9 research outputs found


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    REPRODUCTIVE PERFORMANCE BEEF CATTLE OF ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION IN THE DISTRICT OF NORTH TOMBATU AND SUB DISTRICT OF RATAHAN.   The porpose of this study to know appearance of reproduction beef cattle artificial insemination in the northern Tombatu District and the Sub District of Ratahan in the Southeast Minahasa Regency.  Research the everage valve standard deviation and coefficient of diversity.  Based on research results that service preconception 1.25-1.30, conception rate 70-75%, calving interval 366.4-377.55 and length of pregnancy 279.25-281.1 day. It can be colcluded that the reproductive performance of artificial insemination beef cattle in North Tombatu and Ratahan Districts already quite good. Keywords: Reproduction, beef cattle, artificial inseminatio


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    This research was conducted in Pinabetengan village to calculate the prevalence and preference of tick infestations in cattle in Pinabetengan Village, Tompaso District, Minahasa Regency. This study uses the Purposive Random Sampling method. 64 cattles were used as samples. Collecting ticks starts from the head, neck, back, groin, legs, and tail, then put in a bottle containing 70% alcohol based on the body parts of the animal. Based on the result research   that 30 cattles were found to be infested of tick. Preferences of ticks on body parts of cattle show that at the groin is the most infestation of ticks. The tick infestation preference based on sex it turn out that female cattle are more often infested with tick. Based on the results and discussion it can be concluded that the cattle in the North Pinabetengan village infested with Boophilus microplus tick is 46.9%. Preference for tick infestation on the body parts that are most commonly found in the groin of cattle. Preference for tick infestation in female cattle is 4.38 ticks, while male cattle are 3.33 ticks.Keywords: Ticks, Infestations, Preference, Prevalence, Co

    Development Potential of Integrated Farming System (Local Cattle - Food Crops)

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    Local cattle farming as an income source for farmers in rural areas is mostly developed traditionally. The local cattle farm continues, even though it is a side business, but is a mainstay in supporting national beef needs. The problem is whether integration of local cattle and food crops have the potential to be developed by farmers. The research was conducted to determine the potential integration of local cattle local and corn in North Bolaang Mongondow Regency. A survey method using a purposive sampling selected 60 farmers from Sangkub District where farmers practiced an integrated cattle-crops farming. Data were subjected to proximate and feasibility analysis. The results showed that the total cattle owned by respondents were 209. The feed consisted of grass and corn waste, with an average consumption of 5.33 and 11.15 kg/head/day, respectively. A proximate analysis of waste corn reported 86.48% dry material, 7.36% crude protein, 1.84% fat, 28.95% crude fiber, 9.10% ash and 68.18% carbohydrate.  Respondents' income from cattle farming in Bintauna and Sangkub Districts were Rp. 151,000,000 vs. Rp. 169,900,000, production costs were Rp. 101,150,625 vs. Rp. 107,298,593.8, and RC ratio was 1.49 vs. 1.58. In conclusion, corn waste consumption was greater (67.66%) than the grass. RC ratio value >1 indicated that cattle farming was feasible. The corn-cattle farming integration system can minimize environmental pollution because it enables the concept of LEISA (Low External Input Sustainability Agriculture)

    Efektivitas Antibakteri Eugenol Minyak Daun Cengkeh (Clove Leaf Oil) Terhadap Bakteri Penyebab Mastitis Subklinis Sapi Perah

