39 research outputs found

    Simultaneous removal of natural organic matter and micro-organic pollutants from reverse osmosis concentrate using granular activated carbon

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    © 2019 Elsevier Ltd Although reverse osmosis produces high quality reusable water from wastewater the rejected concentrate (ROC) poses potentially serious health hazards to non-target species. This is especially the case when it is disposed into aquatic environments due to the presence of high concentrations of dissolved natural organics, micro-organic pollutants (MOPs) and other pollutants. In batch and column studies we found that granular activated carbon (GAC) was very effective in simultaneously removing dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and 18 MOPs from ROC. The amounts of all DOC fractions adsorbed (0.01–3 mg/g) were much higher than those of the MOPs (0.01–2.5 μg/g) mainly because ROC contained larger concentrations of DOC fractions than MOPs. However, the partition coefficient which is a measure of the adsorbability was higher for most of the MOPs (0.21–21.6 L/g) than for the DOC fractions (0.01–0.45 L/g). The amount of DOC fraction adsorbed was in the order: humics > low molecular weights > building blocks > biopolymers (following mostly their concentrations in ROC). The partition coefficient was in the order: low molecular weigth nuetrals > humics > building blocks > biopolymers. The MOPs were classified into four groups based on their hydrophobicity (log Kow) and charge. The four positively charged MOPs with high hydrophobicity had the highest amounts adsorbed and partition coefficient, with 95–100% removal in the GAC column. The MOPs that are negatively charged, regardless of their hydrophobicity, had the lowest amounts adsorbed and partition coefficient with 73–94% removal

    Effect of heavy metals in recycled water used for household laundry on quality of cloth and washing machine

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    Recycled water for washing clothes saves significant amount of potable water and hence has a great potential for sustainable urban-water management. To date, there has been no official acceptance and very rare practice of use of recycled water for household laundry. This study investigates the effects of critical heavy metals (Pb, Mn, Fe, Cu and Zn) on cloth quality and corrosive/scaling of washing machine to evaluate the feasibility of using recycled water for household laundry. The experimental data can be used for future recycled-water-quality guidelines. Five representative cloth materials namely polyester, satin, polycotton, denim and organic cotton were selected for washing in tap water and synthetic recycled water which contained different concentrations of heavy metals. Cloth durability, surface morphology and textile colour of washed cloth samples were measured to investigate the effects of heavy metals on quality of fabric. Langelier Saturation Index (LSI) was used as the indicator for predicting corrosive/scaling effects on washing machine. The results indicated that quality of fabrics after 50 wash cycles was found to have no change by recycled water when concentration of Pb and Mn < 0.5 mg/L, Fe < 1 mg/L, Cu < 5 mg/L and Zn < 30 mg/L. Lower than the above values, the LSI indicated that recycled water would not lead to any negative impact on washing machine

    Vision and perception of community on the use of recycled water for household laundry: A case study in Australia

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    This study investigates the community perception of household laundry as a new end use of recycled water in three different locations of Australia through a face to face questionnaire survey (n=478). The study areas were selected based on three categories of (1) non-user, (2) perspective user and (3) current user of recycled water. The survey results indicate that significantly higher number (70%) of the respondents supported the use of recycled water for washing machines (χ2=527.40, df=3; p=0.000). Significant positive correlation between the overall support for the new end use and the willingness of the respondents to use recycled water for washing machine was observed among all users groups (r=0.43, p=0.000). However, they had major concerns regarding the effects of recycled water on the aesthetic appearance of cloth, cloth durability, machine durability, odour of the recycled water and cost along with the health issues. The perspective user group had comparatively more reservations and concerns about the effects of recycled water on washing machines than the non-users and the current users (χ2=52.73, df=6; p=0.000). Overall, community from all three study areas are willing to welcome this new end use as long as all their major concerns are addressed and safety is assured. © 2013 Elsevier B.V

    Analysis of social attitude to the new end use of recycled water for household laundry in Australia by the regression models

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    Recycled water for household laundry can be regarded as a promising strategy to alleviate the current demand on scarce water supplies. Public acceptability becomes fairly important to ensure the successful establishment and development of this new end use. To address the issue, this study conducted social surveys in two locations of Australia, Port Macquarie and Melbourne, where respondents were asked 17 questions. The regression models provide conclusions about which characteristics are more likely to lead to the acceptance of recycled water from society. Three attitudinal variables (RWAlterDW, Attitude and Cost) and three psychological variables (Odour, Reading and SmallUnit) were found to be the key driving forces behind domestic water reuse behaviour. These findings could drive the future research direction to achieve better public perception of this new end use of recycled water. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd

    A comprehensive framework for the assessment of new end uses in recycled water schemes

