48 research outputs found

    Optimizing Feature Extraction for Symbolic Music

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    This paper presents a comprehensive investigation of existing feature extraction tools for symbolic music and contrasts their performance to determine the set of features that best characterizes the musical style of a given music score. In this regard, we propose a novel feature extraction tool, named musif, and evaluate its efficacy on various repertoires and file formats, including MIDI, MusicXML, and **kern. Musif approximates existing tools such as jSymbolic and music21 in terms of computational efficiency while attempting to enhance the usability for custom feature development. The proposed tool also enhances classification accuracy when combined with other sets of features. We demonstrate the contribution of each set of features and the computational resources they require. Our findings indicate that the optimal tool for feature extraction is a combination of the best features from each tool rather than those of a single one. To facilitate future research in music information retrieval, we release the source code of the tool and benchmarks.Comment: Published at ISMIR 202

    Effects of empowering leadership under boundary conditions in the hospitality industry

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    This study tests the positive effects of empowering leadership (ELSH) under boundary conditions in the hospitality industry. We propose the existence of an interactive process through which ELSH behaviors interact with employees’ personality type to condition their engagement, which in turn influences their extra-role service behavior. We use data from 294 employees and structural equation modeling. The results show that the interaction of ELSH with employees’ independent and interdependent personality is negatively related to their engagement. This decrease in engagement is then reflected in decreased extra-role service behaviors due to the positive relationship between engagement and extra-role service. These findings suggest that self-construal is a significant boundary condition capable of changing the positive relationship between ELSH and engagement to a negative one. Not considering this relationship when establishing a leadership strategy such as ELSH in the hospitality context could render efforts to achieve the goal of high-quality service ineffective.European Regional Development Fund (European Union)Spanish Government ECO2017-84138-PJunta de Andalucia A-SEJ-154-UGR18University of Granada/CBU

    Instrumental relacionado con el fuego y el banquete

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    El artículo da a conocer un pequeño lote de fragmentos de espetones de bronce procedentes de dos tumbas de la necrópolis de La Cerrada de los Santos (Aragoncillo) y de otro enterramiento del cementerio de Chera (Prados Redondos), todos ellos en la provincia de Guadalajara y pertenecientes al Celtibérico Antiguo. Estos hallazgos amplían el mapa de su reparto en la Península. El estudio se completa con un morillo de hierro, muy probablemente procedente de la necrópolis de El Atance, también en la provincia de Guadalajara. El trabajo da pie al estudio metalográfico de los ejemplares y a la reflexión sobre su significado en relación con los ritos de fuego y los banquete

    The senescence-accelerated mouse (SAM-P8) as a model for the study of vascular functional alterations during aging

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    We studied vascular function in quiescent aortas from senescence- accelerated resistant (SAM-R1) and prone (SAM-P8) mice. Myographical studies of thoracic aorta segments from 6-7 month-old mice showed that the contractility of SAM-P8 aortas was markedly higher than that of SAM-R1 after KCl depolarization or phenylephrine addition. Acetylcholine dose-response relaxation curves revealed that SAM-R1 vessels were slightly more sensitive than those of SAM-P8. In the presence of the NO synthase inhibitor, L-NAME, all vessels displayed contractions to acetylcholine, but these were more distinct in the SAM-R1. Phenylephrine plus L-NAME displayed stronger contractions in both animal strains, but were markedly more pronounced in SAM-R1. The cyclooxygenase inhibitor, indomethacin did not change the vessel responses to acetylcholine or phenylephrine. These data indicate that NO synthase, not cyclooxygenase, was responsible for the differences in contractility. Standard histology and immunohistochemistry of endothelial NO synthase revealed no differences in the expression of this protein. In contrast, increased levels of malondialdehyde were found in SAM-P8 vessels. We conclude that SAM-P8 vessels exhibit higher contractility than those of SAM-R1. Furthermore, our results suggest that the endothelium of SAM-P8 vessels is dysfunctional and lacks normal capability to counteract smooth muscle contraction. Therefore, our findings support SAM-P8 as a suitable model for the study of vascular physiological changes during agingAcknowledgments This work was supported by: The Spanish Ministry of Science (SAF2005-02157 and SAF2005-07919-C02-01), JCCM (04048-00 and 04005-00) and FIS-FEDER (01/3018). A.P-M. and Y.M. were supported by grants from JCCM (JI 03001 and 06016-00). We thank M.A. Olivares and A. Pérez (Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Albacete) and A.L. Salewski for English revision of the manuscript

