14 research outputs found

    Velocidad de golpeo de balón & Kicking Déficit en futbolistas de élite

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Ciencias do Deporte, Educación Física e Actividade Física Saudable. 5005V01[Resumo] O golpeo de balón é unha das habilidade máis importante no fútbol, e realizalo con ambas pernas supón unha gran vantaxe para os futbolistas O seu rendemento está determinado en gran medida pola velocidade alcanzada polo balón tras o impacto. Sen embargo, existe un déficit de golpeo (KD) coa perna non dominante, definido como a diferenza, en porcentaxe, da velocidade de balón alcanzada coa perna non dominante en relación a dominante. Esta tese é un compendio de artigos que estudan o rendemento do golpeo de balón e o KD en futbolistas de elite. As dúas primeiras publicacións son revisións bibliográficas sobre o estudo da velocidade de golpeo de balón e sobre a súa relación coa forza muscular. As tres últimas, son investigacións que estudan o KD, é a relación entre a velocidade de golpeo coas manifestación da forza en futbolistas adultos e en idades de formación. Os resultados indican que o KD é un elemento constante e estable en toda a mostra. En futbolistas mozos a habilidade de golpeo non está tan consolidada, e os factores de forza son determinantes para o golpeo de balón, mentres que en adultos os factores coordinativos vólvense máis importantes.[Resumen] El golpeo de balón es una de las habilidades más importantes en el fútbol, y realizarlo con ambas piernas supone una gran ventaja para los futbolistas. Su rendimiento está determinando en gran medida por la velocidad alcanzada por el balón. Existe un déficit de golpeo (KD) con la pierna no dominante, definido como la diferencia, en porcentaje, de la velocidad de balón alcanzada con la pierna no dominante en relación a la dominante. Esta tesis es un compendio de artículos que estudian el rendimiento del golpeo de balón y el KD en futbolistas de élite. Las dos primeras publicaciones son revisiones bibliográficas sobre el estudio de la velocidad de golpeo de balón, y sobre su relación con la fuerza muscular. Las tres últimas son investigaciones que estudian el KD y la relación entre la velocidad de golpeo con las manifestaciones de la fuerza y en futbolistas adultos y en edades de formación. Los resultados indican que el KD es un elemento constante y estable en toda la muestra. En futbolistas niños y futbolistas jóvenes los factores de fuerza muscular son determinantes para el golpeo de balón, mientras que en adultos los factores coordinativos se vuelven más importantes.[Abstract] Kicking ability represents the most important soccer-specific skill. The performance of kicking in soccer mainly depends on the maximum ball velocity. Moreover, achieving maximal kicking performance with both legs leads to an advantage for the soccer player. However, there is a Kicking deficit (KD) with the non-dominant leg, that could be defined as the percentage of the difference between the maximal velocity obtained for each player with the non-dominant leg in relation with the dominant leg. This thesis is collection of five papers. The first two publications are review articles focused on the study of maximal kicking velocity and its relationship with muscular strength. The last three publications are original researches focused on the study of KD and the relationship between maximal kicking velocity and vertical jump performance in young and adult elite soccer players. Our results show that Kicking Deficit is a constant element in elite soccer players. Furthermore, in young soccer, players kicking skill is not so consolidated strength and power factors are determinant for kicking performance, while in adult soccer players coordination factors (skilled players) become more important

