22 research outputs found

    Mid-Paleozoic calc-alkaline igneous rocks of the Nashoba Block and Merrimack Trough

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    Guidebook for field trips in southwestern Maine: New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, 78th annual meeting, Bates College, Lewiston, Maine, October 17, 18, and 19, 1986: Trip A-3. Irregular pagination

    HökarÀngen och RÄgsved -om grannskapsförortens framtida form och struktur i ett vÀxande Stockholm

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    Stockholms stad förvĂ€ntas fram till 2030 öka sin befolkningsmĂ€ngd med 150 000 nya invĂ„nare. DĂ€rmed uppkommer behov av att ocksĂ„ grannskapsförorterna expanderar. Kan en relativt kraftig expansion ske i dessa förorter och hur bör i sĂ„ fall dess struktur och form att förĂ€ndras? Förortsutbyggnaden i Stockholm skedde i en expansiv tid, dĂ„ det fanns en stark misstro mot staden som fenomen. Grannskapsförorterna, uppförda frĂ„n 1940-talet till mitten av 60-talet, planerades efter ett lantligt ideal, med naturen som övergripande system dĂ€r mĂ€nniskans behov av vila skulle tillgodoses. Förorten indelades i separerade grannskapsenheter, dĂ€r en stark gemenskap förvĂ€ntades uppstĂ„. Grannskapet kom dock aldrig att fĂ„ den starka betydelsen, dĂ„ rörligheten i staden och samhĂ€llet ökade och det sociala nĂ€tverket spreds över ett större geografiskt omrĂ„de. Med en dĂ€rtill ökad boendestandard tappade förorten den planerade befolkningsmĂ€ngden, vilket ledde till att serviceutbudet minskade. Med de senaste Ă„rens fokusering pĂ„ innerstaden har förorterna fĂ„tt utstĂ„ kritik, för sin brist pĂ„ genomströmning och aktiviteter, otrygga miljöer och lĂ„nga avstĂ„nd. Studier har dock visat att dessa boendemiljöer av de boende i mĂ„nga fall uppfattas som kvalitativa, med en stor tillgĂ„ng till grönska och bra planerade lĂ€genheter. HökarĂ€ngen stod klart i början av 50-talet och RĂ„gsved ett decennium senare. Dessa förorter Ă€r bĂ„da belĂ€gna i Söderort och har en liknande funktion, huvudsakligen som boendeorter. Tunnelbanan utgör den starkaste strukturella kopplingen, medan gator och gĂ„ngvĂ€gar till angrĂ€nsande omrĂ„den Ă€r relativt fĂ„ och oattraktiva. GrannskapsidĂ©erna Ă€r vĂ€l synliga i HökarĂ€ngen, medan bebyggelsen i RĂ„gsved orienterats efter landskapets formationer och ”det upplösta rummets principer”. Grannskapsförorternas perifera struktur Ă€r i stort oförĂ€ndrad