472 research outputs found

    Las fases de adaptación del menor en el Acogimiento Familiar

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    Tretzenes Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la FCHS (Any 2007-2008)El acogimiento familiar tiene como objetivo primordial proporcionar al menor una atención familiar sustituta o complementaria a la de su propia familia durante un periodo de tiempo determinado, cuando esta no puede atenderle. A un siendo una medida de protección muy normalizada y de todas ella la que produce menos cambios en el menor, el menor experimenta numerosos cambios y vivencias dentro del proceso de adaptación y aceptación de su nueva situación familiar. Por tanto lo que se pretendo en este artículo es partir de tres casos prácticos, observar y comparar las fases del acogimiento familiar tomando como base las teoría escritas por diferentes autores sobre los cambios en cada uno de las fases y los cambios observados en una situación real, para así poder entender las diversas dificultades que un menor debe superar para integrar este difícil cambio en su vida, y así poder dotarlo de habilidades y estrategias suficientes para su buen funcionamiento y desarrollo

    caciquisme, clientelisme, Diputació Provincial de Castelló, Restauració, poders locals

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    En un context marcat pels greus trastorns socioeconòmics i per la fallida del sistema polític, la Diputació Provincial de Castelló s’erigeix en remarcat exponent de la incapacitat del règim de la Restauració i de la seua classe política d’adaptar-se als nous reptes plantejats durant aquesta etapa, situada entre el segon i el tercer decenni del segle XX. Es fa evident la pervivència del predomini de les formes pròpies de la vella política –clientelisme, caciquisme– en l’acció de govern de la corporació provincial i en la gestió de les seues competències. D’aquesta manera, el sotmetiment continuat d’aquesta institució a les estratègies clientelars i partidistes en perjudici dels interessos generals de la ciutadania va contribuir de forma substancial al desprestigi i a la pèrdua de suports del sistema polític de la Restauració entre la societat castellonenca.The city of Castellón began to hold Masonic workshops during the period called “Sexenio Revolucionario”. In the course of the Restoration, and especially in the 1880s, the structural organisation of Freemasonry became complex, specially the lodges under the auspices of the Great National Orient of Spain. It was then that these actors became the main protagonists of the city’s social networks and even participated directly in local politics within republicanism ranks, although this is not discussed in the article. They controlled social centres, such as the “Casino de Artesanos”. They relied on publications that supported them and had a proper Masonic publication, “La Razón”, that emerged as a defence against anti-Masonic elements evidenced in “La Verdad”, amongst other publications. The more plausible results were the “Exposición de Castellón” in July 1887 and the “Exposición de Salinas” of primary instruction

    The unalterable caciquism: the Provincial Council of Castelló in troubled times (1913-1923)

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    En un context marcat pels greus trastorns socioeconòmics i per la fallida del sistema polític, la Diputació Provincial de Castelló s’erigeix en remarcat exponent de la incapacitat del règim de la Restauració i de la seua classe política d’adaptar-se als nous reptes plantejats durant aquesta etapa, situada entre el segon i el tercer decenni del segle XX. Es fa evident la pervivència del predomini de les formes pròpies de la vella política –clientelisme, caciquisme– en l’acció de govern de la corporació provincial i en la gestió de les seues competències. D’aquesta manera, el sotmetiment continuat d’aquesta institució a les estratègies clientelars i partidistes en perjudici dels interessos generals de la ciutadania va contribuir de forma substancial al desprestigi i a la pèrdua de suports del sistema polític de la Restauració entre la societat castellonenca.The city of Castellón began to hold Masonic workshops during the period called “Sexenio Revolucionario”. In the course of the Restoration, and especially in the 1880s, the structural organisation of Freemasonry became complex, specially the lodges under the auspices of the Great National Orient of Spain. It was then that these actors became the main protagonists of the city’s social networks and even participated directly in local politics within republicanism ranks, although this is not discussed in the article. They controlled social centres, such as the “Casino de Artesanos”. They relied on publications that supported them and had a proper Masonic publication, “La Razón”, that emerged as a defence against anti-Masonic elements evidenced in “La Verdad”, amongst other publications. The more plausible results were the “Exposición de Castellón” in July 1887 and the “Exposición de Salinas” of primary instruction

    Qualitative Distances and Qualitative Description of Images for Indoor Scene Description and Recognition in Robotics

