215 research outputs found

    Reprogramming the kidney: a novel approach for regeneration

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    Nuclear reprogramming has reshaped stem cell science and created new avenues for cell-based therapies. The ability to bestow any given phenotype upon adult cells regardless of their origin is an exciting possibility. How can this powerful tool be harnessed for the treatment of kidney disease? Many approaches, including induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) production, direct lineage conversion, and reprogramming to a kidney progenitor, are now possible. Indeed, the generation of iPSC lines from adult kidney–derived cells has been successfully achieved. This, however, is just the beginning of the challenge. This review will discuss the fundamental concepts of transcription factor–based reprogramming in its various forms, highlighting recent advances in the field and how these are applicable to the kidney. The relative merits of each approach will be discussed in the context of what is a realistic and feasible strategy for kidney regeneration via reprogramming

    The origin of the mammalian kidney: Implications for recreating the kidney in vitro

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    The mammalian kidney, the metanephros, is a mesodermal organ classically regarded as arising from the intermediate mesoderm (IM). Indeed, both the ureteric bud (UB), which gives rise to the ureter and the collecting ducts, and the metanephric mesenchyme (MM), which forms the rest of the kidney, derive from the IM. Based on an understanding of the signalling molecules crucial for IM patterning and kidney morphogenesis, several studies have now generated UB or MM, or both, in vitro via the directed differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells. Although these results support the IM origin of the UB and the MM, they challenge the simplistic view of a common progenitor for these two populations, prompting a reanalysis of early patterning events within the IM. Here, we review our understanding of the origin of the UB and the MM in mouse, and discuss how this impacts on kidney regeneration strategies and furthers our understanding of human development

    Cap mesenchyme cell swarming during kidney development is influenced by attraction, repulsion, and adhesion to the ureteric tip

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    Morphogenesis of the mammalian kidney requires reciprocal interactions between two cellular domains at the periphery of the developing organ: the tips of the epithelial ureteric tree and adjacent regions of cap mesenchyme. While the presence of the cap mesenchyme is essential for ureteric branching, how it is specifically maintained at the tips is unclear. Using ex vivo timelapse imaging we show that cells of the cap mesenchyme are highly motile. Individual cap mesenchyme cells move within and between cap domains. They also attach and detach from the ureteric tip across time. Timelapse tracks collected for >800 cells showed evidence that this movement was largely stochastic, with cell autonomous migration influenced by opposing attractive, repulsive and cell adhesion cues. The resulting swarming behaviour maintains a distinct cap mesenchyme domain while facilitating dynamic remodelling in response to underlying changes in the tip

    Wnt-4 regulation by the Wilms' tumour suppressor gene, WT1

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    The Wilms' tumour suppressor gene, WT1, encodes multiple nuclear protein isoforms, all containing four C-terminal zinc finger motifs. WT1 proteins can both activate and repress putative target genes in vitro, although the in vivo relevance of these putative target genes is often unverified. WT1 mutations can result in Wilms' tumour and the Denys-Drash Syndrome (DDS) of infantile nephropathy, XY pseudohermaphroditism and predisposition to Wilms' tumour. We have established stable transfectants of the mouse mesonephric cell line, M15, which express WT1 harbouring a common DDS point mutation (R394W). A comparison of the expression profiles of M15 and transfectant C2A was performed using Nylon-based arrays. Very few genes showed differential expression. However Wnt-4, a member of the Wnt gene family of secreted glycoproteins, was downregulated in C2A and other similar clones. Doxycycline induction of WT1-A or WT1-D expression in HEK293 stable transfectants also elicited an elevation in Wnt4 expression. Wnt4 is critical for the mesenchyme-to-epithelial transition during kidney development, making it an attractive putative WT1 target. We have mapped human Wnt-4 gene to chromosome 1p35-36, a region of frequent LOH in WT, have characterized the genomic structure of the human Wnt-4 gene and isolated 9 kb of immediate promoter. While several potential WT1 binding sites exist within this promoter, reporter analysis does not strongly support the direct regulation of Wnt4 by WT1. We propose that Wnt-4 regulation by WT1 occurs at a more distant promoter or enhancer site, or is indirect

