42 research outputs found

    El control de l'associacionisme per part de l'administració

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    Millorar les normes subsidiàries

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    Alimentos de temporada, ritmos y sincronización biológica

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    III Congreso de Alimentación, Nutrición y Dietética. Combinar la nutrición comunitaria y personalizada: nuevos retos

    Chrononutrition and Polyphenols: Roles and Diseases

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    Biological rhythms can influence the activity of bioactive compounds, and at the same time, the intake of these compounds can modulate biological rhythms. In this context, chrononutrition has appeared as a research field centered on the study of the interactions among biological rhythms, nutrition, and metabolism. This review summarizes the role of phenolic compounds in the modulation of biological rhythms, focusing on their effects in the treatment or prevention of chronic diseases. Heterotrophs are able to sense chemical cues mediated by phytochemicals such as phenolic compounds, promoting their adaptation to environmental conditions. This is called xenohormesis. Hence, the consumption of fruits and vegetables rich in phenolic compounds exerts several health benefits, mainly attributed to the product of their metabolism. However, the profile of phenolic compounds present in plants differs among species and is highly variable depending on agricultural and technological factors. In this sense, the seasonal consumption of polyphenol-rich fruits could induce important changes in the regulation of physiology and metabolism due to the particular phenolic profile that the fruits contain. This fact highlights the need for studies that evaluate the impact of these specific phenolic profiles on health to establish more accurate dietary recommendations.España MINISTERIO DE ECONOMÍA, INDUSTRIA Y COMPETITIVIDAD (AGL2016-77105-R

    RCDI/eRCDI: a web-server to estimate codon usage deoptimization

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Relative Codon Deoptimization Index (RCDI) was developed by Mueller et al. (2006) as measure of codon deoptimization by comparing how similar is the codon usage of a gene and the codon usage of a reference genome.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>RCDI/eRCDI is a web application server that calculates the Relative Codon Deoptimization Index and a new expected value for the RCDI (eRCDI). The RCDI is used to estimate the similarity of the codon frequencies of a specific gene in comparison to a given reference genome. The eRCDI is determined by generating random sequences with similar G+C and amino acid composition to the input sequences and may be used as an indicator of the significance of the RCDI values. RCDI/eRCDI is freely available at <url>http://genomes.urv.cat/CAIcal/RCDI</url>.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This web server will be a useful tool for genome analysis, to understand host-virus phylogenetic relationships or to infer the potential host range of a virus and its replication strategy, as well as in experimental virology to ease the step of gene design for heterologous protein expression.</p

    Fine-Tuning Translation Kinetics Selection as the Driving Force of Codon Usage Bias in the Hepatitis A Virus Capsid

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    Hepatitis A virus (HAV), the prototype of genus Hepatovirus, has several unique biological characteristics that distinguish it from other members of the Picornaviridae family. Among these, the need for an intact eIF4G factor for the initiation of translation results in an inability to shut down host protein synthesis by a mechanism similar to that of other picornaviruses. Consequently, HAV must inefficiently compete for the cellular translational machinery and this may explain its poor growth in cell culture. In this context of virus/cell competition, HAV has strategically adopted a naturally highly deoptimized codon usage with respect to that of its cellular host. With the aim to optimize its codon usage the virus was adapted to propagate in cells with impaired protein synthesis, in order to make tRNA pools more available for the virus. A significant loss of fitness was the immediate response to the adaptation process that was, however, later on recovered and more associated to a re-deoptimization rather than to an optimization of the codon usage specifically in the capsid coding region. These results exclude translation selection and instead suggest fine-tuning translation kinetics selection as the underlying mechanism of the codon usage bias in this specific genome region. Additionally, the results provide clear evidence of the Red Queen dynamics of evolution since the virus has very much evolved to re-adapt its codon usage to the environmental cellular changing conditions in order to recover the original fitness

    Comparative efficacy of two primary care interventions to assist withdrawal from long term benzodiazepine use: A protocol for a clustered, randomized clinical trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although benzodiazepines are effective, long-term use is not recommended because of potential adverse effects; the risks of tolerance and dependence; and an increased risk of hip fractures, motor vehicle accidents, and memory impairment. The estimated prevalence of long-term benzodiazepine use in the general population is about 2,2 to 2,6%, is higher in women and increases steadily with age. Interventions performed by General Practitioners may help patients to discontinue long-term benzodiazepine use. We have designed a trial to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of two brief general practitioner-provided interventions, based on gradual dose reduction, and will compare the effectiveness of these interventions with that of routine clinical practice.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>In a three-arm cluster randomized controlled trial, general practitioners will be randomly allocated to: a) a group in which the first patient visit will feature a structured interview, followed by visits every 2-3 weeks to the end of dose reduction; b) a group in which the first patient visit will feature a structured interview plus delivery of written instructions to self-reduce benzodiazepine dose, or c) routine care. Using a computerized pharmaceutical prescription database, 495 patients, aged 18-80 years, taking benzodiazepine for at least 6 months, will be recruited in primary care health districts of three regions of Spain (the Balearic Islands, Catalonia, and Valencia). The primary outcome will be benzodiazepine use at 12 months. The secondary outcomes will include measurements of anxiety and depression symptoms, benzodiazepine dependence, quality of sleep, and alcohol consumption.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Although some interventions have been shown to be effective in reducing benzodiazepine consumption by long-term users, the clinical relevance of such interventions is limited by their complexity. This randomized trial will compare the effectiveness and safety of two complex stepped care interventions with that of routine care in a study with sufficient statistical power to detect clinically relevant differences.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>Current Controlled Trials: <a href="http://www.controlled-trials.com/ISRCTN13024375">ISRCTN13024375</a></p

