16 research outputs found

    Conceptualization of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in caregiving mothers and family dependency reduction strategies in Santiago de Chile

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    Resumen: Objetivo. Explorar la relación entre los modelos de discapacidad bajo el cual madres cuidadoras de personas con TEA conceptualizan dichos trastornos y las estrategias familiares interiorizadas para reducir la dependencia, en distintos niveles socioeconómicos (NSE). Metodología. Investigación cualitativa de enfoque de teoría fundamentada para explorar a través de entrevistas en profundidad las maneras de conceptualizar los TEA y las estrategiasfamiliares presentes en la literatura y emergentes de las sujetas de investigación que reduzcan la dependencia. Resultados y conclusiones. Es más influyente el modelo de conceptualización del TEA que el NSE para interiorizar estrategias familiares que reduzcan la dependencia, siendo el modelo biopsicosocial el más pertinente para ello. Existe una explicación mágica y/o religiosa sobre los TEA en varias madres. El TEA además implica alterar la vida familiar, cambia los ingresos, los roles de todos/as los miembros de la familia, las rutinas. Asimismo, se hace evidente una feminización del cuidado.Abstract: Objective. To explore the relationship between the models of disability under which the caregiver mothers of individuals with ASD conceptualize said disorders and the internalized family strategies to reduce dependency in different socioeconomical levels (SEL). Methodology. Qualitative research with a grounded theory approach to explore through in-depth interviews the ways to conceptualize ASD and the family strategies present in literature andemerging from research subjects to reduce dependency. Results and conclusions. The ASD conceptualization model is more influential than the SEL one to internalize family strategies that reduce dependency, being the biopsychosocial model the most pertinent. There is a magical and/or religious explanation about ASD for several mothers. ASD also implies altering family life, changing the income, the roles of all family members, and the routines, as well as implyingan evident feminization of care

    Educational continuity during the pandemic: Challenges to pedagogical management in segregated Chilean schools

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    The COVID-19 outbreak has created an uncertain scenario for educational systems, leading many countries to deploy unprecedented remote learning programmes. Chilean schools have not been the exception and have thus developed and put in place several actions to uphold effective pedagogical management (PM) and continuity of learning; however, as we emphasise in this paper, the Chilean educational system is highly segregated. PM encompasses actions and decisions aimed at safeguarding quality education by focusing on four domains: technological, curricular, methodological and assessment. This descriptive and exploratory quantitative study seeks to explore the challenges facing PM, as perceived by actors working in Chile’s three different administrative and financial school governance systems in the framework of remote education during the COVID-19 pandemic.Our findings highlight the disparities among actors belonging to the three types of administrative and financial governance systems regarding the perceived challenges facing PM. Thus, publicly funded schools face greater challenges in practically all four PM domains as compared to private schools. The main differences among schools revolve around the technological and assessment domains. While the technological domain is more of a concern for public schools, the assessment domain presents more challenges for private schools. Beyond the schools´ administrative and financial governance system, an important finding was the scant importance attached to the curriculum as a challenging issue as well as an excessive focus on the methodological domain, indicative of a prevailing logic of efficiency as applied to the learning process

    Liderança pedagógica em um período de educação à distância. Estudo de caso em universidades chilenas

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    In order to explore the critical challenges and the actions of educational leaders and educators in safeguarding the educational outcomes of Early Childhood Education students during the pandemic, a qualitative case study was conducted in two Chilean universities with differing socio-economic characteristics. Through interviews, focus groups, and secondary data analysis, critical challenges were identified in terms of teaching conditions and new student needs, both administratively and pedagogically. These challenges were addressed through collaborative, innovative, and learning-focused pedagogical leadership, which was found to be even more influential than the socio-economic reality of the institutions and students. Additionally, the study highlights the learning, reflections, and pedagogical, curricular, and methodological innovations that can contribute to any future disruptions. Furthermore, it emphasizes the need for contextualizing learning and its continuous monitoring, made possible by basing pedagogical leadership on horizontal human relationships.Con el objetivo de explorar los nudos críticos y las acciones de directivos y docentes para resguardar los perfiles de egreso de estudiantes de pedagogía de Educación Inicial en pandemia, se realizó un estudio cualitativo de caso en dos universidades chilenas con características socioeconómicas disímiles. A través de entrevistas, grupos focales y análisis de datos secundarios, se identificaron nudos críticos en condiciones para la enseñanza y nuevas necesidades estudiantiles, tanto en el plano administrativo como pedagógico. Dichas problemáticas se sobrellevaron con acciones de liderazgo pedagógico colaborativo, innovador y centrado en el monitoreo del aprendizaje, siendo aquello incluso más determinante que la realidad socioeconómica de instituciones y estudiantes. Además, destacan aprendizajes, reflexiones e innovaciones pedagógicas, curriculares y metodológicas que aporten en cualquier disrupción futura. Asimismo, se releva la necesaria contextualización de los aprendizajes y su seguimiento, lo que se hace posible al basar el liderazgo pedagógico en relaciones humanas horizontales.Com o objetivo de explorar as questões críticas e as ações de diretores e docentes para proteger o perfil do egresso dos estudantes de pedagogia da Educação Inicial na pandemia, foi realizado um estudo de caso qualitativo em duas universidades chilenas com características socioeconômicas diferentes. Por meio de entrevistas, grupos focais e análise de dados secundários, foram identificados nós críticos nas condições de ensino e novas necessidades estudantis, tanto no aspecto administrativo quanto pedagógico. Esses problemas foram superados com ações de liderança pedagógica colaborativas, inovadoras, e centradas no monitoramento da aprendizagem, sendo isso ainda mais relevante do que a realidade socioeconômica das instituições e dos estudantes. Além disso, destacam-se aprendizados, reflexões e inovações pedagógicas, curriculares e metodológicas que contribuem para qualquer disrupção futura. Da mesma forma, demonstra-se a necessária contextualização do aprendizado e o seu acompanhamento, o que é possível ao se fundamentar a liderança pedagógica nas relações humanas horizontais

