361 research outputs found


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    Banyak survey yang telah dilakukan dan mengungkapkan bahwa lulusan universitas yang dibutuhkan di dunia kerja adalah lulusan yang tidak hanya memiliki hardskill namun juga yang memiliki softskill, Sebagai contoh, hampir semua lapangan pekerjaan membutuhkan kemampuan berkomunikasi dan bekerja dalam tim. Pada umumnya softskills didefinisikan sebagai kemampuan seseorang dalam berhubungan dengan orang lain (interpersonal skill) dan kemampuan dalam mengatur/mengelola dirinya sendiri (intrapersonal skill). Softskill merupakan kompetensi non akademik yang menjadi modal seorang sarjana agar dapat mencapai kesuksesan dalam karier serta lebih berhasil dan berfungsi dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Salah satu cara yang cukup baik untuk mengembangkan softskills mahasiswa adalah melalui perkuliahan dengan segala aktivitasnya. Kata kunci: softskill

    Students’ Perceptions on English Fun Fair as an Implementation of Project-Based Learning in Speaking for Social Purposes Classes

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    English Fun Fair is one of the implementation models in Project-Based Learning (PBL) which involves learning through various tasks and collaborative learning. Particularly, the project was implemented in Speaking for Social Purposes classes at an English Language Education Program, at a private university in Central Java, Indonesia. The study aimed to investigate students' perceptions of the influence of English Fun Fair which consisted of the benefits and challenges of the project. The participants of the study were fifty (50) students from 2016, 2017, and 2018 Academic Year who had taken Speaking for Social Purposes course and had done English Fun Fair. To gain data more deeply, the researchers used a qualitative method. The instruments used were open-ended questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. In the questionnaires, the participants answered some questions related to this study. After that, as a follow-up of the answers in the questionnaires, the researcher did interviews. Besides that, the data showed that improving speaking skills was the most dominant benefit mentioned by the participants. However, problems in speaking skills also became a challenge which they experienced a lot. Expectantly, the findings from this study can give views for EFL teachers about the benefits of this project and for EFL students can develop their speaking and other skills

    Poster Presentation as A Tool to Assess Students’ Academic Speaking Performance: Teachers and Students’ Perspectives

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    A poster presentation is a way that is done to share or inform a research data and information in oral communication. Through poster presentation, the presenters will be able to present the data easily. In education, poster presentation is always used for the research seminar and the conference. For the English-speaking students, they use a poster presentation as a project to learn English and how they can use English as the academic speaker. This is the reason why the Academic Speaking classes at an English Language Education Program (ELEP), in a private university in Central Java, Indonesia used the poster presentation as the final project to assess students’ performance. The study was conducted at the Faculty of Language and Arts, at a private university in Central Java, Indonesia.  The aim of the study is to see how the teachers and students’ perceptions about the use of poster presentation and how it can increase the students’ academic speaking performance. The research participants were two of Academic Speaking class' lecturers and two students of batch 2016. They were interviewed using an audio recording and also the interview protocol. Based on the interview, there are some different opinions about the use of poster presentation in Academic Speaking class. Overall, the results found that the use of poster presentation, which is a form of speaking skill assessment, could increase the students’ academic speaking performance such as eye contact, gesture, fluency, pronunciation, vocabulary, and knowledge


