4 research outputs found

    Dynamic capabilities in international markets: their antecedents and current and future performance outcomes

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    Classifications: M31 – Marketing; M10 – GeneralThe international context is a dynamic, complex environment in which it is hard for firms to secure current performance without hindering future performance. This study developed specific dynamic capabilities as a feasible way to balance current and future export performance. Besides including an important domain to dynamic capabilities (market) and considering the relevant but understudied context of exporting, the study’s contribution is threefold: (1) it extends previous work and studies the impact of export market orientation on product development and market-related dynamic capabilities, (2) it is the first to disentangle the effects of dynamic capabilities on current and future performance, and (3) it tests interfunctional coordination and environmental turbulence as moderators of the dynamic capabilities–performance link. An online survey was administered to Portuguese export manufacturers. The findings suggest that export market orientation dimensions – customer and competitor – are not similarly related to dynamic capabilities. Export customer orientation is an antecedent of both exploitative and explorative capabilities, whereas export competitor orientation promotes only exploitative capabilities. The effects of dynamic capabilities on current and future performance are distinct. Exploitative capabilities are positively related to current performance. Product development explorative capabilities are positively related to current performance, whereas market-related explorative capabilities have the opposite effect. Market-related exploitative capabilities and product development explorative capabilities relate positively to future performance. With respect to moderating effects, findings confirm the role of interfunctional coordination as moderator of the explorative capabilities– performance link. Environmental turbulence dimensions – technological and market – moderate the dynamic capabilities–performance link, but do so divergently.O contexto internacional é um ambiente dinâmico cuja complexidade dificulta às empresas garantir o desempenho actual sem perturbar o futuro. Este estudo introduziu as capacidades dinâmicas como forma viável de balancear os desempenhos actual e futuro. Além de incluir um domínio importante às capacidades dinâmicas (mercado); e considerar o contexto relevante mas pouco estudado da exportação, o estudo tem três contribuições: (1) estende trabalho prévio, estudando o impacto da orientação para o mercado exportador nas capacidades dinâmicas de desenvolvimento do produto e de mercado; (2) é pioneiro a desenlear os efeitos destas capacidades nos desempenhos actual e futuro, e (3) testa coordenação interfuncional e turbulência ambiental como moderadoras da ligação capacidades dinâmicas–desempenho. Aplicou-se um questionário online a fabricantes exportadores Portugueses. Os resultados sugerem que as dimensões da orientação para o mercado exportador – cliente e concorrência – não se relacionam igualmente com as capacidades dinâmicas. A orientação para o cliente antecede as exploitativas e as explorativas, enquanto a orientação para o concorrente apenas promove as exploitativas. Os efeitos das capacidades dinâmicas no desempenho actual e futuro são distintos. As exploitativas relacionam-se positivamente com o desempenho actual. As explorativas de desenvolvimento do produto relacionam-se positivamente com o desempenho actual e as de mercado de forma oposta. As exploitativas de mercado e as explorativas de desenvolvimento do produto relacionam-se positivamente com o desempenho futuro. Quanto aos moderadores, confirmase a moderação da coordenação interfuncional na ligação capacidades explorativas– desempenho. As dimensões da turbulência ambiental – tecnologia e mercado – moderam de forma oposta a ligação capacidades dinâmicas–desempenho

    Drivers and outcomes of sustainable export marketing strategies in international environments

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    This work was supported by the FCT-Fundação para a Ciencia e Tecnologia [Grant number UIDB/ 04521/2020], and ADVANCE/CSG. Author 3 gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the FCT-Fundação para a Ciencia e Tecnologia [Grant number UIDB/04521/2020], and ADVANCE/CSG. Author 3 gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the FCT and Centro2020 through the Project references: UIDB/04044/2020; UIDP/04044/2020; Associate Laboratory ARISE LA/P/0112/ 2020; PAMI – ROTEIRO/0328/2013 (No 022158).Purpose – This study aims to investigate the relationship between market-oriented environmental sustainability (MES) and green export-related resources and capabilities, analyzes the impact of these resources and capabilities on the eco-friendly export marketing strategy and assess the influence of such strategy on export performance. Design/methodology/approach – This study uses survey data from 241 manufacturing export firms analyzed through partial least squares structural equation modeling. Findings – The results show a positive influence of MES on green export-related resources and capabilities. Further, while green export-related capabilities directly affect eco-friendly export marketing strategy, resources only influence it indirectly through capabilities. The results also show that the adoption of an ecofriendly export marketing strategy contributes to firm’s export performance. Originality/value – This study makes an important contribution to sustainability and exporting literature by evaluating the behavior of firms in terms of MES and eco-friendly export marketing strategy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Expanding into new product lines in response to COVID-19: The interplay between firm age and performance aspirations

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    Unprecedented environmental shocks, like the outbreak of COVID-19, sometimes trigger firms to adjust to the new environment, by expanding quickly into new—relevant to the shock—product lines, as a means to capitalize on the booming demand of urgently needed supplies. This study examines the role of firm corporate liabilities, as the ones enclosed to firm age, in influencing the number of new product lines a firm introduces in response to the pandemic, and its reaction time to the shock. The way in which performance aspirations interfere in these managerial decisions is also examined. In testing hypotheses, we employ a novel multivariate matching approach, namely entropy balancing, which allows researchers to create balanced samples and accounts for the existence of non-random factors influencing the results. Using a sample of 973 manufacturers that introduced new product lines in response to COVID-19, our hypotheses, positively linking firm age to product line introductions, and negatively to response time to the environmental shock, are supported. Our results indicate that for firms with higher levels of performance above industry average, the positive influence of firm's age on the number of new product lines introduced is weaker than for firms with lower levels of performance above industry average