13 research outputs found

    Comparison of vertical dimension of occlusion on edentulous and dentulous patients

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    One of the existing methods for analysis of the vertical dimension of occlusion or occlusal face height is the cephalometric analysis of the distance from nasion to menton (N-Me). The vertical dimension of occlusion was measured in 30 lateral cephalometric radiographs of edentulous patients (experimental group), with models of complete dentures after clinical methods of determining the vertical and horizontal intermaxillary relation and 30 lateral cephalometric radiographs of participants with natural teeth (control group). The aims of the present study were: to analyse the vertical dimension of occlusion in participants with natural teeth skeletal class I, to cephalometrically evaluate the reconstructing vertical dimension of occlusion of edentulous patients skeletal class I , to compare examined variables between individuals with natural teeth and edentulous patients. The results indicated a remarkable correlation in the vertical dimension of occlusion established initially for the edentulous patients when compared with the measurements made for dentulous patients. The results showed the vertical dimension of occlusion span a range between 106,7 - 138 mm (X _ =122,24) in subjects with natural teeth. In edentulous patients the values of vertical dimension of occlusion span ranged between 109,8 - 141,6 mm (X _ =122,46). The vertical dimension of occlusion in male participans was increased in the group of persons with natural teeth as well as in edentulous patients. The results of t-test proved that there were no statistically significant differences in examined variables between persons with natural teeth and edentulous patients (p>0,01)

    Evaluation of cephalometric parameters in determining the position of anterior teeth

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    In the study the cephalometric method was used to determine the position of the artificial central upper and lower incisors of edentulous patients class I, and natural central upper and lower incisors of dentulous individuals class I. Cephalometric radiographs of edentulous patients were made with a precisely set position of frontal teeth and marked central incisors. The control group consisted of 30 lateral cephalometric radiographs of dentulous persons class I. Certain of Schwartz and Steiner cephalometric radiograph analysis were used for precise sagittal positioning of upper and lower central incisors. To set precisely the position of these teeth in a sagittal position, the inclination of their axle was analyzed on each cephalometric radiograph, as well as the position of their vestibular surfaces related to the specific craniofacial elements. Statistically significant differences of the value of the angle of inclination of artificial upper and lower incisors of edentulous patients class I, and the angle of inclination of natural upper and lower incisors of dentulous persons, class I, were determined

    Skeletne promene kod bolesnika sa mandibularnim prognatizmom nakon mandibularne i bimaksilarne hirurgije - komparativna rendgenkraniometrijska studija