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    Remaja putri berisiko terkena anemia karena sedang dalam masa pertumbuhan dan mengalami haid setiap bulan. Suplementasi tablet tambah darah merupakan salah satu upaya jangka pendek pencegahan anemia gizi.Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh pemberian tablet tambah darah terhadap perubahan kadar Hemoglobin pada siswi SMU di Brebes. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis Quasy Experimental dengan desain penelitian Pre Test and Post Test Control Group Design. Sampel adalah siswi kelas 1 dan kelas 2 SMU N 1 Kecamatan Brebes dan MAN 1 Brebes yang sedang tidak haid. Penentuan sampel dengan systematic random sampling. Perlakuan yang diberikan adalah pemberian tablet tambah darah selama 12 minggu yang diminum 1 minggu sekali dan setiap hari selama haid. Pada kelompok perlakuan ditambah Vitamin C dan Vitamin B6, sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol hanya diberi Vitamin C dan Vitamin B6 saja. Pemeriksaan kadar Hb awal dan kadar Hb akhir menggunakan alat Hemocue dengan metode Cyanmethemoglobin. Pemantauan konsumsi makanan menggunakan metode recall 3 kali 24 jam. Pengolahan data konsumsi makanan menggunakan Food Processor dan pengolahan statistik menggunakan Program SPSS 11 dengan Uji T-Test Independent dan GLM Univariate. Hasil pemeriksaan kadar Hb awal pada kelompok perlakuan 25% siswi anemia dan pada kelompok kontrol 34% anemia. Hasil uji T-Test Independent yaitu tidak ada perbedaan perubahan kadar Hb antara kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok kontrol dengan nilai p 0.938. Hasil uji GLM menunjukkan tidak ada pengaruh pemberian tablet tambah darah terhadap perubahan kadar Hemoglobin pada siswi SMU di Kabupaten Brebes dengan nilai p 0,735. Konsumsi protein dan zat besi sebagai kovariat juga tidak memberikan pengaruh terhadap perubahan kadar Hb dengan nilai p 0,775 untuk protein dan zat besi nilai p 0,276. Kurang efektifnya suplementasi TTD ini mungkin karena siswi kurang patuh mengkonsumsi TTD secara teratur, mengingat tingkat kepatuhan sebesar 8%. Pemantauan minum TTD pada remaja putri sebaiknya melibatkan orangtua. Untuk peneliti lain supaya keadaan kecacingan dan penyakit infeksi dikendalikan. Kata Kunci: TTD, hemoglobin, siswi SMU THE EFFECT OF IRON TABLET SUPPLEMENTATION TO THE CHANGE OF HEMOGLOBIN LEVELS (STUDY ON FEMALE STUDENTS OF SMU N 1 BREBES SUB DISTRICT AND MAN 1 BREBES Teenage girls have a risk to suffer from anemia because they are in growing phase and having menstruation every month. Supplementation of iron tablet is one of short-term efforts to prevent anemia. The purpose of this research is to know the effects of iron tablet supplementation to the change of hemoglobin levels in female students of SMU in Brebes regency. This research is Quasy Experimental research with Pre Test and Post Test Control Group Design. The samples are female students on 1stnd grade of SMU N 1 Brebes Sub District and MAN 1 Brebes that was not having menstruation. Sample formulated by systematic random sampling. The treatment is iron tablet supplementation during 12 weeks that was take once a week and everyday during menstruation. The treatment group also received Vitamin C and Vitamin B6, while in control group, they only received Vitamin C and Vitamin B6. The measurement of Hemoglobin levels are taken before and after supplementation use Hemocue with Cyanmethemoglobin methods. Monitoring of food consumption use 24 hours recall methods during 3 times. The data of food consumption is processed by Food Processor Program and data analysis was carried out by using Independent Samples T-Test and GLM Univariate design of SPSS 11. The result of hemoglobin levels before treatment in treatment group there were 25% female students suffer from anemia and in control group there were 34% female students suffer from anemia. The result of Independent Sample T-Test there is no difference on the change of Hemoglobin levels between treatment group and control group with p value 0,938. GLM Univariate result that is no effects of iron tablet supplementation to the change of hemoglobin levels on female students of SMU in Brebes regency with p value 0,735. There is no effect of protein consumption and zinc consumption as covariate to the change of hemoglobin levels with p value 0,775 for protein and p value 0,276 for zinc. Ineffetiveness of iron tablet supplementation possibly female students do not obey to consume iron tablet regularly; because the obedient level is only 8%. Monitoring of iron tablet consumption on teenage girls must involve their parents. The other researcher are recommended to controlling the intestinal worms and infection disease. Keyword: iron supplementation, hemoglobin, female students


