16 research outputs found

    Revisiting the applicability of porter’s model to the portuguese manufacturing : a departure from traditional strategies

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the strategies utilized in the Portuguese manufacturing environment, and to compare the results with those of a similar study conducted in 1993. Self-administered surveys were employed and a total sample of 229 firms were used for the analysis. The responses were factor analyzed to establish patterns of strategic behaviours. In comparison with 1993, today’s Portuguese manufacturing firms are using more product development and innovation in order to offer many new customized products to different markets. In most cases, they are capitalizing on flexible manufacturing to achieve more depth and breadth in their product lines

    Strategies employed by e-commerce firms in Portugal : an empirical investigation

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    A survey integrating different theoretical views of value creation was developed, then sent to Portuguese e-ommerce firms to assess the underlying dimensions and the most important characteristics of their e-Commerce strategies. The survey was sent to 188 firms in 2007 and repeated in 2010 to validate the results, obtaining a total sample of 62 e-Commerce firms. Through factorial analysis, three e-Commerce strategy dimensions were identified: one relates to differentiation via marketing based on reputation and brand identification, in which advertising and innovation in marketing techniques and methods are important; a second differentiation dimension focuses on product development and is supported by technical capabilities; and a cost leadership dimension which uses strategic networks to obtain economies of scale and scope, and exploits technological advancements to reduce transaction costs

    Effectiveness of business strategies in Brazilian textile industry

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    ABSTRACTEffectiveness of business strategies in Brazilian textile industryThis research analyses how the interaction between strategy capabilities, strategy types, strategy formulation quality and implementation capability affect organizational performance in Brazilian textiles companies. This article proposes and tests a conceptual framework, using a structural equation modeling of a set of 211 valid questionnaires on Brazilian textiles firms. The results support links between focus strategy and marketing capabilities, and between cost leadership strategy and management capabilities. However, the relationship between technologic capabilities and differentiation strategy was not statistically significant. The existence of an inter-relationship between generic strategies of focus, cost leadership and differentiation indicates the use of combined strategies. Concerning the firms’ financial performance, the results show that management capability and market performance have a statistically significant relationship with financial performance

    Planeamento agregado da produção : uma revisão da literatura

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    0 planeamento agregado da produção tem como objectivo determinar a maneira mais eficiente de utilizar os recursos de que a empresa dispõe, de modo a satisfazer a sua procura. São numerosos os trabalhos publicados sobre este assunto, tendo já diversos autores efectuado a sua classificação. Neste trabalho, agrupando os trabalhos de maior relevância em duas grandes categorias, «Modelos de planeamento agregado de produção que produzem soluções óptimas, e «Modelos de planeamento agregado de produção que produzem soluções quase óptimas», efectua-se uma síntese e actualização da literatura existente sobre este assunto. Pretendemos, assim, facilitar aos estudiosos destas matérias uma consulta rápida e precisa sobre a bibliografia fundamental actualmente existente neste domínio

    E-commerce strategies and corporate performance: an empirical investigation

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    Purpose – The purpose of this study is twofold. First, the relevant literature is reviewed briefly to provide a strategic context of the different views on strategy development. In the process, the linkages between the e-commerce view of strategy and previous views are explored. As such, the perspectives of different schools of thought on strategy are briefly highlighted. Second, the different dimensions of the e-commerce strategy and their impact on organizational performance are investigated. Design/methodology/approach – Asurvey integrating different theoretical views of value creation was developed and sent to Portuguese e-commerce firms to assess the underlying dimensions of their strategies through factorial analysis. Then, a clustering analysis was performed to determine strategic groups to compare corporate performance. Findings – Three e-commerce dimensions were identified: marketing, innovation and efficiency. Results of data analysis suggest that differentiation factors have impact on corporate performance in the context of virtual markets. Research limitations/implications – Although the Portuguese specific nature of the study could be seen as a limitation of the generalization of the findings, in the authors’ view, it is not truly a limitation because Portuguese executives face the same challenges that other countries counterparts, due to the universal application of e-commerce. Moreover, the use of a Portuguese sample validates findings from other cultural settings, contributing toward a unified theory and testing its applicability. In this way, it is an opportunity rather then a limitation. Practical implications – The research identifies what is strategic and highlights the competitive methods that enhance differentiation in virtual markets, which could be useful as a framework for strategic formulation. Moreover, it provides a theoretical rational for investments in intangible assets. Originality/value – The development of a survey to assess e-commerce strategies and the identification of the e-commerce strategic dimensions are the main contributions of this research, which highlights the importance of differentiation factors in virtual markets