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    The automatic extraction of knowledge from the world by a robotic system as human beings interpret their environment through their senses is still an unsolved task in Artificial Intelligence. A robotic agent is in contact with the world through its sensors and other electronic components which obtain and process mainly numerical information. Sonar, infrared and laser sensors obtain distance information. Webcams obtain digital images that are represented internally as matrices of red, blue and green (RGB) colour coordinate values. All this numerical values obtained from the environment need a later interpretation in order to provide the knowledge required by the robotic agent in order to carry out a task. Similarly, light wavelengths with specific amplitude are captured by cone cells of human eyes obtaining also stimulus without meaning. However, the information that human beings can describe and remember from what they see is expressed using words, that is qualitatively. The research work done in this thesis tries to narrow the gap between the acquisition of low level information by robot sensors and the need of obtaining high level or qualitative information for enhancing human-machine communication and for applying logical reasoning processes based on concepts. Moreover, qualitative concepts can be added a meaning by relating them to others. They can be used for reasoning applying qualitative models that have been developed in the last twenty years for describing and interpreting metrical and mathematical concepts such as orientation, distance, velocity, acceleration, and so on. And they can be also understood by human-users both written and read aloud. The first contribution presented is the definition of a method for obtaining fuzzy distance patterns (which include qualitative distances such as near , far , very far and so on) from the data obtained by any kind of distance sensors incorporated in a mobile robot and the definition of a factor to measure the dissimilarity between those fuzzy patterns. Both have been applied to the integration of the distances obtained by the sonar and laser distance sensors incorporated in a Pioneer 2 dx mobile robot and, as a result, special obstacles have been detected as glass window , mirror , and so on. Moreover, the fuzzy distance patterns provided have been also defuzzified in order to obtain a smooth robot speed and used to classify orientation reference systems into open (it defines an open space to be explored) or closed . The second contribution presented is the definition of a model for qualitative image description (QID) based on qualitative models of shape, colour, topology and orientation. This model can qualitatively describe any kind of digital image and is independent of the image segmentation method used. The QID model have been tested in two scenarios in robotics: (i) the description of digital images captured by the camera of a Pioneer 2 dx mobile robot and (ii) the description of digital images of tile mosaics taken by an industrial camera located on a platform used by a robot arm to assemble tile mosaics. In order to provide a formal and explicit meaning to the qualitative description of the images generated, a Description Logic (DL) based ontology has been designed and presented as the third contribution. Our approach can automatically process any random image and obtain a set of DL-axioms that describe it visually and spatially. And objects included in the images are classified according to the ontology schema using a DL reasoner. Tests have been carried out using digital images captured by a webcam incorporated in a Pioneer 2 dx mobile robot. The images taken correspond to the corridors of a building at University Jaume I and objects with them have been classified into walls , floor , office doors and fire extinguishers under different illumination conditions and from different observer viewpoints. The final contribution is the definition of a similarity measure between qualitative descriptions of shape, colour, topology and orientation. And the integration of those measures into the definition of a general similarity measure between two qualitative descriptions of images. These similarity measures have been applied to: (i) extract objects with similar shapes from the MPEG7 CE Shape-1 library; (ii) assemble tile mosaics by qualitative shape and colour similarity matching; (iii) compare images of tile compositions; and (iv) compare images of natural landmarks in a mobile robot world for their recognition

    Supramolecular gel formation and self-correction induced by aggregation-driven conformational changes

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    The formation of self-assembled fibrillar networks by low molecular weight peptidomimetics containing a Pro-Val moiety is reported; insight into the aggregation mechanism is provided revealing that it is associated to an unfolding process and that a fibrillar network formed under kinetic control can self-correct into a thermodynamically stable on

    A supramolecular hydrogel as a reusable heterogeneous catalyst for the direct aldol reaction

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    An L-proline based supramolecular hydrogel is used as an efficient heterogeneous organocatalyst for the direct aldol reaction with high stereoselectivity (up to 90% ee) and recyclability (up to 3 runs). The reversible nature of this self-assembled supramolecular system allows for easy recovery and regeneration of the catalys

    Remarkable increase in basicity associated with supramolecular gelation

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    L-Proline derivatives which are able to form supramolecular gels show an amazing basicity increase in the aggregated (gel) state as compared to solution. As a result they behave as enantioselective catalysts for the aldol reaction in solution but produce a base-catalyzed aldol racemisation in the gel stat

    A multi-omic study for uncovering molecular mechanisms associated with hyperammonemia-induced cerebellar function impairment in rats

