113 research outputs found

    Incoming Extradition in Indonesia and Its Implication to Human Rights

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    Law enforcement to transnational fugitives especially those perpetrators of money laundering with international dimension in Indonesia, in particular related to incoming extradition is needed to reconstruct. This is because hitherto, the decision to extradite is the decision of the executive branch as stipulated in Act No.1 of 1979 on Extradition. Hence, the consideration for the government to extradite is more on political concern rather than judicial. This practice is deemed neglecting the protection of human rights and creating legal uncertainty, especially in relation to detention period that could exceed beyond admissible time as stipulated in KUHAP because of the grace period on the issuance of the Presidential Decision. This research is doctrinal and field study. Based on findings in the field, incoming extradition request must be based on the court’s decision, or judicial order in the future to ensure protection of human rights and legal certainty of the person who is subject of the extradition and to the requested country. Penegakan hukum terhadap buronan transnasional, terutama para pelaku pencucian uang di Indonesia, perlu sebuah rekontruksi khususnya terkait dengan ekstradisi. Ini karena sampai sekarang, keputusan untuk mengekstradisi adalah keputusan cabang eksekutif sebagaimana diatur dalam Undang-Undang No.1 tahun 1979 tentang Ekstradisi. Oleh karena itu, pertimbangan bagi pemerintah untuk mengekstradisi lebih pada masalah politik daripada peradilan. Praktik ini dianggap mengabaikan perlindungan hak asasi manusia dan menciptakan ketidakpastian hukum, terutama dalam kaitannya dengan masa penahanan yang dapat melebihi melampaui waktu yang dapat diterima sebagaimana diatur dalam KUHAP karena masa tenggang pada penerbitan Keputusan Presiden. Penelitian ini bersifat doktrinal dan studi lapangan. Berdasarkan temuan di lapangan, permintaan ekstradisi yang masuk harus didasarkan pada keputusan pengadilan, atau perintah pengadilan di masa depan untuk memastikan perlindungan hak asasi manusia dan kepastian hukum dari orang yang menjadi sasaran ekstradisi dan ke negara yang diminta

    Governance and HIV Prevalence in African Countries

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    Previous studies based on data from the World Bank have shown a negative association between governance and HIV prevalence. Using the Index of African Governance, this study investigates the correlation between governance and HIV prevalence in all African countries (N = 53) in order to determine which dimension of governance is more predictive of this relationship. No statistically significant association was found between governance and HIV prevalence across the whole spectrum of countries. In the multivariate analysis, the most predictive dimension of governance, “Rule of Law, Transparency and Corruption” was found to be positively associated with HIV prevalence across all African countries (p \u3c.001), Beta =.816 .When grouped by clusters, only two regions (North and West Africa) out of five showed negative significant associations between governance and HIV prevalence. The analysis of socio cultural and geographical factors revealed significant associations with HIV prevalence; religion and HIV prevalence ( p \u3c .003), region, and HIV prevalence ( p \u3c .001). French colonial heritage was found to be negatively associated with HIV prevalence. This study suggests that geographical location and religion predict HIV prevalence rather than governance. International organizations and public health program managers should consider these findings in the implementation of large multi-country and regional HIV programs in Africa

    Impact of Eperiential Marketing and Perceived Quality on Brand Loyalty with Brand Trust as Mediation

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    This study is to look at: 1) the influence of eperiential marketing on brand trusts; 2) the influence of perceived quality on brand trust; 3) the influence of brand trust on brand loyalty; 4) the influence of eperiential marketing on brand loyalty; 5) the influence of perceived quality on brand loyalty. The samples used in this study were as many as 100 respondents using data analysis with Smart PLS. The results of this study are: 1) there is an eperiential marketing influence on brand trust. 2) There is an influence of perceived quality on brand trust. 3) There is no influence of brand trust on brand loyalty. 4) There is no eperiential marketing influence on brand loyalty. 5) There is a perceived quality influence on brand loyalty


