402 research outputs found

    Multi-critera selection of a corporate system by using paired comparison analysis

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    The paper presents the results of comparing foreign corporate information systems (CISs) obtained by using the classical analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The eight most common corporate information systems of international standards were analyzed, there were determined some classes of criteria which are vital when selecting a system, and for each criterion 3-4 most suitable systems were identifie

    Decision support system for the expert assessment of social risks

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    The study is devoted to the development of decision support systems in the expert assessment of social risk

    Formal methods of analysis and synthesis for decisions options during corporate information system development

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    The article presents a generalized approach to decision making in the process of application development based on cyclically repeating actions, including the synthesis of solution options and their analysis. They considered the basic methods of analysis and synthesis used in decision-making process on the design of corporate information systems (CIS). The description of the proposed generalized semantic model is given on the example of component interaction of the Integrated complex of high-level development tools and the functioning environment of corporate-level information systems (Platform). They analyzed the process of CIS IT infrastructure on the basis of the Platform and the specific steps of making a management decision for this exampl

    Plasticity of an extra-strong nanocrystalline stainless steel controlled by the "dislocation-segregation'' interaction

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    We study three structurally different states of nanocrystalline 316 steel and show that the state, where boundaries containing excess concentration of alloying elements are combined with mobile dislocations in grain interiors, allows maintaining extraordinarily high strength and remarkably enhanced plasticity. Underlying mechanisms featuring interaction between the segregations and mobile dislocations are discussed

    Real-time multiplex PCR method for detection of A. veronii A. caviae A. salmonicida

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    As a result of the experiments, the parameters for setting up a polymerase chain reaction were developed for the accelerated identification of Aeromonas spp. The design of species-specific primers was performed, the reaction parameters were selected, the specificity was checked, and the optimal amplification time was selected. As a result of this study, a multiplex real-time PCR test system was developed for the simultaneous detection of A. salmonicida, A. caviae and A. veronii. The sensitivity of the developed protocol was 5.56 pg/µl. The data obtained will allow for accelerated screening of these pathogens

    Status of ART-XC/SRG Instrument

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    Spectrum Roentgen Gamma (SRG) is an X-ray astrophysical observatory, developed by Russia in collaboration with Germany. The mission will be launched in March 2016 from Baikonur, by a Zenit rocket with a Fregat booster and placed in a 6-month-period halo orbit around L2. The scientific payload consists of two independent telescopes - a soft-x-ray survey instrument, eROSITA, being provided by Germany and a medium-x-ray-energy survey instrument ART-XC being developed by Russia. ART-XC will consist of seven independent, but co-aligned, telescope modules. The NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) is fabricating the flight mirror modules for the ART-XC/SRG. Each mirror module will be aligned with a focal plane CdTe double-sided strip detectors which will operate over the energy range of 6-30 keV, with an angular resolution of less than 1, a field of view of approximately 34 and an expected energy resolution of about 10 percent at 14 keV


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    Use of antiplatelet therapy in the world indicates real difference in individual drug effect between patients, including the effect on prognosis. Problems of personification of individual approach, concerning antiplatelet therapy, are discussed.Опыт применения антиагрегантной терапии указывает на существенную разницу в реакции больных на антиагреганты, вызывающую различия в выраженности эффекта терапии по влиянию на исходы заболевания. Обсуждены проблемы индивидуального подхода в антиагрегантной терапии

    Exposure to the Epstein-Barr viral antigen latent membrane protein 1 induces myelin-reactive antibodies in vivo

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    © 2017 Lomakin, Arapidi, Chernov, Ziganshin, Tcyganov, Lyadova, Butenko, Osetrova, Ponomarenko, Telegin, Govorun, Gabibov and Belogurov. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system (CNS). Cross-reactivity of neuronal proteins with exogenous antigens is considered one of the possible mechanisms of MS triggering. Previously, we showed that monoclonal myelin basic protein (MBP)-specific antibodies from MS patients cross-react with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1). In this study, we report that exposure of mice to LMP1 results in induction of myelin-reactive autoantibodies in vivo. We posit that chronic exposure or multiple acute exposures to viral antigen may redirect B cells from production of antiviral antibodies to antibodies, specific to myelin antigen. However, even in inbred animals, which are almost identical in terms of their genomes, such an effect is only observed in 20-50% of animals, indicating that this change occurs by chance, rather than systematically. Cross-immunoprecipitation analysis showed that only part of anti-MBP antibodies from LMP1-immunized mice might simultaneously bind LMP1. In contrast, the majority of anti-LMP1 antibodies from MBP-immunized mice bind MBP. De novo sequencing of anti-LMP1 and anti-MBP antibodies by mass spectrometry demonstrated enhanced clonal diversity in LMP1-immunized mice in comparison with MBP-immunized mice. We suggest that induction of MBP-reactive antibodies in LMP1-immunized mice may be caused by either Follicular dendritic cells (FDCs) or by T cells that are primed by myelin antigens directly in CNS. Our findings help to elucidate the still enigmatic link between EBV infection and MS development, suggesting that myelin-reactive antibodies raised as a response toward EBV protein LMP1 are not truly cross-reactive but are primarily caused by epitope spreading

    The ART-XC telescope on board the SRG observatory

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    ART-XC (Astronomical Roentgen Telescope - X-ray Concentrator) is the hard X-ray instrument with grazing incidence imaging optics on board the Spektr-Roentgen-Gamma (SRG) observatory. The SRG observatory is the flagship astrophysical mission of the Russian Federal Space Program, which was successively launched into orbit around the second Lagrangian point (L2) of the Earth-Sun system with a Proton rocket from the Baikonur cosmodrome on 13 July 2019. The ART-XC telescope will provide the first ever true imaging all-sky survey performed with grazing incidence optics in the 4-30 keV energy band and will obtain the deepest and sharpest map of the sky in the energy range of 4-12 keV. Observations performed during the early calibration and performance verification phase as well as during the on-going all-sky survey that started on 12 Dec. 2019 have demonstrated that the in-flight characteristics of the ART-XC telescope are very close to expectations based on the results of ground calibrations. Upon completion of its 4-year all-sky survey, ART-XC is expected to detect ~5000 sources (~3000 active galactic nuclei, including heavily obscured ones, several hundred clusters of galaxies, ~1000 cataclysmic variables and other Galactic sources), and to provide a high-quality map of the Galactic background emission in the 4-12 keV energy band. ART-XC is also well suited for discovering transient X-ray sources. In this paper, we describe the telescope, results of its ground calibrations, major aspects of the mission, the in-flight performance of ART-XC and first scientific results.Comment: 19 pages, 30 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic