60 research outputs found


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    Masyarakat adalah komponen penting keberadaan sebuah Negara. Masyarakat mencerminkan keberadaan sebuah Negara, artinya sebuah Negara dapat dilihat dari kepribadian dari masyarakatnya. Masyarakat adalah sebuah kesatuan yang saling berhubungan untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu. Indonesia sebagai Negara padat penduduk memiliki masalah yang cukup serius dalam hal kebersihan lingkungan. Hubungan timbal balik manusia dan lingkungannya akan sangat berpengaruh ketika manusia tidak menjaga lingkungannya, lingkungan tidak akan memberikan kenyamanan kepada manusia, bahkan tidak akan memberikan kehidupan yang baik bagi manusia. Banyaknya sampah yang dihasilkan setiap harinya tidak didukung oleh TPA (Tempat Pembuangan Akhir) yang memadai, dapat kembali menimbulkan masalah. Seperti yang pernah terjadi di Kabupaten Bandung Barat beberapa waktu lalu, terjadinya longsor yang menyebabkan rusaknya beberapa pemukiman masyarakat sekitarnya. Selain itu sampah-sampah yang dihasilkan dari aktifitas masyarakat di pasar setiap harinya cukup menyumbangkan beban sampah yang cukup tinggi. Penelitian ini membahas beberapa rumusan masalah yaitu: (1) Bagaimana pengetahuan masyarakat di Desa Karangsong Kabupaten Indramayu tentang pengelolaan sampah? (2) Bagaimana tingkat kesadaran hukum masyarakat di Desa karangsong Kabupaten Indramayu dalam proses pengelolaan sampah?; (3) Bagaimana efektifitas sarana dan prasarana yang menunjang dalam proses pengelolaan sampah yang terdapat di Desa Karangsong Kabupaten Indramayu?. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode studi Deskriptif dengan bentuk penelitian random sampling. Data yang diperoleh melalui angket, observasi studi dokumentasi, studi literature, dan wawancara sebagai data pendukung. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa; (1) Pengetahuan masyarakat Desa Karangsong tentang pengelolaan sampah di Kabupaten Indramayu masih belum mengetahui pengelolaan sampah yang baik. (2) Tingkat kesadaran hukum masyarakat di Desa Karangsong tentang pengelolaan sampah masih dalam tingkat Heteronomous. (3) Efektifitas sarana dan prasarana yang menunjang masih belum efektif, ini dikarenakan kurangnya sarana dan prasarana yang aktif dan dapat terpakai dengan layak. Berdasarkan pembahasan penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa tingkat kesadaran hukum masyarakat Desa Karangsong Kabupaten Indramayu tentang pengelolaan sampah masih rendah. Olehkarenaitu,untukmengatasihaltersebutperluadanyakerjasama yang baik antarapemerintahdesadengandinasuntuklebihmeningkatkankesadaranwargadesadenganberbagai program yang mengarahkepadapengelolaansampahdanpengelolaannya. Kata Kunci: Tingkat Kesadaran Hukum, Pengelolaan sampah, Warga Negara Yang Baik The community is an important component of the existence of a State. The community reflects the existence of a State, meaning that a country can be seen from the personality of the people. The community is an interconnected unity to achieve a particular goal. Indonesia as the populous country has a pretty serious problem in terms of the cleanliness of the environment. The reciprocal relationship between humans and their environment will be particularly influential when people do not keep their surroundings, the environment will not give comfort to humans, wouldn’t even provide a good life for human beings. The number of garbage produced each day is not supported by an adequate landfill site, can cause problems again. As have occurred in West Bandung regency some time ago, the occurrence of landslides which caused the destruction of some residential community around it. In addition, the garbage resulting from the activities of the community in the market every day has donated a load of garbage that is high enough. This research discusses three formulation problems: (1) How does the community’s knowledge in Indramayu Regency, Karangsong Village on waste management?; (2) How does the community’s level of the legal awareness in Indramayu Regency, Karangsong Village on the waste management process?; (3) How the effectiveness of the supported facilities and infrastructure in the waste management process contained in Indramayu Regency, Karangsong Village?. The methods in this study using a quantitative approach to the study of descriptive research methods in the form of random sampling. Data acquired through questionnaires, observational study documentation, literature studies, and interview as supporting data. The results showed that (1) The community’s knowledge in Karangsong Village on waste management in Indramayu Regency still hasn’t learned good waste management; (2) The community’s level of the legal awareness in Karangsong Village on waste management process is still in Heteronomous level; (3) The effectiveness of the supported facilities and infrastructure is still not efective due to the lack of facilities and infrastructure are active and can be used with feasible. Based on the deliberations of the research, it can be concluded that the level of community’s legal awareness in Indramayu Regency, Karangsong Village on waste management is still low. Therefore, to address the need for good cooperation with the Government of the village with the Department to further enhance the awareness of the villagers with a variety of programs leading to waste management and its management. Keyword(s): the level of legal awareness, waste management, good citizens

