9 research outputs found

    Planet Formation in Transition Disks: Modeling, Spectroscopy, and Theory

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    An important field of modern astronomy is the study of planets. Literally for millennia, careful observers of the night sky have tracked these \u27wanderers\u27, with their peculiar motions initiating avenues of inquiry not able to elucidated by a study of the stars alone: we have discovered that the planets (as well as Earth) orbit the sun and that the stars are so far away, even their relative positions do not seem to shift perceptibly when Earth\u27s position moves hundreds of millions of miles. With the advent of the telescope, and subsequent improvements upon it over the course of centuries, accelerating to the dramatically immense telescopes available today and those on the horizon, we have been able to continuously probe farther and in more detail than the previous generation of scientists and telescopes allowed. Now, we are just entering the time when detection of planets outside of our own solar system has become possible, and we have found that planets are extraordinarily common in the galaxy (and by extrapolation, the universe). At the time of this document\u27s composition, there are several thousand such examples of planets around other stars (being dubbed \u27exoplanets\u27). We have discovered that planets are plentiful, but multiple open questions remain which are relevant to this work: How do planets form and, when a planet does form from its circumstellar envelope, what are the important processes that influence its formation? This work adds to the understanding of circumstellar disks, the intermediate stage between a cold collapsing cloud (of gas and dust) and a mature planetary system. Specifically, we study circumstellar disks in an evolved state termed \u27transition disks\u27. This state corresponds to a time period where the dust in the disk has either undergone grain growth - where the microscopic grains have clumped together to form far fewer dust particles of much higher mass, or the inner portion (or an inner annulus) of the disk has lost a large amount of gas due to either a massive planet accreting the material onto it or via a photoevaporation process whereby the central star\u27s radiation field ejects material from the inner disk out of the bound system in the the interstellar medium. It is presumed that this phase is the last gasp of the planetary disk\u27s evolution before the debris disk stage and before a fully formed solar system evolves. Our work specifically focuses on one object of this transition disk class: HD100546. We add to the understanding of transition disks by showing that a model where ro-vibrational OH emission in the NIR is preferentially emitted along the \u27wall\u27 of the disk is consistent with observations, and furthermore that adding an eccentricity to this `wall\u27 component is required to generate the necessary observed line shape. In conjunction with this observation we present supporting material which motivates the usage of such an eccentric wall component in light of predictions of the influence of giant planet formation occurring within the disk

    FUor and EXor Variables: A NIR High-Resolution Spectroscopic Survey

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    To better understand the labyrinth of heating and cooling processes in YSOs (young stellar objects), we study systems where there exists a large variability in the heating of this gas due to accretion. This research project focuses on several classes of early young eruptable T-Tauri stars, namely the FUors, the EXors and the so-called FU Ori-like, which all have the property of large amplitude oscillations in accretion rate. Each of these categories may well represent specific stages in early low-mass stellar evolution. While these objects have specific spectroscopic and circumstellar diagnostics (as means of identification) our research suggests that there are at least several objects that defy (typical) classification. The young objects ZCMa and L1551 IRS5 both show circumstellar diagnostics different from what is expected for an FUor (though ZCMa and L1551 are classified as such). In ZCMa we see an obvious accretion event, but the ro-vibrational overtone lines of CO are in emission. Typically, for an accreting FUor, these lines would be in absorption due to the physics of the disk. Very strangely, we see the fundamental lines in emission. Because of the relationship between the Einstein A coefficients for these transitions, we would expect to see either both the fundamental and overtone lines together in emission or absorption. This mystery may be solved by modeling and before we can make an intelligent claim about the heating mechanisms in YSOs, we need to understand these special cases first (it may turn out that these are not-so-special after-all and are indicative of a subclass of the FUor or EXor class)

    High-Resolution Near Infrared Spectroscopy of HD 100546: II. Analysis of variable rovibrational CO emission lines

