653 research outputs found

    A reactive porous flow control on mid-ocean ridge magmatic evolution

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    Mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) provide fundamental information about the composition and melting processes in the Earth’s upper mantle. To use MORB to further our understanding of the mantle, is imperative that their crustal evolution is well understood and can thus be accounted for when estimating primary melt compositions. Here, we present the evidence for the occurrence of reactive porous flow, whereby migrating melts react with a crystal mush in mid-ocean ridge magma chambers. This evidence comprises both the textures and mineral major and trace element geochemistry of rocks recovered from the lower oceanic crust, and occurs on a range of scales. Reaction textures include dissolution fronts in minerals, ragged grain boundaries between different phases and clinopyroxene–brown amphibole symplectites. However, an important finding is that reaction, even when pervasive, can equally leave no textural evidence. Geochemically, reactive porous flow leads to shifts in mineral modes (e.g. the net replacement of olivine by clinopyroxene) and compositions (e.g. clinopyroxene Mg–Ti–Cr relationships) away from those predicted by fractional crystallization. Furthermore, clinopyroxene trace elements record a progressive core–rim over-enrichment (relative to fractional crystallization) of more-to-less incompatible elements as a result of reactive porous flow. The fact that this over-enrichment occurs over a distance of up to 8mm, and that clinopyroxenes showing this signature preserve zoning in Fe–Mg, rules out a diffusion control on trace element distributions. Instead, it can be explained by crystal–melt reactions in a crystal mush. The data indicate that reactive flow occurs not only on a grain scale, but also on a sample scale, where it can transform one rock type into another [e.g. troctolite to olivine gabbro, olivine gabbro to (oxide) gabbro], and extends to the scale of the entire lower oceanic crust. Melts undergoing these reactive processes change in composition, which can explain both the major element and trace element arrays of MORB compositions. In particular, reactive porous flow can account for the MORB MgO–CaO–Al2O3 relationships that have previously been interpreted as a result of high-pressure (up to 8 kbar) crystal fractionation, and for over-enrichment in incompatible elements when compared with the effects of fractional crystallization. The finding of a significant role for reactive porous flow in mid-ocean ridge magma chambers fits very well with the geophysical evidence that these magma chambers are dominated by crystal mush even at the fastest spreading rates, and with model predictions of the behaviour of crystal mushes. Together, these observations indicate that reactive porous flow is a common, if not ubiquitous, process inherent to mushy magma chambers, and that it has a significant control on mid-ocean ridge magmatic evolution

    Formation of fast-spreading lower oceanic crust as revealed by a new Mg–REE coupled geospeedometer

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    A new geospeedometer is developed based on the differential closures of Mg and rare earth element (REE) bulk-diffusion between coexisting plagioclase and clinopyroxene. By coupling the two elements with distinct bulk closure temperatures, this speedometer can numerically solve the initial temperatures and cooling rates for individual rock samples. As the existing Mg-exchange thermometer was calibrated for a narrow temperature range and strongly relies on model-dependent silica activities, a new thermometer is developed using literature experimental data. When the bulk closure temperatures of Mg and REE are determined, respectively, using this new Mg-exchange thermometer and the existing REE-exchange thermometer, this speedometer can be implemented for a wide range of compositions, mineral modes, and grain sizes. Applications of this new geospeedometer to oceanic gabbros from the fast-spreading East Pacific Rise at Hess Deep reveal that the lower oceanic crust crystallized at temperatures of 998–1353 °C with cooling rates of 0.003–10.2 °C/yr. Stratigraphic variations of the cooling rates and crystallization temperatures support deep hydrothermal circulations and in situ solidification of various replenished magma bodies. Together with existing petrological, geochemical and geophysical evidence, results from this new speedometry suggest that the lower crust formation at fast-spreading mid-ocean ridges involves emplacement of primary mantle melts in the deep section of the crystal mush zone coupled with efficient heat removal by crustal-scale hydrothermal circulations. The replenished melts become chemically and thermally evolved, accumulate as small magma bodies at various depths, feed the shallow axial magma chamber, and may also escape from the mush zone to generate off-axial magma lenses

    Geodynamic setting and origin of the Oman/UAE ophiolite

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    The ~500km-long mid-Cretaceous Semail nappe of the Sultanate of Oman and UAE (henceforth referred to as the Oman ophiolite) is the largest and best-preserved ophiolite complex known. It is of particular importance because it is generally believed to have an internal structure and composition closely comparable to that of crust formed at the present-day East Pacific Rise (EPR), making it our only known on-land analogue for ocean lithosphere formed at a fast spreading rate. On the basis of this assumption Oman has long played a pivotal role in guiding our conceptual understanding of fast-spreading ridge processes, as modern fast-spread ocean crust is largely inaccessible

    Origin and evolution of the slab fluids since subduction inception in the Izu-Bonin-Mariana: A comparison with the southeast Mariana fore-arc rift

