13 research outputs found

    Muzyczność Sonaty Jana Augusta Kisielewskiego. Analiza wybranych komponentów

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    The article discusses the subject matter of filiations of literature and music. In Sonata by Jan August Kisielewski, they are revealed in the field of thematization. Andrzej Hejmej customarily defines this plane as Type II musicality. The main carrier of meanings in the drama becomes the title. It generates the significance of the work and emphasizes its interdisciplinary nature. It also indicates the occurrence of a specifi c musical structure in the text. It is a sonata form, constituting a composition model of the drama and determining the axis of its construction. The presence of musical connotations in Kisielewski’s Sonata is indicated on many levels, including: through an artistic motif, a clear reference to the Song of Songs, the auditive layer of the wor

    Muzyczność Sonaty Jana Augusta Kisielewskiego. Analiza wybranych komponentów

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    The article discusses the subject matter of filiations of literature and music. In Sonata by Jan August Kisielewski, they are revealed in the field of thematization. Andrzej Hejmej customarily defines this plane as Type II musicality. The main carrier of meanings in the drama becomes the title. It generates the significance of the work and emphasizes its interdisciplinary nature. It also indicates the occurrence of a specifi c musical structure in the text. It is a sonata form, constituting a composition model of the drama and determining the axis of its construction. The presence of musical connotations in Kisielewski’s Sonata is indicated on many levels, including: through an artistic motif, a clear reference to the Song of Songs, the auditive layer of the wor

    The shock as the tool of anti-drug social campaigns

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    Celem niniejszej pracy było określenie sposobów perswazyjnego oddziaływania na odbiorcę w shockvertisingu na przykładzie kampanii społecznych „The Meth Project”. Aby określić rolę i znaczenie kampanii społecznej przedstawione zostały definicje z zakresu marketingu społecznego. W oparciu o literaturę naukową opisane zostało zjawisko shockvertisingu w reklamie społecznej i charakterystyczne dla niego środki językowe oraz pozajęzykowe. Przedmiotem analizy były konkretne kampanie reklamowe, w tym spoty reklamowe, stworzone przez The Meth Project Foundation i dostępne na stronie organizacji. Wnioski sformułowane zostały na podstawie analizy danych zastanych w odniesieniu do teorii z zakresu marketingu społecznego i shockvertisingu.The aim of this study was to define methods used by shockvertising in social campaigns “The Meth Project”. There were presented definitions of social marketing to determine the role and the meaning of social campaigns. The phenomenon of shockvertising in social advertisement was described based on respective scientific literature to show linguistic and paralinguistic resources implemented by it. The analyze was created based on study of chosen advertising campaigns, including ad spots, created by The Meth Project Foundation available on its website. Conclusions were formulated based on analysis of existing data in relation to the theory of social marketing and shockvertising

