4,818 research outputs found

    Sharedness and privateness in human early social life

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    This research is concerned with the innate predispositions underlying human intentional communication. Human communication is currently defined as a circular and overt attempt to modify a partner's mental states. This requires each party involved to posse ss the ability to represent and understand the other's mental states, a capability which is commonly referred to as mindreading, or theory of mind (ToM). The relevant experimental literature agrees that no such capability is to be found in the human speci es at least during the first year of life, and possibly later. This paper aims at advancing a solution to this theoretical problem. We propose to consider sharedness as the basis for intentional communication in the infant and to view it as a primitive, i nnate component of her cognitive architecture. Communication can then build upon the mental grounds that the infant takes as shared with her caregivers. We view this capability as a theory of mind in a weak sense.

    Rethinking the ontogeny of mindreading

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    We propose a mentalistic and nativist view of human early mental and social life and of the ontogeny of mindreading. We define the mental state of sharedness as the primitive, one-sided capability to take one's own mental states as mutually known to an i nteractant. We argue that this capability is an innate feature of the human mind, which the child uses to make a subjective sense of the world and of her actions. We argue that the child takes all of her mental states as shared with her caregivers. This a llows her to interact with her caregivers in a mentalistic way from the very beginning and provides the grounds on which the later maturation of mindreading will build. As the latter process occurs, the child begins to understand the mental world in terms of differences between the mental states of different agents; subjectively, this also corresponds to the birth of privateness.

    Transformations between the theoretical and observational planes in the HST-NICMOS and WFPC2 photometric systems

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    Color-temperature relations and bolometric corrections in the HST-NICMOS F1110W, F160W and F222M and in the WFPC2 F439W, F555W and F814W photometric systems, using two different sets of model atmospheres, have been derived. This database of homogeneous, self-consistent transformations between the theoretical and observational planes also allows combinations of visual and infrared quantities, without any further transformation between the two different photometric systems. The behavior of the inferred quantities with varying the stellar parameters, the adopted model atmospheres and the instrumental configurations are investigated. Suitable relations to transform colors and bolometric corrections from HST to ground-based photometric systems are also provided.Comment: 22 pages, 14 figure

    Le Financement de la recherche universitaire

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    Starting now, we must make better long range plans for our various schemes of financing university research. With the rapid growth of the Canadian economy from 1962 to 1974, we saw the establishment of several programs for financing university research. A trend we saw in other areas as well. This expansionist policy came to a plateau in the early 1970's. The deterioration in economic growth now demands that we revise these generous practices. It is not a question of cutting out these important programs, nor of curtailing plans of any new program. We must however learn how to better co-ordinate these efforts.Il faut, de`s maintenant, mieux planifier a` long terme l'ensemble des programmes de fin- ancement pour la recherche universitaire. De 1962 a` 1974, avec la croissance rapide de l'e´conomie canadienne, on vit mettre sur pied un bon nombre de programmes de finance- ment dans le domaine de la recherche universitaire comme dans d'autres domaines. Cette politique expansionniste plafonna au de´but des anne´es 70. L'effritement de la croissance e´conomique exige actuellement une re´vision de ces pratiques ge´ne´reuses. Il ne s'agit ni de la coupure de ces programmes importants, ni d'un arre^t de tout nouveau programme, mais pluto^t de savoir les coordonner plus efficacement

    A Theory of Non-Noetherian Gorenstein Rings

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    In Noetherian rings there is a hierarchy among regular, Gorenstein and Cohen-Macaulay rings. Regular non-Noetherian rings were originally defined by Bertin in 1971. In 2007, Hamilton and Marley used Cech cohomology to introduce a theory of Cohen-Macaulay for non-Noetherian rings, answering a question posed by Glaz. This dissertation provides a theory of non-Noetherian Gorenstein rings agreeing with the Noetherian definition, and for which regular rings are Gorenstein, and coherent Gorenstein rings are Cohen-Macaulay. The relationship between Gorenstein rings and FP-injective dimension as defined by Stenstrom is also explored. Finally, an additional characterization of Gorenstein rings involving homological dimensions is examined in the non-Noetherian case

    Decreased myocardial injury and improved contractility after administration of a peptide derived against the alpha-interacting domain of the L-type calcium channel.