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    Subduction zones have played a central role in exchanging volatiles (H2O, CO2, S, halogens) between the different Earth's reservoirs throughout its history. Fluids that are released as the subducted plates dehydrate are major agents that transfer these volatiles inside the Earth; but the origins and the compositional evolution of the slab fluids as plates begin to sink are yet to be understood. To explore processes that take place during subduction infancy, here we examine the compositions of proto-arc magmas from the Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) convergent margin that formed during subduction inception; and we compare these to a modern example of near-trench spreading in the southeast Mariana fore-arc rift (SEMFR). There is a temporal and spatial evolution in the slab fluid composition that is accompanied with a change in the fluid reservoirs, as subduction progresses. During the early stages of the subduction zone, dehydration of the serpentinized subducting mantle likely triggered dehydration and melting of the altered oceanic crust in the amphibolite facies to produce boninites. As the subduction zone matured, the volcanic arc front was displaced away from the trench. The arc magmas captured deeper slab fluids released from the subducted oceanic crust, the sediments and the underlying serpentinized mantle. Dehydration and melting of the subducted sediment became more prevalent with time and increasing slab depth ( ≥ 100 km) to produce arc magmas. This compositional evolution was associated with a deepening of magma generation, which is likely accompanied with the progressive serpentinization of fore-arc mantle. Hence, fore-arc mantle serpentinization might have facilitated arc maturation and subduction stabilization throughout the IBM history

    Feedback between deformation and magmatism in the Lloyds River Fault Zone : an example of episodic fault reactivation in an accretionary setting, Newfoundland Appalachians

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2006. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Tectonics 25 (2006): TC4004, doi:10.1029/2005TC001789.The Lloyds River Fault Zone is a 10–15 km wide amphibolite-grade shear zone that formed during the Ordovician Taconic Orogeny. It separates ophiolites and arc–back-arc complexes formed in Iapetus from a peri-Laurentian microcontinent (Dashwoods microcontinent). The Lloyds River Fault Zone comprises three high-strain zones, dominantly composed of mylonitic amphibolites, separated by less deformed plutonic rocks. Structural, age and metamorphic data suggest the Lloyds River Fault Zone accommodated sinistral-oblique underthrusting of ophiolites underneath the Dashwoods microcontinent prior to 471 ± 5 Ma at 800°C and 6 kbar. Plutonic rocks within the Lloyds River Fault Zone comprise two suites dated at 464 ± 2 plus 462 ± 2 and 459 ± 3 Ma, respectively. The younger age of the plutons with respect to some of the amphibolites, evidence for magmatic deformation, and the elongate nature of the plutons parallel to the Lloyds River Fault Zone suggest they were emplaced within the fault zone during deformation. Both intrusive episodes triggered renewed deformation at high temperatures (770–750°C), illustrating the positive feedback between deformation and magmatism. Offshoots of the plutons intruded undeformed ophiolitic gabbros outside the Lloyds River Fault Zone. Deformation localized within the intrusive sheets, coeval with static contact metamorphism of the host gabbros, leading to the development of new, small-scale shear zones. This illustrates that channeling of plutons into shear zones and nucleation of shear zones in melt-rich zones may occur simultaneously within the same fault system.This research is funded by a scholarship from the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, University of Ottawa, to C.J.L. and a NSERC grant to C.v.S in his position as Adjunct Professor at the University of Ottawa

    A mineral and cumulate perspective to magma differentiation at Nisyros volcano, Aegean arc

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    Lavas and pyroclastic products of Nisyros volcano (Aegean arc, Greece) host a wide variety of phenocryst and cumulate assemblages that offer a unique window into the earliest stages of magma differentiation. This study presents a detailed petrographic study of lavas, enclaves and cumulates spanning the entire volcanic history of Nisyros to elucidate at which levels in the crust magmas stall and differentiate. We present a new division for the volcanic products into two suites based on field occurrence and petrographic features: a low-porphyricity andesite and a high-porphyricity (rhyo)dacite (HPRD) suite. Cumulate fragments are exclusively found in the HPRD suite and are predominantly derived from upper crustal reservoirs where they crystallised under hydrous conditions from melts that underwent prior differentiation. Rarer cumulate fragments range from (amphibole-)wehrlites to plagioclase-hornblendites and these appear to be derived from the lower crust (0.5–0.8 GPa). The suppressed stability of plagioclase and early saturation of amphibole in these cumulates are indicative of high-pressure crystallisation from primitive hydrous melts (≥ 3 wt% H2O). Clinopyroxene in these cumulates has Al2O3 contents up to 9 wt% due to the absence of crystallising plagioclase, and is subsequently consumed in a peritectic reaction to form primitive, Al-rich amphibole (Mg# > 73, 12–15 wt% Al2O3). The composition of these peritectic amphiboles is distinct from trace element-enriched interstitial amphibole in shallower cumulates. Phenocryst compositions and assemblages in both suites differ markedly from the cumulates. Phenocrysts, therefore, reflect shallow crystallisation and do not record magma differentiation in the deep arc crust

    tumor atelectasis gives rise to a solid appearance in pulmonary adenocarcinomas on hr ct