    Romantic roots of the early works of Fyodor Dostoevsky

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    The following diploma paper deals with the analysis of four of the realism Fyodor Dostoevsky's works: "Poor Folk", "The Double", "The Landlady", "White Nights". The early stage of Dostoevsky's writing, can be described as fully corresponding to the model of a romantic prose. Times unpleasant for romantic sensitivity, rapture of love and insensitivity of social justice were not an obstacle for his creations. He placed his dreaming, unfortunately in love, unable to come in terms with the cruelty of Nicolas I world system and struggling with bureaucracy characters in a realistic and natural world. By this he proved that a new literary style can inflict a surprising new look on a long forgotten and seemingly expired problem of unfulfilled love and human psyche, torn apart between two worldviews : realism and romanticism. From the very beginning, the writer concentrated on the process of perceiving the reality by human rather then, the social value of the idea itself. He focused on the process of thinking, perceiving the world, deep analysis of human nature. With each next work, Dostoevsky's analysis becomes more detailed and itself becomes the subject of the book. The writer proved many times that one could find and appreciate the value of true romanticism despite the reality of XIX-th century Russia. Deliberating on the literary output of this outstanding writer one has to stress, that in the aforementioned works, Dostoevsky used the European literary achievements and thoughts to create his own specific style, by means of which, he marched constantly towards psychological prose.Temat pracy obejmuje analizę czterech dzieł Fiodora Dostojewskiego: „Biedni ludzie”, „Gospodyni”, „Sobowtór” i „Białe noce”. Bez wątpienia wczesna twórczość pisarza spełnia wszelkie kryteria dzieła romantycznego. Fakt, iż tworzył on w czasach nieprzychylnych miłosnym uniesieniom, kontemplacji najwyższego z uczuć, ale także wrażliwości romantycznej na niesprawiedliwość społeczną bynajmniej nie przeszkodził mu w działaniu. Swoich bujających w obłokach, nieszczęśliwie zakochanych czy niemogących się pogodzić z okrutnym systemem kastowym czasów Mikołaja I i wszechobecnym biurokratyzmem bohaterów umieścił w realistycznym i „naturalnym” świecie. Udowodnił tym samym, że zupełnie nowy kierunek literacki może dać zaskakujące spojrzenie na już dawno zapomniany i, wydawałoby się, wyczerpany problem niespełnionej miłości i psychiki człowieka rozdartego pomiędzy dwoma światopoglądami: realizmem i romantyzmem. Od samego początku pisarz bardziej koncentrował się na procesie odbierania rzeczywistości przez człowieka, aniżeli na samej społecznej wartości idei. Skupiał się na procesie myślenia, odczuwania świata, głębokiej analizie ludzkiej natury. Z każdym kolejnym dziełem Dostojewskiego analiza ta jest bardziej szczegółowa i wnikliwa, staje się samoistnym tematem dzieła. Pisarz wielokrotnie udowadniał, że pomimo realiów dziewiętnastowiecznej Rosji można jednak odnaleźć i docenić wartości romantyzmu. Analizując twórczość tego wybitnego pisarza, należy podkreślić, iż w omawianych utworach Dostojewski wykorzystał dorobek literatury i myśli europejskiej, aby stworzyć swoisty styl pisarski. W ten sposób konsekwentnie dążył ku prozie psychologicznej

    The problem of rebellion in the works of Fyodor Dostoevsky

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    Celem niniejszej pracy była analiza i interpretacja motywu buntu w twórczości Fiodora Dostojewskiego na podstawie powieści: „Zbrodnia i kara”, „Notatki z podziemia”, „Idiota” i „Bracia Karamazow”. Aby określić istotę i rolę buntu, przedstawione zostały jego źródła, a także przykłady w literaturze romantyzmu. W oparciu o naukowe publikacje opisane zostało zjawisko buntu i jego przejawy. Przedmiotem analizy były cztery powieści pisarza, które rozwijają tematykę buntu, przedstawiając jego nowe oblicze. Wnioski sformułowane zostały na podstawie analizy postaw głównych bohaterów, ich filozofii, monologów, a także w oparciu o światopogląd samego pisarza w kontekście sytuacji społeczno-politycznej ówczesnej Rosji.The aim of this study was analysis and interpretation of the theme of rebellion in the works of Fyodor Dostoyevsky's, based on novels: "Crime and Punishment", "Notes from the Underground", "Idiot" and "The Brothers Karamazov". To determine the nature and role of the rebellion, was presented its source, as well as examples in the literature of Romanticism. Based on scientific publications, which describe the phenomenon of rebellion and its manifestations. This four novel develope theme of rebellion and present its new face. The conclusions are based on analysis of the behaviores of the main characters, their philosophy, monologues, and based on the writer's belief in the context of socio-political situation of contemporary Russia.Целью этой дипломной работы была интерпретация темы бунта в произведениях Ф. М. Достоевского, анализируя романы: "Преступление и наказание", "Записки из подполья", "Идиот" и "Братья Карамазовы". Для определения характера и роли бунта, представлено его источники, а также примеры в литературе романтизма. На основе научных публикаций описано так само явление восстания, как и его проявления. Анализовано четыре романа писателя, которые разрабатывают темы бунта, представляя его новое лицо. Выводы основываются на анализе отношений главных героев, их философии, монологах, и на основе мировоззрения писателя в контексте социально-политической ситуации современной России

    Changes in the Neurochemical Coding of the Anterior Pelvic Ganglion Neurons Supplying the Male Pig Urinary Bladder Trigone after One-Sided Axotomy of Their Nerve Fibers

