98 research outputs found

    Algunos aspectos clínicos de las cafaleas

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    Significance of tagl and mfd genes in the virulence of non-typeable Haemophilus infl uenzae

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    Non-typeable Haemophilus infl uenzae (NTHi) is an opportunist pathogen well adapted to the human upper respiratory tract and responsible for many respiratory diseases. In the human airway, NTHi is exposed to pollutants, such as alkylating agents, that damage its DNA. In this study, we examined the signifi cance of genes involved in the repair of DNA alkylation damage in NTHi virulence. Two knockout mutants, tagI and mfd, encoding N3methyladenine-DNA glycosylase I and the key protein involved in transcription-coupled repair, respectively, were constructed and their virulence in a BALB/c mice model was examined. This work shows that N3-methyladenine-DNA glycosylase I is constitutively expressed in NTHi and that it is relevant for its virulence. [Int Microbiol 2014; 17(3):159-164]Keywords: Haemophilus infl uenzae · alkylating agents · virulence · genes tagI and mf

    Blind Audio-Visual Source Separation Using Sparse Redundant Representations

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    This report presents a new method to confront the Blind Audio Source Separation (BASS) problem, by means of audio and visual information. In a given mixture, we are able to locate the video sources first and, posteriorly, recover each source signal, only with one microphone and the associated video. The proposed model is based on the Matching Pursuit (MP) [18] decomposition of both audio and video signals into meaningful structures. Frequency components are extracted from the soundtrack, with the consequent information about energy content in the time-frequency plane of a sound. Moreover, the MP decomposition of the audio is robust in front of noise, because of its plain characteristic in this plane. Concerning the video, the temporal displacement of geometric features means movement in the image. If temporally close to an audio event, this feature points out the video structure which has generated this sound. The method we present links audio and visual structures (atoms) according to their temporal proximity, building audiovisual relationships. Video sources are identified and located in the image exploiting these connections, using a clustering algorithm that rewards video features most frequently related to audio in the whole sequence. The goal of BASS is also achieved considering the audiovisual relationships. First, the video structures close to a source are classified as belonging to it. Then, our method assigns the audio atoms according to the source of the video features related. At this point, the separation performed with the audio reconstruction is still limited, with problems when sources are active exactly at the same time. This procedure allows us to discover temporal periods of activity of each source. However, with a temporal analysis alone it is not possible to separate audio features of different sources precisely synchronous. The goal, now, is to learn the sources frequency behavior when only each one of them is active to predict those moments when they overlap. Applying a simple frequency association, results improve considerably with separated soundtracks of a better audible quality. In this report, we will analyze in depth all the steps of the proposed approach, remarking the motivation of each one of them

    Diagnóstico de salud comunitaria de Alcanar

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    Introducción: El diagnóstico de salud es el resultado de un estudio epidemiológico de una comunidad, a partir de una descripción y análisis de las necesidades de salud. Es decir, es la medición del estado de salud de la población en un momento determinado mediante indicadores de salud. Objetivos: Generales: Analizar la situación de salud e identificar las necesidades poblacionales reconocidas. Secundarios: Identificar los elementos necesario que permitan la elaboración del diagnóstico de salud de Alcanar. Conocer los recursos que dispone el municipio para satisfacer las necesidades poblacionales. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal. La recogida de datos se realizó en distintas instituciones de la población y de las bases de datos estadísticas de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Se realizó una revisión de la literatura con el fin de localizar la mayor evidencia relacionada con las actividades planteadas. Resultados: Los resultados en los indicadores de niveles de salud, de condiciones sanitarias, de recursos y actividades, indicadores económico-sociales, educativos y socio-económicos, de educación, del estado nutricional de la población, sobre saneamiento y urbanismo, son óptimos. Las enfermedades de más prevalencia son la HTA, obesidad, DMT2, seguidas del Alzheimer con 1.76%. Discusión: La necesidad pertinente de intervención fue la atención a los enfermos de Alzheimer, no por ser la enfermedad con más prevalencia, sino por no presentar un plan de intervención, porque afecta tanto al paciente como al cuidador y ha aumentado su incidencia. Las intervenciones van dirigidas a disminuir el deterioro cognitivo, físico y aliviar los problemas conductuales

    Arsenic concentrations in seagrass around the Mediterranean coast and seasonal variations

