135 research outputs found

    Problems in treatment of children with burns on the basis of ICNP® - case report

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    Admission. Burn damage to the skin, mucosa, as well as tissues located deeper by the heat supplied from the outside. Thermal trauma is one of the most common reasons for reporting a child under 6 years of age to Hospital Emergency Departments. To assess the severity of burns take into account the degree and extent. Assessing the extent of burns most often used method: the hand, the rule of "nines" Wallace, the card Lund and Browder. In the struggle with burns importance of prompt and effective first aid. During hospitalization should be implemented proceeding analgesics, nutritional therapy and rehabilitation. In the pediatric patient care, it is important to include caregivers in treatment. Objective of the workThe aim of the study was to present the process of nurturing a child with burns using ICNP® terminology. Material and methods.The studies used case study and interview technique, observation, analysis of medical records. The study included 15 patients hospitalized month because of thermal burns. Conclusions:In the treatment of burns fast it plays a key role for first aid. Rehabilitation should be implemented as quickly as possible in order to avoid restriction of mobility, fast upright, prevention of contractures, and prevention against formation of hypertrophic scars. The family of the child plays an important role in the treatment process. Takes care of the patient during hospitalization, he cares for the patient actively participates in diagnostic tests, as well as a valuable source of information about the child's psychophysical response to painful stimuli. The tasks of a nurse who has the overall care of the child oparzonym should also educate the patient's family and place it on the self-care of a child scalded

    Oxygen isotopic fractionation in rat bones as a result of consuming thermally processed water : bioarchaeological applications

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    Stable isotope analyses of oxygen are used in anthropology for such purposes as determi-nation of origin of individuals, tracking migration routes or dynamics of human community reloca-tion. The methodology related to oxygen isotope analysis has been founded on the relationship between its isotopic composition within phosphate groups of bone tissue (\delta^{18}O_{p}) in individuals being analysed and the water consumed by such individuals (\delta^{18}O_{w}). Such a relationship has been observed in many species of mammals, including humans. However, the influence of culinary practices on the isotopic delta values of apatite phosphates of individuals has not yet been researched. The present study, which was conducted using laboratory rats, is an investigation of the influence of the thermal processing of water drank by such rats on the isotopic composition (\delta^{18}O_{p}) of bone apatite. Increasing the value of the isotopic composition of water by about 6.1 ‰ during boiling resulted in an increase in the oxygen isotopic value \delta^{18}O_{p} of rats drinking the water by about 4 ‰ (29%). It can be expected that regular consumption of heavily isotopic drinks and foods by humans may cause the \delta^{18}O_{p} of individuals to exceed the range of isotopic environmental variability, even by a few per mille

    Unresponsive or non-compliant steatorrhea in cystic fibrosis?

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    AbstractIn 105 pancreatic insufficient CF patients (steatorrhea and low fecal elastase-1 concentrations), the effectiveness of pancreatic enzyme therapy (PET) has been assessed (fecal fat losses and coefficient of fat reabsorption). Eight unresponsive subjects were checked for PET compliance with fecal chymotrypsin assay. Three patients were documented to be non-compliant. Unresponsive patients should undergo evaluation for PET compliance

    Jakość nasienia u młodych, zdrowych mężczyzn, mieszkańców Dolnego Śląska (AndroLS)

