77 research outputs found

    Recurrent exercise-induced acute kidney injury by idiopathic renal hypouricemia with a novel mutation in the SLC2A9 gene and literature review

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    OBJETIVO: Comparar a sensibilidade do método de difusão em ágar e do método de extração utilizando as linhagens celulares RC-IAL (células fibroblásticas de rim de coelho) e HeLa (células epiteliais de carcinoma do colo do útero humano), na avaliação da citotoxicidade "in vitro" de materiais de uso médico-hospitalar. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram testadas 50 amostras escolhidas por sorteio, entre as já conhecidamente positivas e negativas e identificadas como: algodão, espuma, borracha, látex, celulose e acrílico. Além, das amostras citadas foram testadas experimentalmente várias concentrações de SDS (duodecil sulfato de sódio) nas culturas celulares RC-IAL e HeLa. RESULTADOS: Das 50 amostras testadas , 44 (88%) foram positivas para os dois métodos. Mas quando comparado o SDS nos dois métodos foram observados resultados positivos nas concentrações de 0,5 a 0,05 µg/ml no método de difusão em ágar e no método de extração somente foi observado efeito citotóxico até a concentração de 0,25 µg/ml. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados encontrados são similares aos observados por outros autores que testaram materiais como, por exemplo, ligas metálicas. Quando foi usado o SDS observou-se, nas duas linhagens celulares, diferenças favoráveis ao método de difusão em ágar em duas concentrações, isto é, a sensibilidade deste método foi significantemente maior, por inspecção, em relação ao método de extração, além de se constituir em método mais simples de ser realizado

    The genome sequence of the wisent (Bison bonasus)

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    This work was supported by the Youth Science and Technology Innovation Team of Sichuan Province (2014TD003), Shenzhen Industrial Designation Services Cloud Platform (GGJS20150429172906635), International Collaboration 111 Projects of China, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, 985 and 211 Projects of Sichuan University.The wisent, also known as the European bison, was rescued from extinction approximately 80 years ago through the conservation of 12 individuals. Here, we present the draft genome sequence of a male wisent individual descended from this founding stock. A total of 366 billion base pairs (Gb) of raw reads from whole-genome sequencing of this wisent were generated using the Illumina HiSeq2000 platform. The final genome assembly (2.58 Gb) is composed of 29,074 scaffolds with an N50 of 4.7 Mb. 47.3% of the genome is composed of repetitive elements. We identified 21,542 genes and 58,385 non-coding RNAs. A phylogenetic tree based on nuclear genomes indicated sister relationships between bison and wisent and between the wisent-bison clade and yak. For 75 genes we obtained evidence of positive evolution in the wisent lineage. We provide the first genome sequence and gene annotation for the wisent. The availability of these resources will be of value for the future conservation of this endangered large mammal and for reconstructing the evolutionary history of the Bovini tribe.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia and Rhesus disease of the newborn: incidence and impairment estimates for 2010 at regional and global levels.

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    BACKGROUND: Rhesus (Rh) disease and extreme hyperbilirubinemia (EHB) result in neonatal mortality and long-term neurodevelopmental impairment, yet there are no estimates of their burden. METHODS: Systematic reviews and meta-analyses were undertaken of national prevalence, mortality, and kernicterus due to Rh disease and EHB. We applied a compartmental model to estimate neonatal survivors and impairment cases for 2010. RESULTS: Twenty-four million (18% of 134 million live births ≥ 32 wk gestational age from 184 countries; uncertainty range: 23-26 million) were at risk for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia-related adverse outcomes. Of these, 480,700 (0.36%) had either Rh disease (373,300; uncertainty range: 271,800-477,500) or developed EHB from other causes (107,400; uncertainty range: 57,000-131,000), with a 24% risk for death (114,100; uncertainty range: 59,700-172,000), 13% for kernicterus (75,400), and 11% for stillbirths. Three-quarters of mortality occurred in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Kernicterus with Rh disease ranged from 38, 28, 28, and 25/100,000 live births for Eastern Europe/Central Asian, sub-Saharan African, South Asian, and Latin American regions, respectively. More than 83% of survivors with kernicterus had one or more impairments. CONCLUSION: Failure to prevent Rh sensitization and manage neonatal hyperbilirubinemia results in 114,100 avoidable neonatal deaths and many children grow up with disabilities. Proven solutions remain underused, especially in low-income countries