    Los primeros auxilios en el currículo de la educación obligatoria en España

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    Learning first aid is essential to be able to act in an emergency situation and that is why many institutions have pointed at compulsory education as one of the keys to carry out such learning. The evolution of the presence of first aid in educational legislation in Spain has been analyzed in this research. These contents have been losing weight in the educational curriculum from the LGE, in 1970 to the LOE, in 2006, especially in the baccalaureate and have increased its importance since that year until the current LOMCE, 2013, which includes these contents in primary education and compulsory secondary education. Although the contents are mainly included in the subject of physical education, they are currently divided into several subjects of the curriculum. The current scientific evidence tells us that, although these contents are present in the curriculum, they are not usually taught due to the lack of material and training for teachers to teach them. However, certain autonomous communities provide material and training, so that the teachers can teach by themselves the first aid techniques in schools. For all this, we believe that first aid must be a compulsory and relevant content in schools, and teachers, trained in advance, must teach these contents.  La formación en primeros auxilios es fundamental para poder intervenir en un primer momento en situaciones de emergencia y es por ello que numerosas instituciones han señalado a la educación obligatoria como una de las claves para llevar a cabo dicha formación. En esta investigación se ha analizado la evolución de la presencia de los primeros auxilios en la legislación educativa en España, que han ido perdiendo peso en el currículo educativo desde la LGE, en 1970, hasta la LOE, en 2006, especialmente en el bachillerato y han recuperado su importancia desde ese año hasta la actual LOMCE, de 2013, donde se incluyen estos contenidos en la educación primaria y la educación secundaria obligatoria. Aunque los contenidos se incluyen principalmente en la asignatura de educación física, actualmente se dividen en varias asignaturas del currículo. La evidencia científica actual nos dice que, aunque estos contenidos están presentes en el currículo, no se suelen aplicar por falta de material y también en la formación en el profesorado para impartirlos, sin embargo, ciertas comunidades autónomas aportan material y formación para que puedan ser los propios docentes los que impartan las maniobras de primeros auxilios en las escuelas. Por todo esto, creemos que los primeros auxilios deben ser un contenido obligatorio y relevante en las escuelas y que deben ser los docentes, formados previamente, los que impartan dichos contenidos

    Kicking ability and kicking deficit in young elite soccer players

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    Kicking ability in soccer has been evaluated predominantly by the maximum ball velocity. The kicking deficit (KD) may be defined as the percentage of the difference between the maximum ball velocity each player achieved by the non-preferred leg kick in relation to the preferred leg kick. This study aimed to compare: side-to-side kicking velocity, vertical jumps and anthropometrics between the younger (G-14) and older (G+14) than 14 years soccer players. An additional aim was to investigate associations among these variables. Participants were 92 young elite soccer players from the development programme of a top Spanish division club. They were divided into two age groups according to their growth and motor development stages (10.80-13.55 years, n=46; 14.02-16.39 years, n=46). Student’s t-test showed that the maximum kicking velocity with the preferred and non-preferred leg, jumping performance, and all anthropometric measurements were significantly (p<.01) higher in G+14 compared with G-14. In contrast, KD values remained stable (15.31%- 15.83%) without significant differences between the groups. Pearson’s correlation analysis revealed that vertical jump tests and anthropometric measurements correlated with kicking ball velocity produced by the preferred and non-preferred leg. Our results demonstrate that kicking skills are still not consolidated and power factors may be determinant for kicking performance in young soccer players. In addition, the KD may be a constant element for both the under and above 14 years soccer players and could result from an unequal and greater use of the preferred leg in comparison with the non-preferred leg

    Parvovirus Infection Triggering Still’s Disease

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    We present the case of a 59-year-old man with acute B19 parvovirus infection who developed a systemic inflammatory reaction similar to adult-onset Still's disease (AOSD). We discuss the clinical challenge due to overlapping symptoms to distinguish between a primary B19 viral infection and the autoimmune disease it can trigger

    Down syndrome as risk factor for respiratory syncytial virus hospitalization : A prospective multicenter epidemiological study

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    Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection in childhood, particularly in premature infants, is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. To compare the hospitalization rates due to RSV infection and severity of disease between infants with and without Down syndrome (DS) born at term and without other associated risk factors for severe RSV infection. In a prospective multicentre epidemiological study, 93 infants were included in the DS cohort and 68 matched by sex and data of birth (±1 week) and were followed up to 1 year of age and during a complete RSV season. The hospitalization rate for all acute respiratory infection was significantly higher in the DS cohort than in the non-DS cohort (44.1% vs 7.7%, P<.0001). Hospitalizations due to RSV were significantly more frequent in the DH cohort than in the non-DS cohort (9.7% vs 1.5%, P=.03). RSV prophylaxis was recorded in 33 (35.5%) infants with DS. The rate of hospitalization according to presence or absence of RSV immunoprophylaxis was 3.0% vs 15%, respectively. Infants with DS showed a higher rate of hospitalization due to acute lower respiratory tract infection and RSV infection compared to non-DS infants. Including DS infants in recommendations for immunoprophylaxis of RSV disease should be considered

    La memoria de los libros. Estudios sobre la historia del escrito y de la lectura en Europa y América, vol. II

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    Colección de estudios sobre historia del libro, de la lectura, de la edición, etc