    Three-Dimensional Failure Patterns Around an Inflating Magmatic Chamber

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    International audienceKey Points: • The overpressure required for failure at the walls of a magma chamber depends on its geometry and on the effective bedrock strength. • Plastic shear bands (faults) initiate either from near the apex or the tip depending on the symmetry and elongation of an oblate chamber. • Elastic dilation at oblate chambers tip open concurrent magma pathways whereas contraction around prolate chambers favors apex failure. Abstract Bedrock failure around an inflating magma chamber is an important factor that controls the occurrence of volcanic eruptions. Here, we employ 3D numerical models of elasto-plastic shear failure around an inflating crustal reservoir, to study how the induced failure patterns depend on the geometry of the chamber, on the host rock strength and on the gravitational field. Our simulations show that either localized of diffuse plastic failure domains develop in 3 stages. Failure initiates (stage 1) after a critical overpressure is reached, the value of which depends on effective host rock strength. Next, and with increasing applied overpressure, either distributed (for zero friction angle) or localized plastic failure zones (for 30 • friction angle) form (stage 2), until they finally connect to the surface (stage 3). Cylindrical chambers develop prismatic shear zones that simultaneously merge from the surface and chamber walls. For spherical and prolate chambers, diffuse conical zones of failure develop from the chamber's crest, whereas for oblate symmetrical chambers, shear bands initiate at the horizontal tips but bend back above the center of the chamber to reach the surface. In contrast for asymmetrical oblate chambers, shear bands initiate in their cylindrical section and vanish along the elongated direction. Here, magmatic fluids may migrate both through diffuse elastic dilation zones at the tips, and through localized shear zones from the crest. Our results thus suggest that natural obse

    Boron and sulfate removal using rice husk as filtration material in horizontal flow constructed wetlands microcosms

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    Constructed wetlands (CW) are being explored as an alternative treatment for boron removal. The efficiency of CW strongly depends on the substrate and plants used. A promising and inexpensive substrate is rice husk. This study explored the capacity of this residue to treat boron-rich wastewaters as main wetland substrate in laboratory constructed wetland microcosms. Two plants, Typha angustifolia and Puccinellia frigida, were used to evaluate their capacity to increase boron removal. It was found that CW removed ~40% of boron. Although both species presented high boron concentrations in their shoots (between 463 and 721 mg/kg), they did not enhance its removal. Interestingly, high sulfate removal was also observed, especially in non-vegetated cells (up to 68±18%), indicating that the presence of plants decreased their removal. Processes involved are probably biotic sulfate reduction and abiotic precipitation of sulfate minerals (hypothesis supported by PHREEQC modeling). Therefore, the performance of the system under continuous flow operation for a boron-and sulfate-rich wastewater indicates that rice husk has high potential as main media in CW for boron and sulfate removal

    Significación que adquiere la internación prolongada en la experiencia de vida de las niñas que han permanecido en modalidad residencial por un período superior a tres años: un estudio cualitativo en la residencia Amor, Paz y Alegría, Fundación Laura Vicuña

