12 research outputs found

    Rock varnish evidence for a Younger Dryas wet period in the Dead Sea basin

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    Rock varnish from 14.6 to 13.2 ka recessional shorelines of late glacial Lake Lisan and fan delta surfaces between 280 and 365 m bmsl (meters below mean sea level) along the western margins of the Dead Sea contains replicable layering patterns, characterized by a low Mn and Ba orange/yellow surface layer and a high Mn and Ba dark basal layer. The deposition of the dark basal layers immediately after the lake recession represents a wet period coinciding with the Younger Dryas (YD) cooling (12.9–11.6 ka), manifesting the influence of midlatitude westerly winds in the eastern Mediterranean-central Levant (EM-CL). In contrast, varnish from the distal base of fan deltas contains only orange/yellow surface layers, diagnostic of the Holocene relatively dry climate. The absence of the dark basal layers in the varnish further indicates a YD high stand at ~365 m bmsl and a lake level rise of at least 100 m from its Bølling-Ållerød lowstand. This rise stands in contrast to the abrupt drop of the lake level during the Heinrich (H1) cold event, illustrating the opposite response of the EM-CL climate to changes in the North Atlantic climate. The YD wet event most likely reflects a southward shift of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation-modulated midlatitude westerly wind belt in the EM-CL region

    varnish: Recorder of desert wetness

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    ABSTRACT Rock varnish is a thin coating (<200 µm) of a cocktail rich in Mn, Fe, and clay minerals that is ubiquitous in desert regions. It has become the center of a contentious controversy revolving around its use to date geomorphic surfaces and/or to evaluate past climate conditions. We observe pronounced temporal variations in Mn and Ba concentration that are similar over large regions and that likely relate to variations in paleo-wetness. The mode of formation of varnish remains uncertain, but anthropogenic Pb concentrated in outermost varnish layers indicates its continued formation, and experiments using cosmogenic Be suggest that, while precipitation is a primary control, dust, dew, and aerosols may also be important in delivering the ingredients of varnish. We suggest several steps that may lead to rejuvenation and future breakthrough in varnish studies

    Development of a protocol to obtain the composition of terrigenous detritus in marine sediments -a pilot study from International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 361

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    The geochemical and isotopic composition of terrigenous clays from marine sediments can provide important information on the sources and pathways of sediments. International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 361 drilled sites along the eastern margin of southern Africa that potentially provide archives of rainfall on the continent as well as dispersal in the Agulhas Current. We used standard methods to remove carbonate and ferromanganese oxides and Stokes settling to isolate the clay fractions. In comparison to most previous studies that aimed to extract the detrital signal from marine sediments, we additionally applied a cation exchange wash using CsCl as a final step in the sample preparation. The motivation behind the extra step, not frequently applied, is to remove ions that are gained on the clay surface due to adsorption of authigenic trace metals in the ocean or during the leaching procedure. Either would alter the composition of the detrital fraction if no cation exchange was applied. Moreover, using CsCl will provide an additional measure of the cation exchange capacity (CEC) of the samples. However, no study so far has evaluated the potential and the limitations of such a targeted protocol for marine sediments. Here, we explore the effects of removing and replacing adsorbed cations on the clay surfaces with Cs+, conducting measurements of the chemical compositions, and radiogenic isotopes on a set of eight clay sample pairs. Both sets of samples underwent the same full leaching procedure except that one batch was treated with a final CsCl wash step. In this study, organic matter was not leached because sediments at IODP Site U1478 have relatively low organic content. However, in general, we recommend including that step in the leaching procedure. As expected, significant portions of elements with high concentrations in seawater were replaced by Cs+ (2SD 2.8%.) from the wash, including 75% of the sodium and approximately 25% of the calcium, 10% of the magnesium, and 8% of the potassium. Trace metals such as Sr and Nd, whose isotopes are used for provenance studies, are also found to be in lower concentrations in the samples after the exchange wash. The exchange wash affected the radiogenic isotope compositions of the samples. Neodymium isotope ratios are slightly less radiogenic in all the washed samples. Strontium and Pb isotopes showed significant deviations to either more or less radiogenic values in different samples. The radiogenic isotopes from the CsCl-treated fractions gave more consistent correlations with each other, and we suggest this treatment offers a superior measure of provenance. Although we observed changes in the isotope ratios, the general trend in the data and hence the overall provenance interpretations remained the same. However, the chemical compositions are significantly different. We conclude that a leaching protocol including a cation exchange wash (e.g. CsCl) is useful for revealing the terrestrial fingerprint. CEC could, with further calibration efforts, be useful as a terrestrial chemical weathering proxy

