9 research outputs found


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    Plant individuals are very sensitive to changes in environmental parameters, as they are a fairly labile component of ecosystems. Each plant species has a specific range of environmental conditions in which it can exist – the tolerance amplitude of the species

    The Factors of Professional Training of a Primary School Teacher in the Context of the Second Higher Education

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    The article highlights the problem of effective education of adults receiving the second higher education. The importance of this problem is related to the specifics of the formation of the contingent of part-time students majoring in 013 Primary education, which is heterogeneous in age, basic education, and professional activity. The data collection methods and methods of quantitative mathematical analysis are used in our pedagogical research. It was found that in the process of professional training of primary school teachers in the second higher education should take into account the following factors: age of students, their needs, social status, the availability of main education, and work due to the specialty. This determines the selection of methods and techniques of teaching, technologies that provide quality practical training, taking into account their professional and life experience, intrinsic motivation and a strong desire for self-realization. The study identified the most effective teaching methods’ to be relevant in acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills required for future teachers– the practical, interactive teaching methods, case studies, simulation, problem solving, critical thinking etc

    Assessment of the conservation value of dry grassland habitats in the Inhulets River basin (Central Ukraine) based on vegetation and spider research

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    Dry grassland ecosystems are highly fragmented in Ukraine and increasingly threatened from intensification of farming practices. Evaluation of the habitat conservation importance based on multitaxon studies allows for optimizing selection of priority sites. We studied xerothermic habitats in the Kryvorizkyi Iron Ore Basin, an area of intensive mining and steel industry. Despite the high anthropogenic impact, the region has preserved areas of natural vegetation. Botanical research has been conducted since 2012, while spiders were investigated for the first time in 2017. In the four study sites, we recorded 265 vascular plant species and 95 spider species, including 23 protected plant species and 19 rare spider species. The studied habitats of forb-fescue-feather grass, petrophytic, meadow steppes, steppe scrub and siliceous rocks are under protection of the Bern Convention. Both vegetation and spider communities of the site Zelena Gully are well preserved and rich in rare and threatened species (18 plant and 11 spider species), which confirms its value as a priority site of the Emerald Network. Chervona Gully and the Slate Rocks should be included in the network. Frequent fires and intensive grazing in Khrystoforova Gully affect the spider diversity, decreasing the number of specialist and rare species, while early flowering plants benefit from this disturbance. Nevertheless, its vegetation is poorer than in Zelena and Chervona gullies.  Inclusion in the Emerald Network is critically important to the investigated sites, since expansion of mining activities is constantly threatening natural habitats in industrial regions. The control of burning, grazing and recreation will contribute to maintaining biodiversity in the protected areas.Dry grassland ecosystems are highly fragmented in Ukraine and increasingly threatened from intensification of farming practices. Evaluation of the habitat conservation importance based on multitaxon studies allows for optimizing selection of priority sites. We studied xerothermic habitats in the Kryvorizkyi Iron Ore Basin, an area of intensive mining and steel industry. Despite the high anthropogenic impact, the region has preserved areas of natural vegetation. Botanical research has been conducted since 2012, while spiders were investigated for the first time in 2017. In the four study sites, we recorded 265 vascular plant species and 95 spider species, including 23 protected plant species and 19 rare spider species. The studied habitats of forb-fescue-feather grass, petrophytic, meadow steppes, steppe scrub and siliceous rocks are under protection of the Bern Convention. Both vegetation and spider communities of the site Zelena Gully are well preserved and rich in rare and threatened species (18 plant and 11 spider species), which confirms its value as a priority site of the Emerald Network. Chervona Gully and the Slate Rocks should be included in the network. Frequent fires and intensive grazing in Khrystoforova Gully affect the spider diversity, decreasing the number of specialist and rare species, while early flowering plants benefit from this disturbance. Nevertheless, its vegetation is poorer than in Zelena and Chervona gullies.  Inclusion in the Emerald Network is critically important to the investigated sites, since expansion of mining activities is constantly threatening natural habitats in industrial regions. The control of burning, grazing and recreation will contribute to maintaining biodiversity in the protected areas

    Різноманітність ґрунтів, рослинності та біотопів регіонального ландшафтного парку «Балка Кобильна»