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    Mastitis subklinis merupakan infeksi kelenjar susu tanpa menunjukkan perubahan fisik dan hanya diketahui dengan pengujian. Kejadian mastitis subklinis sapi perah di Indonesia sangat tinggi dibandingkan mastitis klinis dan menimbulkan kerugian seperti: penurunan produksi dan kualitas susu, peningkatan biaya perawatan dan pengobatan serta pengafkiran ternak lebih awal. Penelitian ini tujuannya mendapatkan satu konsentrasi antibakteri eugenol minyak daun cengkeh yang efektif untuk teat dipping mencegah bakteri penyebab mastitis subklinis pada sapi perah sehingga dapat memperbaiki produksi dan kualitas susu. Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan dengan metode eksperimen dan terdiri dari 6 tahapan kegiatan penelitian, yaitu penelitian tahap 1. Kandungan zat aktif eugenol minyak daun cengkeh, dengan tujuan mengetahui kandungan zat aktif eugenol dari minyak daun cengkeh, dilaksanakan dengan menganalisa minyak daun cengkeh hasil suling menggunakan metode Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) di Lab. Kimia Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Brawijaya. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh pada tahap 1 ini yaitu kandungan zat aktif eugenol sebesar 64,24%, Trans β-caryophyllene 18,65%, Alphahumelene 6,34%, Cis-charyophylline 5,14% dan senyawa lainnya. Penelitian tahap ke 2, Prevalensi mastitis pada sapi perah, Penelitian ini ditujukan selain untuk mengetahui tingkat prevalensi mastitis sapi perah laktasi di lokasi penelitian juga untuk mendapatkan sapi perah terinfeksi mastitis subklinis sebagai materi pada penelitian tahap ke 5. Prevalensi mastitis dilaksanakan pada awal penelitian pada sapi perah jenis PFH yang sedang laktasi sebanyak 86 ekor. Adapun waktu pelaksanaan yaitu sebelum pemerahan pagi hari dengan menggunakan metode CMT. Hasil prevalensi mastitis pada sapi perah diketahui bahwa dari jumlah 86 ekor sapi dengan 344 puting, terdapat 20 puting (5,81%) yang terinfeksi mastitis subklinis, 9 puting (2,61%) terinfeksi mastitis klinis, 69 puting (20,00%) mati atau tidak produksi susu dan 246 puting (71,51%) dalam keadaan sehat (produktif). Penelitian tahap ke 3, Aktivitas antibakteri eugenol minyak daun cengkeh, yang dilakukan dengan menguji beberapa level konsentrasi dan efektivitas antibakteri eugenol minyak daun cengkeh terhadap diameter zona hambat bakteri uji. Tujuannya adalah memperoleh satu level konsentrasi antibakteri eugenol minyak daun cengkeh yang efektif. Prosedur dan metode penelitian untuk tahap ke 3 ini dilaksanakan dengan menguji secara invitro beberapa level konsentrasi eugenol minyak daun cengkeh,yaitu : 2,5%(K1), 5%(K2), 7,5%(K3), 10%(K4), 12,5%(K5), 15%(K6), 17,5%(K7), 20%(K8), 22,5%(K9), 25%(K10), 27,5%(K11) dan 30%(K12) terhadap diameter zona hambat bakteri uji menggunakan metode difusi cara sumuran dan hasilnya dianalisa menggunakan One Way Anova dari Program SPSS 20. Selanjutnya berdasarkan hasil pengujian level konsentrasi dilakukan pengujian ulang mengenai efektifitas eugenol minyak daun cengkeh pada level perlakuan konsentrasi (PK): 0%(PK1), 7,5%(PK2), 15%(P3), 22,5%(PK4), 30%(PK5) dan 37,5%(PK6) terhadap diameter zona hambat dan total koloni bakteri, yaitu jenis bakteri Campuran (JB1), jenis bakteri Staphylococcus (JB2), jenis bakteri gabungan Staphylococcus + Streptococcus (JB3) dan jenis bakteri Streptococcus (JB4), pengujian dilaksanakan secara invitro dengan metode ix difusi cara sumuran bertempat di Laboratorium Bakteriologi Jurusan HPT Fakultas Pertanian UB. Hasil penelitiaan tahap 3 mengenai uji level konsentrasi eugenol minyak daun cengkeh, berdasarkan hasil uji lanjut Duncan’s ternyata bahwa rataan diameter zona hambat pada konsentrasi K1 berbeda nyata lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan konsentrasi K2-K4. Sebaliknya bila K2-K4 dibandingkan tidak berbeda nyata demikian seterusnya untuk konsentrasi K2-K4 berbeda nyata lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan konsentrasi K3-K5, konsentrasi K3-K5 berbeda dengan konsentrasi K4-K6, konsentrasi K4-K6 berbeda dengan konsentrasi K7-K11 dan konsentrasi K7-K11 berbeda dengan konsentrasi K10-K12 atau dengan kata lain bahwa konsentrasi antibakteri uji berpengaruh terhadap rataan diameter zona hambat yaitu semakin tinggi konsentrasi antibakteri semakin besar/lebar diameter zona hambat yang terbentuk karena semakin besar jumlah bakteri yang dapat dihambat. Demikian juga hasil uji lanjut dengan Duncan´s terhadap diameter zona hambat jenis bakteri B1 dan B2 berbeda nyata lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan jenis bakteri B3 dan bakteri B4. Selanjutnya diameter zona hambat bakteri B3 apabila dibandingkan dengan bakteri B4 hasilnya berbeda nyata lebih kecil. Hasil yang diperoleh ini menunjukkan bahwa efektivitas antibakteri eugenol minyak daun cengkeh terhadap bakteri uji yang ditunjukkan dengan adanya diameter zona hambat yang terbentuk maka secara berurutan efektivitas yang lebih baik adalah pada jenis bakteri B4, B3, B2 dan B1. Selanjutnya hasil kegiatan pengujian efektivitas eugenol minyak daun cengkeh, berdasarkan hasil uji lanjut Duncan’s ternyata bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan yang nyata dari PK2 – PK6 terhadap besarnya diameter zona hambat. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa secara invitro dengan konsentrasi 7,5% (PK2) eugenol minyak daun cengkeh efektif sebagai antibakteri pencegah bakteri penyebab mastitis subklinis pada sapi perah. Hasil uji lanjut Duncan’s menunjukkan juga bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan yang nyata antara JB1, JB2 dan JB3 terhadap diameter zona hambat akan tetapi ke tiga jenis bakteri ini berbeda nyata lebih kecil bila dibandingkan dengan jenis bakteri JB4, artinya bakteri JB4 yang lebih baik. Hasil uji Duncan’s untuk membandingkan total koloni bakteri dari pengaruh eugenol minyak daun cengkeh terhadap bakteri uji menunjukkan bahwa jenis bakteri JB3 berbeda nyata lebih kecil total koloni bakterinya dibandingkan dengan bakteri JB1, JB2 dan JB4. Sedangkan untuk ketiga bakteri JB1, JB2 dan JB4 total koloni bakterinya berbeda tidak nyata. Hasil uji Duncan s untuk membandingkan total koloni bakteri dari pengaruh konsentrasi antibakteri eugenol minyak daun cengkeh hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan konsentrasi PK1 berbeda nyata lebih tinggi total koloni bakterinya dibandingkan dengan PK2, PK3, PK4, PK5 dan PK6. Penelitian tahap 4, Pengukuran laju perkeringatan (sweating rate), penelitian ini betujuan mengetahui respons awal dari ternak sapi dan pengujian hasil penelitian tahap 3 yaitu minyak daun cengkeh dengan konsentrasi 7,5% eugenol. Penelitian dilakukan dengan cara teat dipping pada puting sapi perah yang sedang laktasi serta pengamatan dengan mengukur laju perkeringatan (sweating rate) menggunakan metode Cobalt Chloride Disc. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Lapang Fakultas Peternakan UB Sumber Sekar Dau Malang. Hasil pengukuran laju perkeringatan (sweating rate) dalam penelitian ini secara visual bahwa puting yang dicelup (teat dipping) dengan minyak daun cengkeh berkonsentrasi eugenol 7,5% tidak berpengaruh pada kulit puting, produksi dan kualitas susu (terutama warna dan bau susu) yang dihasilkan. Penelitian tahap 5, Teat dipping antibakteri eugenol minyak daun cengkeh pada sapi perah yang terinfeksi mastitis subklinis. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas teat dipping antibakteri EMDC terhadap total koloni bakteri, produksi dan kualitas susu. Dilaksanakan diperusahan peternakan sapi perah di Kepanjen Malang dengan metode prepost test control group design yaitu pengujian t-test dengan melakukan teat dipping pada sapi perah laktasi menggunakan minyak daun cengkeh konsentrasi 7,5% eugenol. Variabel yang diukur adalah total koloni bakteri susu (TPC), produksi susu (l/ek/hr) dan kualitas susu x (berat jenis, kadar lemak, protein, bahan kering, bahan kering tanpa lemak, dan kadar laktose) dengan pengujian menggunakan lactoscan milk analysis di BBPP Songoriti, Batu Malang. Data hasil penelitian dianalis menggunakan program SPSS 20. Hasil penelitian tahap ke 5, yaitu teat dipping antibakteri eugenol minya daun cengkeh konsentrasi 7,5% (P


