13 research outputs found

    Conjunctival Short-term Evolution after Pterygium Excision

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    Purpose To analyze conjunctival cytological features 1 month after pterygium excision using limbo-conjunctival autograft (LCA) with and without intraoperative mitomycin C and to assess tissue short-term evolution in both situations.; Methods Fifty-nine primary nasal pterygia from 59 patients were excised with LCA. Twenty-nine were treated with intraoperative mitomycin C 0.02% (MMC+) and 30 were treated without it (MMC-). Impression cytology was performed in nasal and temporal conjunctiva before and 1 month after the excision. Goblet cell density (GCD) and nucleus-to-cytoplasm nongoblet epithelial cell ratio were quantified.; Results Surgical strategy comparisons (intergroup comparisons): All the preoperative data were, in mean, within the reference range, except for a slight goblet cell hyperplasia in the area of the lesion in MMC+ but no significant differences were found between the groups (p = 0.079 for GCD and p = 0.245 for nucleus-to-cytoplasm ratio; analysis of variance). Clinically relevant differences after surgery were only shown in nasal GCD that was significantly lower in MMC+ than in MMC- (p = 0.000; analysis of variance), with the mean value in MMC+ slightly below normal values whereas that in MMC- remained normal. Tissue evolution (intragroup comparisons): No clinically relevant changes were found in MMC-. Data from MMC+ displayed no changes 1 month after surgery, except for nasal GCD that showed a significant reduction (p = 0.000; paired t test). Nevertheless, this GCD decrease was more modest than that previously described using mitomycin C without autograft, because in the present study, nasal GCD was not lower but similar to postoperative temporal data of the same eye (p = 0.164; paired t test).; Conclusions Limbo-conjunctival autograft is a good technique for conjunctiva early recovery. When mitomycin C was added, the GCD reduction was lower than described using other surgical techniques. Mitomycin C, in optimal concentration and exposure, associated with LCA could be a good clinical option to minimize pterygium recurrence.Postprint (author's final draft

    Estudi morfològic i biomètric de diferents espècies d'insectívors i rosegadors

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    [cat] S'estudien diferents aspectes relacionats amb les característiques anatòmiques, histològiques, ultraestructurals i morfomètriques de les estructures que formen l'òrgan de la visió de sis espècies d'insectívors ( Sorex minutus, S. araneus, S. coronatus, Neomys fodiens, Crocidura russula i Talpa europaea) i de deu espècies de rosegadors ( Clethrionomys glareolus, Arvicola terrestris, Chionomys nivalis, Microtus gerbei, M. duodecimcostatus, M. arvalis, Apodemus sylvaticus, Mus domesticus, M. Spretus i Eliomys quercinus) capturats en els seus hàbitats naturals. Els objectius concrets de la memòria consisteixen en relacionar les diferències i similituds interespecífiques de l'òrgan de la visió amb els hàbitats i els patrons d'activitat temporal de cada espècie, tant des del punt de vista funcional com filogenètic. En definitiva, es realitza un estudi sobre l'ecologia de la visió de les espècies considerades. Excepte a T. Europaea, a on apareixen estructures oculars en estat regressiu com a resposta a la seva activitat hipogea, els ulls de les espècies d'insectívors analitzades, estan ben desenvolupats, tot i les seves reduïdes dimensions. La còrnia està coberta per una capa multilaminar formada per cèl·lules mortes que podria augmentar l'índex de refracció de la còrnia i, per tant, el poder diòptric de l'ull. A més, presenten característiques que afavoreixen la visió diürna, com una distància nodal posterior del globus ocular proporcionalment gran, un cristal·lí voluminós però amb la cara posterior més aplanada que l'anterior, i un percentatge de cons que, en general, supera el 5% del total de cèl·lules fotoreceptores, particularment en els representants del gènere Sorex. En les espècies d'aquest mateix gènere s'ha detectat la presència de mitocondris gegants (megamitocondris) als el·lipsoides dels cons. En mamífers, aquests orgànuls només han estat descrits prèviament als cons de les retines del gènere Tupaia (Scandentia) i, probablement incrementen l'eficàcia òptica d'aquests fotoreceptors. L'ull de N. Fodiens mostra adaptacions oculars pròpies dels animals semiaquàtics, i li permeten veure-hi tant a dins com a fora de l'aigua. En el cas dels rosegadors, les espècies d'arvicolins estudiades mostren millors adaptacions a una visió crepuscular o diürna que els ulls dels murins considerats, particularment M. Arvalis. Així, la densitat de bastonets és inferior a la dels murins pel que la seva sensibilitat a la llum serà també inferior. Per contra, la proporció més elevada de cons els dotarà d'una major agudesa visual. A més, els ulls són proporcionalment més petits degut a la seva activitat cavadora. Els globus oculars d' A. Terrestris conserven característiques oculars, tant anatòmiques com morfomètriques que indicarien un primer origen semiaquàtic i diürn, seguides per una readaptació a les condicions de baixa il·luminació de l'interior de les galeries. En canvi, els murins mostren característiques oculars eminentment nocturnes, no només per la seva mida, els ulls d' A. Sylvaticus són tan grans que li sobresurten del cap, sinó també per la forma dels seus dioptris i l'estructura histològica de totes les túniques oculars, especialment de la retina. Els resultats obtinguts corroboren la relació entre la morfologia i la biometria de les estructures oculars amb els hàbits i els hàbitats de les espècies considerades. S'estableix que malgrat les reduïdes dimensions oculars, les modificacions en la mida i forma de l'ull i dels seus dioptris (còrnia i cristal·lí) permeten aconseguir una visió adequada per tal que les espècies estudiades puguin adaptar-se a diferents condicions de llum ambiental. També es constata que les espècies filogenèticament emparentades comparteixen un mateix model d'ull i que és aquest model el que ha anat variant, tant des del punt de vista biològic com òptic, per permetre una millor adaptació de les espècies a nous hàbitats

