52 research outputs found

    Riparian buffer strips influence nitrogen losses as nitrous oxide and leached N from upslope permanent pasture

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    Riparian buffer strips can have a significant role in reducing nitrogen (N) transfers from agricultural land to freshwater primarily via denitrification and plant uptake processes, but an unintended trade-off can be elevated nitrous oxide (N2O) production rates. Against this context, our replicated bounded plot scale study investigated N2O emissions from un-grazed ryegrass pasture served by three types of riparian buffer strips with different vegetation, comprising: (i) grass riparian buffer with novel deep-rooting species, (ii) willow (young trees at establishment phase) riparian buffer, and (iii) deciduous woodland (also young trees at establishment phase) riparian buffer. The experimental control was ryegrass pasture with no buffer strip. N2O emissions were measured at the same time as total oxidized N in run-off, and soil and environmental characteristics in the ri parian buffer strips and upslope pasture between 2018 and 2019. During most of the sampling days, the no-buffer control treatment showed significantly (P < 0.05) greater N2O fluxes and cumulative N2O emissions compared to the remainder of the treatments. Our results also showed that the grass riparian buffer strip is a sink of N2O equivalent to − 2310.2 g N2O-N ha− 1 day− 1 (95% confidence interval:− 535.5 to 492). Event-based water quality results obtained during storms (12 November 2018 and 11 February 2019) showed that the willow riparian buffer treatment had the highest flow-weighted mean N concentrations (N-FWMC) of 0.041 ± 0.022 and 0.031 ± 0.015 mg N L− 1, when compared to the other treatments. Our 9-month experiment therefore, shows that ri parian buffer strips with novel deep-rooting grass can therefore potentially address emissions to both water and air. The results imply that over a shorter timeline similar to the current study, the grass riparian buffer strip can potentially address N emission to both air and water, particularly when serving a permanent pasture in similar settings as the current experiment.Fil: Dlamini, J.C. Crop and Climate Sciences. Departament of Soil; Sudáfrica. Rothamsted Research. Sustainable Agriculture Sciences; Reino Unido. University of Pretoria. Department of Plant and Soil Sciences; SudáfricaFil: Cardenas, L.M. Rothamsted Research. Sustainable Agriculture Sciences; Reino Unido.Fil: Tesfamarian, E.H. University of Pretoria. Department of Plant and Soil Sciences; SudáfricaFil: Dunn, R.M. Rothamsted Research. Sustainable Agriculture Sciences; Reino Unido.Fil: Loick, N. Rothamsted Research. Sustainable Agriculture Sciences; Reino Unido.Fil: Charteris, A.F. Rothamsted Research. Sustainable Agriculture Sciences; Reino Unido.Fil: Cocciaglia, L. Università degli Studi di Perugia. Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Ambientali; ItaliaFil: Vangeli, Sebastián. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Clima y Agua; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento de Ingeniería Agrícola y Uso de la Tierra. Cátedra de Manejo y Conservación de Suelo; ArgentinaFil: Blackwell, M.S.A. Rothamsted Research. Sustainable Agriculture Sciences; Reino Unido.Fil: Upadhayay, H.R. Rothamsted Research. Sustainable Agriculture Sciences; Reino Unido.Fil: Hawkins, J.M.B. Rothamsted Research. Sustainable Agriculture Sciences; Reino Unido.Fil: Evans, J. Rothamsted Research. Computational and Analytical Sciences; Reino UnidoFil: Collins, A.L. Rothamsted Research. Sustainable Agriculture Sciences; Reino Unido

    Do NO, N2O, N2 and N2 fluxes differ in soils sourced from cropland and varying riparian buffer vegetation? An incubation study

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    Riparian buffers are expedient interventions for water quality functions in agricultural landscapes. However, the choice of vegetation and management affects soil microbial communities, which in turn affect nutrient cycling and the production and emission of gases such as nitric oxide (NO), nitrous oxide (N2O), nitrogen gas (N2) and carbon dioxide (CO2). To investigate the potential fluxes of the above-mentioned gases, soil samples were collected from a cropland and downslope grass, willow and woodland riparian buffers from a replicated plot scale experimental facility. The soils were re-packed into cores and to investigate their potential to produce the aforementioned gases via potential denitrification, a potassium nitrate (KNO3−) and glucose (labile carbon)-containing amendment, was added prior to incubation in a specialized laboratory DENItrification System (DENIS). The resulting NO, N2O, N2 and CO2 emissions were measured simultaneously, with the most NO (2.9 ± 0.31 mg NO m−2) and N2O (1413.4 ± 448.3 mg N2O m−2) generated by the grass riparian buffer and the most N2 (698.1 ± 270.3 mg N2 m−2) and CO2 (27,558.3 ± 128.9 mg CO2 m−2) produced by the willow riparian buffer. Thus, the results show that grass riparian buffer soils have a greater NO3− removal capacity, evidenced by their large potential denitrification rates, while the willow riparian buffers may be an effective riparian buffer as its soils potentially promote complete denitrification to N2, especially in areas with similar conditions to the current study

    Do NO, N2O, N2 and CO2 fluxes differ in soils sourced from cropland and varying riparian buffer vegetation? An incubation study

