260 research outputs found

    Projeto de construção coletiva, desenvolvido pelos Especialistas em Políticas Públicas e Gestão Governamental (EPPGGs) de Minas Gerais para a melhoria das políticas públicas mineiras.

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    O presente trabalho pretende trazer a lume um projeto de construção coletiva, denominado Estado de ideias. Esse projeto, elaborado e desenvolvido pelos Especialistas em Políticas Públicas e Gestão Governamental (EPPGG) de Minas Gerais sistematizou as principais ideias sobre políticas públicas e práticas de gestão governamental potencialmente implementáveis em Minas Gerais. Para isso foi utilizada uma metodologia, denominada Técnica de Grupo Nominal, que permitiu conciliar diferentes visões e níveis de experiência de centenas de servidores da carreira de EPPGG.  Foi possível formular espaços de consensos e priorização sobre ideias e propostas referentes a determinadas políticas pública, bem como considerar seu nível de importância relativa no contexto do grupo. Com satisfatória capacidade de mobilização, o projeto registrou a adesão de 197 EPPGGs e representou uma oportunidade profícua de mobilizar gestores públicos e encampar novas reflexões que o momento permitia

    Bis-enolates with extended π-conjugation are powerful nucleophiles. Study of their alkylation reactions with very hindered C-electrophiles

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in The Journal of Organic Chemistry, copyright © 2019 American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.joc.9b01961Bis-enolates with extended π-conjugation, prepared by alkali metal-mediated reduction of several aromatic and unsaturated diesters, can be efficiently and regioselectively alkylated with very hindered C-electrophiles, such as neopentyl, secondary and tertiary alkyl halides, and tosylates. A one-step synthesis of 4-alkyl phthalates was derived from the reductive alkylation of a phthalate diester with hindered halides followed by rearomatization with oxygen. Additionally, synthetic protocols have been developed to efficiently prepare complex fused- or spiro-bicycles from diisopropyl phthalate in just one or two stepsFinancial support from Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain (CTQ2017-84354-P), Xunta de Galicia (GRC 2014/029 and Centro singular de investigación de Galicia accreditation 2016-2019, ED431G/09), and the European Union (European Regional Development Fund-ERDF) is gratefully acknowledged.S

    C-C bond-forming and bond-breaking processes from the reaction of diesters with Me3SnLi. Synthesis of complex bridged polycycles and di-alkyl aromatic compounds

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    This document is the unedited Author’s version of a Submitted Work that was subsequently accepted for publication in The Journal of Organic Chemistry (JOC), copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.joc.8b02891.1,2-Aromatic diesters can be transformed into strained bridged polycyclic structures by a two-step procedure consisting of an initial reductive alkylation promoted by alkaline metals, followed by a reaction of the resulting unsaturated diesters with Me3SnLi. We propose that a stanna-Brook rearrangement plays a fundamental role in the formation of the polycyclic organotin acetals obtained. These unusual compounds could be further functionalized by tin–lithium exchange followed by alkylation of the newly formed tertiary carbanion. Alternatively, dialkylated aromatic hydrocarbons have been prepared via a decarbonilation reaction promoted by Me3SnLi. 1,4-Aromatic diesters were reductively dialkylated and then transformed into norbornadienone derivatives by reaction with Me3SnLi. Several stable dibenzonorbornadienones 41 have been prepared in just two steps starting from anthracene 38. The corresponding naphthalene analogues gave 1,4-dialkylnaphthalenes. The synthetic protocols described provide access to structures that are not easily obtained through existing synthetic methodologies.Financial support from Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain (CTQ2017-84354-P), Xunta de Galicia (GRC 2014/029 and Centro singular de investigación de Galicia accreditation 2016-2019, ED431G/09), and the European Union (European Regional Development Fund-ERDF) is gratefully acknowledged.S

    Impact of gender on the decision to participate in a clinical trial: a cross-sectional study

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    Background In order for Informed Consent to be ethical and valid each clinical trial participant must be able to make a voluntary decision to participate, free from pressure or coercion. Nonetheless, many factors may influence the decision reached, and such influences may be different for male and female volunteers. Being aware of these differences may help researches develop better processes for obtaining consent that safeguard the right of autonomy for all participants. The goal of this study was to evaluate potential gender-based differences in the factors influencing clinical trial participation. Methods This cross-sectional study was conducted in the Northeast region of Minas Gerais, Brazil, in October 2011. A structured questionnaire was administered to 143 volunteers (48 male, 95 female) screened for participation in a clinical study of an investigational functional food with potential anthelminthic properties. Answers regarding their decision to participate in the study were compared, by gender, using chi-square and Mann Whitney tests. Odds ratios (OR) was used to measure association. Results A majority of subjects (58% of males, 59% of females) listed the desire to collaborate with the development of a product against parasitic worms as their main reason for participation. Females were significantly more likely to report a decision influenced by friends, family, or researchers (OR 3.14, 3.45, and 3.46 respectively, p \u3c 0.005). Females were also significantly more likely to report a decision influenced by general altruistic considerations (OR 8.45, p \u3c 0.005). There was no difference, by gender, in the report of decisions influenced by informational meetings, understanding of the disease, or the availability of medical treatments or exams. There was also no difference in knowledge of the rights of research participants. Conclusion Study results indicate that there is a strong difference between male and female participants regarding social influences on the decision to participate in clinical research. Further research into the impact this may have on autonomy is warranted