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    Bacground/Aim. Recently, maxillary and bimaxillary surgery gained the primacy in the surgical correction of class III deformities. The aim of this investigation was to compare the changes in the skeletal relationships in patients with mandibular prognathism after bimaxillary surgery. Methods. The study included 70 subjects divided into three groups. Twenty class III patients of the experimental group 1 underwent bilateral sagittal ramus osteotomy and twenty patients of the experimental group 2 were subjected to bimaxillary surgery. The control group consisted of 30 subjects with skeletal class I and physiological occlusion. Cephalometric research was conducted on 110 lateral cephalometric radiographs made in subjects of the experimental groups 1 and 2 before and after surgery and in subjects of the control group. Using the computer program "Dr. Ceph", 30 linear and angular skeletal variables were analyzed on each radiograph. Results. Bimaxillary osteotomies changed most of variables that characterize the mandibular prognathism. The changes in the sagittal plane included the significant increase of sella-nasion to the A point (SNA) angle (by 4º on the average) and the A point to B point (ANB) angle (6°), and significant reduction in angles sellanasion to the B point (SNB) (3º), gonial angle (ArGoMe) (8°), gonial angle inferior (NGoMe) (6.2º), and Björks sum (7°). The vertical relationships were normalized by significant reduction in overall anterior face height N-Me (by 5 mm on the average), the lower anterior face height ANS-Me (4 mm), significant increase in the total posterior face height S-Go (2.5-3 mm), lower posterior face height PNS-Go (4 mm), and significant reduction of the basal and mandibular plane angles. Conclusion. Compared to the isolated mandibular operations, bimaxillary surgery changes more efficiently the sagittal and vertical skeletal relations in patients with class III deformities and harmonizes more successfully the entire skeletal facial profile.Uvod/Cilj. Maksilarna i bimaksilarna hirurgija dobila je nedavno primat u hirurškim korekcijama deformiteta klase III. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se uporede promene u skeletnim odnosima kod bolesnika sa mandibularnim prognatizmom posle bimaksilarne operacije. Metode. Ispitivanjem je obuhvaćeno 70 ispitanika podeljenih u tri grupe. Dvadeset ispitanika klase III eksperimentalne grupe 1 podvrgnuto je bilateralnoj sagitalnoj ramus osteotomiji, a dvadeset ispitanika eksperimentalne grupe 2 podvrgnuto je bimaksilarnoj operaciji. Kontrolnu grupu činilo je 30 ispitanika sa skeletnom klasom I i fiziološkom okluzijom. Rendgen-kraniometrijsko istraživanje obavljeno je na 110 bočnih telerendgen snimaka urađenih kod ispitanika u eksperimentalnim grupama 1 i 2 pre i posle operacije i ispitanika kontrolne grupe. Koristeći kompjuterski program "Dr.Ceph", na svakom telerendgenu analizirano je 30 linearnih i ugaonih skeletnih varijabli. Rezultati. Bimaksilarna osteotomija promenila je većinu varijabli koje karakterišu mandibularni prognatizam. Promene u sagitalnoj ravni uključuju značajan porast ugla maksilarnog prognatizma (SNA) (od 4º u proseku) i ugla gagitalnog odnosa tela gornje i donje vilice (ANB) ugla (6°), značajno smanjenje uglova ugao mandibularnog prognatizma (SNB) (3º), ganialnog ugla (ArGoMe) (8°), donjeg gonialnog ugla (NGoMe) (6,2º), i Bjorkovog poligona (7°). Vertikalni odnosi su normalizovani značajnim smanjenjem ukupne prednje visine lica NMe (od 5 mm u proseku), prednje donje visine lica (ANBMe) (4 mm), povećanjem ukupne zadnje visine lica M-Go (2,5-3 mm), zadnje donje visine lice PNS-Go (4 mm), i značajnim smanjenjem mandibularnih uglova. Zaključak. U poređenju sa izolovanom mandibularnom operacijom bimaksilarna hirurgija menja efikasnije sagitalne i vertikalne skeletne odnose kod bolesnik sa deformitetima klase III i uspešnije harmonizuje ceo skeletni profil lica

    The significance of biometric parameters in determining anterior teeth width

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    Background/Aim. An important element of prosthetic treatment of edentulous patients is selecting the size of anterior artificial teeth that will restore the natural harmony of one’s dentolabial structure as well as the whole face. The main objective of this study was to determine the correlation between the inner canthal distance (ICD) and interalar width (IAW) on one side and the width of both central incisors (CIW), the width of central and lateral incisors (CLIW), the width of anterior teeth (ATW), the width between the canine cusps (CCW), which may be useful in clinical practice. Methods. A total of 89 subjects comprising 23 male and 66 female were studied. Their age ranged from 19 to 34 years with the mean of 25 years. Only the subjects with the preserved natural dentition were included in the sample. All facial and intraoral tooth measurements were made with a Boley Gauge (Buffalo Dental Manufacturing Co., Brooklyn NY, USA) having a resolution of 0.1mm. Results. A moderate correlation was established between the interalar width and combined width of anterior teeth and canine cusp width (r = 0.439, r = 0.374). A low correlation was established between the inner canthal distance and the width of anterior teeth and canine cusp width (r = 0.335, r = 0.303). The differences between the two genders were highly significant for all the parameters (p < 0.01). The measured facial distances and width of anterior teeth were higher in men than in women. Conclusion. The results of this study suggest that the examined interalar width and inner canthal distance cannot be considered reliable guidelines in the selection of artificial upper anterior teeth. However, they may be used as a useful additional factor combined with other methods for objective tooth selection. The final decision should be made while working on dentures fitting models with the patient’s consent