    Social Representation of Dementia: An Analysis of 5,792 Consecutive Cases Evaluated in a Memory Clinic

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    Abstract. Background: Different interpretations of cognitive impairment and dementia due to differences in health structures, such as cultural differences could affect the diagnosis and treatment of the condition. it is reasonable to expect that the social and family impact of the disease and coping strategies will differ among societies. Objective: The general aim of this study is to understand the social representations of dementia, its associated practices, and the effects they imply. Methods: People diagnosed with clinical dementia and their families were assessed from 2005 to 2015 in the memory clinic of the Fundacio ́ ACE, Institut Catala` de Neurocie`ncies Aplicades in Barcelona, Spain. Results: 9,898 people were examined and 5,792 were diagnosed with dementia. For those with a caregiver (71%), the decision-making fell on the person with dementia in 16.2% of the cases; and for those without a caregiver, in 26.4% of the cases the family did not perceive the deficits as a disease, which led to multiple risk situations (74.6%). Conclusions: The recognition of dementia as part of aging is common among families. Consequently, risk situations may arise and diagnosis and access to treatment may be delayed. The incorporation of a social appraisal to the diagnostic process is a necessity to evaluate these situations

    Efecto de una intervención formativa en urgencias en la mejora del manejo y el tratamiento de la insuficiencia cardiaca aguda.

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    Introducción y objetivos: Existe un escaso seguimiento de las recomendaciones de las guías de manejo diagnóstico y terapéutico de los pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca aguda (ICA) en los servicios de urgencias hospitalarios (SUH). Se evalua si un programa de intervención sobre urgenciólogos permite mejorar el cumplimiento de estas guías. Método: Se diseñó un estudio de intervención cuasi-experimental sin grupo control y con una comparación pre y post-intervención. En una primera fase, se incluyeron de forma consecutiva a 708 pacientes que acudieron al SUH de 6 hospitales españoles durante un mes con el diagnóstico principal de ICA. En una segunda fase, se realizaron diferentes programas de formación sobre el manejo de la ICA según las guías vigentes. Tras la intervención, se volvió a incluir, siguiendo la misma metodología, a 613 pacientes que acudieron de ICA. Las variables principales fueron aquéllas que estudios previos habían detectado una mayor desviación de las recomendaciones de las principales guías (determinación de troponinas plasmáticas y BNP o pro-BNP, uso de furosemida en perfusión continua o nitroglicerina endovenosa y utilización de ventilación no invasiva-VNI). Resultados: Hubo escasas diferencias entre los grupos pre y postintervención en sus características demográficas, clínicas o en el tratamiento (en el grupo postintervención, existía un mayor porcentaje de pacientes con enfermedad cerebrovascular, neumopatía crónica, disfunción sistólica y tratamiento ambulatorio con bloqueadores beta-adrenérgicos; p < 0,05 para todos ellos). Se detectó un aumento significativo en la determinación de BNP o pro-BNP (incremento absoluto del 44,7%, IC del 95%: 39,9-49,5%; p < 0,001) y en el uso de nitroglicerina endovenosa (incremento absoluto del 6,9%, IC del 95%: 2,2-11,5; p < 0,01). Se evidenció un aumento no significativo en la determinación de troponinas, y en el uso de furosemida en perfusión continua y VNI. Conclusiones: Un programa de formación sobre el manejo diagnóstico y terapéutico de la ICA en los SUH mejora el seguimiento de las recomendaciones de las guías

    Valor pronóstico de la determinación urgente del péptido natriurético tipo B en los servicios de urgencias en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca: estudio PICASU-1

