823 research outputs found

    A chain-interactive innovation model for the learning economy: Prelude for a proposal

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    The implementation of innovation has a central role in the dynamic knowledge economy of the twenty-first century. The ability to assemble new expertise and commercialise new business propositions constitutes one of the central characteristics in today’s globalising, learning-intensive, fast changing economic life. This paper sets out to articulate a stylised understanding of the modern innovation process on the basis of the currently available understanding in the innovation studies tradition. The conceptual model seeks to capture the essential features of organisations engaged in developing dynamic factors of competitiveness.innovation; innovation process; conceptual model

    G-Tric: enhancing triclustering evaluation using three-way synthetic datasets with ground truth

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    Tese de mestrado, Ciência de Dados, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2020Three-dimensional datasets, or three-way data, started to gain popularity due to their increasing capacity to describe inherently multivariate and temporal events, such as biological responses, social interactions along time, urban dynamics, or complex geophysical phenomena. Triclustering, subspace clustering of three-way data, enables the discovery of patterns corresponding to data subspaces (triclusters) with values correlated across the three dimensions (observations _ features _ contexts). With an increasing number of algorithms being proposed, effectively comparing them with state-of-the-art algorithms is paramount.These comparisons are usually performed using real data, without a known ground-truth, thus limiting the assessments. In this context, we propose a synthetic data generator, G-Tric, allowing the creation of synthetic datasets with configurable properties and the possibility to plant triclusters. The generator is prepared to create datasets resembling real three-way data from biomedical and social data domains, with the additional advantage of further providing the ground truth (triclustering solution) as output. G-Tric can replicate real-world datasets and create new ones that match researchers’ needs across several properties, including data type (numeric or symbolic), dimension, and background distribution. Users can tune the patterns and structure that characterize the planted triclusters (subspaces) and how they interact (overlapping). Data quality can also be controlled by defining the number of missing values, noise, and errors. Furthermore, a benchmark of datasets resembling real data is made available, together with the corresponding triclustering solutions (planted triclusters) and generating parameters. Triclustering evaluation using G-Tric provides the possibility to combine both intrinsic and extrinsic metrics to compare solutions that produce more reliable analyses. A set of predefined datasets, mimicking widely used three-way data and exploring crucial properties was generated and made available, highlighting G-Tric’s potential to advance triclustering state-of-the-art by easing the process of evaluating the quality of new triclustering approaches. Besides reviewing the current state-of-the-art regarding triclustering approaches, comparison studies and evaluation metrics, this work also analyzes how the lack of frameworks to generate synthetic data influences existent evaluation methodologies, limiting the scope of performance insights that can be extracted from each algorithm. As well as exemplifying how the set of decisions made on these evaluations can impact the quality and validity of those results. Alternatively, a different methodology that takes advantage of synthetic data with ground truth is presented. This approach, combined with the proposal of an extension to an existing clustering extrinsic measure, enables to assess solutions’ quality under new perspectives

    A chain-interactive innovation model for the learning economy: Prelude for a proposal

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    The implementation of innovation has a central role in the dynamic knowledge economy of the twenty-first century. The ability to assemble new expertise and commercialise new business propositions constitutes one of the central characteristics in today's globalising, learning-intensive, fast changing economic life. This paper sets out to articulate a stylised understanding of the modern innovation process on the basis of the currently available understanding in the innovation studies tradition. The conceptual model seeks to capture the essential features of organisations engaged in developing dynamic factors of competitiveness

    An evolutionary view of the Brazilian poultry industry and its firms

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    New technologies, innovation, and research and development of new products can help developing economies to transform models of production and raise productivity. Several countries in Asia have shown that investing in education, research. Technological adaptation and creation of new technology may foster economic development. In the case of the Brazilian aviculture, the interaction between various actors (private firms, federal government, provinces and municipalities, along with research centers), transformed an artisanal activity in one of the most dynamic sectors of agriculture. The combined action of these actors sharply increased production and consumption, and reduced prices. Moreover, Brazil became the largest exporter of aviculture goods to the international markets. This paper analyzes how this transformation happened looking at the development of the aviculture sector, using evolutionary and Schumpeterian theory. Particular emphasis will be given to the study of creation and adaptation of technology as a source of international competitiveness, which contributed to sustain a trajectory of exports and the subsequent process of internationalization of the Brazilian firms.dinnovation, technologies, research & development, productivity, industrial aviculture