    Subjektivno vrednovanje i odnos prema dentalnom izgledu i estetici u odnosu na godine starosti, pol i stepen obrazovanja

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    Introduction Patient's subjective evaluation of dental appearance and aesthetics is becoming an increasingly important factor in aesthetic treatments and prosthetic therapy. Objective The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of age, education level, gender, and different dental status and the appearance of the upper anterior teeth (color, size, shape, position and alignment of the anterior teeth) on the satisfaction of the respondents with dental appearance and aesthetics of their upper anterior teeth and their desire for improvement. Methods The study encompassed 480 people aged 20 to 50 years with an average age of 30.84 years. There were 236 male and 244 female subjects. The respondents were interviewed using a questionnaire specially designed for the purpose of this research. For the study, the subjects were divided into the following three age groups: the younger age group (20-30 years of age), the middle age group (31-40 years of age), and the older age group (41-50 years of age). Results The conducted study did not reveal statistical significance with respect to gender in any of the examined parameters (p > 0.05). A little more than one half of the respondents in each age group were satisfied with their dental appearance and aesthetics (60.3% of the respondents in the age group of 20-30 years, 55.7% in the age group of 31-40, and 53.7% in the age group of 41-50 years of age). Satisfaction with dental appearance and aesthetics increases linearly with the increase in the level of education and was the highest among the respondents with university degree (33.3%). Conclusion Female respondents were more dissatisfied with their dental appearance and aesthetics as compared with male respondents, but the difference was found to be non-significant. Patients with higher education level were more satisfied with their dental appearance and aesthetics than those with lower education.Uvod Pacijentovo subjektivno vrednovanje dentalnog izgleda i estetike postaje sve važniji faktor prilikom estetskih tretmana i protetskih terapija. Cilj rada Cilj istraživanja bio je da istraži uticaj godina starosti, nivoa obrazovanja, pola ispitanika i različiti zubni status i izgled gornjih prednjih zuba (boja, veličina, oblik, poredak prednjih zuba) na zadovoljstvo ispitanika dentalnim izgledom i estetikom gornjih prednjih zuba i postojanje želje za unapređenjem dentalne estetike. Metode rada Istraživanje je sprovedeno na 480 osoba od 20 do 50 godina, prosečne starosti 30,84 godina. Bilo je 236 ispitanika muškog pola i 244 ispitanika ženskog pola. Ispitanici su intervjuisani putem upitnika specijalno napravljenog za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Za potrebe istraživanja ispitanici su podeljeni prema godinama starosti u tri starosne grupe: mlađa starosna grupa (20-30 godina), srednja starosna grupa (31-40 godina), starija starosna grupa (41-50 godina). Rezultati Sprovedena studija nije utvrdila statističku signifikantnost u odnosu na pol ni u jednom od ispitivanih parametara (p > 0,05). Polovina ispitanika u svakoj starosnoj grupi bila je zadovoljna dentalnim izgledom i estetikom: 60,3% ispitanika u starosnoj grupi 20-30 godina, 55,7% u starosnoj grupi 31-40 godina i 53,7% u starosnoj grupi 41-50 godina. Zadovoljstvo dentalnim izgledom i estetikom ima linearno pravilo porasta zadovoljstva sa porastom stepena obrazovanja i najveće je kod ispitanika sa završenim fakultetom (33,3%). Zaključak Žene su bile nezadovoljnije svojim dentalnim izgledom i estetikom u odnosu sa muškarce, ali razlika nije statistički značajna. Pacijenti sa visokim stepenom obrazovanja bili su zadovoljniji dentalnim izgledom i estetikom nego ispitanici sa nižim stepenom obrazovanja