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    We present observations of rovibrational CO in HD 100546 from four epochs spanning January 2003 through December 2010. We show that the equivalent widths of the CO lines vary during this time period with the v=1-0 CO lines brightening more than the UV fluoresced lines from the higher vibrational states. While the spectroastrometric signal of the hot band lines remains constant during this period, the spectroastrometric signal of the v=1--0 lines varies substantially. At all epochs, the spectroastrometric signals of the UV fluoresced lines are consistent with the signal one would expect from gas in an axisymmetric disk. In 2003, the spectroastrometric signal of the v=1-0 P26 line was symmetric and consistent with emission from an axisymmetric disk. However, in 2006, there was no spatial offset of the signal detected on the red side of the profile, and in 2010, the spectroastrometric offset was yet more strongly reduced toward zero velocity. A model is presented that can explain the evolution of the equivalent width of the v=1-0 P26 line and its spectroastrometric signal by adding to the system a compact source of CO emission that orbits the star near the inner edge of the disk. We hypothesize that such emission may arise from a circumplanetary disk orbiting a gas giant planet near the inner edge of the circumstellar disk. We discuss how this idea can be tested observationally and be distinguished from an alternative interpretation of random fluctuations in the disk emission.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure

    High-Resolution Near Infrared Spectroscopy of HD 100546: I. Analysis of Asymmetric Ro-Vibrational OH Emission Lines

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    We present observations of ro-vibrational OH and CO emission from the Herbig Be star HD 100546. The emission from both molecules arises from the inner region of the disk extending from approximately 13 AU from the central star. The velocity profiles of the OH lines are narrower than the velocity profile of the [O I] 6300 Angstrom line indicating that the OH in the disk is not cospatial with the O I. This suggests that the inner optically thin region of the disk is largely devoid of molecular gas. Unlike the ro-vibrational CO emission lines, the OH lines are highly asymmetric. We show that the average CO and average OH line profiles can be fit with a model of a disk comprised of an eccentric inner wall and a circular outer disk. In this model, the vast majority of the OH flux (75%) originates from the inner wall, while the vast majority of the CO flux (65%) originates on the surface of the disk at radii greater than 13 AU. Eccentric inner disks are predicted by hydrodynamic simulations of circumstellar disks containing an embedded giant planet. We discuss the implications of such a disk geometry in light of models of planet disk tidal interactions and propose alternate explanations for the origin of the asymmetry

    Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Study of V1647 Ori

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    We present new high-resolution infrared echelle spectra of V1647 Ori, the young star that illuminates McNeil\u27s nebula. From the start, V1647 Ori has been an enigmatic source that has defied classification, in some ways resembling eruptive stars of the FUor class and in other respects the EXor variables. V1647 Ori underwent an outburst in 2003 before fading back to its pre-outburst brightness in 2006. In 2008, it underwent a new outburst. In this paper we present high-resolution K-band and M-band spectra from the W. M. Keck Observatory that were acquired during the 2008 outburst. We compare the spectra to spectra acquired during the previous outburst and quiescent phases. We find that the luminosity and full width at half maximum power of Br-gamma increased as the star has brightened and decreased when the star faded indicating that these phases are driven by variations in the accretion rate. We also show that the temperature of the CO emission has varied with the stellar accretion rate confirming suggestions from modeling of the heating mechanisms of the inner disk (e.g. Glassgold et al. 2004). Finally we find that the lowest energy blue-shifted CO absorption lines originally reported in 2007 are no longer detected. The absence of these lines confirms the short-lived nature of the outflow launched at the start of the quiescent phase in 2006

    High-resolution Near-infrared Spectroscopy of HD 100546. I. Analysis of Asymmetric Ro-vibrational OH Emission Lines

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    We present observations of ro-vibrational OH and CO emission from the Herbig Be star HD 100546. The emission from both molecules arises from the inner region of the disk extending from approximately 13 AU from the central star. The velocity profiles of the OH lines are narrower than the velocity profile of the [O i] λ6300 line, indicating that the OH in the disk is not cospatial with the Oi. This suggests that the inner optically thin region of the disk is largely devoid of molecular gas. Unlike the ro-vibrational CO emission lines, the OH lines are highly asymmetric. We show that the average CO and average OH line profiles can be fit with a model of a disk comprised of an eccentric inner wall and a circular outer disk. In this model, the vast majority of the OH flux (75%) originates from the inner wall, while the vast majority of the CO flux (65%) originates on the surface of the disk at radii greater than 13 AU. Eccentric inner disks are predicted by hydrodynamic simulations of circumstellar disks containing an embedded giant planet. We discuss the implications of such a disk geometry in light of models of planet–disk tidal interactions and propose alternative explanations for the origin of the asymmetry