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    Digitaalisella kuvalla on resoluutio, joka määrittää sen koon. Resoluutiota voi suurentaa ja samalla parantaa kuvan laatua menetelmällä, jota kutsutaan superresoluutioksi. Superresoluutioalgoritmeja on useita ja ne toimivat eri tavalla. Tässä tutkielmassa käydään läpi kolmen eri superresoluutioalgoritmin toiminta läpi ja näytetään, miten nämä algoritmit toimivat kahdelle kuvalle sekä verrataan niitä keskenään. Tutkielmassa ensiksi käydään läpi tarvittavaa taustateoriaa. Luku kaksi alkaa määrittelemällä digitaalisen kuvan ja kuinka tietokone käsittelee kuvia. Samalla esitellään kuviin liittyvää peruskäsitteistöä kuten (R,G,B)-väriavaruus. Seuraava kappale kertoo, miten värikuva muunnetaan (R,G,B)-väriavaruudesta harmaasävykuvaksi, koska kaikki tässä työssä esiteltävät algoritmit suoritetaan harmaasävykuville. Tämän jälkeen luvussa kaksi esitellään tässä työssä käytettävät lähdekuvat ja kuinka ne on otettu. Ensiksi esitellään, millä kameralla kuvat on otettu, missä formaatissa ja missä tiloissa. Sitten kerrotaan hieman kuvattavista kohteista ja esitellään valitut kuvat, joille algoritmit suoritetaan. Luvussa kaksi esitellään kuvien jälkeen työssä käytettävät superresoluutioalgoritmit. Ensiksi esitellään kaksi yksinkertaisempaa menetelmää superresoluution saavuttamiseksi. Nämä molemmat ovat kaksiulotteisia interpolaatioita diskreetille datalle, joten niitä voi käyttää digitaalisille kuville. Ensiksi esitellään Bilineaarinen interpolaatio, joka yksinkertaisesti laskee painotetun keskiarvon interpoloitaville pikseleille lähimmästä neljästä pikselistä. Seuraavaksi esitellään bicubic-interpolaatio, joka on kaksiulotteinen jatke cubic-interpolaatiolle. Bicubic-interpolaatio toimii hyvin samankaltaisesti bilineaarisen interpolaation kanssa, mutta saa aikaan hieman tasaisempia tuloksia. Kolmantena algoritmina esitellään harvoihin esityksiin perustuva superresoluutioalgoritmi, joka hyödyntää opetettavia kirjastoja. Luvussa kaksi esitellään nopeasti, mitä ovat opetettavat kirjastot, harvat esitykset ja monet muut algoritmissa tarvittavat komponentit. Luvun kaksi lopussa esitetään SSIM samankaltaisuusmitta, jolla algoritmien tuloksia arvioidaan. Luvussa kolme esitellään algoritmeilla saadut tulokset luvussa kaksi esitetyille kuville. Luvussa kolme on myös kirjattu taulukkoon samankaltaisuusmitan antamat tulokset jokaiselle algoritmille. Luvussa neljä on analysoitu näitä tuloksia ja tehty johtopäätöksiä algoritmien paremmuusjärjestyksestä. Huomaamme, että perus interpolaatiot eivät yllä yhtä hyviin tuloksiin kuin viimeisenä esitelty algoritmi, jonka tulokset ovat yllättävän hyviä. Nopeudessa taas interpolaatiot, varsinkin bilineaarinen interpolaatio, todetaan olevan paljon nopeampia kuin harvoihin esityksiin perustuva superresoluutioalgoritmi. Huomioimme myös, mitä isommiksi kuvat suurennetaan sitä heikommin ne toimivat. Huomaamme myöskin sen, kuinka bilineaarinen interpolaatio toimi kaksinkertaisella suurennoksella paremmin kuin bicubic-interpolaatio, mutta nelinkertaisella suurennoksella taas bicubic-interpolaatio toimi paremmin näistä kahdesta