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    Abstract Introduction Ground glass opacities on HR-CT scan, if malignant on histological examination, correlate with adenocarcinoma in situ. Solid appearance on HR-CT is often considered an invasive component. This study aims to compare radiological features on HR-CT and histological features of primary adenocarcinomas in resection specimens in order to demonstrate the presence of tumor atelectasis in ground glass nodules, part solid and solid nodules. Materials and Methods HR-CT imaging was evaluated, and lung nodules were classified as ground glass nodule, part solid nodule and solid nodule, while adenocarcinomas were classified according to WHO classification. Lepidic growth pattern with collapse was considered if reduction of air in the histological section was present, with maintained pulmonary architecture (without signs of pleural or vascular invasion). Results Radiological and histological features were compared in 47 lesions of 41 patients. The number of ground glass, part solid and solid nodules were 2, 8 and 37, respectively. Lepidic growth pattern with collapse was observed in both ground glass nodules, 7 out of 8 (88%) part solid and 24 out of 37 (65%) solid lesions. Remarkably, more than 50% of adenocarcinomas with solid appearance on HR-CT showed a pre-existing pulmonary architecture with adenocarcinoma with a predominant lepidic growth pattern. In these cases, the solid component can be explained by tumor related collapse in vivo (tumor atelectasis on radiology). Conclusion Tumor atelectasis is a frequent finding in pulmonary adenocarcinomas and results in solid appearance on HR-CT. A solid appearance on HR-CT can not only be attributed to invasion, as has been the assumption until now

    Olivine slurry replenishment and the development of igneous layering in a Franklin sill, Victoria Island, Arctic Canada

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    The Franklin sills and dykes on Victoria Island in the Canadian Arctic represent the sub-volcanic plumbing system to the Natkusiak flood basalts, which are associated with the late Neoproterozoic (c. 723–716 Ma) break-up of Rodinia. The Lower Pyramid Sill (LPS) is the distal end of a sill complex that may be rooted in the Uhuk Massif, a major fault-guided magmatic feeder system. The LPS is unusual for a thin (c. 21 m), shallow, tholeiitic intrusion because it displays well-developed cumulate layering similar to that seen in large layered intrusions. The LPS has an aphanitic, olivine-phyric (c. 5%) Lower Chilled Margin (LCM), a (<1 m thick) dendritic, olivine-phyric Lower Border Zone (LBZ), a (c. 7 m thick) olivine-dominated (up to c. 55%) melagabbro–feldspathic-peridotite zone (OZ), a thin (c. 1 m) clinopyroxene-rich cumulate gabbro (CPZ) containing sector-zoned euhedral clinopyroxene, a (c. 10 m thick) doleritic gabbro zone (DZ), a (<1 m thick) aphyric, dendritic Upper Border Zone (UBZ) and an aphanitic, olivine-phyric (c. 5%) Upper Chilled Margin (UCM). Distinct compositional groups recognized in olivines from the OZ can be associated with specific crystal morphologies, some showing significant reverse zoning. Melt compositions were calculated through application of the olivine–melt Fe ¼ Mg exchange coefficient. The calculations suggest that phenocrystic and primocrystic olivine (Fo88–82) in the LCM–LBZ and lower OZ formed from melts with c. 13–10 wt % MgO. Modeling implies that reversely zoned olivine primocrysts and chadacrysts have rims in equilibrium with melts of c. 10–8 wt % MgO that were saturated only in olivine (þ minor chromite), whereas some olivine cores formed from melts as evolved as c. 6–5 wt % MgO that would have coexisted with a gabbroic assemblage. The presence of multiple olivine populations in the OZ (some reverse zoned) indicates that the LPS did not crystallize from a single pulse of melt that evolved by closed-system fractional crystallization. We propose that the reverse zoning pattern records incorporation of evolved crystals, most derived from the mushy gabbroic host, when an olivine-charged replenishment under- or intraplated the partly crystallized basaltic magma, now preserved as the DZ. The intervening CPZ may also owe its origin to the emplacement of the olivine slurry, possibly as a result of pore-scale melt mixing at this interface. The DZ shows inward differentiation trends that can be explained by in situ differentiation. The data imply that late emplacement of olivine-ric

    Exhaled nitric oxide measurements with dynamic flow restriction in children aged 4-8 yrs

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    Fractional exhaled nitric oxide concentration (FENO) depends on exhalation flow; however, children often are unable to perform controlled flow procedures. Therefore, a device was developed for off-line FENO sampling, with dynamic flow restriction (DFR). The authors compared off-line w
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