics of the patients, tumour characteristics, the therapy they received and survival rates of the patients. We also specifically analysed immunohistochemical characteristics of the tumour using the following staining protocols: MMP9, melan A, inhibin, calretinin, D240 and synaptophysin as well as tumour proliferation marker Ki67. In statistical analysis we used Kaplan-Meier's survival curves and log-rank test to estimate general and specific survival rates and the logistic regression model. Results: The mean age of the patients in the study was 50 years. Only two patients (3.1%) were diagnosed in stage I of the disease, while more than half were in stage II of the disease. The mean size of the tumour was 98 mm and mean weight was 322 grams. At time of diagnosis regional lymph metastasis were present in 12% while distant metastasis were present in 9% of patients. ACC was nearly evenly distributed between the left and the right adrenal gland. There was nearly an even distribution between left and right localization of ACC. Two thirds of the patients were operated through a subcostal laparotomy and one quarter through a transdorsal approach. An endoscopic approach was not used in any of the cases. Nearly 90% of the patients were treated with a potentially radical operation (adrenalectomy with or without resection of surrounding tissue). Therapy with mitotane was the only kind of chemotherapy used. A hormonal active tumour was present in quarter of patients with ACC. At the time of the study nearly half of the patients were still alive. One-year survival of patients with ACC was 52.5%, five-year survival was 41.1%, and ten-year survival was 16.4%. Median survival was 36 months..

    Persuasiveness in political discourse through the use of conceptual metaphors and modal means in English and Serbian Убедительность в политическом дискурсе через использование концептуальных метафор и модальных средств в английском и сербском языках

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    Предмет истраживања у овом раду је персуазивност у политичком дискурсу која се остварује употребом појмовних метафора и модалних средстава у енглеском и српском језику. Персуазивна снага метафора објашњава се кроз теорију о појмовним (концептуалним) метафорама Лејкофа и Џонсона према којој се тврди да метафоре обликују начин мишљења, односно, утичу на начин концептуализације наше реалности. Персуазивност модалних средстава посматрамо у политичким слоганима и она се реализује у оквирима динамичке и деонтичке модалности, тј. кроз директивне, комисивне и волитивне исказе, као и исказе способности. Овом истраживању приступамо интердисциплинарно ослањајући се на теоријске постулате из различитих лингвистичких области – когнитивне лингвистике, прагматике, интеркултурне прагматике, контрастивне анализе, затим реторике и критичке анализе дискурса. У анализи примењујемо интегративни модел имајући у виду комплексност персуазивних намера и сва језичка и нејезичка средства која се са истим циљем користе. Метода која је коришћена је комбинација квантитативне и квалитативне. Корпусна грађа обухватила је текстове на енглеском и српском језику објављене у периоду од 2008. до 2017. године у дневним и недељним листовима на српском и енглеском језику, као и обраћања политичких кандидата у току изборне кампање и непосредно након објављивања изборних резултата. У емпиријском делу истраживања нашле су се најфреквентније метафоричке структуре, односно, доминантни примери метафоричког језика у политичком дискурсу на два језика – српском и енглеском као и централни слогани политичких партија који имају модални карактер. Сви издвојени примери посматрани су као језичка средства са великим персуазивним и манипулативним потенцијалом. Резултати истраживања су показали да се персуазивни ефекат и персуазивне стратегије кроз језичка средства, у нашем случају кроз појмовне метафоре и модализоване исказе, постижу на исти или готово исти начин како у српском, тако и у енглеском језику. Такозваним намерним метафоричким уоквиривањем, односно, игнорисањем и занемаривањем непожељног садржаја и наглашавањем пожељног садржаја, потврђује се да појмовне метафоре утичу на концептуализацију нашег апстрактног искуства и усмеравају наше деловање као реципијената политичких порука. Кратке модализоване дискурсне форме попут слогана чине синтезу свеукупне политичке поруке и имају резонантну функцију у политичком дискурсу, што додатно појачава персуазивни ефекат метафоричког језика у једном политичком говору са којим се заједно могу јавити. Резултатима истраживања потврђујемо да персуазивност постигнута језичким средствима представља први ниво у стварању стратешког вишеслојног персуазивног ефекта на бирачко тело и да се сви остали ванјезички убеђивачки инструменти на језички само надограђују.The subject of the thesis is persuasiveness in political discourse that is realized through the use of conceptual metaphors and modal means in English and Serbian. The persuasive power of metaphors is explained through the theory of the conceptual metaphors established by Lakoff and Johnson according to which metaphors shape the way we think or influence the way we conceptualize our reality. Persuasiveness of modal means is considered through political slogans and it is realized within the framework of dynamic and deontic modality, more precisely through directives, commissives, volitives and abilitives. In this research we take the interdisciplinary approach relying on theoretical postulates from different linguistic fields - cognitive linguistics, pragmatics, intercultural pragmatics, contrastive analysis, as well as rhetoric and critical discourse analysis. In the analysis, we apply an integrative model, considering the complexity of persuasive intentions and all the linguistic and non-linguistic means that are being used simultaneously for the same cause. The method we used was a combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis. The corpus included texts in English and Serbian published between 2008 and 2017 in daily and weekly newspapers in Serbian and English, as well as official address by political candidates during the election campaign and immediately after the election results were announced. The empirical part of the research included the most frequent metaphorical structures, that is, dominant examples of metaphorical language in political discourse in Serbian and English, as well as central political slogans of modal character. All the examples listed were observed as linguistic instruments with great persuasive and manipulative potential. The results of the research have shown that the persuasive effect and the persuasive strategies through linguistic means, i.e. through conceptual metaphors and modalized statements, are achieved in the same or almost the same way in both Serbian and English. The so-called intentional metaphorical framing, which refers to ignoring and neglecting unwanted content and emphasizing desirable content, confirms that conceptual metaphors influence the way we conceptualize our abstract experience and direct our actions as we receive political messages. Short modalized discourse forms such as slogans constitute a synthesis of the overall political message and have a resonant function in political discourse, further enhancing the persuasive effect of metaphorical language in one political speech with which they can co-occur. The results of the research confirm that the persuasiveness achieved by linguistic means is the first and the basic level in creating a strategic multilayered persuasive effect on the electorate and that all other nonlinguistic persuasive instruments are simply an upgrade to that basic linguistic level