    Linjasaneeraustyömaan pölynhallinnan ja purkujätteiden siirron kehittäminen

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    Tämä työ tehtiin Rakennusyhtiö Muhonen Oy:lle, jonka työmaista suuri osa on asuinkerrostalojen linjasaneerauksia. Helsingin keskustan linjasaneeraustyömaat ovat usein samantyyppisiä ja ongelmat ovat työmaasta toiseen samanlaisia. Tässä työssä tutkittiin eri vaihtoehtoja purkutöiden aikaiseen pölynhallintaan sekä purkujätteiden siirtoon. Tarkoituksena oli löytää työmenetelmät, joiden avulla pölynhallintaa pystytään tehostamaan, purkujätteiden siirtoon kuluvaa aikaa lyhentämään ja purkutöiden aiheuttamia kustannuksia pienentämään. Työ toteutettiin tutustumalla kohdetyömaihin ja suorittamalla niiden henkilöstölle haastatteluja, sekä vertailemalla erilaisten koneiden ja laitteiden vaikutuksia työmaan työkustannuksiin. Osa vertailuun käytetyistä kustannuksista oli kohdetyömaan toteutuneita kustannuksia, osa tarjousten perusteella saatuja. Työn tuloksena saatiin selville parhaiten linjasaneeraustyömaalle soveltuvat pölynhallinta- ja purkujätteiden siirtomenetelmät. Pölynhallintamenetelmistä parhaaksi osoittautui osastointi ja alipaineistus, purkujätteen siirtoon todettiin purkuputken tai rakennushissin olevan paras vaihtoehto.This work was carried out for Rakennusyhtiö Muhonen Oy, which construction sites are often a block-line renovations. Helsinki city center pipe rehabilitation work sites are often the same type, and the problems are similar to the construction site to another. This study examines the different options for demolition work, dust-term management and demolition waste transfer. The aim was to find methods that allow to step up dust management, transferring of demolition waste and shorten the time required for demolition work, and thus reducing costs. The work was carried out by looking at subject construction sites and completing the interviews with the staff, as well as comparing the various types of machinery and equipment, and their effects on the construction site labor costs. Some of the costs used in the comparison were actual costs from subject site, part of the basis of the tenders received. As a result, most suitable dust control and demolition waste transfer methods for line renovation site were found

    The Effect of Debt to Asset Ratio and Debt to Equity Ratio on Return on Assets in Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Sub Sectors Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2014-2018 Period

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    This study aims to determine the effect of debt to asset ratio and debt to equity ratio on return on assets in hotel, restaurant and tourism sub-sectors listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2014-2018 period, either partially or simultaneously. This research is a quantitative research. The sampling technique in this study was purposive sampling with a sample of 16 companies from a population of 35 sub-sector companies including hotel, restaurant and tourism listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange. The data analysis techniques used in this study included descriptive statistics, classic assumption tests, partial correlation analysis, coefficient of determination, multiple regression analysis, and hypothesis testing. Additionally, multiple regression equation in this study was ROA= 0.308 + 0.154DAR – 0.038DER. The results of this study indicated that debt to asset ratio partially had a positive and significant effect on return on assets. It was indicated by β value of 0.154 and significance level of 0.000 < 0.05. In addition, the results also found that debt to equity ratio had a negative effect on return on assets, in which β value was -0.038 and significance level of 0.000 < 0.05. Debt to asset ratio and debt to equity ratio simultaneously have a significant effect on return on assets, indicated by a significance level of 0.000 <0.05

    Influencia de ceniza de escama de pescado en las propiedades de la subrasante en la Avenida Las Magnolias, Puente Piedra, 2023

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    La finalidad de la investigación fue determinar la influencia de la incorporación de ceniza de escama de pescado (CEP) en las propiedades de la subrasante en la avenida Las Magnolias en Puente Piedra. Se empleó un estudio de tipo aplicado, enfoque cuantitativo y diseño cuasi-experimental. Asimismo, todas las calicatas de la avenida Las Magnolias en el distrito de Puente Piedra comprendieron la población y 3 calicatas conformaron la muestra. También, los ensayos que se realizaron fueron los de Límites de Consistencia, Proctor Modificado y CBR. Por otro lado, los resultados evidenciaron que adicionándole el 2.5% de ceniza de escama de pescado el IP se disminuyó del 8% al 7%, el contenido de humedad óptima fue de 11.4% y la densidad máxima seca de 2.039 gr/cm3; asimismo, se logó un CBR de 40.6% y 29.7%, al 100% y al 95% de la M.D.S respectivamente, con lo cual se consiguió que la muestra pasara de ser una subrasante buena a muy buena. Por último, se llegó a la conclusión de que la incorporación de CEP influye positivamente en las propiedades del suelo de la zona de estudio.The purpose of the investigation was to determine the influence of the incorporation of fish scale ash (CEP) on the properties of the subgrade on Las Magnolias avenue in Puente Piedra. An applied type study, quantitative approach and quasi-experimental design was used. Likewise, all the pits of Las Magnolias avenue in the district of Puente Piedra comprised the population and 3 pits with formed the sample. Also, the tests that were carried out were those of Limits of Consistency, Modified Proctor and CBR. On the other hand, the results showed that by adding 2.5% of fish scale ash, the IP decreased from 8% to 7%, the optimum moisture content was 11.4% and the maximum dry density was 2,039 gr/cm3; likewise, a CBR of 40.6% and 29.7% was achieved, at 100% and 95% of the M.D.S respectively, with which the sample went from being a good subgrade to a very good one. Finally, it was concluded that the incorporation of CEP positively influences the soil properties of the study area