    Safe Surgery Checklist, Patient Safety, teamwork, and Responsibility - Coequal Demands? A Focus Group Study

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    Source at https://doi.org/10.1177/2333393618764070 .The use of World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) Safe Surgery checklist is an established practice worldwide and contributes toward ensuring patient safety and collaborative teamwork. The aim of this study was to elucidate operating room nurses’ and operating room nursing students’ experiences and opinions about execution of and compliance with checklists. We chose a qualitative design with semistructured focus group discussions. Qualitative content analysis was conducted. Two main themes were identified; the Safe Surgery checklists have varied influence on teamwork and patient safety, and taking responsibility for executing the checks on the Safe Surgery checklist entails practical and ethical challenges. The experiences and opinions of operating room nurses and their students revealed differences of practices and attitudes toward checklist compliance and the intentions of checklist procedures. These differences are related to cultural and professional distances between team members and their understanding of the Safe Surgery checklists as a tool for patient safety

    The ecotoxicology of marine tributyltin (TBT) hotspots: A review

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    Tributyltin (TBT) was widely used as a highly efficient biocide in antifouling paints for ship and boat hulls. Eventually, TBT containing paints became globally banned when TBT was found to cause widespread contamination and non-target adverse effects in sensitive species, with induced pseudohermaphroditism in female neogastropods (imposex) being the best-known example. In this review, we address the history and the status of knowledge regarding TBT pollution and marine TBT hotspots, with a special emphasis on the Norwegian coastline. The review also presents a brief update on knowledge of TBT toxicity in various marine species and humans, highlighting the current understanding of toxicity mechanisms relevant for causing endocrine disruption in marine species. Despite observations of reduced TBT sediment concentrations in many marine sediments over the recent decades, contaminant hotspots are still prevalent worldwide. Consequently, efforts to monitor TBT levels and assessment of potential effects in sentinel species being potentially susceptible to TBT in these locations are still highly warranted.publishedVersio

    Undersøkelser i kystvann i Østfold 2016 - Hunnebotn og Vauerkilen

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    Formålet med undersøkelsen er å beskrive den økologiske tilstanden i vannforekomstene Hunnebotn og Vauerkilen basert på de biologiske kvalitetselementene ålegras og bløtbunnsfauna. Undersøkelsen ble gjennomført 5. og 6. september 2016. I Hunnebotn ble det observert lite ålegras og mye begroing i selve pollen, og i Talbergsundet vokste det tett ålegras, men i et smalt belte. I Vauerkilen vurderes ålegrasforekomsten til å være i god tilstand, med høyt og tett ålegras. Nedre voksedyp ble målt til 4,5 m. Den økologiske tilstanden for bløtbunnsfauna var «svært dårlig» på begge stasjonene i Hunnebotn og på den innerste stasjonen i Vauerkilen. Faunaen var artsfattig og det ble kun registrert noen få individer. De to øvrige stasjonene i Vauerkilen hadde en noe mer artsrik fauna med 10-14 registrerte arter, hvorav en del var typiske brakkvannsarter som tåler lav salinitet. Tilstanden ble klassifisert til «moderat» og «dårlig». Innholdet av organisk karbon i sedimentet var svært høyt både i Hunnebotn og Vauerkilen, og tilstanden ble klassifisert til «dårlig» og «svært dårlig» for organisk innhold. Sedimentet luktet av H2S og var på noen stasjoner nesten helt svart.Fylkesmannen i ØstfoldpublishedVersio