    Cephalometric Indicators of the Vertical Dimension of Occlusion

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    The aim of this investigation was to establish precise indicators of the vertical dimension of occlusion (VDO) which could be used as objective parameters in prosthodontic treatment providing exact control of the reconstructed vertical dimension of occlusion, early detection of errors and correction of the vertical dimension of occlusion during complete denture manufacturing. A total of 60 lateral cephalometric radiographs of subjects with natural dentition and class I skeletal jaw relationship, of Serbian nationality from the region of Vojvodina, were included in the investigation. Thirty subjects were males, and thirty females, their age range was 20 to 29 years. Cephalometric analysis was performed by using »Dr. Ceph« computer software (FYI Technologies, GA, USA). By evaluation of the craniofacial complex in subjects with natural dentition, horizontal dentofacial developmental growth was established in the examined sample and it was based on the relationship between the posterior and anterior total facial height (S–Go:N–Me, b X=68.96%, aX=72.8%) and statistically significant differences were found between the sexes in almost all linear dimensions and in the relation between the posterior and the anterior total facial height. Highly significant differences (p<0.001) between the sexes were found in regard to anterior total facial height (N–Me, aX=120.75mm, b X=112.72mm) and the anterior lower facial height (ANS–Me, aX=67.87mm, b X=61.50mm) (p<0.05). The proportions of the upper and lower anterior facial heights (N–ANS:ANS–Me, aX=79.36%, b X=80.63%) were within normal values in both sexes. Facial harmony existed both in men and women. Cephalometric study of the subjects with complete natural dentition included in this study provided important and specific parameters for optimal reconstruction of vertical dimension of occlusion in the treatment of edentulous patients

    Efekti ortognatskog hirurškog lečenja na kretnje donje vilice osoba s mandibularnim prognatizmom

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    Introduction. Mandibular prognathism, one of the most severe dentofacial deformities, affects the person’s appearance, psychological health and the quality of life in the most sensitive age period. Objective. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of sagittal split ramus osteotomy on the range of mandibular border movements in the early postoperative period. Methods. The study was conducted on 20 patients, of mean age 20.8 years, with mandibular prognathism. All patients included in this study were operated on by bilateral sagittal spliting ramus osteotomy according to Obwegeser and Dal Pont followed by mandibular immobilization during eight weeks. In all patients mandibular border movements were recorded before and six months after surgery using the computerized pantograph Arcus-Digma (KaVo EWL GmbH, Leutkirch, Germany). Results. The analysis of the chosen kinematic parameters revealed that sagittal split ramus osteotomy followed by eight weeks of mandibular immobilization had severe effects on the mouth opening. Six months after surgery the range of maximal mouth opening decreased for approximately 13.9 mm in relation to the preoperative stage. On the contrary, the ranges of maximal protrusion and the border of laterotrusive excursions increased significantly after surgery. Conclusion. In patients with mandibular prognathism where enormous mandibular growth was the main causal factor of the deformity, the sagittal split ramus osteotomy yielded good results. The rigid fixation of bone fragments and reduced period of mandibular immobilization followed by appropriate physical therapy could considerably contribute to a more rapid recovery of mandibular kinematics in the postoperative period.Uvod. Mandibularni prognatizam je jedan od najtežih dentofacijalnih deformiteta koji se u punoj meri manifestuje u najosetljivijim godinama života, ugrožavajući izgled osobe, njeno psihičko zdravlje i kvalitet života. Cilj rada. Cilj rada je bio da se ispita efekat sagitalne klizajuće osteotomije ramusa mandibule na dijapazone graničnih kretnji donje vilice u ranom postoperacionom periodu. Metode rada. Istraživanje je obavljeno na dvadeset osoba s mandibularnim prognatizmom prosečnog uzrasta od 20,8 godina. Svi ispitanici su operisani bilateralnom sagitalnom klizajućom osteotomijom ramusa mandibule po Obvegezeru (Obwegeser) i Dal Pontu (Dal Pont), nakon čega je primenjena intermaksilarna imobilizacija mandibule u trajanju od osam nedelja. Granične kretnje donje vilice su zabeležene kod svih ispitanika pre i šest meseci nakon hirurške korekcije pomoću kompjuterskog pantografa Arcus-Digma (KaVo EWL GmbH, Leutkirch, Germany). Rezultati. Rezultati analize odabranih kinematskih parametara pokazuju da je hirurški zahvat udružen s intermaksilarnom imobilizacijom mandibule tokom osam nedelja imao izrazito loš uticaj na dijapazon maksimalnog otvaranja usta kod operisanih ispitanika. Šest meseci nakon operacije dijapazon maksimalnog otvaranja usta je bio u proseku za 13 mm manji u odnosu na stanje pre hirurškog lečenja. S druge strane, dijapazoni maksimalne protruzije i graničnih lateralnih pokreta su se nakon operacije znatno povećali. Zaključak. Sagitalna klizajuća osteotomija ramusa mandibule daje dobre rezultate kod osoba s mandibularnim prognatizmom kod kojih je enorman rast donje vilice glavni uzročnik deformiteta. Rigidna fiksacija koštanih fragmenata i skraćen period intermaksilarne imobilizacije uz primenu odgovarajuće fizikalne terapije znatno bi doprineli bržoj rehabilitaciji pokreta mandibule u postoperacionom periodu

