10 research outputs found

    Fabrication and impact of fouling-reducing temperature-responsive POEGMA coatings with embedded CaCO3 nanoparticles on different cell lines

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    In the present work, we have successfully prepared and characterized novel nanocomposite material exhibiting temperature-dependent surface wettability changes, based on grafted brush coatings of non-fouling poly(di(ethylene glycol)methyl ether methacrylate) (POEGMA) with the embedded CaCO3 nanoparticles. Grafted polymer brushes attached to the glass surface were prepared in a three-step process using atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP). Subsequently, uniform CaCO3 nanoparticles (NPs) embedded in POEGMA-grafted brush coatings were synthesized using biomineralized precipitation from solutions of CaCl2 and Na2CO3. An impact of the low concentration of the embedded CaCO3 NPs on cell adhesion and growth depends strongly on the type of studied cell line: keratinocytes (HaCaT), melanoma (WM35) and osteoblastic (MC3T3-e1). Based on the temperature-responsive properties of grafted brush coatings and CaCO3 NPs acting as biologically active substrate, we hope that our research will lead to a new platform for tissue engineering with modified growth of the cells due to the release of biologically active substances from CaCO3 NPs and the ability to detach the cells in a controlled manner using temperature-induced changes of the brush

    Passive antifouling and active self-disinfecting antiviral surfaces

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    Viruses pose a serious threat to human health and society in general, as virus infections are one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality. Till May 2022, over 513 million people around the world have been confirmed to be infected and more than 6.2 million have died due to SARS-CoV-2. Although the COVID-19 pandemic will be defeated in the near future, we are likely to face new viral threats in the coming years. One of the important instruments to protect from viruses are antiviral surfaces, which are essentially capable of limiting their spread. The formulation of the concept of antiviral surfaces is relatively new. In general, five types of mechanism directed against virus spread can be proposed for antiviral surfaces; involving: direct and indirect actions, receptor inactivation, photothermal effect, and antifouling behavior. All antiviral surfaces can be classified into two main types - passive and active. Passive antiviral surfaces are based on superhydrophobic coatings that are able to repel virus contaminated droplets. In turn, viruses can become biologically inert (e.g., blocked or destroyed) upon contact with active antiviral surfaces, as they contain antiviral agents: metal atoms, synthetic or natural polymers, and small molecules. The functionality of antiviral surfaces can be significantly improved with additional properties, such as temperature- or pH-responsivity, multifunctionality, non-specific action on different virus types, long-term application, high antiviral efficiency and self-cleaning

    Temperature-controlled three-stage switching of wetting, morphology and protein adsorption

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    The novel polymeric coatings of oligoperoxide-graft-poly(4-vinylpyridine-co-oligo(ethylene glycol)ethyl ether methacrylate246) [oligoperoxide-graft-P(4VP-co-OEGMA246)] attached to glass were successfully fabricated. The composition, thickness, morphology, and wettability of resulting coatings were analyzed using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, ellipsometry, atomic force microscopy, and contact angle measurements, respectively. In addition, adsorption of the bovine serum albumin was examined with fluorescence microscopy. The thermal response of wettability and morphology of the coatings followed by that of protein adsorption revealed two distinct transitions at 10 and 23 °C. For the first time, three stage switching was observed not only for surface wetting but also for morphology and protein adsorption. Moreover, the influence of the pH on thermo-sensitivity of modified surfaces was shown

    Temperature-controlled orientation of proteins on temperature-responsive grafted polymer brushes : poly(butyl methacrylate) vs poly(butyl acrylate) : morphology, wetting, and protein adsorption

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    Poly(n-butyl methacrylate) (PBMA) or poly(n-butyl acrylate) (PBA)-grafted brush coatings attached to glass were successfully prepared using atom-transfer radical polymerization "from the surface". The thicknesses and composition of the PBMA and PBA coatings were examined using ellipsometry and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS), respectively. For PBMA, the glass-transition temperature constitutes a range close to the physiological limit, which is in contrast to PBA, where the glass-transition temperature is around −55 °C. Atomic force microscopy studies at different temperatures suggest a strong morphological transformation for PBMA coatings, in contrast to PBA, where such essential changes in the surface morphology are absent. Besides, for PBMA coatings, protein adsorption depicts a strong temperature dependence. The combination of bovine serum albumin and anti-IgG structure analysis with the principal component analysis of ToF-SIMS spectra revealed a different orientation of proteins adsorbed to PBMA coatings at different temperatures. In addition, the biological activity of anti-IgG molecules adsorbed at different temperatures was evaluated through tracing the specific binding with goat IgG

    Temperature-responsive properties of poly(4-vinylpyridine) coatings : influence of temperature on the wettability, morphology, and protein adsorption

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    Although the pH-response of poly(vinylpyridine)-based systems is well-known and indeed used in several biomedical applications, the impact of temperature on the properties of this polymer has not been investigated in detail so far. Herein, we demonstrate the temperature-responsiveness and switchable wettability of two poly(4-vinylpyridine) coatings, mimicking the behavior of materials with lower critical solution temperature. The thermal response of P4VP spin-coated films, solvent cast on a glass, is weaker than that observed for P4VP-grafted brushes, fabricated via polymerization from an oligoperoxide grafted on an amino-silanized glass. Both the P4VP coatings exhibit a temperature dependence of the water contact angle with a well-defined transition at 13–14 °C. This transition is absent at acid pH levels wherein almost all pyridyl groups are protonated. The P4VP-grafted brushes were used to examine the impact of temperature on the surface morphology and protein adsorption. The coating surface, recorded with atomic force microscopy, evolved noticeably at alkaline pH, from being relatively smooth at 10 °C to structured and rough at 20 °C. In turn, at acid pH levels, flat surfaces with rare elevations were observed at both temperatures. The adsorption of bovine serum albumin and human fibrinogen was observed with fluorescence microscopy to be significantly more efficient for temperatures above the transition, indicating that P4VP coatings can act as a noteworthy switching material

    Non-cytotoxic, temperature-responsive and antibacterial POEGMA based nanocomposite coatings with silver nanoparticles

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    Non-cytotoxic, temperature-responsive and antibacterial poly(di(ethylene glycol)methyl ether methacrylate) – POEGMA188 based nanocomposite coatings attached to a glass surface were successfully prepared using ATRP polymerization. The thickness, morphology and wettability of the resulting coatings were analyzed using ellipsometry, AFM and contact angle measurements, respectively. The strong impact of the thicknesses of the POEGMA188 grafted brush coatings and content of AgNPs on the morphology and temperature-induced wettability changes of the nanocomposite was demonstrated. In addition to the strong temperature-dependent antibacterial activity, the proposed nanocomposite coatings have no significant cytotoxic effect towards normal cells. Moreover, the slight anti-cancer effect of AgNPs may be suggested