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    Nowadays, recycled water has provided sufficient flexibility to satisfy short-term freshwater needs and increase the reliability of long-term water supplies in many water scarce areas, which becomes an essential component of integrated water resources management. However, the current applications of recycled water are still quite limited that are mainly associated with non-potable purposes such as irrigation, industrial uses, toilet flushing and car washing. There is a large potential to exploit and develop new end uses of recycled water in both urban and rural areas. This can greatly contribute to freshwater savings, wastewater reduction and water sustainability. Consequently, the paper identified the potentials for the development of three recycled water new end uses, household laundry, livestock feeding and servicing, and swimming pool, in future water use market. To validate the strengths of these new applications, a conceptual decision analytic framework was proposed. This can be able to facilitate the optional management strategy selection process and thereafter provide guidance on the future end use studies within a larger context of the community, processes, and models in decision-making. Moreover, as complex evaluation criteria were selected and taken into account to narrow down the multiple management alternatives, the methodology can successfully add transparency, objectivity and comprehensiveness to the assessment. Meanwhile, the proposed approach could also allow flexibility to adapt to particular circumstances of each case under study. © 2013 Elsevier B.V

    A new optional recycled water pre-treatment system prior to use in the household laundry

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    With a constantly growing population, water scarcity becomes the limiting factor for further social and economic growth. To achieve a partial reduction in current freshwater demands and lessen the environmental loadings, an increasing trend in the water market tends to adopt recycled water for household laundries as a new recycled water application. The installation of a small pre-treatment unit for water purification can not only further improve the recycled water quality, but also be viable to enhance the public confidence and acceptance level on recycled water consumption. Specifically, this paper describes column experiments conducted using a 550. mm length bed of zeolite media as a one-dimensional flow reactor. The results show that the zeolite filter system could be a simple low-cost pre-treatment option which is able to significantly reduce the total hardness level of recycled water via effective ion exchange. Additionally, depending on the quality of recycled water required by end users, a new by-pass controller using a three-level operation switching mechanism is introduced. This approach provides householders sufficient flexibility to respond to different levels of desired recycled water quality and increase the reliability of long-term system operation. These findings could be beneficial to the smooth implementation of new end uses and expansion of the potential recycled water market. The information could also offer sound suggestions for future research on sustainable water management and governance. © 2014 Elsevier B.V

    Antarctic clouds, supercooled liquid water and mixed phase, investigated with DARDAR: geographical and seasonal variations

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    Antarctic tropospheric clouds are investigated using the DARDAR (raDAR/liDAR)-MASK products between 60 and 82∘&thinsp;S. The cloud fraction (occurrence frequency) is divided into the supercooled liquid-water-containing cloud (SLC) fraction and its complementary part called the all-ice cloud fraction. A further distinction is made between SLC involving ice (mixed-phase clouds, MPC) or not (USLC, for unglaciated SLC). The low-level (&lt;3&thinsp;km above surface level) SLC fraction is larger over seas (20&thinsp;%–60&thinsp;%), where it varies according to sea ice fraction, than over continental regions (0&thinsp;%–35&thinsp;%). The total SLC fraction is much larger over West Antarctica (10&thinsp;%–40&thinsp;%) than it is over the Antarctic Plateau (0&thinsp;%–10&thinsp;%). In East Antarctica the total SLC fraction – in summer for instance – decreases sharply polewards with increasing surface height (decreasing temperatures) from 40 % at the coast to &lt;5% at 82∘&thinsp;S on the plateau. The geographical distribution of the continental total all-ice fraction is shaped by the interaction of the main low-pressure systems surrounding the continent and the orography, with little association with the sea ice fraction. Opportunistic comparisons with published ground-based supercooled liquid-water observations at the South Pole in 2009 are made with our SLC fractions at 82∘&thinsp;S in terms of seasonal variability, showing good agreement. We demonstrate that the largest impact of sea ice on the low-level SLC fraction (and mostly through the MPC) occurs in autumn and winter (22&thinsp;% and 18&thinsp;% absolute decrease in the fraction between open water and sea ice-covered regions, respectively), while it is almost null in summer and intermediate in spring (11&thinsp;%). Monthly variability of the MPC fraction over seas shows a maximum at the end of summer and a minimum in winter. Conversely, the USLC fraction has a maximum at the beginning of summer. However, monthly evolutions of MPC and USLC fractions do not differ on the continent. This suggests a seasonality in the glaciation process in marine liquid-bearing clouds. From the literature, we identify the pattern of the monthly evolution of the MPC fraction as being similar to that of the aerosols in coastal regions, which is related to marine biological activity. Marine bioaerosols are known to be efficient ice-nucleating particles (INPs). The emission of these INPs into the atmosphere from open waters would add to the temperature and sea ice fraction seasonalities as factors explaining the MPC fraction monthly evolution.</p