    Pediatric patients’ reasons for visiting dentists in all WHO regions

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    Oral Function, Orofacial Pain, Orofacial Appearance, and Psychosocial Impact are the four oral healthrelated quality of life (OHRQoL) dimensions (4D) or areas in which oral disorders impact pediatric patients. Using their dentists’ assessment, the study aimed to evaluate whether pediatric dental patients’ oral health concerns ft into the 4D of the Oral Health-Related Quality of Life (OHRQoL) construct.Dentists who treat children from 32 countries and all WHO regions were selected from a web-based survey of 1580 international dentists. Dentists were asked if their pediatric patients with current or future oral health concerns ft into the 4D of the Oral Health-Related Quality of Life (OHRQoL) construct. Proportions of all pediatric patients’ oral health problems and prevention needs were computed

    Cephalometrically analysis of the convexity angle

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    The convexity angle of facial bone structures ( N-A: A-Pg) expresses the sagittal protrusion of the maxillary part of the face compared to facial profile (the convex or concave face).The convexity angle is defined as the angle colligated by the lines N-A and A-Pg. The aims of the present study were: to analyse the convexity angle in participants with natural teeth skeletal class I, to cephalometrically evaluate the reconstructing angle of hard facial profile structures of edentulous patients skeletal class I, to compare examined variables between individuals with natural teeth and edentulous patients. The control group consisted of 30 lateral cephalometric radiographs of participants with natural teeth skeletal class I. The experimental group consisted of 30 lateral cephalometric radiographs of edentulous patients, with models of complete dentures after clinical methods of determining the vertical and horizontal intermaxillary relation. Analysis of the convexity angle was done in cephalometric radiographs by Downs metod. The results showed the facial bone structure convexity angle span a range between -13° and 10° (X= 0.45°) in subjects with natural teeth. In edentulous patients the values of facial bone structure convexity angles span a range between -5° and 10° (X=1.7°). The results of t-test proved that there were no statistically significant differences in examined variables between persons with natural teeth and edentulous patients (p&gt;0.05). The conclusion is that clinical methods of determining the sagittal protrusion of the maxillary part of the face against the facial profile of edentulous patients used in the designing procedures of complete dentures were reliable enough in reconstruction of examined angles of hard facial profile structures