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    Introduction: Contrary to other parts of the continent, little information is available regarding semen quality among subjects from central and eastern Europe. Material and methods: We evaluated semen profiles among a sample of men from an industrialised region of Poland. We directly invited 5000 healthy inhabitants of the region (aged 18–35 years; with unchecked fecundity) to participate in the study. Among the 500 who were eligible and willing to participate, we acquired detailed information and semen and blood samples from 177 subjects. Results: Semen volume, sperm concentration, and total sperm count were, respectively, (mean ± SD): 3.1 ± 1.5 ml, 60 ± 44 x 106/ml and 170 ± 137 x 106/ml. Percentage of normal forms was 14.7 ± 6.5%. Conclusions: Due to the relatively low sperm motility (mean ± SD: 54 ± 16%) and vitality (mean ± SD: 60 ± 15%) values, these variables require special attention during routine evaluations. The WHO 2010 criteria for these two parameters were met in only 60% and 66% of the samples, respectively. Further studies on men with different educational levels, social environments, or living conditions are needed to confirm our results.  Wstęp: Odmiennie niż w przypadku innych części kontynentu dysponujemy niewielką ilością informacji dotyczących jakości nasienia w populacjach centralnej i wschodniej Europy. Materiał i metody: W badaniu ocenialiśmy próbki nasienia młodych, zdrowych mężczyzn. Zaproszenia skierowaliśmy do 5000 miesz­kańców uprzemysłowionego regionu Polski w wieku 18–35 lat, o nieznanym stanie płodności. Spośród 500 mężczyzn, którzy wstępnie zgodzili się na udział w badaniu i spełniali kryteria włączenia, pełne informacje (próbki nasienia i krwi) uzyskaliśmy w 177 przypadkach. Wyniki: Objętość nasienia, koncentracja plemników i liczba plemników u badanych mężczyzn wynosiły odpowiednio (średnia ± od­chylenie standardowe): 3.1 ± 1.5 ml, 60 ± 44 x 106/ml i 170 ± 137 x 106/ml. Odsetek form o prawidłowej budowie wynosił 14.7 ± 6.5%. Wnioski: Ze względu na relatywnie małą ruchliwość (średnia ± odchylenie standardowe: 54 ± 16%) i żywotność plemników (średnia ± odchylenie standardowe: 60 ± 15%) wydaje się, że cechy te wymagają szczególnej uwagi podczas rutynowej diagnostyki. Kryteria normy wg WHO (2010 r.) w zakresie dwóch wspomnianych wyżej parametrów spełniało w naszym badaniu odpowiednio tylko 60% i 66% próbek. Uzyskane wyniki wymagają potwierdzenia u mężczyzn o różnym: stopniu wykształcenia, uwarunkowaniach socjalnych i miejscu zamieszkania.  

    The diet of the human groups buried in a late- and post-Medieval rural parish cemetery in Libkovice (Czech Republic)

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    Libkovice is a village in the northwestern Czech Republic that was demolished at the end of the last century due to the expansion of a nearby mine. The former church cemetery has been a subject to bioarchaeological excavation and research, where some 850 burials from the 13th to the 19th Century have been discovered so far. With the application of stable isotope analysis, it has also been possible to uncover the dietary patterns of this exemplary rural Central European community, which was the aim of this study.The materials analysed here consist of samples from long bones of 56 burials and 18 animal bones discovered in Libkovice during the 2019/21 excavations. It has been employed stable carbon (δ13C) isotope analysis to determine the average contributions of foods derived from the C3 plants.Statistically significant differences were found between the analyzed fauna and human samples for nitrogen (F=47.4 p<0.05) and carbon (F=19.18 p<0.05). There were no statistically significant differences in the analyzed animal and human samples between the specify centuries. When considering the ages of various human individuals, the results indicated statistically significant differences in nitrogen isotopes (F= 7.71 p<0.05) between children from the infants I group and older children together with adults from the Middle Ages, as well as between children from the infants I group and adults (F= 3.3, p<0.05) from the modern times. The proportion of food from C3 plants that made up the diets of the studied population was on average 89%, and the potential proportion of freshwater fish in the diet could be higher than 80%.The similarity between the chronologically diverse groups may indicate similar strategies for food acquisition. The results obtained for the population of Libkovice are very similar to the diets of the populations living in Central Europe broadly during the two periods

