119 research outputs found

    Voter engagement, electoral inequality and first time compulsory voting

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    This paper reviews the problem of declining turnout and proposes as a solution a system whereby each elector would be legally obliged to vote in the first election for which they were eligible. Popular attitudes toward first-time compulsory voting are measured and probed by means of UK data. The main findings of the paper are that first-time compulsory voting is a politically and administratively feasible proposal that appears tentatively to command popular support and has the potential to help address a number of the problems associated with declining turnout, and in particularly low rates of electoral participation among younger citizens

    Ending the vicious cycle: compulsory turn-out for first time voters

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    Democratic disengagement amongst young people in on the rise, with research in a new Democratic Audit publication showing the scale of the problem. Here, Guy Lodge, Glenn Gottfried, and Sarah Birch make the case for compulsory turnout amongst first-time eligible voters, which would help to redress the power gap between younger and older citizens

    A vicious cycle of apathy and neglect: young citizens and the power gap

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    It is well known that the number of people neglecting to turn out at elections is on the increase. It is also firmly established that non-voters tend, on the whole, to be younger than the population at large. This non-participation in electoral life increasingly problematic for representative democracy as a whole. In an extract from a new Democratic Audit publication, Guy Lodge, Glenn Gottfried, and Sarah Birch vividly illustrate the growing power gap between young and old

    Disturbance reduces fungal white-rot litter mat cover in a wet subtropical forest

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    Fungi that bind leaf litter into mats and produce white-rot via degradation of lignin and other aromatic compounds influence forest nutrient cycling and soil fertility. Extent of white-rot litter mats formed by basidiomycete fungi in Puerto Rico decreased in response to disturbances—a simulated hurricane treatment executed by canopy trimming and debris addition in 2014, a drought in 2015, a treefall, and two hurricanes 10 days apart in September 2017. Percent fungal litter mat cover ranged from 0.4% after Hurricanes Irma and Maria to a high of 53% in forest with undisturbed canopy prior to the 2017 hurricanes, with means mostly between 10% and 45% of fungal litter mat cover in undisturbed forest. Drought decreased litter mat cover in both treatments, except in one control plot dominated by a drought-resistant fungus, Marasmius crinis-equi. Percent fungal litter mat cover sharply declined after hurricanes, a treefall, and a simulated hurricane treatment. Solar radiation was significantly inversely correlated with relative humidity (RH) and percent litter mat cover within each of the four climatic seasons. Solar radiation was also directly correlated with prior month litterfall, while RH was moderately correlated with throughfall, rain, and litter wetness. However, rainfall was inversely correlated with litter mat cover, possibly due to erosion or saturation during high rainfall events. Canopy opening reduced leaf fall and litter mat cover but these variables were not correlated except in winter. The main factor inhibiting basidiomycete fungi that bind leaf litter into mats was likely lower litter moisture associated with drought and increased solar radiation from canopy opening but secondary compounds in green litterfall may have contributed. Although higher litterfall likely increases fungal mat cover under closed canopy, changes in environmental factors apparently had a stronger inhibitory effect following canopy disturbances. Drought tolerance of some basidiomycete fungal litter mat species provided some resilience to drought

    Living in Your Letters: Assessing Congruence Between Espoused and Enacted Values of One Fraternity/Sorority Community

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    Fraternity and sorority members have long been charged with fulfilling the espoused values of their organizations. Although several studies have explored the gap between the actions and values of undergraduate fraternal members and their institutions, few have examined the degree to which the publicly stated values of fraternal organizations are enacted by members. Using qualitative methodology, researchers compared the creeds and mission statements of undergraduate fraternal organizations to member actions observed on the campus transit system. Results indicated that while there is some congruence between organizational and institutional values and member actions, there are also areas of disconnect for members related to their values

    Building a supportive learning and teaching culture for science academics

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    The introduction of the Bradley voucher system has resulted in many universities focussing on specific strategies to enhance student engagement and retention. This is particularly the case with undergraduate science programs where interest is already lower than other disciplines (Norton, A., 2012). In one strategy, our SaMnet team has been working to facilitate an active culture with all teaching staff (both continuing and sessional) involved in the learning journey of this particular student cohort. In the hard, pure world of science academia (Becher & Trowler, 2001) the pressures to produce high levels of quality scientific research actively compete with academic priorities towards issues around teaching and learning and student experience. Identifying and overcoming potential barriers to success (Buckley & Du Toit, 2010) and ensuring key elements of community of practice (CoP) development are addressed (Kimble, Hildreth, & Bourdon, 2008) are critical to the success of this strategy. Our SaMnet team has been guided by the knowledge and resources of both the SaMnet team leaders and our own dynamic group capabilities. We have been strategically identifying and developing information to support the implementation of a Second Year Student Experience CoP within a research-focussed science school. These include the “What’s In It For Me?” matrix to help facilitate this process