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    THE EFFECT OF FALSE MOUNTING ON SEMEN QUALITY OF LIMOUSIN AND SIMMENTAL BULL IN LEMBANG ARTIFICAL INSEMINATION CENTER. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of false mounting on the quality of Limosin and Simental bull semen at the Lembang Artificial Insemination Center. The 55 individu of Limousin and 55 Simmental bull aging 5-9 years old have been used in thos study. The data have been collected directly in the Artificial Insemination Center Lembang - West Java Province. The data obtained in the form of macroscopic and microscopic observations on Limousin and Simmental bull include volume, pH, mass movement, spermatozoa motility and spermatozoa concentration. Data were analyzed descriptively by calculating the standard deviations, correlations coefficients and the T test. The variables measured in this study were macroscopic and microscopic quality of semen. The results of this study indicate that the effect of false mounting on the average semen volume of Limousin and Simmental bull is maximum at 3, 4, and 5 times false mounting but there was not significantly difference between the amount of false mounting, as well as the average volume, pH, mass movement, motility of spemetozoa and concentration spermatozoa are not significantly different. It was concluded that false mounting in Limousin and Simmental bulls in Lembang Artificial Insemination Center had no significantly effect on the quality of macroscopic and microscopic semen. Keywords: False Mounting, Cement Quality, Limousin Cattle, Simmental Cows