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    The article considers the patterns of spatial organization of vegetation and soil cover and the biotopic diversity of the regional landscape park, the territory of which has recently become part of the Emerald Network.The aim of the study is to find out the current state of the diversity of soils, plant communities and biotopes of the territory of the regional landscape park “Balka Kobylna”.Materials and methods. When conducting the geobotanical work, generally accepted methods were used. The soil diagnostics was carried out using soil genetic, morphological and laboratory experimental methods. Biotopes are identified in accordance with the developments, presented in the National Habitat Catalogue of Ukraine; the lower levels of the biotopic hierarchy correspond to the syntaxa of the latest “Prodrome of the vegetation of Ukraine”.Results. The composition of the typological units of the soil cover and the features of their spatial differentiation were ascertained, the diversity of plant communities was evaluated, and the patterns of the mutual arrangement of soil and plant territorial units were revealed. It was shown, that the communities of the true steppes are confined to southern chernozems with different degrees of development; on sod-steppe soils, the vegetation of the true steppes is replaced by petrophytogenic one. A classification scheme of biotopes of the territory of the RLP was compiled, represented by six types of the highest classification units; lower levels of the biotopic hierarchy represent the syntaxonomical division of vegetation.Conclusions. As a result of studying the soil cover of RLP “Balka Kobylna”, 23 soil varieties, included in eight soil types, were identified. 30 formations and 8 cenostructures of communities with the dominance of a certain species that did not receive the status of formations in the dominant classification were identified. In addition to the six natural types, we noted some synanthropic phytocoenoses in RLP. The typological scheme of biotopes of RLP “Balka Kobylna”, compiled on the basis of the “National Habitat Catalogue of Ukraine”, includes 6 types of the highest hierarchical level, 8 units of biotopes of the second level, 11 – of the third one, 6 – of the fourth one (including three more subtypes). The results of the studies indicate the high sozological value of the investigated territory and are the basis for the management activity on the lands of the protected object and the development of measures for the biodiversity restorationВ статье рассмотрены закономерности пространственной организации растительного и почвенного покровов и биотопическое разнообразие регионального ландшафтного парка, территория которого недавно вошла в состав Изумрудной сети.Цель исследования – выяснить современное состояние разнообразие почв, растительных сообществ и биотопов территории регионального ландшафтного парка «Балка Кобыльная».Материалы и методы. При проведении геоботанических работ использовались общепринятые методики. Диагностика почв осуществлялась с использованием почвенно-гентического, морфологического и лабораторно-экспериментального методов. Биотопы выделены в соответствии с разработками, представленными в Национальном каталоге биотопов Украины; нижние уровни биотопической иерархии соответствуют синтаксонам эколого-флористической классификации новейшего «Продромуса растительности Украины».Результаты. Установлен состав типологических единиц почвенного покрова и особенности их пространственной дифференциации, оценено разнообразие растительных сообществ, выявлены закономерности взаиморасположения почвенных и растительных территориальных выделов. Показано, что сообщества настоящих степей приурочены к черноземам южным с разной степенью развития; на дерново-степных почвах растительность настоящих степей замещается петрофитностепной. Составлена классификационная схема биотопов территории РЛП, представленная шестью типами наивысших классификационных единиц; низшие уровни биотопической иерархии отображают синтаксономическое деление растительности.Выводы. В результате изучения почвенного покрова РЛП «Балка Кобыльная» выделены 23 почвенных разновидности, входящие в восемь типов почв. Выявлены 30 формаций и 8 ценоструктур сообществ с доминированием определенного вида, не получивших в доминантной классификации статуса формаций. Кроме шести типов естественной растительности, в РЛП отмечены некоторые синантропные фитоценозы. Типологическая схема биотопов РЛП «Балка Кобыльная», составленная на основе «Национального каталога биотопов Украины» включает 6 типов наивысшего уровня иерархии, 8 единиц биотопов второго уровня, 11 – третьего, 6 – четвертого (включающего ещё три подтипа). Результаты исследований свидетельствуют о высокой созологической ценности обследованной территории и являются основой деятельности в обращении с землями заповедного объекта и разработки мер возобновления биоразнообразияУ статті розглянуто закономірності просторової організації рослинного і ґрунтового покривів та біотопічне різноманіття регіонального ландшафтного парку, територія якого нещодавно увійшла до складу Смарагдової мережі.Мета дослідження – з’ясувати сучасний стан різноманіття ґрунтів, рослинних угруповань та біотопів території регіонального ландшафтного парку «Балка Кобильна».Матеріали та методи. При проведенні геоботанічних робіт застосовувалися загальноприйняті методики. Діагностика ґрунтів здійснювалась з використанням ґрунтово-генетичного, морфологічного та лабораторно-експериментального методів. Біотопи виділені відповідно до розробок, представлених у Національному каталозі біотопів України; нижні рівні біотопічної ієрархії відповідають синтаксонам еколого-флористичної класифікації новітнього «Продромусу рослинності України».Результати. Встановлений склад типологічних одиниць ґрунтового покриву та особливості їх просторової диференціації, оцінена різноманітність рослинних угруповань, виявлені закономірності взаєморозташування ґрунтових і рослинних територіальних виділів. Показано, що угруповання справжніх степів приурочені до чорноземів південних з різним ступенем розвитку; на дерново-степових ґрунтах справжньостепова рослинність заміщується петрофітностеповою. Складена класифікаційна схема біотопів території РЛП, яка представлена шістьма типами найвищих класифікаційних одиниць; нижчі рівні біотопічної ієрархії відображають синтаксономічний поділ рослинності.Висновки. В результаті вивчення ґрунтового покриву РЛП «Балка Кобильна» виділено 23 ґрунтових різновиди, що входять до восьми типів ґрунтів. Виявлено 30 формацій та 8 ценоструктур угруповань із домінуванням певного виду, які не отримали в домінантній класифікації статусу формацій. Окрім шести типів природної рослинності, в РЛП відмічені деякі синантропні фітоценози. Типологічна схема біотопів РЛП «Балка Кобильна», складена на основі «Національного каталогу біотопів України» включає 6 типів найвищого рівня ієрархії, 8 одиниць біотопів другого рівня, 11 – третього, 6 – четвертого (що включає ще три підтипи). Результати досліджень свідчать про високу созологічну цінність обстеженої території і є основою діяльності у поводженні з землями заповідного об’єкту та розробки заходів відтворення біорізноманітт