    E-Commerce Strategies and Corporate Performance: An Empirical Investigation

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    Purpose – The purpose of this study is twofold. First, the relevant literature is reviewed briefly to provide a strategic context of the different views on strategy development. In the process, the linkages between the e-commerce view of strategy and previous views are explored. As such, the perspectives of different schools of thought on strategy are briefly highlighted. Second, the different dimensions of the e-commerce strategy and their impact on organizational performance are investigated. Design/methodology/approach – Asurvey integrating different theoretical views of value creation was developed and sent to Portuguese e-commerce firms to assess the underlying dimensions of their strategies through factorial analysis. Then, a clustering analysis was performed to determine strategic groups to compare corporate performance. Findings – Three e-commerce dimensions were identified: marketing, innovation and efficiency. Results of data analysis suggest that differentiation factors have impact on corporate performance in the context of virtual markets. Research limitations/implications – Although the Portuguese specific nature of the study could be seen as a limitation of the generalization of the findings, in the authors’ view, it is not truly a limitation because Portuguese executives face the same challenges that other countries counterparts, due to the universal application of e-commerce. Moreover, the use of a Portuguese sample validates findings from other cultural settings, contributing toward a unified theory and testing its applicability. In this way, it is an opportunity rather then a limitation. Practical implications – The research identifies what is strategic and highlights the competitive methods that enhance differentiation in virtual markets, which could be useful as a framework for strategic formulation. Moreover, it provides a theoretical rational for investments in intangible assets. Originality/value – The development of a survey to assess e-commerce strategies and the identification of the e-commerce strategic dimensions are the main contributions of this research, which highlights the importance of differentiation factors in virtual markets

    The Mediating Role of Innovation on Strategic Orientation and Performance

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    Using a sample of 229 Portuguese manufacturing organisations, this study examines the mediating role of innovation on the relationship between strategy and performance. Data was collected using questionnaire and a SEM was used to examine the relationships among strategy orientations, innovation and performance. In this study three strategy orientations found in previous studies were used: 1) marketing differentiation; 2) product innovation differentiation; 3) production and service efficiency. A set of hypotheses was tested, the results of which provided some insight into the importance of innovation as a mediator of a firm\u27s performance. The results show a hierarchical sequence in the dissemination of innovation within a firm, beginning with innovative internal and external organisational practices. From a practical perspective, managers should be aware of the importance of innovation as an integral part of competitiveness because the success of any strategic orientation is very much contingent on such innovative capacity


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    Este artigo propón un método diferente para identificar a curto prazo cambios naactividade económica. Usamos unha perspectiva baseada nas opinións de varios recoñecidoseconomistas españois e portugueses sobre a importancia dun grupo de indicadoresindividuais aceptados de forma xeral, que poidan avaliar a situación económica. O obxectivodo artigo é o de determinar a posición económica relativa nun período de tempo a curto emedio prazo e analizar a importancia da opinión dos economistas para describir a situacióneconómica. Recolléronse datos trismestrais do período de 1995 a 2014 (1º semestre) dasestadísticas da OECD.StatExtracts para Portugal e España. Os resultados apoian a idea de queas opinións dos economistas son importantes para explicar as características dunhaeconomía. Malia que as súas opinións sobre o peso dunha variable determinada nadescrición do nivel de actividade económica pode variar, implicitamente a longo prazo todaslas opinións tenden a converxer nun mesmo patrón de evolución dunha situación económica

    Organisational Performance and Innovation in the Context of a Total Quality Management Philosophy: An Empirical Investigation

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    The literature emphasises the need to integrate innovation initiatives under the umbrella of the total quality management (TQM) philosophy. Such integration is instrumental towards achieving and sustaining a superior organisational performance. Using a sample of 229 Portuguese manufacturing organisations, factor and regression analyses procedures were used to assess the impact on organisational performance of innovation for small and large organisations in the Portuguese TQM business context. The results of this study point to the significance of the size of the organisation, and product and process innovations for organisational performance. Organisational innovation was not found to have a significant impact on organisational performance. These results might be attributed to specific ownership, which is associated with process and product innovation. Based on the results of this study, it is concluded that small organisations might want to consider directing their innovation investments towards management aspects such as processes and products. In this context, top-down organisational innovation might take more time and effort

    Unha perspectiva combinada para acceder a cambios a curto prazo na situación económica de portugal e españa

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    Este artigo propón un método diferente para identificar a curto prazo cambios na actividade económica. Usamos unha perspectiva baseada nas opinións de varios recoñecidos economistas españois e portugueses sobre a importancia dun grupo de indicadores individuais aceptados de forma xeral, que poidan avaliar a situación económica. O obxectivo do artigo é o de determinar a posición económica relativa nun período de tempo a curto e medio prazo e analizar a importancia da opinión dos economistas para describir a situación económica. Recolléronse datos trismestrais do período de 1995 a 2014 (1º semestre) das estadísticas da OECD.StatExtracts para Portugal e España. Os resultados apoian a idea de que as opinións dos economistas son importantes para explicar as características dunha economía. Malia que as súas opinións sobre o peso dunha variable determinada na descrición do nivel de actividade económica pode variar, implicitamente a longo prazo todas las opinións tenden a converxer nun mesmo patrón de evolución dunha situación económica