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    This study was done to evaluate the phenotypic comparison of the body measurements for genetic improvement of running horses at West Tompaso district and those at Nusantara Polo Club Bogor West Java.. Total of forty four running horses consisted of twenty two horses from Nusantara Polo Club Bogor and twenty two horses from West Tompaso district were used in this study. Observation was conducted on November 2016 - January 2017 using purposive sampling method to measure body size of horses. The pregnant horses were excluded in this. The variables measured in this study were including chest girth, chest wide, chest depth, shoulder height, hip height, hip wide, body length, neck length, head wide, and head length. Results showed that body measurements of horses at West Tompaso district tended bigger in the sizes of hip wide, head wide and head length compared with those of horses at Nusantara Polo Club Bogor West Java. While, the body measurements of horses at Nusantara Polo Club Bogor West Java tended bigger in the sizes of chest girth, shoulder height, body length and neck length compared with those at West Tompaso district.Key words: Morfometrik, hors


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    REPRODUCTIVE PERFORMANCE OF BEEF CATTLE IN BINTAUNA DISTRICT OF NORTH BOLAANG MONGONDOW REGENCY. This study was conducted to evaluate the reproduction performance of beef cattle in Bintauna district of North Bolaang Mongondow regency. Reproductive performance was studied to determine the productivity of livestock especially in population increase and availability of meat. This research used samples of farmer as breeder of beef cattle. The selections of village samples were determined purposively by consideration of the villages with the largest population of livestock including the villages of Pimpi, Kopi, and Bintauna. Selection of respondents using random sampling method involved 10 farmers for each selected village, with the total of 30 farmers as respondents. Data of the variables were analyzed using descriptive analysis model. The results showed that the age of puberty animal was 12.03 ± 4.81 months, service per conception was 1.19, conception rate was 73%, pregnancy period was 276 ± 2.53 days, and calving interval was 366 ± 3.21 days. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the reproduction of beef cattle in Bintauna district of North Bolaang Mongondow regency was categorized into good performance. Keyword: Reproduction performance, beef cattle, Bintauna distric

    Development Potential of Integrated Farming System (Local Cattle - Food Crops)

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    Local cattle farming as an income source for farmers in rural areas is mostly developed traditionally. The local cattle farm continues, even though it is a side business, but is a mainstay in supporting national beef needs. The problem is whether integration of local cattle and food crops have the potential to be developed by farmers. The research was conducted to determine the potential integration of local cattle local and corn in North Bolaang Mongondow Regency. A survey method using a purposive sampling selected 60 farmers from Sangkub District where farmers practiced an integrated cattle-crops farming. Data were subjected to proximate and feasibility analysis. The results showed that the total cattle owned by respondents were 209. The feed consisted of grass and corn waste, with an average consumption of 5.33 and 11.15 kg/head/day, respectively. A proximate analysis of waste corn reported 86.48% dry material, 7.36% crude protein, 1.84% fat, 28.95% crude fiber, 9.10% ash and 68.18% carbohydrate. Respondents' income from cattle farming in Bintauna and Sangkub Districts were Rp. 151,000,000 vs. Rp. 169,900,000, production costs were Rp. 101,150,625 vs. Rp. 107,298,593.8, and RC ratio was 1.49 vs. 1.58. In conclusion, corn waste consumption was greater (67.66%) than the grass. RC ratio value >1 indicated that cattle farming was feasible. The corn-cattle farming integration system can minimize environmental pollution because it enables the concept of LEISA (Low External Input Sustainability Agriculture)