    Tradução dos sinais-termos das expressões regionais de Santarém/PA e Boa Vista/RR

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo catalogar e registrar sinais-termos das expressões dialetais de duas comunidades surdas do norte, Boa vista-Roraima e Santarém-Pará. A pesquisa vem se desenvolvendo através de aproximações, pesquisa etnográfica e eliciação com sinalizantes surdos e não surdos através da observação participante junto a estas comunidades, a fim de se obter um embasamento reflexivo acerca da questão de o porquê os surdos se empenharem tanto em “traduzir”, ou seja, criar um sinal específico para as expressões dialetais e até mesmo para as expressões sonoras próprias da cultura falada do norte, a exemplo de ÉGUA e TÉDOIDÉ. A catalogação dos referidos sinais-termos envolve uma reflexão acerca dos aspectos sociolinguísticos destas comunidades. Diante dos termos registrados e das observações etnográficas, percebemos o quanto, para essas duas comunidades surdas, são importantes e recorrentes o uso de tais expressões na sinalização cotidiana, principalmente, na interação surdo-ouvinte.Palavras-Chave: Libras, Terminologia, Expressões regionais

    Etnobotânica De Espécies Vegetais Medicinais No Tratamento De Transtornos Do Sistema Gastrointestinal

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    This study aimed to select the plants used to treat disorders of the gastrointestinal system, in the Rio Urubueua community of Fatima, Abaetetuba, and Pará for their particular context of use, combined with local knowledge. The survey was conducted with 35 informants between the ages of 28 and 93, selected using the snowball method.Data was obtained by participant observation, semi-structured interviews and by non-specific induction. To show the relative importance of plant species, we calculated the percentage of agreement on the main uses (CUP) and agreement with regards to the corrected main uses (cUPC).The interlocutors indicated various therapeutic recipes, and from these, those most used in the treatment of diarrhea were chosen, due to having recurrent cases of this disease in the community. The chemical potential of plants was investigated using scientific documents and databases. "Boldo" and "Anoerá" showed a maximum CUP value (100%), while the "Hortelã" obtained a higher cUPC (87.5%).Of the 79 plant species used in traditional medicine in this community, nine are used by the national healthcare service(SUS). The drugs are prepared only in the form of tea, with the leaves being the most widely used plant parts (65%).For the treatment of diarrhea, the 12 species used by the interlocutors have chemical compositions that are supported by specialized literature.The Rio Urubueua community of Fatima makes use of medicinal plants to cure diseases, from knowledge obtained, in most cases, from their ancestors. This traditional knowledge contributes to the cultural knowledge of the region and to the research and development of new drugs. © 2016, Instituto de Biociencias. All rights reserved.18254755

    Saúde bucal do idoso na percepção do cuidador

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    Objective: to evaluate, through the analysis of publications of articles indexed in databases of relevance for the production of health knowledge, the perception of caregivers about the oral health of the elderly in order to promote a better quality of life for this population. Data source: Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE) and Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS). Data synthesis: the search resulted in 34 articles that met the pre-established criteria, 19 from MEDLINE, 10 from Scielo and 5 from LILACS. Taking into account the inclusion criteria, 20 articles were selected. After reading the title and abstract, 14 articles were excluded, being used for the analysis of this integrative review 6 scientific articles where it was observed that the curriculum of most of the course for caregivers of the elderly has in its plan the disciplines of nursing, nutrition, physiotherapy and psychology, but do not include dental disciplines. Regarding gender, most caregivers were female without technical training, having learned to care in practice. Knowledge about oral health was acquired through the media, everyday social relationships, school, public health services leaflets and guidance from dental students, and the past guidelines are not evidenced in their practices, in order to neglect the care with the elderly. Conclusions: Home care must be carried out responsibly and based on comprehensiveness, including oral health. Caregiver professional training is essential, either through public policies or through institutions. It is suggested that Dental Surgeons participate in this training, taking information related to oral health in order to contribute not only to the training of these professionals, but also to improving the quality of life of a rapidly aging population.Objetivo: avaliar, através da análise de publicações de artigos indexados em bases de dados de relevância para a produção do conhecimento em saúde, a percepção dos cuidadores sobre a saúde bucal do idoso no intuito de promover uma melhor qualidade de vida a essa população. Fonte de dados:  Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE) e Literatura LatinoAmericana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS). Síntese dos dados: a busca resultou em 34 artigos que atenderam aos critérios pré estabelecidos,  19 da MEDLINE, 10 do Scielo e 5 do LILACS. Levando em consideração os critérios de inclusão, foram selecionados 20 artigos. Após a leitura do título e resumo, foram excluídos 14 artigos, sendo utilizados para a análise desta revisão integrativa 6 artigos científicos.Conclusões: Observou-se que ainda impera o cuidador sem formação técnica na área e, a matriz curricular da maioria dos o curso de cuidadores de idosos, tem em seu plano as disciplinas de enfermagem, nutrição, fisioterapia e psicologia, mas não contemplam disciplinas de odontologia.A capacitação profissional do cuidador é fundamental, seja por políticas públicas ou através de instituições. Sugere-se que os Cirurgiões-Dentistas participem desta capacitação levando informações relacionadas a saúde bucal de modo a contribuírem não só na formação destes profissionais, mas também na melhoria da qualidade de vida de uma população em franco envelhecimento. Uma vez que o cuidado domiciliar deve ser pautado na responsabilidade, respeito e integralidade, incluindo a saúde bucal