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    ABSTRACT MOHAMAD MUNAF ADI. 2020. AN ANALYSIS OF FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE FOUND ON THE SONGS LYRIC OF TIFFANY YOUNG, AMBER J. LIU AND JAY PARK. A thesis: Jakarta, English literature Study Program, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State university of Jakarta The purpose of this research is to study and discuss the types of figurative language used in Tiffany Young, Amber J. Liu and Jay Park songs, expressing the message conveyed in Tiffany Young, Jay Park and Amber J. Liu songs in criticizing preparatory agencies dealing with artists in working in the k-pop world. This study uses the method of content analysis. Data collection instruments used documentation and direct observations which were then analyzed using simple linear correlation. The research results obtained will give some knowledge about figurative languages like: It will add knowledge about figurative language analyzing in Tiffany Young's, Jay Park and Amber J. Liu songs and add the literature in linguistics about figurative language. keywords: figurative language, amber liu, tiffany young, jay park, kpop, agency ABSTRAK MOHAMAD MUNAF ADI. 2020. ANALISIS BAHASA KIASAN YANG DITEMUKAN DALAM LIRIK LAGU AMBER J. LIU, TIFFANY YOUNG DAN JAY PARK. Skripsi: Jakarta, Program StudiSastraInggris, Fakultas Bahasa danSeni, UniversitasNegeri Jakarta Tujuandaripenelitianiniadalahuntukmengetahuidanmengidentifikasijenis-jenisbahasakiasan yang digunakandalamlagu-lagu Tiffany Young, Amber J. Liu dan Jay Park, mengungkapkanpesan yang disampaikandalamlagu-lagu Tiffany Young, Jay Park dan Amber J. Liudalammengkritikagensiketikamengurusartisnyadalamberkarya di duniakpop. Penelitianinimenggunakanmetodeanalisisisi. Instrumenpengumpulan data menggunakandokumentasidanobservasilangsung yang kemudiandianalisismenggunakankorelasi linier sederhana. Hasilpenelitian yang diperolehakanmemberikanbeberapapengetahuantentangbahasakiasanseperti: Iniakanmenambahpengetahuantentanganalisisbahasakiasandalamlagu Tiffany Young, Jay Park dan Amber J. Liu danmenambahkanliteraturdalamlinguistiktentangbahasakiasan. katakunci: bahasakiasan, amber liu, tiffany young, jay park, kpop, agens


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    This study aimed to investigate the types of slang that Amber J. Liu most often uses on her Twitter account. Slang is a language that has new value and is used by a specific group for a specific purpose, and is considered to be popular at the time and changes with the times. Therefore, this study aims to clarify the following research problem; what are millennial slang word and the types of slang were found in this study. The researcher used the descriptive qualitative method. The data of this research collected from Amber J. Liu in her Twitter account. The supporting instrument in this research is document analysis (screenshot) on tweet of Amber J. Liu Twitter wich contain slang words. The data collected from September 2020 until Februari 2021. The result show that there are 24 millenial slang. This research analyzed five types of slang words based on theory by Allan and Burridge cited in Putra. As a result, the types of slang words were 3 fresh and creative, 3 flippant, 1 imitative, 3 acronym, and 14 clipping

    Comment on "Jamming at zero temperature and zero applied stress: The epitome of disorder"

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    O'Hern, Silbert, Liu and Nagel [Phys. Rev. E. 68, 011306 (2003)] (OSLN) claim that a special point JJ of a "jamming phase diagram" (in density, temperature, stress space) is related to random close packing of hard spheres, and that it represents, for their suggested definitions of jammed and random, the recently introduced maximally random jammed state. We point out several difficulties with their definitions and question some of their claims. Furthermore, we discuss the connections between their algorithm and other hard-sphere packing algorithms in the literature.Comment: 4 pages of text, already publishe

    Comment on "The complete Schwarzschild interior and exterior solution in the harmonic coordinate system" [J. Math. Phys. 39, 6086 (1998)]

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    In a recent paper Liu considered the complete Schwarzschild interior and exterior solution in harmonic coordinates. There he argued about the necessity to keep an integration constant, in contrast with previous treatments. The purpose of this comment is to show that the above conclusion cannot be traced from the matching conditions between the vacuum exterior and the uniform density interior perfect fluid, as claimed.Comment: 1999 paper, posted for on-line avalabilit

    The nature of attraction between like charged rods

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    Comment on the paper of Ha and Liu (Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 79}, 1289 (1997)) regarding the nature of attraction between like charged rods. We demostrate that their results do not produce the correct low temperature limit.Comment: Comment to appear in Phys. Rev. Let
