21 research outputs found

    Distributed automated manufacturing of pluripotent stem cell products

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    Establishing how to effectively manufacture cell therapies is an industry-level problem. Decentralised manufacturing is of increasing importance, and its challenges are recognised by healthcare regulators with deviations and comparability issues receiving specific attention from them. This paper is the first to report the deviations and other risks encountered when implementing the expansion of human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) in an automated three international site–decentralised manufacturing setting. An experimental demonstrator project expanded a human embryonal carcinoma cell line (2102Ep) at three development sites in France, Germany and the UK using the CompacT SelecT (Sartorius Stedim, Royston, UK) automated cell culture platform. Anticipated variations between sites spanned material input, features of the process itself and production system details including different quality management systems and personnel. Where possible, these were pre-addressed by implementing strategies including standardisation, cell bank mycoplasma testing and specific engineering and process improvements. However, despite such measures, unexpected deviations occurred between sites including software incompatibility and machine/process errors together with uncharacteristic contaminations. Many only became apparent during process proving or during the process run. Further, parameters including growth rate and viability discrepancies could only be determined post-run, preventing ‘live’ corrective measures. The work confirms the critical nature of approaches usually taken in Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) manufacturing settings and especially emphasises the requirement for monitoring steps to be included within the production system. Real-time process monitoring coupled with carefully structured quality systems is essential for multiple site working including clarity of decision-making roles. Additionally, an over-reliance upon post-process visual microscopic comparisons has major limitations; it is difficult for non-experts to detect deleterious culture changes and such detection is slow

    E2F1 Mediated Apoptosis Induced by the DNA Damage Response Is Blocked by EBV Nuclear Antigen 3C in Lymphoblastoid Cells

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    EBV latent antigen EBNA3C is indispensible for in vitro B-cell immortalization resulting in continuously proliferating lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs). EBNA3C was previously shown to target pRb for ubiquitin-proteasome mediated degradation, which facilitates G1 to S transition controlled by the major transcriptional activator E2F1. E2F1 also plays a pivotal role in regulating DNA damage induced apoptosis through both p53-dependent and -independent pathways. In this study, we demonstrate that in response to DNA damage LCLs knocked down for EBNA3C undergo a drastic induction of apoptosis, as a possible consequence of both p53- and E2F1-mediated activities. Importantly, EBNA3C was previously shown to suppress p53-induced apoptosis. Now, we also show that EBNA3C efficiently blocks E2F1-mediated apoptosis, as well as its anti-proliferative effects in a p53-independent manner, in response to DNA damage. The N- and C-terminal domains of EBNA3C form a stable pRb independent complex with the N-terminal DNA-binding region of E2F1 responsible for inducing apoptosis. Mechanistically, we show that EBNA3C represses E2F1 transcriptional activity via blocking its DNA-binding activity at the responsive promoters of p73 and Apaf-1 apoptosis induced genes, and also facilitates E2F1 degradation in an ubiquitin-proteasome dependent fashion. Moreover, in response to DNA damage, E2F1 knockdown LCLs exhibited a significant reduction in apoptosis with higher cell-viability. In the presence of normal mitogenic stimuli the growth rate of LCLs knockdown for E2F1 was markedly impaired; indicating that E2F1 plays a dual role in EBV positive cells and that active engagement of the EBNA3C-E2F1 complex is crucial for inhibition of DNA damage induced E2F1-mediated apoptosis. This study offers novel insights into our current understanding of EBV biology and enhances the potential for development of effective therapies against EBV associated B-cell lymphomas

    Regulation of quiescence and proliferation of neural stem cells in the adult brain