    L'Autocontrol als establiments alimentaris: guia per a l'aplicació de l'autocontrol basat en el Sistema d'Anàlisi de Perills i Punts de Control Crític

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    Autocontrol; APPCC; Establiments alimentarisAutocontrol; APPCC; Establecimientos alimentariosSelf-control; HACCP; Food EstablishmentsGuía para el diseño y la aplicación por parte de las empresas alimentarias de autocontroles basados en el Sistema de Análisis de Peligros y Puntos de Control Crítico (APPCC) dirigido a los establecimientos alimentarios, su extensión a los sectores que se encuentran al principio de la cadena alimentaria y la formación de todos los profesionales que actúan a lo largo del proceso de obtención de alimentos. Documento elaborado por expertos en el control oficial y en la verificación y la supervisión de sistemas de autocontrol del Departamento de Salud y de la Agencia de Salud Pública de Barcelona. El objetivo es la prevención de riesgos sanitarios asociados el consumo de alimentos y facilitará a los operadores de los establecimientos alimentarios la aplicación real y efectiva de autocontroles basados en el Sistema de APPCC para producir alimentos seguros.Guia per al dissey i l'aplicació per part de les empreses alimentàries d’autocontrols basats en el Sistema d’Anàlisi de Perills i Punts de Control Crític (APPCC) dirigit als establiments alimentaris, la seva extensió als sectors que es troben al principi de la cadena alimentària i la formació de tots els professionals que actuen al llarg del procés d’obtenció d’aliments. Document elaborat per experts en el control oficial i en la verificació i la supervisió de sistemes d’autocontrol del Departament de Salut i de l’Agència de Salut Pública de Barcelona. L'objectiu és la prevenció de riscos sanitaris associats al consum d’aliments i facilitarà als operadors dels establiments alimentaris l’aplicació real i efectiva d’autocontrols basats en el Sistema d’APPCC, per tal de produir aliments segurs

    El virus de l'hepatitis A i el seu codi genètic

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    [cat] El virus de l'hepatitis A (HAV), prototip del gènere Hepatovirus, té vàries característiques biològiques que el diferencien dels altres membres de la familia Picornaviridae. Entre elles val la pena destacar la necessitat del factor d'iniciació de traducció eIF4G intacte, i per tant la impossibilitat de silenciar la síntesi proteica de la cèl·lula hoste mitjançant els mateixos mecanismes que fan servir altres picornavirus. Com a conseqüència, l'HAV ha de competir de forma ineficient per la maquinària de traducció, explicant-se d'aquesta manera el pobre creixement en cultiu cel·lular. En aquest context de competència entre el virus i la cèl·lula, l'HAV ha adoptat estratègicament un ús de codons altament deoptimitzat de forma natural. S'hauria d'esperar, per tant, una síntesi proteica baixa, incloent la d'aquelles proteïnes involucrades en la replicació de l'RNA que es trobarien en concentracions limitants. Així doncs, una taxa de traducció molt baixa i una taxa de replicació també molt baixa, podrien tenir un cert paper per evitar les defenses de la cèl·lula hoste. D'aquesta manera el virus pot créixer d'una forma quiescent. Aquest fet podria explicar l'elevada infectivitat específica de l'HAV tot i l'ús de codons deoptimitzat de forma natural, fet que indicaria infeccions no abortades per la resposta antiviral de la cèl·lula. A més a més, l'ús de codons deoptimitzat es materialitza en l'ús de codons abundants i codons rars. Diferents agrupacions d'aquests codons rars es presenten a la superfície de la càpsida, jugant un paper decisiu en la sòlida estabilitat del virió de l'HAV. Per tant, és molt probable que la baixa taxa de traducció, deguda a l'acumulació de codons rars, contribueixi al fet que la càpsida viral sigui altament estable. Estabilitat necessària per a completar el complex cicle biològic del virus, que inclou el pas pels conductes biliars, amb altes concentracions de sals biliars, un llarga supervivència fora de l'hoste, el pas per l'estómac, i un complex recorregut des de l'intestí fins arribar altre cop al fetge.[eng] Hepatitis A virus (HAV), the prototype of genus Hepatovirus, has many biological characteristics that distinguish it from other members of the Picornaviridae family. Among these it is worth of note the need for an intact eIF4G factor for the initiation of translation and thus the inability to shut down host protein synthesis by a similar mechanism as in other picornaviruses. Consequently, HAV must inefficiently compete for the cellular translational machinery and this may explain its poor growth in cell culture. In this context of virus/cell competition HAV has strategically adopted a naturally highly deoptimized codon usage. Accordingly, a low protein synthesis may be expected with those proteins involved in RNA replication existing at limiting concentrations. Thus, a very low translation rate and a very low RNA replication rate may play a role in escaping to host cell defenses, allowing the virus to grow in a quiescent way. This could explain the high specific infectivity of HAV in spite of its naturally deoptimized codon usage, which would indicate non-abortive infections due to the antiviral cell response. Additionally, the deoptimized codon usage conveys in the use of abundant and rare codons. Many clusters of such rare codons are present in the capsid surface playing a seminal role in the highly cohesive stability of the HAV virion. Thus, the slow translation rate, resulting from the accumulation of rare codons, is likely to contribute to the highly stable viral capsid necessary for a prolonged survival outside the host body