    Miljøgifter i kystområdene 2012

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    En Corrigendum ble tilføyd til rapporten den 24.09.2014. Den er også lagt inn som vedlegg i selve rapportsfil.A Corrigendum was added to the report on 09/24/2014. It is also added as an attachment in the report's file.This programme examines long term changes for legacy and some emerging contaminants in biota along the coast of Norway from the Oslofjord and Hvaler region in the southeast to the Varangerfjord in the northeast, in both polluted areas and areas remote from point sources. The 2012-investigation included the monitoring of blue mussel (23 stations), dog whelk (8 stations), common periwinkle (1 station) cod (14 stations) and seawater (passive samplers, 3 stations). Thirty contaminants were chosen for this report as reasonable representation of the chemicals investigated. This selection has 272 time series of which there were statistically significant trends in 50 cases: 34 (12.5 %) were downwards and 16 (5.9 %) upwards. The dominance of downward trends indicates that contamination is decreasing. Of the 272 cases, 156 could be classified by the environmental classification system used by the Norwegian Environment Agency, 81.4 % were classified as insignificantly polluted, 13.5 % as moderately polluted, 4.5 % as markedly polluted, 0 % as severely polluted and 0.6 % as extremely polluted. Analyses of HBCD, SCCP, MCCP, PFRs, BPA, and TBBPA and the use of passive samplers were included in this programme for the first time. Some cases warrant special concern. These were for example upward trend for mercury in cod fillet from the inner Oslofjord, high concentrations of hexabromocyclododecane (a-HBCD) in cod liver from the same area, and high concentrations of medium chain chlorinated paraffins (MCCP) in cod liver from SørfjordMiljødirektorate

    Contaminants in coastal waters of Norway 2016

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    Revised version of 7200-2017 / M-856This programme examines the levels, trends and effects of contaminants in biota along the coast of Norway. The 2016- investigation included analyses of 104 different contaminants or biological effect parameters in five types of samples (blue mussel, dog whelk, common periwinkle and cod). The contaminants include metals (Hg, Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, Ag, As, Ni, Cr and Co), tributyltin (TBT), organochlorines (e.g. PCBs, DDT), PAHs, polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), perfluorinated alkylated substances (PFAS) as well as contaminants that have recently received much attention such as hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDs), chlorinated paraffins (SCCP, MCCP), phosphorus flame retardants (PFRs), bisphenol A (BPA), tetrabrombisphenol A (TBBPA) and alkyphenols. Biological effects parameters included VDSI, OH-pyrene metabolites, ALA-D and EROD. In the report, 30 representative substances or parameters were chosen for analyses of 800 time series (last 10 years). Of these there were statistically significant trends in 135 cases: 107 were downwards and 28 upwards. The dominance of downward trends indicated that contamination is decreasing for the measured substances. The downwards trends for TBT-concentrations and effect parameter (VDSI) confirmed that the legislation banning the use of TBT has been effective. Of the 2016-medians for all 800 time series, there were 403 cases that could be classified against EQS, of which 254 (63 %) were below the EQS and 149 (37 %) were above the EQS. All of the 2016-medians from the 800 time series could be classified using a new concept denoted provisional high reference concentrations (PROREF). Of these 594 were below PROREF and 206 exceeded PROREF: 124 by a factor of less than two, 59 by a factor between two and five, 11 by a factor between five and 10, six by a factor between 10 and 20, and six by a factor greater than 20. Some cases warrant special concern, such as high concentrations of several organic pollutants in cod liver from the Inner Oslofjord. High concentrations of DDE in mussels from the Sørfjord were related to earlier use of DDT as pesticide in orchards along the fjord. The influence of fish length on contaminant concentration was examined. Results of analyses of stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen are presented to investigate the role of food origin and trophic levels for observed contaminant concentrations.Norwegian Environment AgencypublishedVersio