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    DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT : Data available from authors upon reasonable request.Please read abstract in the article.Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council and National Research Foundation South Africa.http://www.wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/sumhj2024Plant Production and Soil ScienceSDG-06:Clean water and sanitatio

    CO2 fluxes from three different temperate grazed pastures using Eddy covariance measurements

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    Grasslands cover around 25% of the global ice-free land surface, they are used predominantly for forage and livestock production and are considered to contribute significantly to soil carbon (C) sequestration. Recent investigations into using ‘nature-based solutions’ to limit warming to <2 °C suggest up to 25% of GHG mitigation might be achieved through changes to grassland management. In this study we evaluate pasture management interventions at the Rothamsted Research North Wyke Farm Platform, under commercial farming conditions, over two years and consider their impacts on net CO2 exchange. We investigate if our permanent pasture system (PP) is, in the short-term, a net sink for CO2 and whether reseeding this with deep-rooting, high-sugar grass (HS) or a mix of high-sugar grass and clover (HSC) might increase the net removal of atmospheric CO2. In general CO2 fluxes were less variable in 2018 than in 2017 while overall we found that net CO2 fluxes for the PP treatment changed from a sink in 2017 (−5.40 t CO2 ha−1 y−1) to a source in 2018 (6.17 t CO2 ha−1 y−1), resulting in an overall small source of 0.76 t CO2 ha−1 over the two years for this treatment. HS showed a similar trend, changing from a net sink in 2017 (−4.82 t CO2 ha−1 y−1) to a net source in 2018 (3.91 t CO2 ha−1 y−1) whilst the HSC field was a net source in both years (3.92 and 4.10 t CO2 ha−1 y−1, respectively). These results suggested that pasture type has an influence in the atmospheric CO2 balance and our regression modelling supported this conclusion, with pasture type and time of the year (and their interaction) being significant factors in predicting fluxes

    Controls on zooplankton methane production in the central Baltic Sea

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    Several methanogenic pathways in oxic surface waters were recently discovered, but their relevance in the natural environment is still unknown. Our study examines distinct methane (CH4) enrichments that repeatedly occur below the thermocline during the summer months in the central Baltic Sea. In agreement with previous studies in this region, we discovered differences in the methane distributions between the western and eastern Gotland Basin, pointing to in situ methane production below the thermocline in the latter (concentration of CH4 14.1±6.1&thinsp;nM, δ13C CH4 −62.9&thinsp;‰). Through the use of a high-resolution hydrographic model of the Baltic Sea, we showed that methane below the thermocline can be transported by upwelling events towards the sea surface, thus contributing to the methane flux at the sea–air interface. To quantify zooplankton-associated methane production rates, we developed a sea-going methane stripping-oxidation line to determine methane release rates from copepods grazing on 14C-labelled phytoplankton. We found that (1) methane production increased with the number of copepods, (2) higher methane production rates were measured in incubations with Temora longicornis (125±49&thinsp;fmol&thinsp;methane&thinsp;copepod−1&thinsp;d−1) than in incubations with Acartia spp. (84±19&thinsp;fmol&thinsp;CH4&thinsp;copepod−1&thinsp;d−1) dominated zooplankton communities, and (3) methane was only produced on a Rhodomonas sp. diet, and not on a cyanobacteria diet. Furthermore, copepod-specific methane production rates increased with incubation time. The latter finding suggests that methanogenic substrates for water-dwelling microbes are released by cell disruption during feeding, defecation, or diffusion from fecal pellets. In the field, particularly high methane concentrations coincided with stations showing a high abundance of DMSP/DMSO-rich Dinophyceae. Lipid biomarkers extracted from phytoplankton- and copepod-rich samples revealed that Dinophyceae are a major food source of the T. longicornis dominated zooplankton community, supporting the proposed link between copepod grazing, DMSP/DMSO release, and the build-up of subthermocline methane enrichments in the central Baltic Sea.</p

    Incidence of epidural haematoma and neurological injury in cardiovascular patients with epidural analgesia/anaesthesia: systematic review and meta-analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Epidural anaesthesia is used extensively for cardiothoracic and vascular surgery in some centres, but not in others, with argument over the safety of the technique in patients who are usually extensively anticoagulated before, during, and after surgery. The principle concern is bleeding in the epidural space, leading to transient or persistent neurological problems. METHODS: We performed an extensive systematic review to find published cohorts of use of epidural catheters during vascular, cardiac, and thoracic surgery, using electronic searching, hand searching, and reference lists of retrieved articles. RESULTS: Twelve studies included 14,105 patients, of whom 5,026 (36%) had vascular surgery, 4,971 (35%) cardiac surgery, and 4,108 (29%) thoracic surgery. There were no cases of epidural haematoma, giving maximum risks following epidural anaesthesia in cardiac, thoracic, and vascular surgery of 1 in 1,700, 1 in 1,400 and 1 in 1,700 respectively. In all these surgery types combined the maximum expected rate would be 1 in 4,700. In all these patients combined there were eight cases of transient neurological injury, a rate of 1 in 1,700 (95% confidence interval 1 in 3,300 to 1 in 850). There were no cases of persistent neurological injury (maximum expected rate 1 in 4,600). CONCLUSION: These estimates for cardiothoracic epidural anaesthesia should be the worst case. Limitations are inadequate denominators for different types of surgery in anticoagulated cardiothoracic or vascular patients more at risk of bleeding