sedan dess tillkomst, trots att regionen och samhĂ€llet utvecklats relativt kraftigt. Med en fortsatt expansion av Stockholm, kan grannskapsförorterna förvĂ€ntas fĂ„ ett allt mer centralt lĂ€ge i regionen, Ă€ven om de inte kommer spela nĂ„gon huvudroll i den. Den nuvarande strukturen med separerade enheter bedömer jag Ă€ven i framtiden vara en hĂ„llbar uppbyggnad, med hĂ€nsyn till rekreationsmöjligheter, förorternas identitet och den tydliga kopplingen till kollektivtrafik. DĂ€rför bör inte grannskapsförorterna byggas samman. Förorterna bör dock fĂ„ ett starkare samband till varandra, med fler förbindelser och en attraktivare utformning av dessa. Ny bebyggelse bör koncentreras till förortens viktigaste strĂ„k som löper genom den. Bebyggelse kring detta strĂ„k/band bör fĂ„ en urban struktur, med tydliga offentliga rum och med en blandning av funktioner dit verksamheter och besöksfunktioner lokaliseras. Vissa av grönytorna kring detta ”centrala band” tas dĂ€rmed i ansprĂ„k för ny bebyggelse. Grönskan kvarstĂ„r emellertid som ett viktigt element Ă€ven i de centrala delarna av förorten, dĂ„ b l a en centralt belĂ€gen park bör anlĂ€ggas, dĂ€r grönskan antar en mer definierad och förĂ€dlad form jĂ€mfört med de befintliga park- och naturomrĂ„dena. Denna park kompletterar förortscentrat som ett tydligt offentligt rum. Vid förĂ€ndringar och uppförande av ny bebyggelse i mer perifera lĂ€gen av förorten, bör grannskapsenheternas struktur respekteras. Innerstadens kvarterstypologi bör inte uppföras i grannskapsförorten. IstĂ€llet bör solitĂ€rer placeras i system, med tydliga relationer till varandra och med relativt starka grĂ€nser mellan offentliga och privata zoner. Bebyggelsen bör ha en tydlig kontinuitet men ocksĂ„ erbjuda rumsliga variationer. Förslagen innebĂ€r att invĂ„narantalet i HökarĂ€ngen kan öka med 25 % och i RĂ„gsved med 35 %. Med föreslagen utveckling skulle förortens karaktĂ€r delvis förĂ€ndras, men grannskapsförortens befintliga kvalitĂ©er kvarstĂ„r, dĂ„ ett mindre antal kompletteringar sker i de mer perifera delarna. Grannskapsenheterna fĂ„r dock genom förtĂ€tningar kring de centrala banden bĂ€ttre och tryggare samband till centrum. Förslagets konsekvenser frĂ„n ett större perspektiv innebĂ€r att staden Ă€n mer ”byggs inĂ„t”, att ny bebyggelse fĂ„r en tydlig koppling till kollektivtrafiken och att grannskapsförorten kompletteras med fler verksamheter och ett ökat antal invĂ„[email protected]