    Neutrally Buoyant Particle Migration in Poiseuille Flow Driven by Pulsatile Velocity

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    A neutrally buoyant circular particle migration in two-dimensional (2D) Poiseuille channel flow driven by pulsatile velocity is numerical studied by using immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann method (IB-LBM). The effects of Reynolds number (25≤Re≤200) and blockage ratio (0.15≤k≤0.40) on particle migration driven by pulsatile and non-pulsatile velocity are all numerically investigated for comparison. The results show that, different from non-pulsatile cases, the particle will migrate back to channel centerline with underdamped oscillation during the time period with zero-velocity in pulsatile cases. The maximum lateral travel distance of the particle in one cycle of periodic motion will increase with increasing Re, while k has little impact. The quasi frequency of such oscillation has almost no business with Re and k. Moreover, Re plays an essential role in the damping ratio. Pulsatile flow field is ubiquitous in aorta and other arteries. This article is conducive to understanding nanoparticle migration in those arteries

    The clinical outcomes of late preterm infants: a multi-center survey of Zhejiang, China

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    Objective: To explore birth rate, delivery mode, medical problems, requirement of respiratory support, and acute outcomes of late preterm infants in Zhejiang province in eastern China. Methods: Eleven tertiary hospitals were recruited. Clinical data of every nursery admission from January to December 2007 were collected and analyzed. Results: During the study period, 44,362 infants were born with an overall preterm birth rate of 8.9%, and late preterm birth rate of 6.2%. Late preterm infants had higher cesarean section rate than the whole population (64.9% vs. 58.2%). One-fifth of the nursery admissions were late preterm infants, of whom, 63.8% were delivered by cesarean section. Respiratory distress (42.1%) was the most common medical problem of late preterm infants. Hyperbilirubinemia (17.6%), hypoglycemia (8.7%) and sepsis (5.9%) were also common. The first three primary diagnoses of respiratory distress included pneumonia (39.5%), transient tachypnea of newborn (TTN) (22.5%) and respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) (19.0%). Compared with term infants, late preterm infants with respiratory distress needed more respiratory support with nasal continuous positive airway pressure (nCPAP) (21.4% vs. 11.6%) or with a mechanical ventilator (15.4% vs. 11.0%), and also had higher in-hospital mortality (0.8% vs. 0.4%). Conclusions: Late preterm infants are associated with very high cesarean section rate and have more medical problems and poorer short-term outcomes than term infants in China.Peer Reviewe

    Rheologic behaviors of A356 aluminum alloy billet produced by semisolid continuous casting process

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    The experiments for rheologic behaviors of semisolid continous casting billets of A356 alloy in semisolid state has been carried out with a multifunctional rheometer. The results show that the deformation rate increases with loading time, the maximum strain reaches 120% (which is one time larger than that of traditional casting billet) and the strain can be rapidly eliminated to 10% after unloading. Moreover, there is a critic stress for billet deformation even in semisolid state, which is named as critic shear stress. This stress increases with the decreasing of heating time. The rheologic behaviors can be expressed by five elements mechanical model and can be modified with the increasing of heating time

    Posterior Mediastinal Thymus: Case Report and Literature Review

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    Background: The incidence of aberrant thymus in the posterior mediastinum is very uncommon. It is difficult to exclude malignancy before surgical procedure. Case Presentation: In a six-month-old male coughing for two weeks prior to admission a posterior mediastinal mass was found incidentally by chest roentgenogram. Thoracotomy was performed. Histologic study revealed normal thymic tissue. Conclusion: When a mass located in the posterior mediastinum, ectopic thymus should be included in differential diagnosis. Imaging techniques may spare thoracotomy. Ectopic thymus has a benign clinical course, and surgical resection is not recommended