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    Tesis (Trabajo Social)La investigación realizada corresponde a un estudio mixto predominantemente cualitativo, al interior de la Residencia Amor, Paz y Alegría de la Fundación Laura Vicuña entre agosto del año 2015 y julio del 2016. La unidad de análisis en estudio, corresponde a niñas que cuentan con un periodo de internación superior a tres años, con las que mediante sesiones de entrevistas en profundidad individuales se buscó comprender la experiencia de vida que éstas mantienen respecto a su Vida Cotidiana dentro del sistema residencial en Chile, en base al relato de las referidas fueron elaboradas sus Historias de Vida realizando un análisis fenomenológico de éstas. De igual manera, a través de la información extraída desde la plataforma SENAINFO se buscó conocer las características de las intervenciones que han implementado las distintas redes institucionales del Servicio Nacional de Menores (SENAME). En el país se estipula que la internación residencial debe ser implementada en última instancia, no obstante, de acuerdo a lo establecido por la UNICEF en su “Informe del Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia”, se advierte una utilización excesiva de la internación residencial de Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes por razones de protección, de acuerdo a diversas investigaciones lo mencionado puede conllevar diversas consecuencias en el desarrollo físico y/o emocional del NNA. En cuanto a los resultados de la investigación, en el ámbito cualitativo, es posible concluir que las niñas le otorgan una gran relevancia a las relaciones interpersonales que han establecido con terceros significativos y/ o su familia de origen. En relación a los resultados cuantitativos, se podría presumir que existe una aparente escases de intervención preventiva ejecutada a los largo de las vidas de las niñas, es por esto que SENAME actualmente se encuentra financiando más los programas de prevención focalizada (PPF), con el fin de prevenir ex ante la vulneración de derechos cronificada.The review corresponds to a complex and qualitative study carried out at "Residencia Amor y Alegría" of Laura Vicuña foundation, August 2015-July 2016. This study is based on a group of girls who have gone in, over a three year period. The aim of the search was to discover the girls' experiences of life, and how this process has affected their daily life in this system. The survey was based on personal inerviews (historias de vida). Another source of information were the details taken from SENAINFO which is a branch of SENAME. It's important to mention that in Chile the "internacion residencial", is the last step in the process. But, according to "Fondo de Naciones Unidas para la Infancia", it has been an excessive use of this internment of children, girls and teenagers. Moreover, this situation can carry some consequences in bath physical and emotional development of NNA. As a final result, it can be mentioned that in a quantitative sence, the girls give a great importance to interpersonal reationships with significative people or their origen family. Considering the qualitative results, it can be said that there is lack of preventive intervetion during their lives, for that reason "SENAME" is supporting some preventing programes to protect the girls' rights

    Universidade e educação não presencial no contexto da pandemia: Desafios para a gestão pedagógica em um quadro de continuidade da formação

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    The outbreak of COVID-19 has generated a confusing and uncertain sce- nario for educational systems since pedagogical practices were forced to change abruptly, transforming into an unprecedented non-face-to-face learning format. As a consequence, Chilean universities have put into operation diverse actions for pedagogical management in a frame of expected educational continuity. Therefore, arises the question, which are the domains and specific aspects of that management that academics have recognized as challenging? In order to answer this question, a descriptive research was developed through the application of a survey addressed to managers and teachers in several institutions throughout the country. The main results indicate that the methodological and evaluative domains represent a greater challenge to the participants, while the curricular domain is the least highlighted. Projections aim at the need to gen- erate a shared institutional view of educational continuity, which mobilizes articulated actions of pedagogical management from all educational actors. Among other aspects, the need to lead processes of redesign of the pre-pandemic planned training proposals is outlined, identifying the critical nodes that must be resolved to safeguard the quality and equity of non-face-to-face education in the emerging context that is being experienced today.La irrupción del Covid-19 ha generado un escenario de confusión e incertidumbre en los sistemas educativos, pues las prácticas de formación debieron cambiar abruptamente hacia una lógica no presencial, sin precedentes. Con este propósito, las universidades chilenas han puesto en marcha diversas acciones para la gestión pedagógica en el marco de continuidad formativa pretendida. Por ello, surge la pregunta en torno a cuáles son los dominios y aspectos específicos de dicha gestión que los académicos reconocen como desafíos. Como respuesta, se desarrolló una investigación descriptiva que aplicó un cuestionario a directivos y docentes en distintas instituciones de educación superior en el país. Los principales resultados indican que el dominio metodológico y el dominio evaluativo presentan mayores desafíos a los participantes, mientras que el foco curricular es el menos relevado. Las proyecciones apuntan a la necesidad de generar una visión institucional compartida de continuidad formativa, que movilice acciones articuladas de gestión pedagógica por parte de los actores educativos. Entre otros aspectos, se releva la necesidad de conducir procesos de rediseño de las propuestas formativas planificadas prepandemia, identificando los nudos críticos que deben ser resueltos para resguardar la calidad y la equidad de la educación no presencial, en el contexto emergente que hoy se está experimentando.A irrupção do Covid-19 gerou um cenário de confusão e incerteza nos sis- temas educacionais, pois as práticas de formação tiveram que mudar abruptamente, transformando-se em uma lógica não presencial, sem precedentes. Com este propósito as universidades chilenas têm posto em marcha diversas ações para a gestão pedagógica, no quadro de continuidade da formação pretendido. Por isso surge a pergunta: quais são os domínios e aspectos específicos da dita gestão que os acadêmicos reconhecem como desafios? Como resposta, se desenvolveu uma pesquisa descritiva que aplicou um ques- tionário a dirigentes e professores de universidades, em distintas instituições de ensino superior do país. Os principais resultados indicam que os domínios metodológico e avaliativo apresentam maiores desafios aos participantes, enquanto que o foco curricular é o menos considerado. As projeções apontam à necessidade de gerar uma visão institu- cional compartilhada da continuidade da formação, que mobilize ações articuladas de gestão pedagógica por parte dos atores educacionais. Entre outros aspectos, destaca-se a necessidade de conduzir processos de redesenho das propostas formativas planejadas prépandemia, identificando os nós críticos que devem ser resolvidos para resguardar a qualidade e a equidade da educação não presencial, no contexto emergente que está sendo experimentando hoje

