14 research outputs found

    Ceftriaxone-resistant Salmonella Typhi Outbreak in Hyderabad City of Sindh, Pakistan: High Time for the Introduction of Typhoid Conjugate Vaccine

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    Background. The Aga Khan University clinical microbiology laboratory identified an outbreak of ceftriaxone-resistant Salmonella Typhi in Hyderabad, Pakistan, through antimicrobial resistance surveillance. An outbreak investigation was carried out to identify the risk factors and institute control measures. Here we report the preliminary findings of this outbreak investigation, using data collected from 30 November 2016 to 28 March 2017. Methods. The design for the investigation was a case-control study that included identification of culture-proven ceftriaxoneresistant S. Typhi cases, suspected cases from the households or neighborhood of the confirmed cases, and enrollment of controls matched by age to identify the risk factors. Data were collected through face-to-face interviews using a structured questionnaire. Blood cultures were obtained from all suspected cases. Drinking water samples from each household of cases and controls were obtained for microbiological testing. Geographic Information System coordinates were obtained for all cases and controls. Results. Only 2 subdistricts of Hyderabad (Latifabad and Qasimabad) were affected. A total of 101 confirmed cases of ceftriaxone- resistant S. Typhi had been reported in 4 months with the first case reported on 30 November 2016. Median age was 48 (interquartile range, 29-84) months. The majority (60% [61/101]) of the cases were 6-60 months old. More than half (56% [57/101]) of the cases were male. About 60% of the cases were admitted to hospital and treated as inpatient. More than half (57/101) of the patients developed complications related to typhoid. Conclusions. Community awareness was raised regarding chlorination of drinking water and sanitation measures in Hyderabad. These efforts were coordinated with the municipal water and sewage authority established to improve chlorination at processing plants and operationalize fecal sludge treatment plants. Outbreak investigation and control efforts have continued. Immunization of children with typhoid conjugate vaccine within Hyderabad city is planned

    Role of enzymic antioxidants in mediating oxidative stress and contrasting wound healing capabilities in oral mucosal/skin fibroblasts and tissues

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    Unlike skin, oral mucosal wounds are characterized by rapid healing and minimal scarring, attributable to the “enhanced” healing properties of oral mucosal fibroblasts (OMFs). As oxidative stress is increasingly implicated in regulating wound healing outcomes, this study compared oxidative stress biomarker and enzymic antioxidant profiles between patient-matched oral mucosal/skin tissues and OMFs/skin fibroblasts (SFs) to determine whether superior oral mucosal antioxidant capabilities and reduced oxidative stress contributed to these preferential healing properties. Oral mucosa and skin exhibited similar patterns of oxidative protein damage and lipid peroxidation, localized within the lamina propria/dermis and oral/skin epithelia, respectively. SOD1, SOD2, SOD3 and catalase were primarily localized within epithelial tissues overall. However, SOD3 was also widespread within the lamina propria localized to OMFs, vasculature and the extracellular matrix. OMFs were further identified as being more resistant to reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and oxidative DNA/protein damage than SFs. Despite histological evaluation suggesting that oral mucosa possessed higher SOD3 expression, this was not fully substantiated for all OMFs examined due to inter-patient donor variability. Such findings suggest that enzymic antioxidants have limited roles in mediating privileged wound healing responses in OMFs, implying that other non-enzymic antioxidants could be involved in protecting OMFs from oxidative stress overall

    Análisis de perfusión sanguínea del cuerpo lúteo vs viabilidad embrionaria en vacas donadoras de ganado de carne

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    23 p.La perfusión sanguínea es definida como la diferencia en flujo sanguíneo al pasar por un tejido. Ésta medida porcentual calculada a través de un ultrasonido con el método Power Doppler al cuerpo lúteo de las vacas posee una relación directa con el volumen de progesterona (P4). Siendo esta hormona la responsable de establecer y mantener la preñez también es un componente que afecta el comportamiento de los embriones. La viabilidad embrionaria es un factor poco predecible y variante en la superovulación de vacas de ganado de carne. Debido a ello, el estudio pretende reconocer una correlación entre viabilidad embrionaria en una superovulación y la perfusión sanguínea de un cuerpo lúteo. El procedimiento se llevó a cabo en la clínica de transferencia de embriones Ovagenix™ en Texas, el cual consistió en realizar un ultrasonido al cuerpo lúteo de las vacas para determinar el flujo sanguíneo con el programa ImageJ Software, a priori del protocolo de superovulación. Se comparó el dato sanguíneo con el número de embriones totales, viables y la relación entre ambos

    Analysis of HR Management and Organizational Support in Maintaining Employee Well-Being and Performance When Working From Home During COVID-19