    Rola limfocytów B w mechanizmach patogenezy wybranych chorób

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    Układ immunologiczny zdrowego człowieka ma za zadanie obronę oraz utrzymywanie homeostazy organizmu poprzez kontrolowanie antygenów zarówno wnikających do ustroju, jak i tych, które są w nim produkowane. Do najważniejszych komórek pełniących taką funkcję należą ściśle ze sobą współistniejące różne populacje limfocytów. To od nich zależą rozpoznanie antygenu i reakcja mająca na celu jego neutralizację. Jedną z form tej aktywności neutralizującej potencjalny patogen jest produkcja przeciwciał, których źródłem są limfocyty B. Zaburzenia funkcji tych tak zwanych efektorów odpowiedzi humoralnej (prowadzące w konsekwencji do zaburzeń liczby i swoistości przeciwciał) są podstawą (elementem patogenezy) wielu chorób i jako takie stały się celem licznych prac badawczych. Liczebność i proporcje klas limfocytów B, wielkość ich odpowiedzi na stymulację oraz poziom, klasy i swoistość wytwarzanych przeciwciał są bardzo ważnymi czynnikami diagnostycznymi i prognostycznymi w tak na pozór różnych chorobach, jak między innymi: przewlekła obturacyjna choroba płuc, astma oskrzelowa, śródmiąższowe zapalenie płuc, rak płuc czy, co oczywiste, liczne choroby autoimmunologiczne. Fakt ten podkreśla uniwersalność zastosowania obserwacji limfocytów B w kontroli przebiegu wielu schorzeń i ponownie wykazuje, że stan układu immunologicznego odzwierciedla stan zdrowia danej osoby. Forum Medycyny Rodzinnej 2011, tom 5, nr 1, 37-4

    Liposome-based DNA carriers may induce cellular stress response and change gene expression pattern in transfected cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>During functional studies on the rat stress-inducible <it>Hspa1b </it>(<it>hsp70.1</it>) gene we noticed that some liposome-based DNA carriers, which are used for transfection, induce its promoter activity. This observation concerned commercial liposome formulations (LA), Lipofectin and Lipofectamine 2000. This work was aimed to understand better the mechanism of this phenomenon and its potential biological and practical consequences.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that a reporter gene driven by <it>Hspa1b </it>promoter is activated both in the case of transient transfections and in the stably transfected cells treated with LA. Using several deletion clones containing different fragments of <it>Hspa1b </it>promoter, we found that the regulatory elements responsible for most efficient LA-driven inducibility were located between nucleotides -269 and +85, relative to the transcription start site. Further studies showed that the induction mechanism was independent of the classical HSE-HSF interaction that is responsible for gene activation during heat stress. Using DNA microarrays we also detected significant activation of the endogenous <it>Hspa1b </it>gene in cells treated with Lipofectamine 2000. Several other stress genes were also induced, along with numerous genes involved in cellular metabolism, cell cycle control and pro-apoptotic pathways.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our observations suggest that i) some cationic liposomes may not be suitable for functional studies on <it>hsp </it>promoters, ii) lipofection may cause unintended changes in global gene expression in the transfected cells.</p

    A new perspectives on breastfeeding practice reconstruction in bioarchaeology – an oxygen isotopes study in an animal model

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    Research using stable isotopes for the reconstruction of breastfeeding strategies are based on assumptions that have not yet been verified by experimental studies. Interpreting the results of isotope analysis is associated with a certain degree of uncertainty, mainly due to the lack of information on how isotopes are distributed in mothers, breast-fed and weaned offspring. Culinary practices also can affect the interpretation of isotope results.Considering positive correlation between oxygen isotope composition of drinking water and bone phosphates, experimental studies were carried out using rats as an animal model. The experiment showed that apatites of breast-fed offspring were enriched 1.6‰ in comparison to the values observed in their mothers. In the boiled water model, the difference was 1.8‰. On the basis of the animal model, it was estimated that the difference in 18O between mother and child in the human species may amount to approximately 2.7‰, and long-term intake of boiled liquid food and beverages will not compensate the difference.The experiment allowed observation of the effect of changes in isotope ratios to a change in trophic levels during breastfeeding and weaning, as well as the additional effect associated with the consumption of isotope enriched water during thermal treatment