    Biological Invasions: Recommendations for U.S. Policy and Management

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    The Ecological Society of America has evaluated current U.S. national policies and practices on biological invasions in light of current scientific knowledge. Invasions by harmful nonnative species are increasing in number and area affected; the damages to ecosystems, economic activity, and human welfare are accumulating. Without improved strategies based on recent scientific advances and increased investments to counter invasions, harm from invasive species is likely to accelerate. Federal leadership, with the cooperation of state and local governments, is required to increase the effectiveness of prevention of invasions, detect and respond quickly to new potentially harmful invasions, control and slow the spread of existing invasions, and provide a national center to ensure that these efforts are coordinated and cost effective. Specifically, the Ecological Society of America recommends that the federal government take the following six actions: (1) Use new information and practices to better manage commercial and other pathways to reduce the transport and release of potentially harmful species; (2) Adopt more quantitative procedures for risk analysis and apply them to every species proposed for importation into the country; (3) Use new cost-effective diagnostic technologies to increase active surveillance and sharing of information about invasive species so that responses to new invasions can be more rapid and effective; (4) Create new legal authority and provide emergency funding to support rapid responses to emerging invasions; (5) Provide funding and incentives for cost-effective programs to slow the spread of existing invasive species in order to protect still uninvaded ecosystems, social and industrial infrastructure, and human welfare; and (6) Establish a National Center for Invasive Species Management (under the existing National Invasive Species Council) to coordinate and lead improvements in federal, state, and international policies on invasive species. Recent scientific and technical advances provide a sound basis for more cost-effective national responses to invasive species. Greater investments in improved technology and management practices would be more than repaid by reduced damages from current and future invasive species. The Ecological Society of America is committed to assist all levels of government and provide scientific advice to improve all aspects of invasive-species management

    Retention of perylene diimide optical properties in solid-state materials through tethering to nanodiamonds

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    The synthesis of nanodiamond-perylene diimide composites is reported. Suitably hydroxyl-functionalised perylene diimides (PDIs) are reacted with carboxylic acid functionalised nanodiamonds (NDs) through ester formation. The ND-PDI nanocomposite materials were characterised using a variety of different techniques confirming retention of the ND cores and interestingly the dye properties of the PDIs. In particular, fluorescence measurements suggest that PDIs tethered to NDs retain the characteristics of solution-phase PDIs rather than the optical properties associated with solid-state PDIs which are typically modified due to aggregation. Our relatively simple approach provides a mechanism for maintaining the solution-phase properties of PDIs in solid-state materials

    Australian students transitioning through the “lost year” of higher education

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    The Issue Student transitions through university have previously focussed on the move into first year (retention and success strategies) from high school or out of university into the workforce (with career readiness and employability). However, second year transitions have only recently begun to attract attention as an area where students may experience hurdles which impact on their progression and overall degree experience and success. Evidence from Australian universities to date has shown similarities between Australian and International second year science cohorts in their thriving behaviours and their risk of academic slump (Loughlin et al, 2013; Gregory & McDonnell, 2012) Previous success strategies have looked at initial transition into second year (McBurnie et al, 2012, Harrison, 2007) or an embedded support strategy (Quinlavan, 2010). However, a more holistic approach to second year transition using multiple interventions is more likely to demonstrate long-term impact on student transition and success. There is also a need to gather more evidence of the “sophomore slump” within Australian institutions and to work collaboratively to achieve this. Approach Currently at Griffith University in the School of Biomolecular & Physical Sciences multiple aspects of engagement scheme has been implemented across all year levels. However, in second year, identifying and reflecting on individual student cohort challenges and providing support as appropriate is being trialled. Elements of both curricular and co-curricular in activities are incorporated, staff awareness is being developed and the entire process is being overseen by a second year student co-ordinator. At James Cook University initial interest has been cultivated with early adoption of identification of second year challenges specifically in the Faculties of Health and Arts/Education. At Deakin University a successful re-introduction activity for second year students has been hosted for several years and uptake of the Thriving Quotient survey will occur in 2013. At University of South Australia early interest in second year student transitions has developed from first year activities with initial evaluations being conducted. Development of a cross-institutional OLT submission for 2014 that looks at both gathering more evidence of slump using a triangulated data approach and then investigating and evaluating activities that will potentially reduce the impact slump may have on persistence and progression

    Risk factors for hospital morbidity and mortality after the Norwood procedure: A report from the Pediatric Heart Network Single Ventricle Reconstruction trial

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    ObjectivesWe sought to identify risk factors for mortality and morbidity during the Norwood hospitalization in newborn infants with hypoplastic left heart syndrome and other single right ventricle anomalies enrolled in the Single Ventricle Reconstruction trial.MethodsPotential predictors for outcome included patient- and procedure-related variables and center volume and surgeon volume. Outcome variables occurring during the Norwood procedure and before hospital discharge or stage II procedure included mortality, end-organ complications, length of ventilation, and hospital length of stay. Univariate and multivariable Cox regression analyses were performed with bootstrapping to estimate reliability for mortality.ResultsAnalysis included 549 subjects prospectively enrolled from 15 centers; 30-day and hospital mortality were 11.5% (63/549) and 16.0% (88/549), respectively. Independent risk factors for both 30-day and hospital mortality included lower birth weight, genetic abnormality, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) and open sternum on the day of the Norwood procedure. In addition, longer duration of deep hypothermic circulatory arrest was a risk factor for 30-day mortality. Shunt type at the end of the Norwood procedure was not a significant risk factor for 30-day or hospital mortality. Independent risk factors for postoperative renal failure (n = 46), sepsis (n = 93), increased length of ventilation, and hospital length of stay among survivors included genetic abnormality, lower center/surgeon volume, open sternum, and post-Norwood operations.ConclusionsInnate patient factors, ECMO, open sternum, and lower center/surgeon volume are important risk factors for postoperative mortality and/or morbidity during the Norwood hospitalization
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