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    Objetivo: conocer la utilidad del NT-proBNP en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca aguda (ICA) que consultaron en un servicio de urgencias hospitalario (SUH) para predecir la mortalidad y la reconsulta a dicho SUH. Método: el estudio PICASU-1 (ProBNP en Insuficiencia Cardiaca Aguda en los Servicios de Urgencias) es un estudio analítico, multicéntrico, con seguimiento de cohortes, que incluyó 641 pacientes con ICA atendidos en 9 SUH en los que se determinó NT-proBNP de forma urgente. Se recogieron 18 datos basales y 21 datos del episodio de ICA. Los datos evolutivos analizados fueron mortalidad intrahospitalaria y mortalidad y revisita a 30 días, y para cada una de estas variables se calculó el área bajo la curva (AUC) ROC de NT-proBNP. El análisis se repitió mediante curvas de supervivencia truncadas a 90 días. Resultados: NT-proBNP estaba más elevado en los fallecidos intrahospitalariamente y a los 30 días de la consulta en el SUH (p < 0,001 para ambos), pero no hubo diferencias entre los que reconsultaron a los 30 días y los que no (p = 0,91). Resultados similares se observaron en el estudio mediante curvas de supervivencia a 90 días. NT-proBNP tuvo un poder discriminativo moderado para la mortalidad intrahospitalaria (AUC 0,75, p < 0,001) y a 30 días (AUC 0,71, p < 0,001), pero nulo para la reconsulta (AUC 0,50, p = 0,92). Similares resultados se obtuvieron en los 244 pacientes (38,3%) dados de alta directamente del SUH: NT-proBNP superior en los fallecidos a 30 días (p < 0,01) y sin diferencias en los que reconsultaron (p = 0,50), y su poder discriminativo fue moderado para la mortalidad a 30 días (AUC 0,72, p < 0,01) y nulo para la reconsulta (AUC 0,47, p = 0,50). Conclusión: el NT-proBNP es una herramienta útil para predecir a priori la probabilidad de fallecer de un paciente con ICA en concreto, pero tiene un valor nulo para determinar las posibilidades de reconsultar al SUH

    Outcomes of patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction discharged on treatment with neurohormonal antagonists after an episode of decompensation

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    Aims: To analyze the frequency with which patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) discharged after an acute heart failure (AHF) episode are treated with antineurohormonal drugs (ANHD), the variables related to ANHD prescription and their relationship with outcomes. Methods: We included consecutive HFpEF patients (left ventricular ejection fraction >= 50%) discharged after an AHF episode from 45 Spanish hospitals whose chronic medications and treatment at discharge were available. Patients were classified according to whether they were discharged with or without ANHD, including beta-blockers (BB), renin-angiotensin-aldosterone-system inhibitors (RAASi) and mineralcorticosteroid-receptor antagonists (MRA). Co-primary outcomes consisted of 1-year all-cause mortality and 90-day combined adverse event (revisit to emergency department -ED-, hospitalization due to AHF or all-cause death). Secondary outcomes were 90-day adverse events taken individually. Adjusted associations of ANHD treatment with outcomes were calculated. Results: We analyzed 3,305 patients with HFpEF (median age: 83, 60% women), 2,312 (70%) discharged with ANHD. The ANHD most frequently prescribed was BB (45.8%). The 1-year mortality was 26.9% (adjusted HR for ANHD patients:1.17, 95%CI=0.98-1.38) and the 90-day combined adverse event was 54.4% (HR=1.14, 95% CI=0.99-1.31). ED revisit was significantly increased by ANHD (HR=1.15, 95%CI=1.01-1.32). MRA and BB were associated with worse results in some co-primary or secondary endpoints, while RAASi (alone) reduced 90-day hospitalization (HR=0.73, 98%CI=0.56-0.96). Conclusion: 70% of HFpEF patients are discharged with ANHD after an AHF episode. ANHD do not seem to reduce mortality or adverse events in HFpEF patients, only RAASi could provide some benefits, reducing the risk of hospitalization for AHF

    Utility of CYP2D6 copy number variants as prognostic biomarker in localized anal squamous cell carcinoma