    Climatic impact of the Millennium eruption of Changbaishan volcano in China: New insights from high-precision radiocarbon wiggle-match dating

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    Changbaishan volcano in northeast China, previously dated to have erupted around the mid-10th century A.D., is renowned for producing one of the largest eruptions in history (magnitude 6.8) and thus speculated to have substantial climatic impact. Here we report a new high-precision 14C wiggle-match age of A.D. 946 ± 3 obtained from a 264 year old tree trunk (with bark) killed during the eruption, using the OxCal's Bayesian modeling approach with 27 sequentially sampled annual rings of decadal intervals. The new chronology conforms well to the calendar date of A.D. 946 for the eruption inferred from historical documentary evidence. We find no stratospherically loaded sulfate spike that might be associated with the A.D. 946 eruption in the global volcanism record from the GISP2 ice core, suggesting the stratospheric sulfate aerosols produced during the eruption were not transported to the arctic region, due probably to its relatively low stratospheric sulfur emission and the seasonal effects of the atmospheric circulation at the time of the eruption that likely occurred in the winter of A.D. 946–947. Since the stratospheric volcanic sulfates are the main cause of large-scale climate perturbations, this finding indicates that the Millennium eruption of Changbaishan volcano might have limited regional climatic effects, rather than global or hemispheric impact as implied by its magnitude

    Sequential extraction procedure to obtain the composition of terrigenous detritus in marine sediments

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    The geochemical and isotopic composition of terrigenous clays from marine sediments can provide important information on the sources and pathways of sediments. In order to extract the detrital signal from bulk marine sediments, standard sediment leaching methods are commonly applied to remove carbonate and ferromanganese oxides. In comparison to most previous studies that aimed to extract the terrestrial signal from marine sediments we additionally applied a CsCl wash throughout the sample preparation Simon et al. [1]. The motivation behind that extra step, not frequently applied, is to remove ions that are gained on the clay surface due to re-adsorption of authigenic trace metals in the ocean or during the leaching procedure and thus could alter the original composition of the detrital fraction if no cation exchange was applied. Here we present an improved and detailed step-by-step leaching protocol for the extraction of the detrital fraction of bulk deep-sea sediments including commonly used buffered acetic acid and acid-reductive mix solutions including a final cation exchange wash. • standard method to remove carbonate and ferromanganese oxides and Stokes settling to isolate the clay fractions • additional application of cation cation exchange wash (CsCl) • removal of ions that are gained on the clay surface due to adsorption of authigenic trace metals in the ocean or during the leaching procedurepublishedVersio

    Sequential extraction procedure to obtain the composition of terrigenous detritus in marine sediments

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    The geochemical and isotopic composition of terrigenous clays from marine sediments can provide important information on the sources and pathways of sediments. In order to extract the detrital signal from bulk marine sediments, standard sediment leaching methods are commonly applied to remove carbonate and ferromanganese oxides. In comparison to most previous studies that aimed to extract the terrestrial signal from marine sediments we additionally applied a CsCl wash throughout the sample preparation Simon et al. [1]. The motivation behind that extra step, not frequently applied, is to remove ions that are gained on the clay surface due to re-adsorption of authigenic trace metals in the ocean or during the leaching procedure and thus could alter the original composition of the detrital fraction if no cation exchange was applied. Here we present an improved and detailed step-by-step leaching protocol for the extraction of the detrital fraction of bulk deep-sea sediments including commonly used buffered acetic acid and acid-reductive mix solutions including a final cation exchange wash. • standard method to remove carbonate and ferromanganese oxides and Stokes settling to isolate the clay fractions • additional application of cation cation exchange wash (CsCl) • removal of ions that are gained on the clay surface due to adsorption of authigenic trace metals in the ocean or during the leaching procedur