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    The present study investigated the effect of unilateral axotomy of urinary bladder trigone (UBT)-projecting nerve fibers from the right anterior pelvic ganglion (APG) on changes in the chemical coding of their neuronal bodies. The study was performed using male pigs with immunohistochemistry and quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR). The animals were divided into a control (C), a morphological (MG) or a molecular biology group (MBG). APG neurons supplying UBT were revealed using the retrograde tracing technique with Fast Blue (FB). Unilateral axotomy resulted in an over 50% decrease in the number of FB+ neurons in both APG ganglia. Immunohistochemistry revealed significant changes in the chemical coding of FB+ cells only in the right ganglion: decreased expression of dopamine-B-hydroxylase (DBH)/tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and up-regulation of the vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT)/choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), galanin (GAL), vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) and brain nitric oxide synthase (bNOS). The qPCR results partly corresponded with immunofluorescence findings. In the APGs, genes for VAChT and ChAT, TH and DBH, VIP, and NOS were distinctly down-regulated, while the expression of GAL was up-regulated. Such data may be the basis for further studies concerning the plasticity of these ganglia under experimental or pathological conditions

    Conditions and forecast of Poland's energy safety for the period 2010-2110

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    Bezpieczeństwo energetyczne każdego kraju stanowi jeden z głównych czynników jego poprawnego funkcjonowania jako pewnego spójnego gospodarstwa, które nazywa się państwem.Bezpieczeństwo energetyczne jest jednak szczególnie ważne dla państw położonych geograficznie w strefach, w których długie okresy roku dają niskie temperatury, a czasem nawet bardzo niskie i do tych obszarów strefy geograficznej musi być zaliczona także Polska. Bezpieczeństwo energetyczne naszego kraju to nie tylko bieżące ciągłe dostarczanie do naszych fabryk i domostw prądu i ciepła, ale także szeroko rozumiane środki transportu, które także, a może i głównie, pochłaniają ogromną ilość nośników energii.Each country's energy safety is one of the main factors of its proper functioning as a cohesive form which is called a state. Energy safety is especially important for the states located in the geographic areas where it is cold during long periods. Energy safety of Poland is not only a continuous supply to our factories and homes of electricity and heat, but also widely understood means of transport, which also, and perhaps mainly, absorb enormous amount of energy. Explicit defining of the concept of energy security is difficult to formu- late, because a fundamental question must be first answered: in what regard the amount of partial generally understood energy delivered to keep the needs of Poland is yet sufficient, though minimal, but assuring Poland's safety - to the level of so-called appropriate balance that is complete. For today a conventional definition of energy safety in Poland may be used: three independent lines of oil and gas supplies assure energy safety. At present it is impossible to assure the energy safety of Poland as an independent safety, dependent only on own energy raw materials, so-called classic (gas, oil, coal) assisted with non-conventional sources like wind energy, water, solar energy and energy from biomass. Poland has to base its energy safety on community of European Countries clustered in the European Union as a future, single, big European Country of different nations, a kind of United States of Europe. It must be assumed that depleting of the Polish gas, oil and coal deposits, is proportional to depleting these raw materials in the world, but of course it can never be ruled out that still new deposits will be found, economically for their exploitation. Poland as a member of the European Union has to build first nuclear power plant until 2023, which will relieve the decreasing capacity of existing coal-fired and gas power plants. The second nuclear power plant Poland must build no later than 2037, and a third one to 2090. At the same time, it is crucial to start immediately research programs concerning development of as cheap as poossible (although it will always be expensive) technology for hydrogen production and storage, so that gradually from about 2025 in Poland next to gas stations, hydrogen stations were established for gradually appearing greater numbers of cars on hydrogen. During next decade (2010-2020) Poland should also, as far as resources permit, build at least two hydroelectric plants on the right bank of the Vistula river, assuming that the electricity from hydroelectric plants will always be approximately in the range of about 10% of power needed by Poland. Construction of small and medium-sized hydroelectric power plants should also ber promoted from the local authorities and private funds. It is also essential to promote non-conventional energy sources such as wind energy and solar energy, but keeping in mind that in the Polish climate zone you cannot count on the full continuity and stability of supply from these sources. Such source can make up a supplement electricity supply for rural, less populated, less exploited areas, such as certain areas of Pomerania or areas of North-East where the climate is more continental. It might- be predicted that, from such sources, Poland will not receive more than 3.5% (4%) of the required energy in the energy balance. It appears to be questionable, planning in any strategic aspect of energy from widely understood biomass, but in rural, low urban areas having wastelands can make use of energy crops (willow), but only as an ad hoc solution. Relatively low calorific value of such plants and huge problems with the cultivation, care, collection and re-sowing, allow to conclude that willow will not be the fuel of the future. Sewage sludge are also low in energy and give a particularly harmful emissions into the atmosphere and smell. However production of so-called biofuel from rape should be further developed, so that rape oil could at least partially complement the lack of oil, which will be in the near future, the most scarce resource of classical energy