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    Arsenic’s occurrence in the environment could be due to human activities as well as to natural sources. In this study, Posidonia oceanica and Cymodocea nodosa are collected in 84 sites around the Mediterranean basin. In addition, both seagrass are collected monthly, in two sites (Calvi in Corsica and Salammbô in Tunisia). Arsenic concentrations in C. nodosa present seasonal variations in relation with spring phytoplankton blooms. For both species arsenic concentration is higher in the vicinity of geological sources (mining), lagoon outlets and industrial activities. Moreover, Mediterranean islands (Balearic, Sardinia, Corsica, Malta, Crete and Cyprus) and the Southern basin coastline exhibit lower concentrations in Arsenic than the rest of the Mediterranean basin. The wide spread distribution of these two species would encourage their use in a global monitoring network devoted to Arsenic contamination.peer-reviewe

    Knowledge and attitudes of primary health care physicians and nurses with regard to population screening for colorectal cancer in Balearic Islands and Barcelona

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Primary health care (PHC) professionals play a key role in population screening of colorectal cancer. The purposes of the study are: to assess knowledge and attitudes among PHC professionals with regard to colorectal cancer screening, as well as the factors that determine their support for such screening.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Questionnaire-based survey of PHC physicians and nurses in the Balearic Islands and in a part of the metropolitan area of Barcelona.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We collected 1,219 questionnaires. About 84% of all professionals believe that screening for colorectal cancer by fecal occult blood test (FOBT) is effective. Around 68% would recommend to their clients a colorectal cancer screening program based on FOBT and colonoscopy. About 31% are reluctant or do not know. Professionals perceive the fear of undergoing a colonoscopy as the main obstacle in getting patients to participate, and the invasive nature of this test is the main reason behind their resistance to this program. The main barriers to support the screening program among PHC professionals are lack of knowledge (nurses) and lack of time (physicians). On multivariate analysis, the factors associated with reluctance to recommend colorectal cancer screening were: believing that FOBT has poor sensitivity and is complicated; that colonoscopy is an invasive procedure; that a lack of perceived benefit could discourage client participation; that only a minority of clients would participate; thinking that clients are fed up with screening tests and being unaware if they should be offered something to ensure their participation in the programme.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Two in every three PHC professionals would support a population screening program for colorectal cancer screening. Factors associated with reluctance to recommend it were related with screening tests characteristics as sensitivity and complexity of FOBT, and also invasive feature of colonoscopy. Other factors were related with patients' believes.</p

    Knowledge and attitudes of primary healthcare patients regarding population-based screening for colorectal cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of this study was to assess the extent of knowledge of primary health care (PHC) patients about colorectal cancer (CRC), their attitudes toward population-based screening for this disease and gender differences in these respects.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A questionnaire-based survey of PHC patients in the Balearic Islands and some districts of the metropolitan area of Barcelona was conducted. Individuals between 50 and 69 years of age with no history of CRC were interviewed at their PHC centers.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We analyzed the results of 625 questionnaires, 58% of which were completed by women. Most patients believed that cancer diagnosis before symptom onset improved the chance of survival. More women than men knew the main symptoms of CRC. A total of 88.8% of patients reported that they would perform the fecal occult blood test (FOBT) for CRC screening if so requested by PHC doctors or nurses. If the FOBT was positive and a colonoscopy was offered, 84.9% of participants indicated that they would undergo the procedure, and no significant difference by gender was apparent. Fear of having cancer was the main reason for performance of an FOBT, and also for not performing the FOBT, especially in women. Fear of pain was the main reason for not wishing to undergo colonoscopy. Factors associated with reluctance to perform the FOBT were: <b><it>(i) </it></b>the idea that that many forms of cancer can be prevented by exercise and, <b><it>(ii) </it></b>a reluctance to undergo colonoscopy if an FOBT was positive. Factors associated with reluctance to undergo colonoscopy were: <b><it>(i) </it></b>residence in Barcelona, <b><it>(ii) </it></b>ignorance of the fact that early diagnosis of CRC is associated with better prognosis, <b><it>(iii) </it></b>no previous history of colonoscopy, and <b><it>(iv) </it></b>no intention to perform the FOBT for CRC screening.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We identified gaps in knowledge about CRC and prevention thereof in PHC patients from the Balearic Islands and the Barcelona region of Spain. If fears about CRC screening, and CRC per se, are addressed, and if it is emphasized that CRC is preventable, participation in CRC screening programs may improve.</p