    Mecanismos de reproducción de discapacidad en jóvenes en situación de discapacidad intelectual. Estudio cualitativo dirigido a madres y profesoras de estudiantes de una escuela especial

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    From a social perspective, disability implies the reproduction of a social order that places people with disabilities in a lower position and dependent on others. In this regard, various mechanisms that shape and support this hierarchy in children and youth of a Special School were investigated. Those mechanisms were manifestations of symbolic violence. The regular visits of the research team to the Special School during an academic year provided the needed material to carry out this study, which, from a qualitative perspective, sought to delve into familiar and professional experiences of those who form the closests social environments of the students. Based on the information produced by the methods of participant observation, stories of life and focus groups, various mechanisms were inferred, which show different ways in which the place granted to people with disabilities is reinforced and takes different nuances depending on the social field in which they appear. Among those mechanisms stand out the lack and inadequacy of resources, the discrimination and exclusion, and the way of use of language.Desde una perspectiva social, la discapacidad implica la reproducción de un orden que sitúa a las personas en situación de discapacidad en un lugar inferior y dependiente de las demás personas. En tal sentido, se indagaron diversos mecanismos que dan forma y sustentan esta jerarquización en niños/as y jóvenes de una Escuela Especial, siendo tales mecanismos manifestaciones de violencia simbólica. Las visitas regulares del equipo de investigación a La Escuela Especial durante un año académico proporcionaron el material necesario para realizar el estudio aquí expuesto, el cual desde una mirada cualitativa buscó adentrarse en las experiencias familiares y profesionales de quienes conforman los entornos más próximos a los y las estudiantes. A partir de información producida en la observación participante, aplicaciones de historias de vida y de grupos focales, se infirieron diversas formas en que el lugar otorgado a las personas en situación de discapacidad es reforzado y toma distintos matices dependiendo del ámbito social en que aparecen, destacando entre ellas las falta e inadecuación de recursos, la discriminación y exclusión, y el modo de uso del lenguaje

    Could the Liquiñe-Ofqui fault zone promote the 2011 Cordon Caulle eruption ?

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    International audienceThe 2011-2012 Cordon-Caulle eruption was the largest subaerial eruption of the 21th century. An inflation captured from InSAR between 2007 and 2009 was related to a volume of magma injection too small to have triggered this eruption. Here, we benefit from SAR imagery acquired by ALOS-1, ENVISAT and SENTINEL-1 data, to analyze the temporal and spatial behavior of ground displacements before, during and after the eruption. We find that a similar prolate spheroidal source explains the data for the pre-eruptive and post-eruptive periods. Then we explore two tectonically-related hypotheses to explain the observed displacements during the explosive phase of the eruption. Therefore, first we model InSAR data using standard inversion models to evaluate how slip motion along specific structures explain surface observations. Our results show that the explosive phase's ground displacements could have been produced either by the collapse of the caldera and the graben overriding the reservoir, or by slip motion along a dextral-strike slip fault zone related to the North-South trending Liquiñe-Ofqui fault zone. Second, we use 3D numerical models and elasto-plasticity to assess the failure conditions along both structures resulting from an overpressure applied at the wall of the prolate-spheroidal reservoir. Our results show that a magma injection consistent with the 2007-2009 inflation signal rather promotes constriction at the roof of the reservoir, which tends to impede fluid flow towards the surface. The presence of a relatively weak graben-caldera structure in our models show that this constrictional area is enhanced. On the other hand, the elasto-plastic pattern resulting from the application of a dextral-slip motion along the LOFZ branch-fault generates a dilatational plastic zone that connects the reservoir wall to the surface, where it coincides with the location of the 2011 eruption. Hence we propose that the LOFZ branch-fault, weakened during the pre-eruptive inflation phase, destabilized and slipped two years later in a way that it served as open channels for fluid migration from the magma reservoir up to the surface