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    La production de nouveaux neurones, un processus appelé neurogenèse, persiste à l’âge adulte et est assurée par les cellules souches neurales (CSN) au sein de niches spécialisées telle que la zone sous-ventriculaire (ZSV). Cependant, la neurogenèse adulte diminue à la suite de diverses atteintes cérébrales et au cours du vieillissement, provoquant des déclins cognitifs pour l’heure irréversibles. A l’aide d’une méthode de cytométrie en flux développée au laboratoire, nous avons montré que le déclin progressif de la neurogenèse de la ZSV au cours du vieillissement est lié, non pas à une diminution du nombre des CSN, mais à une forte réduction de leur prolifération due, notamment, à l’allongement spécifique de la phase G1 médiée par l’augmentation du TGFβ1. Par ailleurs, nous avons isolé les CSN quiescentes et les CSN en prolifération afin de caractériser leurs propriétés cellulaires et établir leur profil d'expression génique. L’analyse comparative de ces deux populations de CSN a révélé plusieurs niveaux de régulation de la balance entre quiescence et prolifération, telles que l’intégration de signaux en provenance du microenvironnement et l’existence de programmes de transcription distincts. L’ensemble de ces résultats ouvrent des perspectives pour l’utilisation des CSN quiescentes endogènes comme cibles thérapeutiques au cours du vieillissement ou pour régénérer les tissus cérébraux lésés.The production of new neurons, a process called neurogenesis, persists during adulthood and is ensured by neural stem cells (NSCs) that are located in specialized niches in the mammalian brain such as the subventricular zone (SVZ). However, adult neurogenesis declines dramatically following brain damage and during aging leading to irreversible cognitive deficits. Using a flow cytometry-based cell sorting strategy, we show that the progressive age-related decline in SVZ neurogenesis is not caused by a loss of NSCs but rather by a proliferation deficit of NSCs with the lengthening of their G1 phase due to increased levels of TGFβ1. We then sorted quiescent and proliferative NSCs to characterize their functional properties and define their gene expression profiles. Comparative analysis of the two populations of NSCs reveals that the balance between quiescence and proliferation is regulated at multiple levels with the integration of external signals from the microenvironment and distinct transcriptional programs. Taken together, our results open new vistas into the potential use of endogenous quiescent NSCs as therapeutic targets to increase neurogenesis in the aged brain and to participate to the regeneration of damaged brain tissue

    Régulation de la quiescence et de la prolifération des cellules souches neurales dans le cerveau adulte

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    The production of new neurons, a process called neurogenesis, persists during adulthood and is ensured by neural stem cells (NSCs) that are located in specialized niches in the mammalian brain such as the subventricular zone (SVZ). However, adult neurogenesis declines dramatically following brain damage and during aging leading to irreversible cognitive deficits. Using a flow cytometry-based cell sorting strategy, we show that the progressive age-related decline in SVZ neurogenesis is not caused by a loss of NSCs but rather by a proliferation deficit of NSCs with the lengthening of their G1 phase due to increased levels of TGFβ1. We then sorted quiescent and proliferative NSCs to characterize their functional properties and define their gene expression profiles. Comparative analysis of the two populations of NSCs reveals that the balance between quiescence and proliferation is regulated at multiple levels with the integration of external signals from the microenvironment and distinct transcriptional programs. Taken together, our results open new vistas into the potential use of endogenous quiescent NSCs as therapeutic targets to increase neurogenesis in the aged brain and to participate to the regeneration of damaged brain tissue.La production de nouveaux neurones, un processus appelé neurogenèse, persiste à l’âge adulte et est assurée par les cellules souches neurales (CSN) au sein de niches spécialisées telle que la zone sous-ventriculaire (ZSV). Cependant, la neurogenèse adulte diminue à la suite de diverses atteintes cérébrales et au cours du vieillissement, provoquant des déclins cognitifs pour l’heure irréversibles. A l’aide d’une méthode de cytométrie en flux développée au laboratoire, nous avons montré que le déclin progressif de la neurogenèse de la ZSV au cours du vieillissement est lié, non pas à une diminution du nombre des CSN, mais à une forte réduction de leur prolifération due, notamment, à l’allongement spécifique de la phase G1 médiée par l’augmentation du TGFβ1. Par ailleurs, nous avons isolé les CSN quiescentes et les CSN en prolifération afin de caractériser leurs propriétés cellulaires et établir leur profil d'expression génique. L’analyse comparative de ces deux populations de CSN a révélé plusieurs niveaux de régulation de la balance entre quiescence et prolifération, telles que l’intégration de signaux en provenance du microenvironnement et l’existence de programmes de transcription distincts. L’ensemble de ces résultats ouvrent des perspectives pour l’utilisation des CSN quiescentes endogènes comme cibles thérapeutiques au cours du vieillissement ou pour régénérer les tissus cérébraux lésés