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    Background: Anal squamous cell carcinoma (ASCC) is an infrequent tumor whose treatment has not changed since the 1970s. The aim of this study is the identification of biomarkers allowing personalized treatments and improvement of therapeutic outcomes. Methods: Forty-six paraffin tumor samples from ASCC patients were analyzed by whole-exome sequencing. Copy number variants (CNVs) were identified and their relation to disease-free survival (DFS) was studied and validated in an independent retrospective cohort of 101 ASCC patients from the Multidisciplinary Spanish Digestive Cancer Group (GEMCAD). GEMCAD cohort proteomics allowed assessing the biological features of these tumors. Results: On the discovery cohort, the median age was 61 years old, 50% were males, stages I/II/III: 3 (7%)/16 (35%)/27 (58%), respectively, median DFS was 33 months, and overall survival was 45 months. Twenty-nine genes whose duplication was related to DFS were identified. The most representative was duplications of the CYP2D locus, including CYP2D6, CYP2D7P, and CYP2D8P genes. Patients with CYP2D6 CNV had worse DFS at 5 years than those with two CYP2D6 copies (21% vs. 84%; p <.0002, hazard ratio [HR], 5.8; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.7–24.9). In the GEMCAD validation cohort, patients with CYP2D6 CNV also had worse DFS at 5 years (56% vs. 87%; p =.02, HR = 3.6; 95% CI, 1.1–5.7). Mitochondria and mitochondrial cell-cycle proteins were overexpressed in patients with CYP2D6 CNV. Conclusions: Tumor CYP2D6 CNV identified patients with a significantly worse DFS at 5 years among localized ASCC patients treated with 5-fluorouracil, mitomycin C, and radiotherapy. Proteomics pointed out mitochondria and mitochondrial cell-cycle genes as possible therapeutic targets for these high-risk patients. Plain Language Summary: Anal squamous cell carcinoma is an infrequent tumor whose treatment has not been changed since the 1970s. However, disease-free survival in late staged tumors is between 40% and 70%. The presence of an alteration in the number of copies of CYP2D6 gene is a biomarker of worse disease-free survival. The analysis of the proteins in these high-risk patients pointed out mitochondria and mitochondrial cell-cycle genes as possible therapeutic targets. Therefore, the determination of the number of copies of CYP2D6 allows the identification of anal squamous carcinoma patients with a high-risk of relapse that could be redirected to a clinical trial. Additionally, this study may be useful to suggest new treatment strategies to increase current therapy efficacyIdiPAZ, Grant/Award Number: Jesús Antolín Garciarena Fellowship; European Proteomics Infrastructure Consortium, Grant/Award Number: 823839, Horizon 2020 Programm

    Incidence, risk factors, clinical characteristics and outcomes of deep venous thrombosis in patients with COVID-19 attending the Emergency Department: results of the UMC-19-S8

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    Background and importance: A higher incidence of venous thromboembolism [both pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis (DVT)] in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been described. But little is known about the true frequency of DVT in patients who attend emergency department (ED) and are diagnosed with COVID-19. Objective: We investigated the incidence, risk factors, clinical characteristics and outcomes of DVT in patients with COVID-19 attending the ED before hospitalization. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed all COVID patients diagnosed with DVT in 62 Spanish EDs (20% of Spanish EDs, case group) during the first 2 months of the COVID-19 outbreak. We compared DVT-COVID-19 patients with COVID-19 without DVT patients (control group). Relative frequencies of DVT were estimated in COVID and non-COVID patients visiting the ED and annual standardized incidences were estimated for both populations. Sixty-three patient characteristics and four outcomes were compared between cases and controls. Results: We identified 112 DVT in 74 814 patients with COVID-19 attending the ED [1.50‰; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.23-1.80‰]. This relative frequency was similar than that observed in non-COVID patients [2109/1 388 879; 1.52‰; 95% CI, 1.45-1.69‰; odds ratio (OR) = 0.98 [0.82-1.19]. Standardized incidence of DVT was higher in COVID patients (98,38 versus 42,93/100,000/year; OR, 2.20; 95% CI, 2.03-2.38). In COVID patients, the clinical characteristics associated with a higher risk of presenting DVT were older age and having a history of venous thromboembolism, recent surgery/immobilization and hypertension; chest pain and desaturation at ED arrival and some analytical disturbances were also more frequently seen, d-dimer >5000 ng/mL being the strongest. After adjustment for age and sex, hospitalization, ICU admission and prolonged hospitalization were more frequent in cases than controls, whereas mortality was similar (OR, 1.37; 95% CI, 0.77-2.45). Conclusions: DVT was an unusual form of COVID presentation in COVID patients but was associated with a worse prognosis