    Using dense seismo-acoustic network to provide timely warning of the 2019 paroxysmal Stromboli eruptions

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    Stromboli Volcano is well known for its persistent explosive activity. On July 3rd and August 28th 2019, two paroxysmal explosions occurred, generating an eruptive column that quickly rose up to 5 km above sea level. Both events were detected by advanced local monitoring networks operated by Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) and Laboratorio di Geofisica Sperimentale of the University of Firenze (LGS-UNIFI). Signals were also recorded by the Italian national seismic network at a range of hundreds of kilometres and by infrasonic arrays up to distances of 3700 km. Using state-of-the-art propagation modeling, we identify the various seismic and infrasound phases that are used for precise timing of the eruptions. We highlight the advantage of dense regional seismo-acoustic networks to enhance volcanic signal detection in poorly monitored regions, to provide timely warning of eruptions and reliable source amplitude estimate to Volcanic Ash Advisory Centres (VAAC)

    Impacts of Cosmic Dust on Planetary Atmospheres and Surfaces

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    Recent advances in interplanetary dust modelling provide much improved estimates of the fluxes of cosmic dust particles into planetary (and lunar) atmospheres throughout the solar system. Combining the dust particle size and velocity distributions with new chemical ablation models enables the injection rates of individual elements to be predicted as a function of location and time. This information is essential for understanding a variety of atmospheric impacts, including: the formation of layers of metal atoms and ions; meteoric smoke particles and ice cloud nucleation; perturbations to atmospheric gas-phase chemistry; and the effects of the surface deposition of micrometeorites and cosmic spherules. There is discussion of impacts on all the planets, as well as on Pluto, Triton and Titan

    Troposphere-to-mesosphere microphysics of carbon dioxide ice clouds in a Mars Global Climate Model

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    We have implemented full CO ice cloud microphysics into the LMD Mars Global Climate Model (MGCM) and we have conducted the first global simulations. The microphysical model implementation follows the modal scheme used for water ice cloud microphysics in the MGCM, but includes specific aspects that need to be accounted for when dealing with CO ice clouds. These include nucleation of CO on water ice crystals and CO condensation theory adapted for the Martian conditions. The model results are compared to available observations globally, and separately for polar regions and equatorial mesosphere. The observed seasonal and latitudinal variability of the CO ice clouds is in general reproduced. The polar regions are covered by CO ice clouds during the winter as observed. Instead of forming only in the lowest 10–15 km of the atmosphere, they extend up to several tens of kilometers above the surface in the model, dictated by the modeled temperature structure. We have also quantified the contribution of the cloud microphysics to the surface CO ice deposits. Snowfall from these clouds contributes up to 10% of the atmosphere–surface ice flux in the polar regions in our simulations, in the range that has been indirectly deduced from observations. In the mesosphere, notable amounts of CO ice clouds form only when water ice crystals are used as condensation nuclei in addition to dust particles, and their spatial distribution is in agreement with observations. The mesospheric temperature structure, dominated by tides, dictates the longitudinal and seasonal distribution of these clouds. The seasonal and local time variations of the clouds are not fully reproduced by the model. There is a long pause in CO ice cloud formation in the model around the aphelion season, but clouds have been observed during this period, although with a lower apparition frequency. Modeled mesospheric clouds form mainly during the night and in the morning, whereas during the daytime, when most of the cloud observations have been made, the model rarely predicts clouds. These discrepancies could be explained by the strong dependence of the cloud formation process on mesospheric temperatures that are themselves challenging to reproduce and sensitive to the MGCM processes and parameters. The rare possibilities for nighttime observations might also bias the observational climatologies towards daytime detections. Future developments of the model consist in the inclusion of a possible exogenous condensation nucleus source in the mesosphere and the radiative effect of CO ice clouds. © 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.This paper presents the results of ten years of development that has been supported by funding from several sources. We thank the Agence National de la Recherche for funding (project MECCOM, ANR-18-CE31-0013). We are also grateful for the financial support by the LabEx (Laboratoire d’Excellence) ESEP, by the French space agency CNES and the European Space Agency ESA. We acknowledge the support of the French national planetology programme (PNP) as well. F.G.-G. is funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, the Agencia Estatal de Investigación and EC FEDER funds under project RTI2018-100920-J-I00, and acknowledges financial support from the State Agency for Research of the Spanish MCIU through the Center of Excellence Severo Ochoa” award to the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (SEV-2017-0709). This work was performed using HPC computing resources from GENCI-CINES (Grant 2021-A0100110391), and resources at the ESPRI mesocentre of the IPSL institute .Peer reviewe