    Identification of Anchor Genes during Kidney Development Defines Ontological Relationships, Molecular Subcompartments and Regulatory Pathways

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    The development of the mammalian kidney is well conserved from mouse to man. Despite considerable temporal and spatial data on gene expression in mammalian kidney development, primarily in rodent species, there is a paucity of genes whose expression is absolutely specific to a given anatomical compartment and/or developmental stage, defined here as ‘anchor’ genes. We previously generated an atlas of gene expression in the developing mouse kidney using microarray analysis of anatomical compartments collected via laser capture microdissection. Here, this data is further analysed to identify anchor genes via stringent bioinformatic filtering followed by high resolution section in situ hybridisation performed on 200 transcripts selected as specific to one of 11 anatomical compartments within the midgestation mouse kidney. A total of 37 anchor genes were identified across 6 compartments with the early proximal tubule being the compartment richest in anchor genes. Analysis of minimal and evolutionarily conserved promoter regions of this set of 25 anchor genes identified enrichment of transcription factor binding sites for Hnf4a and Hnf1b, RbpJ (Notch signalling), PPARγ:RxRA and COUP-TF family transcription factors. This was reinforced by GO analyses which also identified these anchor genes as targets in processes including epithelial proliferation and proximal tubular function. As well as defining anchor genes, this large scale validation of gene expression identified a further 92 compartment-enriched genes able to subcompartmentalise key processes during murine renal organogenesis spatially or ontologically. This included a cohort of 13 ureteric epithelial genes revealing previously unappreciated compartmentalisation of the collecting duct system and a series of early tubule genes suggesting that segmentation into proximal tubule, loop of Henle and distal tubule does not occur until the onset of glomerular vascularisation. Overall, this study serves to illuminate previously ill-defined stages of patterning and will enable further refinement of the lineage relationships within mammalian kidney development

    Development of the Human Fetal Kidney from Mid to Late Gestation in Male and Female Infants

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    BACKGROUND During normal human kidney development, nephrogenesis (the formation of nephrons) is complete by term birth, with the majority of nephrons formed late in gestation. The aim of this study was to morphologically examine nephrogenesis in fetal human kidneys from 20 to 41weeks of gestation. METHODS Kidney samples were obtained at autopsy from 71 infants that died acutely in utero or within 24h after birth. Using image analysis, nephrogenic zone width, the number of glomerular generations, renal corpuscle cross-sectional area and the cellular composition of glomeruli were examined. Kidneys from female and male infants were analysed separately. FINDINGS The number of glomerular generations formed within the fetal kidneys was directly proportional to gestational age, body weight and kidney weight, with variability between individuals in the ultimate number of generations (8 to 12) and in the timing of the cessation of nephrogenesis (still ongoing at 37weeks gestation in one infant). There was a slight but significant (r2=0.30, P=0.001) increase in renal corpuscle cross-sectional area from mid gestation to term in females, but this was not evident in males. The proportions of podocytes, endothelial and non-epithelial cells within mature glomeruli were stable throughout gestation. INTERPRETATION These findings highlight spatial and temporal variability in nephrogenesis in the developing human kidney, whereas the relative cellular composition of glomeruli does not appear to be influenced by gestational age.This study was supported by funding from the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) (1011136) of Australia and National Institutes of Health (NIH) USA grant 3U01DK094526-04S1 (PI A P McMahon). Author Danica Ryan was the recipient of the Biomedicine Discovery Scholarship from Monash University and author Megan R. Sutherland was supported by a NHMRC CJ Martin Fellowship

    Self-organisation after embryonic kidney dissociation is driven via selective adhesion of ureteric epithelial cells

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    Human pluripotent stem cells, after directed differentiation in vitro, can spontaneously generate complex tissues via self-organisation of the component cells. Self-organisation can also reform embryonic organ structure after tissue disruption. It has previously been demonstrated that dissociated embryonic kidneys can recreate component epithelial and mesenchymal relationships sufficient to allow continued kidney morphogenesis. Here, we investigate the timing and underlying mechanisms driving self-organisation after dissociation of the embryonic kidney using time-lapse imaging, high-resolution confocal analyses and mathematical modelling. Organotypic self-organisation sufficient for nephron initiation was observed within a 24 h period. This involved cell movement, with structure emerging after the clustering of ureteric epithelial cells, a process consistent with models of random cell movement with preferential cell adhesion. Ureteric epithelialisation rapidly followed the formation of ureteric cell clusters with the reformation of nephron-forming niches representing a later event. Disruption of P-cadherin interactions was seen to impair this ureteric epithelial cell clustering without affecting epithelial maturation. This understanding could facilitate improved regulation of patterning within organoids and facilitate kidney engineering approaches guided by cell-cell self-organisation