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    [EN] Patients with liver cirrhosis may develop covert or minimal hepatic encephalopathy (MHE). Hyperammonemia (HA) and peripheral inflammation play synergistic roles in inducing the cognitive and motor alterations in MHE. The cerebellum is one of the main cerebral regions affected in MHE. Rats with chronic HA show some motor and cognitive alterations reproducing neurological impairment in cirrhotic patients with MHE. Neuroinflammation and altered neurotransmission and signal transduction in the cerebellum from hyperammonemic (HA) rats are associated with motor and cognitive dysfunction, but underlying mechanisms are not completely known. The aim of this work was to use a multi-omic approach to study molecular alterations in the cerebellum from hyperammonemic rats to uncover new molecular mechanisms associated with hyperammonemia-induced cerebellar function impairment. We analyzed metabolomic, transcriptomic, and proteomic data from the same cerebellums from control and HA rats and performed a multi-omic integrative analysis of signaling pathway enrichment with the PaintOmics tool. The histaminergic system, corticotropin-releasing hormone, cyclic GMP-protein kinase G pathway, and intercellular communication in the cerebellar immune system were some of the most relevant enriched pathways in HA rats. In summary, this is a good approach to find altered pathways, which helps to describe the molecular mechanisms involved in the alteration of brain function in rats with chronic HA and to propose possible therapeutic targets to improve MHE symptoms.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of Spain (SAF2017-82917-R) and Consellería Educación Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEOII/2014/033), co-funded with European Regional Development Funds (ERDF).Tarazona, S.; Carmona, H.; Conesa, A.; Llansola, M.; Felipo, V. (2021). A multi-omic study for uncovering molecular mechanisms associated with hyperammonemia-induced cerebellar function impairment in rats. Cell Biology and Toxicology. 37(1):129-149. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10565-020-09572-y12914937

    Propuesta de intervención educativa en regulación emocional para un alumno con trastorno del espectro autista a través de la lectura. Estudio de caso

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    El autismo, TEA, es un trastorno del neurodesarrollo que provoca afectaciones en el habla, conducta, alimentación, interacción social… Actualmente se desconoce el origen de este trastorno, por eso es fundamental estudiar el caso de cada niño, para poder cubrir sus necesidades y ofrecerle las mejores condiciones de vida, así como favorecer su inclusión social. Las personas con trastorno del espectro autista rechazan todo aquello que es desconocido para ellas, reaccionando en muchas ocasiones con malas conductas o agresividad. En nuestra vida, las emociones juegan un papel muy importante, ya que son el motor de nuestro día a día, pero también es fundamental saber controlarlas. Los niños con autismo, al igual que el resto de las personas, tienen emociones, aunque les resulta más complejo expresarlas, comprenderlas y autorregularlas. Para evitar que en situaciones de frustración reaccionen de forma desmedida es necesario enseñarles técnicas de autorregulación emocional, que favorezcan su bienestar emocional y el de su entorno. Es necesario que los alumnos reciban una adecuada educación emocional para aprender, mejorar y comprender el sentido de las emociones y expresarlas adecuadamente.L'autisme, Trastorn de l'Espectre Autista, és un trastorn del neurodesenvolupament que provoca afectacions en la parla, conducta, alimentació, interacció social… Actualment es desconeix l'origen d'aquest trastorn, per això és fonamental estudiar el cas de casa xiquet, per a poder cobrir les seues necessitats i oferir-li les millors condicions de vida, així com afavorir a la seua inclusió social. Les persones amb trastorn de l'espectre autista rebutgen tot allò que és desconegut per a elles, reaccionant en moltes ocasions amb males conductes o agressivitat. En la nostra vida, les emocions juguen un paper molt important ja que són el motor del nostre dia a dia, però també és fonamental saber controlar-les. Els xiquets amb autisme, igual que la resta de les persones, tenen emocions, encara que els resulta més complex expressar-les, comprendre-les i autoregular-les. Per a evitar que en situacions de frustració reaccionen de manera desmesurada, és necessari ensenyar-los tècniques d'autoregulació emocional que afavorisquen el seu benestar emocional i el del seu entorn. És necessari que els alumnes reben una adequada educació emocional per a aprendre, millorar i comprendre el sentit de les emocions i expressar-les adequadament.Autism, or ASD, is a neurodevelopmental disorder that causes impairments in speech, behavior, feeding, social interaction.... Currently the origin of this disorder is unknown, so it is essential to study the case of each child, to meet their needs and offer them the best living conditions, as well as to promote their social inclusion. People with autism spectrum disorder reject everything that is unknown to them, reacting on many occasions with bad behaviors or aggressiveness. In our life, emotions play a very important role since they are the engine of our daily life, but it is also essential to know how to control them. Children with autism, like other people, have emotions, although it is more complex for them to express, understand and self-regulate them. To prevent them from overreacting in situations of frustration, it is necessary to teach them emotional self-regulation techniques that favor their emotional well-being and that of their environment. It is necessary that students receive an adequate emotional education to learn, improve and understand the meaning of emotions and express them appropriately.Educació