    Low-dose azathioprine and allopurinol versus azathioprine monotherapy in patients with ulcerative colitis (AAUC)::An investigator-initiated, open, multicenter, parallel-arm, randomised controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: Retrospective studies suggest that for patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) combination therapy with low-dose azathioprine and allopurinol (L-AZA/ALLO) may result in higher remission rates than monotherapy with azathioprine (AZA). We prospectively investigated the effects of these drugs for remission in patients with moderate-to-severe UC. METHODS: Open-label, unblinded, randomised, controlled, investigator-initiated, multicentre study conducted at eight hospital sites in Denmark. Adult patients with established UC, who were steroid dependent/refractory, thiopurine naïve, had a normal thiopurine methyltransferase, and achieved remission with steroids or infliximab were eligible for inclusion. Patients were randomly assigned by the investigators (1:1) to 52 weeks of treatment with once daily oral AZA (median dose 50 mg) combined with ALLO 100 mg versus AZA monotherapy (median dose 200 mg), using a computer-generated randomisation list with blocks of six. The trial was open without masking. All randomised patients who received at least one dose of study drug were included in primary and safety analyses (intention to treat population). The primary outcome was steroid and infliximab free remission after 52 weeks, defined as a Mayo Score of ≤1 and no rectal bleeding. The trial is completed and is registered in ClinicalTrials.gov (ClinicalTrials.gov NCT03101800). FINDINGS: Between January 9, 2017 and February 10, 2021, 47 patients were randomised to l-AZA/ALLO and 42 to AZA and received at least one dose of the study drug. After 52 weeks, 20 of 47 (43%) patients in the l-AZA/ALLO group and nine of 42 (21%) patients in the AZA group achieved remission (odds ratio 2·54 [95% CI 1·00 to 6.78, p < 0·048]). Fourteen patients (30%) in the l-AZA/ALLO group and 16 (38%) in the AZA group were withdrawn from the study due to adverse events. INTERPRETATION: This study suggests that after one year l-AZA/ALLO therapy may be associated with a beneficial effect on steroid- and infliximab-free clinical remission in patients with moderate-to-severe UC and should be considered as first line therapy. FUNDING: Funding for AAUC was provided by The Capital Region of Denmark (Regionernes Medicinpulje (6062/16))

    Feltbasert kunnskap, metodikk og kriterier for økologisk kvalitet til et utvalg av marine naturtyper

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    Prosjektleder/Hovedforfatter Eli RindeVi kommer her med innspill til utvikling av metodikk og kriterier for kartlegging og fastsettelse av økologisk kvalitet til et utvalg av marine naturtyper basert på feltundersøkelser. De utvalgte naturtypene er ålegrasenger, sukkertareskog, muslingbunner (både blåskjellbunner og flatøstersbanker), helofytt-saltvannssumper og ruglbunner. Undersøkelsene av ålegrasenger og sukkertareskog hadde fokus på å identifisere eventuelle sesongvariasjoner i egenskaper knyttet til naturmangfold og tilstand. For alle naturtypene har vi basert på feltundersøkelsene og tidligere verdikriterier for naturmangfold, vurdert hvilke egenskaper som egner seg som primær- og sekundærvariabler for naturmangfold og tilstand. Ruglbunner ble undersøkt ved Vega (Nordland), og de øvrige naturtypene hovedsakelig i Oslofjorden. Blåskjellbanker ble undersøkte både i Oslofjorden, Sør-Norge og ved Vega.publishedVersio

    Vikkilen 2014. Kartlegging av biotoper og innhold av miljøgifter i sedimenter i sjøområdene grunnere enn 5 meters dyp.

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    Undersøkelsen er en oppfølging av tidligere undersøkelser i Vikkilen ved Grimstad, og dekker områdene grunnere enn 5 meters dyp. Undersøkelser av naturtyper og bunnforhold viste at de indre områdene av Vikkilen består av flat sandog mudderbunn. De grunneste områdene som tørrlegges ved lavvann er mest sandige. På litt dypere vann (1-5 meter) med bløtere sedimenter ble det registrert enkelte ålegrasenger og ellers spredt med ålegras. Sedimentene fra 0,5-1 meters dyp var moderat til sterkt forurenset av TBT (tilstandsklasse III –V). TBT-konsentrasjonene var betydelig lavere enn det som ble målt i 2004-2008, også når man tar høyde for at de de var mer grovkornede i 2014 og naturlig inneholder lavere konsentrasjoner. Tiltak for å redusere miljøgiftkonsentrasjonen i de grunne områdene (0-5 m dyp) vil ha negative effekter på eksisterende organismesamfunn og de samlede konsekvensene kan fort bli større enn ved ikke å gjennomføre tiltak