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    BackgroundMyocardial infarction remains the leading cause of morbidity and mortality associated with coronary artery disease. The L-type calcium channel (IC a-L) is critical to excitation and contraction. Activation of the channel also alters mitochondrial function. Here, we investigated whether application of a alpha-interacting domain/transactivator of transcription (AID-TAT) peptide, which immobilizes the auxiliary β2 subunit of the channel and decreases metabolic demand, could alter mitochondrial function and myocardial injury.Methods and resultsTreatment with AID-TAT peptide decreased ischemia-reperfusion injury in guinea-pig hearts ex vivo (n=11) and in rats in vivo (n=9) assessed with uptake of nitroblue tetrazolium, release of creatine kinase, and lactate dehydrogenase. Contractility (assessed with catheterization of the left ventricle) was improved after application of AID-TAT peptide in hearts ex vivo (n=6) and in vivo (n=8) up to 12 weeks before sacrifice. In search of the mechanism for the effect, we found that intracellular calcium ([Ca(2+)]i, Fura-2), superoxide production (dihydroethidium fluorescence), mitochondrial membrane potential (Ψm, JC-1 fluorescence), reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide production, and flavoprotein oxidation (autofluorescence) are decreased after application of AID-TAT peptide.ConclusionsApplication of AID-TAT peptide significantly decreased infarct size and supported contractility up to 12 weeks postcoronary artery occlusion as a result of a decrease in metabolic demand during reperfusion

    Monitoring pit and fissures using transparent sealant and fluorescence intraoral camera, 12 months follow up

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    The aim of this in vivo study is to report on the combined use of a fluorescence intraoral camera and transparent sealant for the clinical monitoring of pits and fissures. 96 permanent molars with a ICDAS II code 0, 1, or 2, (in 48 patients aged 12–14) were registered at the First Observation Unit (Oral and Maxillofacial Sciences Department), Sapienza University, Rome. Clinically selected teeth were double-checked using a VistaCam iX Proof (Durr Dental AG) and sealed with a transparent sealant (ControlSeal, VOCO GmbH), following the established indications for use if a pit and fissure condition was confirmed within the camera’s internal cutoff point of 1.5 (“early enamel demineralization”). Clinical followup was performed using VistaCam at 6 and 12 months to assess sealant retention and any demineralization trend. At baseline, 57.4% of the registered teeth were sound, both visually and when using the fluorescence camera, 42.6% presented an early demineralization (<1.5 with VistaCam and ICDAS II 1- 2). Subsequent VistaCam assessment of surfaces underlying the transparent sealant totally confirmed initial evaluations. Complete sealant retention rated 95% at 6 months, and 91% at 12 months. No case of complete detachment was observed. At the 12-month follow-up, VistaCam measurements resulted stable in the whole sample, except for one permanent molar, which presented a demineralization increment and partial sealant retention. Visual and fluorescence assessments were consistent and feasible. Incomplete sealant retention occurred in 5% of cases at 6 months and 9% of cases at 12 months and was probably due to procedure imperfections. The combined use of transparent sealant and a fluorescence camera shows clinical effectiveness and diagnostic efficacy for occlusal surface monitoring

    Th.o.m.a.s.: An exploratory assessment of Theory of Mind in schizophrenic subjects