    Challenges of cell therapies for retinal diseases

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    Distinct Molecular Signatures of Quiescent and Activated Adult Neural Stem Cells Reveal Specific Interactions with Their Microenvironment

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    Summary: Deciphering the mechanisms that regulate the quiescence of adult neural stem cells (NSCs) is crucial for the development of therapeutic strategies based on the stimulation of their endogenous regenerative potential in the damaged brain. We show that LeXbright cells sorted from the adult mouse subventricular zone exhibit all the characteristic features of quiescent NSCs. Indeed, they constitute a subpopulation of slowly dividing cells that is able to enter the cell cycle to regenerate the irradiated niche. Comparative transcriptomic analyses showed that they express hallmarks of NSCs but display a distinct molecular signature from activated NSCs (LeX+EGFR+ cells). Particularly, numerous membrane receptors are expressed on quiescent NSCs. We further revealed a different expression pattern of Syndecan-1 between quiescent and activated NSCs and demonstrated its role in the proliferation of activated NSCs. Our data highlight the central role of the stem cell microenvironment in the regulation of quiescence in adult neurogenic niches. : In this article, Boussin, Mouthon, and colleagues provide transcriptomic profiles of quiescent and activated neural stem cells. They report on the use of Syndecan-1 as a marker to purify long-term proliferating stem cells. Keywords: neural stem cells, cell sorting, microarray, quiescence, syndecan-1, irradiation, adult neurogenic niches, neurogenesi

    Automation of human pluripotent stem cell differentiation toward retinal pigment epithelial cells for large-scale productions

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    International audienceAbstract Dysfunction or death of retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells is involved in some forms of Retinitis Pigmentosa and in age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Since there is no cure for most patients affected by these diseases, the transplantation of RPE cells derived from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) represents an attractive therapeutic alternative. First attempts to transplant hPSC-RPE cells in AMD and Stargardt patients demonstrated the safety and suggested the potential efficacy of this strategy. However, it also highlighted the need to upscale the production of the cells to be grafted in order to treat the millions of potential patients. Automated cell culture systems are necessary to change the scale of cell production. In the present study, we developed a protocol amenable for automation that combines in a sequential manner Nicotinamide, Activin A and CHIR99021 to direct the differentiation of hPSCs into RPE cells. This novel differentiation protocol associated with the use of cell culture robots open new possibilities for the production of large batches of hPSC-RPE cells while maintaining a high cell purity and functionality. Such methodology of cell culture automation could therefore be applied to various differentiation processes in order to generate the material suitable for cell therapy

    Cell Sorting of Neural Stem and Progenitor Cells from the Adult Mouse Subventricular Zone and Live-imaging of their Cell Cycle Dynamics.

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    International audienceNeural stem cells (NSCs) in the subventricular zone of the lateral ventricles (SVZ) sustain olfactory neurogenesis throughout life in the mammalian brain. They successively generate transit amplifying cells (TACs) and neuroblasts that differentiate into neurons once they integrate the olfactory bulbs. Emerging fluorescent activated cell sorting (FACS) techniques have allowed the isolation of NSCs as well as their progeny and have started to shed light on gene regulatory networks in adult neurogenic niches. We report here a cell sorting technique that allows to follow and distinguish the cell cycle dynamics of the above-mentioned cell populations from the adult SVZ with a LeX/EGFR/CD24 triple staining. Isolated cells are then plated as adherent cells to explore in details their cell cycle progression by time-lapse video microscopy. To this end, we use transgenic Fluorescence Ubiquitination Cell Cycle Indicator (FUCCI) mice in which cells are red-fluorescent during G1 phase due to a G1 specific red-Cdt1 reporter. This method has recently revealed that proliferating NSCs progressively lengthen their G1 phase during aging, leading to neurogenesis impairment. This method is easily transposable to other systems and could be of great interest for the study of the cell cycle dynamics of brain cells in the context of brain pathologies