1,861 research outputs found

    Finite-width feed and load models

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    We demonstrate a new method of applying the feed model for the method of moments (MoM) formulation for the electric field integral equation (EFIE). The model is based around a previously reported magnetic ribbon current model which is accurate and allows for a finite width of the feed port. However, with proper approximations, one can reduce the formulation such that the magnetic field operator can be removed in order to simplify computations arising from the curl of the dyadic Green's function and its singularities. We show here that the new feed model can also be used to model a lumped element. © 1963-2012 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    A novel algorithm for color quantization by 3D diffusion

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    Author name used in this publication: Y. H. ChanRefereed conference paper2002-2003 > Academic research: refereed > Refereed conference paperVersion of RecordPublishe

    Introduction to issue on integrated optics and optoelectronics part II

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    Finite-width gap excitation and impedance models

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    In this paper, we present a new method for the feed model for the method of moments (MoM). It is derived from a more accurate model with the realistic size of the excitation, in order to replace the commonly-used delta-gap excitation model. This new model is formulated around the electric field integration equations (EFIE) where the terms for magnetic current and magnetic field can be removed. Hence it is much simpler to implement and reduces the numerical complexity. In addition, a variational formulation is derived to provide second order accuracy of the input admittance calculation. Moreover, this new formulation can be easily extended such that one can insert passive load elements of finite size onto the distributive network, without complicated modification of the MoM analysis. This allows simulation of many realistic networks which include load elements such as resistors, capacitors and inductors. © 2011 IEEE.published_or_final_versionThe 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APSURSI), Spokane, WA., 3-8 July 2011. In IEEE APSURSI Digest, 2011, p. 1297-130

    An error diffusion technique with reduced directional hysteresis

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    Author name used in this publication: K. T. LoAuthor name used in this publication: C. K. LiCentre of Digital Signal Processing for Multimedia Applications, Department of Electronic and Information EngineeringVersion of RecordPublishe

    Segregação de recursos por diferentes espécies de morcegos (Mammalia: Chiroptera) na Reserva Biológica de Sooretama

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    Em ecologia, uma das ideias mais importantes é o princípio da exclusão competitiva, ou Lei de Gause, que afirma que duas espécies competindo pelos mesmos recursos não podem coexistir de modo estável se todos os outros fatores ecológicos forem constantes. Um dos competidores vai sobrepor-se ao outro, levando a um deslocamento evolutivo, morfológico ou comportamental, a um nicho ecológico diferente, ou mesmo à extinção. O horário de atividade diferenciado pode ser um importante fator para evitar competição por espécies proximamente relacionas, sendo assim motivo de interesse nos estudos de exclusão competitiva. O ciclo lunar é importante fator modulador de mamíferos noturnos, podendo também exercer influência na partilha de recursos, onde espécies relacionadas podem responder de diferentes maneiras à iluminação lunar. Analisar as diferenças no horário de atividade de espécies próximas de morcegos trará respostas sobre como uma comunidade partilha a disponibilidade de alimento sobre o critério de tempo. O objetivo foi testar a hipótese de que espécies próximas de morcegos usam o horário de atividade como fator de segregação de recursos. O estudo se deu na Reserva Biológica de Sooretama, importante fragmento de Mata Atlântica ombrófila densa localizada numa região plana no norte do estado do Espírito Santo. A hipótese foi descartada para os grupos de morcegos frugívoros, em análises intra e intergenéricas. Porém, para grupos de insetívoros e nectarívoros, a hipótese de segregação de recursos pelo variável tempo foi sustentada por todos os testes e análises, levando a crer que seja um fator importante nesses grupos

    A multiscale error diffusion technique for digital halftoning with dot-overlap compensation

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    Author name used in this publication: C. K. LiVersion of RecordPublishe

    Generalized modal expansion of electromagnetic field in 2-D bounded and unbounded media

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    A generalized modal expansion theory is presented to investigate and illustrate the physics of wave-matter interaction within arbitrary two-dimensional (2-D) bounded and unbounded electromagnetic problems. We start with the bounded case where the field excited by any sources is expanded with a complete set of biorthogonal eigenmodes. In regard to non-Hermitian or nonreciprocal problems, an auxiliary system is constructed to seek for the modal-expansion solution. We arrive at the unbounded case when the boundary tends to infinity or is replaced by the perfectly matched layer (PML). Modes are approximately categorized into two types: trapped modes and radiation modes, which respond differently to environment variations. When coupled with the source, these modes contribute to the modal-expansion solution with different weights, which leads to a reduced modal representation of the excited field in some geometries. © 2002-2011 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    Compact Nonlinear Yagi-Uda Nanoantennas

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    Nanoantennas have demonstrated unprecedented capabilities for manipulating the intensity and direction of light emission over a broad frequency range. The directional beam steering offered by nanoantennas has important applications in areas including microscopy, spectroscopy, quantum computing, and on-chip optical communication. Although both the physical principles and experimental realizations of directional linear nanoantennas has become increasingly mature, angular control of nonlinear radiation using nanoantennas has not been explored yet. Here we propose a novel concept of nonlinear Yagi-Uda nanoantenna to direct second harmonic radiation from a metallic nanosphere. By carefully tuning the spacing and dimensions of two lossless dielectric elements, which function respectively as a compact director and reflector, the second harmonic radiation is deflected 90 degrees with reference to the incident light (pump) direction. This abnormal light-bending phenomenon is due to the constructive and destructive interference between the second harmonic radiation governed by a special selection rule and the induced electric dipolar and magnetic quadrupolar radiation from the two dielectric antenna elements. Simultaneous spectral and spatial isolation of scattered second harmonic waves from incident fundamental waves pave a new way towards nonlinear signal detection and sensing.published_or_final_versio

    Hong Kong domestic health spending: Financial years 1989/90 to 2009/10

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