    HökarÀngen och RÄgsved -om grannskapsförortens framtida form och struktur i ett vÀxande Stockholm

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    Stockholms stad förvĂ€ntas fram till 2030 öka sin befolkningsmĂ€ngd med 150 000 nya invĂ„nare. DĂ€rmed uppkommer behov av att ocksĂ„ grannskapsförorterna expanderar. Kan en relativt kraftig expansion ske i dessa förorter och hur bör i sĂ„ fall dess struktur och form att förĂ€ndras? Förortsutbyggnaden i Stockholm skedde i en expansiv tid, dĂ„ det fanns en stark misstro mot staden som fenomen. Grannskapsförorterna, uppförda frĂ„n 1940-talet till mitten av 60-talet, planerades efter ett lantligt ideal, med naturen som övergripande system dĂ€r mĂ€nniskans behov av vila skulle tillgodoses. Förorten indelades i separerade grannskapsenheter, dĂ€r en stark gemenskap förvĂ€ntades uppstĂ„. Grannskapet kom dock aldrig att fĂ„ den starka betydelsen, dĂ„ rörligheten i staden och samhĂ€llet ökade och det sociala nĂ€tverket spreds över ett större geografiskt omrĂ„de. Med en dĂ€rtill ökad boendestandard tappade förorten den planerade befolkningsmĂ€ngden, vilket ledde till att serviceutbudet minskade. Med de senaste Ă„rens fokusering pĂ„ innerstaden har förorterna fĂ„tt utstĂ„ kritik, för sin brist pĂ„ genomströmning och aktiviteter, otrygga miljöer och lĂ„nga avstĂ„nd. Studier har dock visat att dessa boendemiljöer av de boende i mĂ„nga fall uppfattas som kvalitativa, med en stor tillgĂ„ng till grönska och bra planerade lĂ€genheter. HökarĂ€ngen stod klart i början av 50-talet och RĂ„gsved ett decennium senare. Dessa förorter Ă€r bĂ„da belĂ€gna i Söderort och har en liknande funktion, huvudsakligen som boendeorter. Tunnelbanan utgör den starkaste strukturella kopplingen, medan gator och gĂ„ngvĂ€gar till angrĂ€nsande omrĂ„den Ă€r relativt fĂ„ och oattraktiva. GrannskapsidĂ©erna Ă€r vĂ€l synliga i HökarĂ€ngen, medan bebyggelsen i RĂ„gsved orienterats efter landskapets formationer och ”det upplösta rummets principer”. Grannskapsförorternas perifera struktur Ă€r i stort oförĂ€ndrad sedan dess tillkomst, trots att regionen och samhĂ€llet utvecklats relativt kraftigt. Med en fortsatt expansion av Stockholm, kan grannskapsförorterna förvĂ€ntas fĂ„ ett allt mer centralt lĂ€ge i regionen, Ă€ven om de inte kommer spela nĂ„gon huvudroll i den. Den nuvarande strukturen med separerade enheter bedömer jag Ă€ven i framtiden vara en hĂ„llbar uppbyggnad, med hĂ€nsyn till rekreationsmöjligheter, förorternas identitet och den tydliga kopplingen till kollektivtrafik. DĂ€rför bör inte grannskapsförorterna byggas samman. Förorterna bör dock fĂ„ ett starkare samband till varandra, med fler förbindelser och en attraktivare utformning av dessa. Ny bebyggelse bör koncentreras till förortens viktigaste strĂ„k som löper genom den. Bebyggelse kring detta strĂ„k/band bör fĂ„ en urban struktur, med tydliga offentliga rum och med en blandning av funktioner dit verksamheter och besöksfunktioner lokaliseras. Vissa av grönytorna kring detta ”centrala band” tas dĂ€rmed i ansprĂ„k för ny bebyggelse. Grönskan kvarstĂ„r emellertid som ett viktigt element Ă€ven i de centrala delarna av förorten, dĂ„ b l a en centralt belĂ€gen park bör anlĂ€ggas, dĂ€r grönskan antar en mer definierad och förĂ€dlad form jĂ€mfört med de befintliga park- och naturomrĂ„dena. Denna park kompletterar förortscentrat som ett tydligt offentligt rum. Vid förĂ€ndringar och uppförande av ny bebyggelse i mer perifera lĂ€gen av förorten, bör grannskapsenheternas struktur respekteras. Innerstadens kvarterstypologi bör inte uppföras i grannskapsförorten. IstĂ€llet bör solitĂ€rer placeras i system, med tydliga relationer till varandra och med relativt starka grĂ€nser mellan offentliga och privata zoner. Bebyggelsen bör ha en tydlig kontinuitet men ocksĂ„ erbjuda rumsliga variationer. Förslagen innebĂ€r att invĂ„narantalet i HökarĂ€ngen kan öka med 25 % och i RĂ„gsved med 35 %. Med föreslagen utveckling skulle förortens karaktĂ€r delvis förĂ€ndras, men grannskapsförortens befintliga kvalitĂ©er kvarstĂ„r, dĂ„ ett mindre antal kompletteringar sker i de mer perifera delarna. Grannskapsenheterna fĂ„r dock genom förtĂ€tningar kring de centrala banden bĂ€ttre och tryggare samband till centrum. Förslagets konsekvenser frĂ„n ett större perspektiv innebĂ€r att staden Ă€n mer ”byggs inĂ„t”, att ny bebyggelse fĂ„r en tydlig koppling till kollektivtrafiken och att grannskapsförorten kompletteras med fler verksamheter och ett ökat antal invĂ„[email protected]

    Effects of mercury and fluoride on human immune cells : Elucidation of mechanisms