    Relationship of Economic Vulnerability With The Action of Criminal Violence on Household Women

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    From the description above, the conclusion in this study is basically there are five main causes that trigger the occurrence of domestic violence, namely economic difficulties, disobedience, bad behavior, jealousy, and others (child problems, the husband remarries, people's interference old/in-law). Some of the factors above which are the main factors in the occurrence of domestic violence are problems of economic vulnerability/difficulty. And the forms of domestic violence that are caused due to economic vulnerability problems, namely physical violence, psychological violence, sexual violence and neglect of the household

    The Effectiveness of Holistic Marketing and Word-of-Mouth Communication on Purchasing Decision at Pt Asuransi Central Asia Branch Office of Tiang Bendera West Jakarta

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    Holistic marketing is a marketing concept that defines an overall corporate entity. Word-of-mouth communication is one way to spread rumors. Word-of-mouth communication is also the most ancient marketing strategy that is still widely implemented until now. The objectives of this research are: 1) to determine the effect of holistic marketing on purchasing decision, 2) to determine the effect of word-of-mouth communication on purchasing decision, 3) to determine the effect of holistic and word-of-mouth communication on purchasing decision. This research applied quantitative data collection method which was carried out through questionnaire distribution and literature studies. Based on the testing results of hypothesis 1, the holistic marketing variable (X1) and purchasing decision (Y) do not have a significant correlation because the sig. value (p) = 0.000 < 0.01. Based on the testing results of hypothesis 2, word-of-mouth communication (X2) and purchasing decisions (Y) have a significant correlation because the sig. value (p) = 0.000 < 0.01. Based on the testing results of hypothesis 3, holistic marketing (X1) and word-of-mouth communication (X2) variables on the purchasing decision variable (Y) are simultaneously and significantly related. The contribution of holistic marketing and word-of-mouth communication variables on purchasing decision is 86.1% and the remaining 13.9% is affected by other variables

    A retomada da língua Kali’na Telewuyu

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    O povo Galibi Kali’na encontra-se em toda a costa caribenha, desde a Venezuela até o Brasil. Os Galibi Kali’na do Oiapoque migraram para o Brasil na década de 1950. Hoje, é uma população de aproximadamente 93 indivíduos, dos quais uma parte vive na aldeia São José dos Galibis, Terra Indígena Galibi, Município do Oiapoque, Estado do Amapá, e outra parte está espalhada pelo Norte e Nordeste do Brasil. Desse total, aproximadamente 15 indivíduos falam a língua kali’na Telewuyu, pertencente à família linguística Karib. A terceira geração tem como língua materna o Português. O objetivo desse trabalho é apresentar os primeiros resultados do projeto de extensão “Kali’na na escola: uma construção colaborativa de material didático em língua kali’na”. O projeto promoveu capacitação em métodos e técnicas de Documentação Linguística de jovens Kali’na a partir de oficinas de capacitação em manuseios de equipamentos para áudio e vídeo; formação em programa de transcrição e tradução (Moore et al., 2016; Santos & Silva, 2020; Campetela et al, 2017). Conseguimos documentar em áudio e vídeo narrativas em língua kali’na; algumas estão transcritas e traduzidas para o português. Pretendemos apresentar os efeitos produzidos dessa iniciativa de revitalização, a partir de um trabalho colaborativo, e como os jovens Kali’na, depois dessa ação, estão reagindo para retomar e fortalecer a língua Kali’na Telewuyu