    Current Approaches to Organizing the Educational Process in Primary School: a Neuroscientific Approach

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    The education system in the New Ukrainian School does not meet expectations, and therefore requires reforms and changes, involvement of modern approaches to organization of the educational process. This article analyzes various innovative neuropedagogical, neuropsychological and neurolinguistic techniques, proposed by scientists and educators-innovators and substantiates the importance of their implementation in the primary school learning process. The relevance of the topic is attributable to the need to solve pedagogical problems, using knowledge about individual characteristics of brain activity, higher mental functions and thinking strategies of primary school children. This study allows to make the educational process more effective and to ensure full self-realization of each child, as well as cognitive and personal development of primary school students. The article presents current provisions of research work of primary school teachers and psychologists from the standpoint of related to pedagogy neurosciences, as well as introduction of modern neuropedagogical, neuropsychological and neurolinguistic approaches to the practice of educational process in the New Ukrainian school.</p

    Neuropsychological Support of Education and Creative Activity of Primary School Age Children with Special Educational Needs

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    It was analyzed that theoretical bases of the realization process of the neuropsychological approach in the correction of the children's development who have difficulties in training based on needed complex diagnostics in the conditions of constant monitoring of a condition in their development, constant improvement of methods and receptions of inclusive training of primary school age pupils.It is determined that the application of corrective neuropsychological influence on the damaged development of personality is one of the important areas of correctional pedagogy, which uses the compensatory capabilities of the child's brain. The article describes the content and features of neuropsychological features of developmental correction of primary school age children who have learning difficulties (psychomotor skills, speech, cognitive processes, visual-objective perception, emotional disorders, etc.).Means of neuropsychological correction are presented, which are represented by two blocks: formation and development of a sensorimotor component of higher mental functions and development and correction of cognitive functions and components that are part of them.The organizational and pedagogical conditions for the development of junior schoolchildren's creativity with special educational needs have been developed and experimentally tested, in particular: the creation of a creative development environment through the introduction of game teaching methods; intensification of subject to subject interaction of participants of the educational process in the conditions of inclusive education based on partnership pedagogy; maximum enrichment of subjects with creative content to increase the experience of creative self-expression of students in lessons and extracurricular activities successfully tested during the formative stage of the experiment.</p

    The factors of professional training of a primary school teacher in the context of the second graduate degree in pedagogy