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    Mercury, from dental amalgam, and fluoride, administered to prevent dental caries, have been argued to cause adverse health effects. The aims of this thesis have been to examine in what manner the fluoride and mercuric ions interact with human immune cells and, in the case of mercury, if it would be possible to monitor a tentative in vivo effect by in vitro assays. Effects of NaF on the mitogen or antigen induced lymphocyte response were examined with respect to cytokine (IL-6 and IFN-[gamma]) and soluble IL-2 receptor release in an in vitro whole blood cell system. It was revealed that 0.6 mM NaF has the ability to increase both the mitogen- and the antigen-induced IFN-[gamma] release from blood lymphocytes. However, the concentration required for an effect was 10 - 50 times higher than the concentration reached in blood after dental treatment. Ten healthy individuals, had all their amalgam fillings removed on one occasion to examine if an acute low dose of mercury would influence the immunocompetent cells. The B- and T-cells in blood; including the CD4+ and CD8+ subsets, the spontaneous lymphocyte proliferation in vitro as well as serum levels of the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-6 were monitored for 48 hours after intervention. Plasma levels of C-reactive protein were followed for seven days. Despite a transient increase of mercury in blood and plasma during the first 48 hours after amalgam removal, no effect on the immunologic parameters was detected except for an increased level of serum IL-6, 7 hours after amalgam removal. However, the IL-6 levels were still within the normal range. Mercuric chloride (HgCl2) has been proposed to be a mitogen for human blood lymphocytes in vitro. We found that HgCl2 (1 - 4 ”g/ml) has the ability to preferentially stimulate CD4+ T-cells to blast transformation and DNA synthesis. The reaction, when monitored during days 2 - 6, was maximal at day 6 and the majority of lymphoblasts expressed the interleukin-2 receptor. CD8+ T-cells were not affected to the same extent. HgCl2 induced lymphocyte reactivity was dependent on CD14+ accessory cells. Furthermore, the activated CD4+ lymphoblasts were selectively TCRVb2+ (15-40 % of the blasts). If cells were pre-activated with HgCl2 for 5 days after which IL-2 in fresh medium was added, the TCRVb7+ subset was also stimulated to blast transformation. Thus, HgCl2 has the characteristics of being a superantigen. Two different lymphocyte proliferation assays were used to evaluate if patients with oral contact lesions to amalgam have a higher in vitro lymphocyte reactivity to HgCl2 than controls. In addition, the release of interferon-[gamma] was measured in cell supernatants. The phenotypes of peripheral lymphocyte subsets, the frequency of circulating cells expressing the IL-2 receptor, spontaneous lymphocyte proliferation and serum levels of interleukin-6 were analyzed in patient and control samples. No differences were recorded in lymphocyte reactivity between patients and controls in any of the variables studied. Thus, there are at present no in vitro tests available that reveal a selective reactivity in patients with presumed mercury allergy

    Visualisering inom Operativt Inköp

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    Visualization plays a key role in the concept of Lean. Lean was developed in Japan as a business philosophy in order to lead to an activity, where only steps that contribute to customer value of the final product are being performed. By defining the customer value and establish visualized standards, it is possible to see when situations differ from the standard. Then it’s possible to lead the process back on track. This approach generates an activity that evolves and improves its ability in meeting customer needs. And that has a great potential to make operations more profitable and competitive. Siemens Turbomachinery AB in FinspĂ„ng manufactures complete power generation systems, based on the company’s own produced gas and steam turbines. The company has for years worked to establish a Lean-based thinking. The Procurement function, within the Supply Chain Management department (GP) is responsible for purchasing the supply system of the gas turbine and has since 2007 worked with visualization as a daily management tool. However, the existing concept fails when it comes to conveying a holistic approach from a given standard, and to support the daily work and to progress. The purpose of this thesis is to suggest a visualization concept for the Procurement function. The concept has to be developed and generate a result in line with the Lean work on SIT. Because of shortcomings in standards of the Procurement function, a significant part of the thesis was spent on the identification of the current status. The identification of the current status resulted in: A system description of Operational purchasing role in supply chain, the survey of the main activities as well as a visual process description containing the main process, and some of the deviations/wastages identified during the identification process. It has been found that the visualization methodology is inconsistent among GP’s groups. Because the final product is processed cross-functional, we believe that there should be greater focus on communication and on the comprehensive view that conveys the whole. Visualization of GP’s common leverabel can in that sense foster interaction and lead to even better results. The visualization concept was finally summarized into: Static goal images to promote employee commitment for the final product, of a group board to operate and develop the internal operations, and of a project board which aims to highlight the department's common leverabel. The concept is based on the Lean philosophy and has the potential to be introduced in other groups within GP. A prerequisite for the implementation of the boards is a clear division of responsibilities in which participation and individual responsibility is the most important. It’s preferable that the visualization concept continues to evolve, but it’s also important to avoid deviation from the proposed standard in order to counteract inconsistencies. The signal levels of the deliverables must be continuously updated through discussions with internal customers. This is to reflect the client's needs and gradually refine and improve the signal levels and hence the company's performanc

