3 research outputs found

    INNOVA Research Journal

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    La clase de matemáticas está en un proceso de evolución, las clases tradicionales centradas en el profesor van perdiendo vigencia en la educación ecuatoriana, dando paso a clases que priorizan al estudiante y sus aprendizajes. Tradicionalmente el docente de matemáticas ha tenido formación profesional en áreas técnicas y poca capacitación en aspectos pedagógicos que le den habilidades para llevar adelante una clase fundada en paradigmas constructivistas del aprendizaje, centrados en el estudiante y la calidad de sus aprendizajes. Una clase constructivista de matemáticas implica tener un estudiante con una visión diferente a su formación tradicional, debe estar motivado por alcanzar aprendizajes significativos, para esto debe ser capaz de investigar, analizar, reflexionar, plantear soluciones creativas, resolver situaciones del contexto, formado en valores y que aporta al crecimiento de la sociedad

    Memoria de actividades: Prevención y promoción de la visión 2007

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    Memoria, Datos distritos sanitarios y ópticas adheridasYesActuación que resulta de la colaboración continuada, desde el año 1999, entre la Consejería de Salud, el Servicio Andaluz de Salud y la Delegación Regional de Andalucía del Colegio Nacional de Ópticos-Optometristas y que tiene como objetivo mejorar el nivel de salud visual de los andaluces y andaluzas

    Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and other mental disorders in the general population after Lorca's earthquakes, 2011 (Murcia, Spain): A cross-sectional study

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    Aims: To describe the prevalence and severity of mental disorders and to examine differences in risk among those with and without a lifetime history prior to a moderate magnitude earthquake that took place in Lorca (Murcia, Spain) at roughly the mid-point (on May 11, 2011) of the time interval in which a regional epidemiological survey was already being carried out (June 2010 –May 2012). Methods: The PEGASUS-Murcia project is a cross-sectional face-to-face interview survey of a representative sample of non-institutionalized adults in Murcia. Main outcome measures are prevalence and severity of anxiety, mood, impulse and substance disorders in the 12 months previous to the survey, assessed using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI 3.0). Sociodemographic variables, prior history of any mental disorder and earthquake-related stressors were entered as independent variables in a logistic regression analysis. Findings: A total number of 412 participants (response rate: 71%) were interviewed. Significant differences in 12-month prevalence of mental disorders were found in Lorca compared to the rest of Murcia for any (12.8% vs 16.8%), PTSD (3.6% vs 0.5%) and other anxiety disorders (5.3% vs 9.2%) (p≤ 0.05 for all). No differences were found for 12-month prevalence of any mood or any substance disorder. The two major predictors for developing a 12-month post-earthquake mental disorder were a prior mental disorder and the level of exposure. Other risk factors included female sex and low-average income. Conclusions: PTSD and other mental disorders are commonly associated with earthquake disasters. Prior mental disorders and the level of exposure to the earthquakes are the most important for the development of a consequent mental disorder and this recognition may help to identify those individuals that may most benefit from specific therapeutic intervention