    Defining the Molecular Character of the Developing and Adult Kidney Podocyte

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    BACKGROUND: The podocyte is a remarkable cell type, which encases the capillaries of the kidney glomerulus. Although mesodermal in origin it sends out axonal like projections that wrap around the capillaries. These extend yet finer projections, the foot processes, which interdigitate, leaving between them the slit diaphragms, through which the glomerular filtrate must pass. The podocytes are a subject of keen interest because of their key roles in kidney development and disease. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this report we identified and characterized a novel transgenic mouse line, MafB-GFP, which specifically marked the kidney podocytes from a very early stage of development. These mice were then used to facilitate the fluorescent activated cell sorting based purification of podocytes from embryos at E13.5 and E15.5, as well as adults. Microarrays were then used to globally define the gene expression states of podocytes at these different developmental stages. A remarkable picture emerged, identifying the multiple sets of genes that establish the neuronal, muscle, and phagocytic properties of podocytes. The complete combinatorial code of transcription factors that create the podocyte was characterized, and the global lists of growth factors and receptors they express were defined. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The complete molecular character of the in vivo podocyte is established for the first time. The active molecular functions and biological processes further define their unique combination of features. The results provide a resource atlas of gene expression patterns of developing and adult podocytes that will help to guide further research of these incredible cells

    Polarity, cell division, and out-of-equilibrium dynamics control the growth of epithelial structures

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    The growth of a well-formed epithelial structure is governed by mechanical constraints, cellular apico-basal polarity, and spatially controlled cell division. Here we compared the predictions of a mathematical model of epithelial growth with the morphological analysis of 3D epithelial structures. In both in vitro cyst models and in developing epithelial structures in vivo, epithelial growth could take place close to or far from mechanical equilibrium, and was determined by the hierarchy of time-scales of cell division, cell-cell rearrangements, and lumen dynamics. Equilibrium properties could be inferred by the analysis of cell-cell contact topologies, and the nonequilibrium phenotype was altered by inhibiting ROCK activity. The occurrence of an aberrant multilumen phenotype was linked to fast nonequilibrium growth, even when geometric control of cell division was correctly enforced. We predicted and verified experimentally that slowing down cell division partially rescued a multilumen phenotype induced by altered polarity. These results improve our understanding of the development of epithelial organs and, ultimately, of carcinogenesi

    Reward-Related Dorsal Striatal Activity Differences between Former and Current Cocaine Dependent Individuals during an Interactive Competitive Game

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    Cocaine addiction is characterized by impulsivity, impaired social relationships, and abnormal mesocorticolimbic reward processing, but their interrelationships relative to stages of cocaine addiction are unclear. We assessed blood-oxygenation-level dependent (BOLD) signal in ventral and dorsal striatum during functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in current (CCD; n = 30) and former (FCD; n = 28) cocaine dependent subjects as well as healthy control (HC; n = 31) subjects while playing an interactive competitive Domino game involving risk-taking and reward/punishment processing. Out-of-scanner impulsivity-related measures were also collected. Although both FCD and CCD subjects scored significantly higher on impulsivity-related measures than did HC subjects, only FCD subjects had differences in striatal activation, specifically showing hypoactivation during their response to gains versus losses in right dorsal caudate, a brain region linked to habituation, cocaine craving and addiction maintenance. Right caudate activity in FCD subjects also correlated negatively with impulsivity-related measures of self-reported compulsivity and sensitivity to reward. These findings suggest that remitted cocaine dependence is associated with striatal dysfunction during social reward processing in a manner linked to compulsivity and reward sensitivity measures. Future research should investigate the extent to which such differences might reflect underlying vulnerabilities linked to cocaine-using propensities (e.g., relapses)
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