    Visualisering inom Operativt Inköp

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    Visualization plays a key role in the concept of Lean. Lean was developed in Japan as a business philosophy in order to lead to an activity, where only steps that contribute to customer value of the final product are being performed. By defining the customer value and establish visualized standards, it is possible to see when situations differ from the standard. Then it’s possible to lead the process back on track. This approach generates an activity that evolves and improves its ability in meeting customer needs. And that has a great potential to make operations more profitable and competitive. Siemens Turbomachinery AB in FinspĂ„ng manufactures complete power generation systems, based on the company’s own produced gas and steam turbines. The company has for years worked to establish a Lean-based thinking. The Procurement function, within the Supply Chain Management department (GP) is responsible for purchasing the supply system of the gas turbine and has since 2007 worked with visualization as a daily management tool. However, the existing concept fails when it comes to conveying a holistic approach from a given standard, and to support the daily work and to progress. The purpose of this thesis is to suggest a visualization concept for the Procurement function. The concept has to be developed and generate a result in line with the Lean work on SIT. Because of shortcomings in standards of the Procurement function, a significant part of the thesis was spent on the identification of the current status. The identification of the current status resulted in: A system description of Operational purchasing role in supply chain, the survey of the main activities as well as a visual process description containing the main process, and some of the deviations/wastages identified during the identification process. It has been found that the visualization methodology is inconsistent among GP’s groups. Because the final product is processed cross-functional, we believe that there should be greater focus on communication and on the comprehensive view that conveys the whole. Visualization of GP’s common leverabel can in that sense foster interaction and lead to even better results. The visualization concept was finally summarized into: Static goal images to promote employee commitment for the final product, of a group board to operate and develop the internal operations, and of a project board which aims to highlight the department's common leverabel. The concept is based on the Lean philosophy and has the potential to be introduced in other groups within GP. A prerequisite for the implementation of the boards is a clear division of responsibilities in which participation and individual responsibility is the most important. It’s preferable that the visualization concept continues to evolve, but it’s also important to avoid deviation from the proposed standard in order to counteract inconsistencies. The signal levels of the deliverables must be continuously updated through discussions with internal customers. This is to reflect the client's needs and gradually refine and improve the signal levels and hence the company's performanc

    In vitro

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    Characterization of mercuric mercury (Hg2+)-induced lymphoblasts from patients with mercury allergy and from healthy subjects

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    Hg2+ induces lymphocyte proliferation when added to cell cultures from both healthy and mercury-allergic subjects. Consequently, when measuring DNA synthesis a possible Hg2+-specific response, resulting from proliferating memory cells, cannot be discriminated from a non-allergic response. The mechanism behind this non-allergic response is unknown but a superantigenic effect of Hg2+ has been suggested. In this study, five mercury-allergic patients, with oral lichen planus (OLP) lesions adjacent to dental amalgam and a positive patch test to Hg0, and five healthy subjects without amalgam were examined. The immunophenotype and the T cell receptor VÎČ (TCR VÎČ) repertoire of Hg2+-induced lymphoblasts as well as the expression of the lymphocyte activation markers CD23 and CD134 were analysed for possible differences between healthy and allergic subjects. The mechanism of Hg2+-induced proliferation was examined by comparing the TCR VÎČ expression of Hg- and staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB)-activated lymphoblasts, the latter used as a positive superantigen control. It was not possible to discriminate between mercury-allergic and healthy subjects using the immunophenotype or the TCR VÎČ profile of the Hg2+-induced lymphoblasts or the expression of CD23 and CD134. However, Hg2+-induced CD4+ lymphoblasts showed a skewing towards VÎČ2. This relative increase in VÎČ2 was only detected in the CD4+ but not in the CD8+ lymphoblast population. In conclusion, Hg2+ induced a proliferation-dependent skewing towards CD4+ but not CD8+ lymphocytes expressing VÎČ2. In this respect Hg2+ differs from the classical bacterial superantigen SEB, which also stimulates unique TCR VÎČ families among CD8+ cells