    Whats biomarkers explain about pterygium OCT pattern

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    Background Optical coherence tomography (OCT) has become a very useful tool to study in vivo different ocular structures and to improve differential diagnosis and management of many ocular pathologies. This study aims to identify pterygium alterations that trigger characteristic OCT images, and analyze if this pattern correctly demarcates lesion boundary. Methods Thirty-two patients, 22 men, and ten women, aged between 26 and 56 (mean age 40.5±6.9) with symptomatic primary pterygium were recruited. After excision, lesion images were obtained by high-definition OCT. Specimens were stained with hematoxylin–eosin (H&E), antivimentin for all mesenchymal origin cells and altered limbal basal cells, CD45 for lymphocyte and macrophage cells, CD1a for Langerhans cells, and S100 for melanocyte and Langerhans cells. Results The typical OCT wedge-shape hyperreflective mass was evident only by vimentin antibody and included, mainly, fibroblasts but also immune cells (verified by CD45) in a rich network of collagen fibers. The mass apex, often extended centripetally as a thin subepithelial line, hyperreflective by OCT, was formed by a row of fibroblasts under an apparently intact Bowman’s layer, as vimentin samples revealed. Hyperreflective epithelium overlying the mass showed a great number of vimentin-positive infiltrated cells such as melanocytes, Langerhans cells, and lymphocytes (identified by the other biomarkers). H&E staining revealed the presence of goblet cells. Nevertheless, only vimentin staining revealed the presence of altered basal cells above partially dissolved or apparently intact Bowman’s layer, coinciding in this last case with the fibroblast subepithelial line. In most of the cases (72 %), the altered cells occupied a basal segment shorter than the fibroblast subepithelial line but in some specimens, these cells exceeded the fibroblast line length. Conclusions This study demonstrated the great visual accordance between pterygium OCT images and vimentin staining. Alteration in collagen arrangement, infiltration of inflammatory cells, and fibroblast subepithelial line in the lesion apex were the main histological changes responsible for the anomalous hyperreflectivity of the OCT pattern. By contrast, altered basal cells located in the basal epithelial layer of the pterygium head could not be detected by OCT, which might generate lesion size underestimation

    Tear osmolarity and ocular changes in pterygium

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    Purpose: To determine abnormalities in tear osmolarity (TO), tear function, and impression cytology in patients with pterygium and to assess the relationship between the variables. Methods: Thirty eyes from 30 patients with primary nasal pterygium and 30 eyes from 30 volunteers without ocular pathologies or dry eye symptoms were enrolled in the present study. TO test, tear ferning test, fluorescein tear breakup time, Schirmer test, and impression cytology of the conjunctiva were performed. Analysis of variance was applied for intergroup comparisons, and Pearson correlation was used to calculate the strength of relationships between the variables. A statistical significance level of P<0.05 was considered. Results: Pterygium patients had significantly higher TO, lower crystallization percentage, and lower goblet cell density (GCD) than control patients. A weak but significant negative correlation seems to exist between TO and crystallization percentage (r=-0.425, P<0.01) and between TO and GCD (r=-0.295, P<0.05). Conclusion: There is evidence to suggest that pterygium appears to induce unfavorable conditions of increasing TO that could trigger alterations in tear crystallization and GCD. Being aware of TO changes seems essential to understand the complex relationship among pterygium, tear film functions, and ocular surface changes.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Conjunctival Short-term Evolution after Pterygium Excision

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    Purpose To analyze conjunctival cytological features 1 month after pterygium excision using limbo-conjunctival autograft (LCA) with and without intraoperative mitomycin C and to assess tissue short-term evolution in both situations.; Methods Fifty-nine primary nasal pterygia from 59 patients were excised with LCA. Twenty-nine were treated with intraoperative mitomycin C 0.02% (MMC+) and 30 were treated without it (MMC-). Impression cytology was performed in nasal and temporal conjunctiva before and 1 month after the excision. Goblet cell density (GCD) and nucleus-to-cytoplasm nongoblet epithelial cell ratio were quantified.; Results Surgical strategy comparisons (intergroup comparisons): All the preoperative data were, in mean, within the reference range, except for a slight goblet cell hyperplasia in the area of the lesion in MMC+ but no significant differences were found between the groups (p = 0.079 for GCD and p = 0.245 for nucleus-to-cytoplasm ratio; analysis of variance). Clinically relevant differences after surgery were only shown in nasal GCD that was significantly lower in MMC+ than in MMC- (p = 0.000; analysis of variance), with the mean value in MMC+ slightly below normal values whereas that in MMC- remained normal. Tissue evolution (intragroup comparisons): No clinically relevant changes were found in MMC-. Data from MMC+ displayed no changes 1 month after surgery, except for nasal GCD that showed a significant reduction (p = 0.000; paired t test). Nevertheless, this GCD decrease was more modest than that previously described using mitomycin C without autograft, because in the present study, nasal GCD was not lower but similar to postoperative temporal data of the same eye (p = 0.164; paired t test).; Conclusions Limbo-conjunctival autograft is a good technique for conjunctiva early recovery. When mitomycin C was added, the GCD reduction was lower than described using other surgical techniques. Mitomycin C, in optimal concentration and exposure, associated with LCA could be a good clinical option to minimize pterygium recurrence