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    Language learners living in the expanding circle certainly face probems that may not be encountered by their counterparts in the inner or outer circle. One of the problems these learners face is in the field of writing. They also need special strategies in overcoming these problems. This study was done to investigate the problems faced by students in writing Procedural Essays as well as the strategies to overcome the problems. This study attempted to answer two research questions: What problems do students face in writing Procedural Essays? and What are students' strategies to overcome the problems in writing Procedural Essays? This study used a qualitative method. To collect the data, the researchers used two instruments, which are open-ended and close-ended questionnaires and interviews. The participants of this research were 27 students from batch 2020 who took Procedural Writing Class in the 2020/2021 Academic Year. The results of this research showed that there were three problems faced by students in writing Procedural Essays. Those problems were problems of topic development, problems with vocabulary, and problems with grammar. The result also indicated the most strategies used by students to overcome the problems, such as receiving feedback from teachers, making an outline, and asking friends for help


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    Vocabulary mastery is a key aspect of foreign language leaning. Various methods can be used to improve vocabulary mastery. This present study was conducted to find out what strategies the learners of the Extensive Reading Course used in mastering the vocabulary in an English Language Education Program (ELEP) at a private university in Central Java, Indonesia, based on the Schmitt (2000) theory. The strategies discussed in this study are the determination, metacognitive, cognitive, memory and social strategy. In this study, a qualitative research design was applied to collect the data using questionnaire with open-ended questions. There were fifty-six participants of three Extensive Reading classes for this study. The result of the study showed that the determination strategy was the most preferable. Most of the participants used that strategy to enrich their vocabulary, while the social strategy was the least used. It was found that most of ER learners used determination strategies to mastery vocabulary


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    This study presents a quantitative study conducted in a private university in Central Java, Indonesia. The main aim of this study is to find problems and solutions in Speaking for Social Purposes class. A survey was done on seventy-four (74) students from an English Department (ED) about the difficulties and solutions they experienced in the speaking class. Hopefully, this study will be beneficial for both teachers and students of speaking classes


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    Writing is one of the most difficult skills in learning English as a Second Language (ESL) or English Foreign Language (EFL). Many language learners encountered difficulties from the writing process. At the tertiary level, students are required to produce academic essays, which are difficult and may frustrate students. The purpose of this study was to analyze factors contributing to students difficulties in an Academic Writing course based on the students perceptions. This study used a qualitative method. The instruments used were open-ended questionnaires and interview protocol. In this study, all the participants answers were coded and analyzed descriptively. The participants were 22 students who were taking Academic Writing class for repeaters in Semester I, 2018/2019 academic year, in an English Language Education Program, in a university in Central Java, Indonesia. Questionnaire data were coded and classified by the researcher. In conducting the interview, data were audio-recorded and transcribed. Those data were analyzed to answer the research questions in this study. Based on the findings, there were two factors that caused students difficulties in writing academically. The two factors were internal and external. Internal factors consisted of self-motivation, self-confidence, lack of knowledge and feeling of under pressure. External factors consisted of the teachers teaching style, classroom atmosphere, materials, and writing aspects. This research hopefully can help teachers and instructors in developing appropriate teaching techniques in Academic Writing and minimize students' difficulties in Academic Writing


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    This research aimed to find out students' perspectives on the teachers' written corrective feedback in online Professional Narrative Writing classes and discover the types of the teachers' written corrective feedback that Professional Narrative Writing students prefer to help them revise their writing. Thus, the research questions of this study were (1) What are the students' perspectives on the teachers' written corrective feedback in online Professional Narrative Writing class? and (2) What are the types of the teachers' written corrective feedback that the students prefer to get to help them revise their writing in Professional Narrative Writing class? The participants of this study were thirty-four (34) students from three online Professional Narrative Writing classes in Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana. This study was conducted from September until December 2021. Also, the data collection instruments used open-ended and closed-ended questionnaires and interviews. The findings showed that the participants had positive and negative perspectives toward the teachers' written corrective feedback in online Professional Narrative Writing class. Then, the most preferred type of the teachers' written corrective feedback was indirect feedback since the participants believed it could help them revise their essays. Therefore, the findings of this study were expected to be useful for teachers in giving effective written corrective feedback.  Keywords: students' perspectives, the teachers' written corrective feedback, online professional narrative writing clas
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