    Radionuclide Therapy of HER2-Expressing Xenografts Using [<sup>177</sup>Lu]Lu-ABY-027 Affibody Molecule Alone and in Combination with Trastuzumab

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    ABY-027 is a scaffold-protein-based cancer-targeting agent. ABY-027 includes the second-generation Affibody molecule ZHER2:2891, which binds to human epidermal growth factor receptor type 2 (HER2). An engineered albumin-binding domain is fused to ZHER2:2891 to reduce renal uptake and increase bioavailability. The agent can be site-specifically labeled with a beta-emitting radionuclide 177Lu using a DOTA chelator. The goals of this study were to test the hypotheses that a targeted radionuclide therapy using [177Lu]Lu-ABY-027 could extend the survival of mice with HER2-expressing human xenografts and that co-treatment with [177Lu]Lu-ABY-027 and the HER2-targeting antibody trastuzumab could enhance this effect. Balb/C nu/nu mice bearing HER2-expressing SKOV-3 xenografts were used as in vivo models. A pre-injection of trastuzumab did not reduce the uptake of [177Lu]Lu-ABY-027 in tumors. Mice were treated with [177Lu]Lu-ABY-027 or trastuzumab as monotherapies and a combination of these therapies. Mice treated with vehicle or unlabeled ABY-027 were used as controls. Targeted monotherapy using [177Lu]Lu-ABY-027 improved the survival of mice and was more efficient than trastuzumab monotherapy. A combination of therapies utilizing [177Lu]Lu-ABY-027 and trastuzumab improved the treatment outcome in comparison with monotherapies using these agents. In conclusion, [177Lu]Lu-ABY-027 alone or in combination with trastuzumab could be a new potential agent for the treatment of HER2-expressing tumors

    Comparative Preclinical Evaluation of HER2-Targeting ABD-Fused AffibodyÂź Molecules 177Lu-ABY-271 and 177Lu-ABY-027 : Impact of DOTA Position on ABD Domain

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    Radiolabeled Affibody-based targeting agent 177Lu-ABY-027, a fusion of an anti-HER2 Affibody molecule with albumin binding domain (ABD) site-specifically labeled at the C-terminus, has demonstrated a promising biodistribution profile in mice; binding of the construct to albumin prevents glomerular filtration and significantly reduces renal uptake. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that site-specific positioning of the chelator at helix 1 of ABD, at a maximum distance from the albumin binding site, would further increase the strength of binding to albumin and decrease the renal uptake. The new construct, ABY-271 with DOTA conjugated at the back of ABD, has been labelled with 177Lu. Targeting properties of 177Lu-ABY-271 and 177Lu-ABY-027 were compared directly. 177Lu-ABY-271 specifically accumulated in SKOV-3 xenografts in mice. The tumor uptake of 177Lu-ABY-271 exceeded uptake in any other organ 24 h and later after injection. However, the renal uptake of 177Lu-ABY-271 was two-fold higher than the uptake of 177Lu-ABY-027. Thus, the placement of chelator on helix 1 of ABD does not provide desirable reduction of renal uptake. To conclude, minimal modification of the design of Affibody molecules has a strong effect on biodistribution, which cannot be predicted a priori. This necessitates extensive structure-properties relationship studies to find an optimal design of Affibody-based targeting agents for therapy.Title in Web of Science: Comparative Preclinical Evaluation of HER2-Targeting ABD-Fused Affibody(R) Molecules Lu-177-ABY-271 and Lu-177-ABY-027: Impact of DOTA Position on ABD Domain</p