    Cosmological solutions in generalized hybrid metric-Palatini gravity

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    We construct exact solutions representing a Friedmann-Lema\^itre-Robsertson-Walker (FLRW) universe in a generalized hybrid metric-Palatini theory. By writing the gravitational action in a scalar-tensor representation, the new solutions are obtained by either making an ansatz on the scale factor or on the effective potential. Among other relevant results, we show that it is possible to obtain exponentially expanding solutions for flat universes even when the cosmology is not purely vacuum. We then derive the classes of actions for the original theory which generate these solutions.Comment: 14 pages, 17 figure

    Argiria. Relato de Caso

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    A 70-year-old male rural worker was referred to our clinic with widespread grey pigmentation of the skin and nails. The condition had been asymptomatic for its entire duration (5 years). He reported past intranasal application of 10% Silver Vitellinate. A skin biopsy was performed and histology corroborated the clinical diagnosis of Argyria. This case represents a currently rare dermatological curiosity. Although silver colloids and salts have been withdrawn and/or banned by some drug surveillance agencies, they continue to be freely sold and unregulated as food supplements and as ingredients in alternative medicines, thereby risking the emergence of new cases of silver poisoning

    Input variability and late acquisition: clitic misplacement in European Portuguese

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    This paper reports a study on the acquisition of clitic placement by European Portuguese children aged 5, 6 and 7, using an elicitation task. Contrarily to what has been found for other languages, where children correctly place clitic pronouns from a very early age, our results show that European Portuguese children still misplace clitics at age 7, although there is a developmental effect from 5 to 7: they overuse enclisis in proclisis contexts, but not the other way round. This confirms previous studies based on spontaneous production. Our study shows, however, that: i) the rates of clitic misplacement are not identical in all proclisis contexts; ii) proclisis is acquired earlier in some contexts; iii) the contexts that are harder to acquire are the ones where we find more variability in the adult control group, and where diachronic data are not so categorical. We argue that, since clitic placement in European Portuguese is not linked to the finite/non finite distinction, there is a slower developmental path, reflecting the complexity of the input and the specific properties of lexical items and syntactic contexts

    Designing digital platforms in cultural events: a conceptual framework

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    The rapid technological development together with the communicational revolution brought therefore the collaborative process in the cyberspace. A consequence it is common for the users nowadays to face the challenge of dealing with a random and disorganized information on the web. Within this context, conceptual models emerge as an explicit form of better interpreting, understanding and simplifying the ideas concerning a specific situation. So, this study aims at presenting a conceptual model focused on the information/memory management of cultural events as a way to enhance their preservation. As a qualitative-approached study it was based on a documental analysis and on focus group sessions conducted with key stakeholders of a film festival in São Luís do Maranhão, Brazil. Results unveil that in the Brazilian film festivals’ scenario, there is still a lack of recorded information, leading to the difficulty in finding and systematizing relevant information. Thus, the conceptual model purposed bridges a gap in literature by contributing with a context-based alternative to the current technological, preservation of information / memory models.Com o avanço da tecnologia e da revolução comunicacional, que consequentemente culminou com o processo colaborativo no ciberespaço, é relativamente comum o utilizador ainda se deparar com a desorganização das informações na web e com a forma aleatória em que estão dispostas. Os modelos conceptuais surgem como uma interpretação explícita do entendimento de determinada situação, ou simplesmente de ideias a respeito da situação. Este estudo, fruto de uma pesquisa doutoral, tem como objetivo apresentar a elaboração de um modelo conceptual destinado à gestão e preservação da informação/memória de eventos culturais. A metodologia, de caráter qualitativo, envolve levantamento bibliográfico e realização de sessões de focus group, com intervenientes de um festival de cinema em São Luís, Maranhão, Brasil. Como resultado, expõe-se o contributo que um modelo conceptual dessa natureza pode oferecer à elaboração de outros modelos tecnológicos de preservação da informação/memória, já que ainda é comum se deparar com a desorganização e a falta de informação registrada, especialmente no cenário dos festivais de cinema brasileiros.publishe