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    A large body of literature agrees that persons with schizophrenia suffer from a Theory of Mind (ToM) deficit. However, most empirical studies have focused on third-person, egocentric ToM, underestimating other facets of this complex cognitive skill. Aim of this research is to examine the ToM of schizophrenic persons considering its various aspects (first vs. second order, first vs. third person, egocentric vs. allocentric, beliefs vs. desires vs. positive emotions vs. negative emotions and how each of these mental state types may be dealt with), to determine whether some components are more impaired than others. We developed a Theory of Mind Assessment Scale (Th.o.m.a.s.) and administered it to 22 persons with a DSM-IV diagnosis of schizophrenia and a matching control group. Th.o.m.a.s. is a semi-structured interview which allows a multi-component measurement of ToM. Both groups were also administered a few existing ToM tasks and the schizophrenic subjects were administered the Positive and Negative Symptoms Scale and the WAIS-R. The schizophrenic persons performed worse than control at all the ToM measurements; however, these deficits appeared to be differently distributed among different components of ToM. Our conclusion is that ToM deficits are not unitary in schizophrenia, which also testifies to the importance of a complete and articulated investigation of ToM

    Hiatoplasty with crura buttressing versus hiatoplasty alone during laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy

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    Introduction. In obese patients with hiatal hernia (HH), laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) with cruroplasty is an option but use of prosthetic mesh crura reinforcement is debated. The aim was to compare the results of hiatal closure with or without mesh buttressing during LSG. Methods. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) was assessed by the Health-Related Quality of Life (GERD-HRQL) questionnaire before and after surgery in two consecutive series of patients with esophageal hiatus ≤ 4 cm2. After LSG, patients in group A (12) underwent simple cruroplasty, whereas in group B patients (17), absorbable mesh crura buttressing was added. Results. At mean follow-up of 33.2 and 18.1 months for groups A and B, respectively (p = 0 006), the mean preoperative GERD-HRQL scores of 16.5 and 17.7 (p = 0 837) postoperatively became 9.5 and 2.4 (p = 0 071). In group A, there was no difference between pre- and postoperative scores (p = 0 279), whereas in group B, a highly significant difference was observed (p = 0 002). The difference (Δ) comparing pre- and postoperative mean scores between the two groups was significantly in favor of mesh placement (p = 0 0058). Conclusions. In obese patients with HH and mild-moderate GERD, reflux symptoms are significantly improved at medium term follow-up after cruroplasty with versus without crura buttressing during LSG.Introduction. In obese patients with hiatal hernia (HH), laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) with cruroplasty is an option but use of prosthetic mesh crura reinforcement is debated. The aim was to compare the results of hiatal closure with or without mesh buttressing during LSG. Methods. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) was assessed by the Health-Related Quality of Life (GERD-HRQL) questionnaire before and after surgery in two consecutive series of patients with esophageal hiatus ≤ 4 cm2. After LSG, patients in group A (12) underwent simple cruroplasty, whereas in group B patients (17), absorbable mesh crura buttressing was added. Results. At mean follow-up of 33.2 and 18.1 months for groups A and B, respectively (p = 0 006), the mean preoperative GERD-HRQL scores of 16.5 and 17.7 (p = 0 837) postoperatively became 9.5 and 2.4 (p = 0 071). In group A, there was no difference between pre- and postoperative scores (p = 0 279), whereas in group B, a highly significant difference was observed (p = 0 002). The difference (Δ) comparing pre- and postoperative mean scores between the two groups was significantly in favor of mesh placement (p = 0 0058). Conclusions. In obese patients with HH and mild-moderate GERD, reflux symptoms are significantly improved at medium term follow-up after cruroplasty with versus without crura buttressing during LSG

    Research Support Services: Agriculture

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    Citation: Farmer, D. and Olsen, L. M. (2016). Research support services: Agriculture. Manhattan, KS: K-State Libraries.This report is a result of an Ithaka S+R project to investigate research support services at research libraries for agricultural researchers. Nineteen institutional libraries, mostly at land grant universities, collaborated with Ithaka S+R on this project. Librarians at Hale Library interviewed agricultural researchers at K-State. Interview transcripts were sent Ithaka S+R to write a report for the entire project. This report is K-State’s local report which is based on interviews conducted by K-State librarians with K-State agricultural researchers