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    He COVID-19 pandemic has paralyzed the economy in many countries. The Indonesian government decided to implement large-scale social restrictions to handle COVID-19. This policy encouraged various activities to be carried out at home. Some companies decided to encourage their employees to work from home (WFH). This study aimed to explore HR policies during the COVID-19 pandemic in maintaining employee performance in airport-management companies. This research used online questionnaires to reduce face-to-face interaction and was assisted by the HR departments in the companies. This research confirmed that HR practices and perceived organizational support positively influenced job performance. This study could not show the role of employee well-being as a mediator, which is related to HR practices and POS not having been proven to affect employee well-being. In addition, the results did not show that employee well-being affects job performance. Keywords: Maintaining Employee, Organizational Support, Performance, HR Policies, Work From Hom

    Age-related disparities in complications among women with peripartum cardiomyopathy

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    \ua9 2024 Elsevier Inc.Introduction: While the exact pathogenesis of peripartum cardiomyopathy, a potentially life-threatening condition, is still unknown, its incidence is rising globally. We sought to understand the differences in outcomes and complications based on age. Methods: Records from the 2016-2020 National Inpatient Sample were used for our study. The sample consisted of females diagnosed with peripartum cardiomyopathy that required hospitalization care. They were divided into two age-based cohorts: 15-29 years and 30-40 years. We evaluated differences in in-hospital complications between the two groups using multivariable regression. Results: The analysis consisted of 20520 females diagnosed with peripartum cardiomyopathy, of whom 57.3 % were in the 30-40 years cohort and 42.7 % in the 15-29 years group. The prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors such as smoking, obesity, hypertension, diabetes and lipid disorder was higher among women aged 30-40 years (p < 0.01). These patients also demonstrated higher odds of reporting acute ischemic stroke (aOR 1.354, 95 % CI 1.038-1.767, p = 0.026) while having a reduced risk of cardiogenic shock (aOR 0.787, 95 % CI 0.688-0.901, p < 0.01) as compared to those aged 15-29 years during their hospitalisation with PPCM. No statistically significant differences were noted for events of acute kidney injury (aOR 1.074, 95 % CI 0.976-1.182, p = 0.143), acute pulmonary oedema (aOR 1.147, 95 % CI 0.988-1.332, p = 0.071) or in-hospital mortality (aOR 0.978, 95 % CI 0.742-1.290, p = 0.877). Conclusion: Peripartum cardiomyopathy is a serious condition that requires appropriate care and management. Our study linked cases of ages 30-40 years with increased odds of acute ischemic stroke but lower odds of cardiogenic shock

    Allende vive 30 años

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    El Seminario Internacional 30 Años Allende Vive, convocado por la Revista América Libre, el Centro de Educación Popular, CEPIS, de Brasil, el Centro Martín Luther King de Cuba y el ICAL, en un momento en que las luchas populares retoman la iniciativa, se planteó rescatar la memoria del proceso de la Unidad Popular y del ejemplo de Salvador Allende y proyectarla a las búsquedas que los movimientos populares realizan para construir alternativas al neoliberalismo, la emergencia de nuevos gobiernos populares, los caminos de creación de poder popular, la perspectiva socialista como proyecto y como opción. La publicación del seminario 30 Años Allende Vive constituye un aporte para la reflexión de la izquierda latinoamericana, y una importante fuente de consulta tanto para referencias históricas como para los muy actuales debates sobre la construcción de alternativas de cambio con perspectiva socialista.Presentación; Discurso de Inauguración del Seminario Internacional 30 Años, Allende Vive; Inauguración del Seminario 30 Años, Allende Vive; Saludos; Transformaciones de Estructura y Redistribución del Ingreso; La educación y la cultura en el Gobierno Popular; Reforma Agraria y Soberanía Alimentaria; Los logros de la Unidad Popular y las perspectivas en diferentes sectores sociales; Soberanía sobre los Recursos Naturales. El Cobre; El programa de gobierno de Salvador Allende; La Verdad sobre la Unidad Popular y el Golpe de Estado; Unidad Popular, Impacto y Solidaridad Internacional; Presentación del libro Salvador Allende, Textos Escogidos; La política imperialista. El ALCA y la militarización del mundo. El Plan Colombia; La unidad de los pueblos contra la estrategia imperialista, guerrerista, desestabilizadora y golpista de Estados Unidos; Ponencia de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia Ejército del Pueblo (FARC-EP); Los cristianos en la lucha por el socialismo; Fuerzas Armadas, Democracia y Soberanía Nacional; Situación del movimiento sindical antes y después del golpe; Derechos Humanos antes y después del golpe de estado; Movimientos GLBTT y Procesos Revolucionarios en América Latina. Construyendo el nuevo sujeto histórico; Políticas de Género de la Izquierda Latinoamericana; Panel sobre Medios de comunicación; Gobernar la revolución. Por una gobernabilidad revolucionaria para la revolución bolivariana; La integración latinoamericana y el sueño bolivariano; Las alternativas populares en América Latina ayer y hoy. Izquierda e Institucionalidad, Reforma y Revolución; Los movimientos sociales y los partidos políticos en la construcción de las alternativas populares. Sujeto histórico, alianzas, programas, estrategias; La perspectiva socialista en la construcción de las alternativas populare