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    The article highlights the problem of effective education of adults receiving the second graduate degree in Pedagogy. The importance of this problem is related to the specifics of the formation of the contingent of part-time students majoring in Primary education, which is heterogeneous in age, basic education, and professional activity. The study used the method of questionnaires, interviews, observation of the educational process, methods of quantitative mathematical analysis of data processing. The normative-legal base in the context of the research is analyzed; the comparative analysis of the system of teacher training in a number of European countries is carried out. It was found that in the process of professional training of primary school teachers in the second graduate degree should take into account the following factors: age of students, their needs, social status, the availability of main education, and work due to the specialty. This determines the selection of methods and techniques of teaching, technologies that provide quality practical training, taking into account their professional and life experience, intrinsic motivation and a strong desire for self-realization. The study identified the most important principles of andragogy, which should be based on professional training of students receiving second graduate degree in pedagogic, specifically: priorities of self-study, organization of group work, use of professional experience as a source of new knowledge, relevance of knowledge and experience, self-motivation. This made it possible to identify the priority forms of organization of the educational process, to provide a practical component of the formation of subject and methodological competencies of the modern primary school teacher.The article highlights the problem of effective education of adults receiving the second graduate degree in Pedagogy. The importance of this problem is related to the specifics of the formation of the contingent of part-time students majoring in 013 Primary education, which is heterogeneous in age, basic education, and professional activity. The study used the method of questionnaires, interviews, observation of the educational process, methods of quantitative mathematical analysis of data processing. The normative-legal base in the context of the research is analyzed; the comparative analysis of the system of teacher training in a number of European countries is carried out. It was found that in the process of professional training of primary school teachers in the second graduate degree should take into account the following factors: age of students, their needs, social status, the availability of main education, and work due to the specialty. This determines the selection of methods and techniques of teaching, technologies that provide quality practical training, taking into account their professional and life experience, intrinsic motivation and a strong desire for self-realization. The study identified the most important principles of andragogy, which should be based on professional training of students receiving second graduate degree in pedagogic, specifically: priorities of self-study, organization of group work, use of professional experience as a source of new knowledge, relevance of knowledge and experience, self-motivation. This made it possible to identify the priority forms of organization of the educational process, to provide a practical component of the formation of subject and methodological competencies of the modern primary school teacher.Peer reviewe

    Formation of the reading comprehension skill in primary school students by visualization

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    This article describe the problem of shaping scrupulous reading comprehension in primary school students through visualisation tools and identifies its key factors. The scientific psychological and pedagogical and methodological literature, the current legal framework of primary education in Ukraine, educational experience of the research problems of foreign and domestic teachers, the results of the PISA research were analyzed. Foreign theories of interpretation of the term “reading comprehension” are reviewed and our own understanding of the essence of the concept is suggested on their basis. Presents its own classification of modern visualisation tools. It describes the author’s organizational and methodological model of shaping reading comprehension by visualization means, as well as the work done by the author on shaping of scrupulous reading comprehension by visualization means among primary school students. The research involved a set of theoretical (analysis of scientific literature, legal framework, synthesis, generalisation, systematization) and empirical methods (expert assessment, modelling; questionnaires, interviews, monitoring of the educational process, method of mathematical statistics)

    Assessment of the conservation value of dry grassland habitats in the Inhulets River basin (Central Ukraine) based on vegetation and spider research

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    Dry grassland ecosystems are highly fragmented in Ukraine and increasingly threatened from intensification of farming practices. Evaluation of the habitat conservation importance based on multitaxon studies allows for optimizing selection of priority sites. Botanical research of xerothermic habitats in the Kryvorizkyi Iron Ore Basin has been conducted since 2012, while spiders were investigated for the first time in 2017. In the four study sites, we recorded 265 vascular plant species (23 under protection) and 95 spider species (19 are rare). Both vegetation and spider communities of the site Zelena Gully are well preserved and rich in rare and threatened species (18 plant and 11 spider species), which confirms its value as a priority site of the Emerald Network. Chervona Gully and the Slate Rocks should be included in the network. Frequent fires and intensive grazing in Khrystoforova Gully affect the spider diversity, decreasing the number of specialist and rare species, while early flowering plants benefit from this disturbance. Nevertheless, its vegetation is poorer than in Zelena and Chervona gullies. Inclusion in the Emerald Network is critically important to the investigated sites, since expansion of mining activities is constantly threatening natural habitats in industrial regions