24 research outputs found

    Unified Enterprise Knowledge Representation with Conceptual Models - Capturing Corporate Language in Naming Conventions

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    Conceptual modeling is an established instrument in the knowledge engineering process. However, a precondition for the usability of conceptual models is not only their syntactic correctness but also their semantic comparability. Assuring comparability is quite challenging especially when models are developed by different persons. Empirical studies show that such models can vary heavily, especially in model element naming, even if they are meant to express the same issue. In contrast to most ontology-driven approaches proposing the resolution of these differences ex-post, we introduce an approach that avoids naming differences in conceptual models already during modeling. Therefore we formalize naming conventions combining domain thesauri and phrase structures based on a linguistic grammar. This allows for guiding modelers automatically during the modeling process using standardized labels for model elements, thus assuring unified enterprise knowledge representation. Our approach is generic, making it applicable for any modeling language

    Effect of a skin-deep surface zone on formation of two-dimensional electron gas at a semiconductor surface

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    Two dimensional electron gases (2DEGs) at surfaces and interfaces of semiconductors are described straightforwardly with a 1D self-consistent Poisson-Schr\"{o}dinger scheme. However, their band energies have not been modeled correctly in this way. Using angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy we study the band structures of 2DEGs formed at sulfur-passivated surfaces of InAs(001) as a model system. Electronic properties of these surfaces are tuned by changing the S coverage, while keeping a high-quality interface, free of defects and with a constant doping density. In contrast to earlier studies we show that the Poisson-Schr\"{o}dinger scheme predicts the 2DEG bands energies correctly but it is indispensable to take into account the existence of the physical surface. The surface substantially influences the band energies beyond simple electrostatics, by setting nontrivial boundary conditions for 2DEG wavefunctions.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, 2 table

    Pattern-Based Model Comparison

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    Distributed conceptual modeling may lead to a set of problems whenever these models shall be compared or integrated. E.g., the same issue is modeled in different ways or different issues are modeled in the same way concerning naming and structure. The resolution and avoidance of different naming is subject of diverse approaches. However, managing differing structures is still an unsolved problem. Therefore, we propose an approach that makes use of structural model pattern matching in order to reveal structurally equivalent sections in conceptual models. Thus, professionals that have to compare models in order to decide on how to integrate them are provided with an enhanced decision support. The approach is generic in order to make it applicable for any conceptual modeling language

    Sourcing and automation decisions in financial value chains

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    Online research maps are websites that present information about certain research activities in a structured manner. Institutions like universities, states, or individual researchers use them as knowledge base to identify and communicate “who knows what” and “where can the respective information be found”. Furthermore, these items are used as a research marketing measure, stressing the importance of this kind of portal. However, research maps differ in their range of functionalities, their respective naming, their target audience and so on. Thus, it is an exhausting task identifying and choosing the right set of functionalities. Our goal is to offer a template for the creation of common practice online research maps. For this purpose, we present a reference model and describe its development process. As preliminary measure, 66 research maps have been carefully analysed with respect to the formerly mentioned aspects. Derived from the results of our analysis, common practice was identified and used as basis for developing a reference model for online research maps. For development purposes, an existing language for describing internet portals was chosen and adapted to suite the requirements of describing research maps. The reference model presented in this article was then evaluated in a multi-methodical procedure

    Mitigating response distortion in IS ethics research

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    Distributed construction of conceptual models may lead to a set of problems when these models are to be compared or integrated. Different kinds of comparison conflicts are known (e.g. naming conflicts or structural conflicts), the resolution of which is subject of different approaches. However, the expost resolution of naming conflicts raises subsequent problems that origin from semantic diversities of namings – even if they are syntactically the same. Therefore, we propose an approach that allows for avoiding naming conflicts in conceptual models already during modelling. This way, the ex-post resolution of naming conflicts becomes obsolete. In order to realise this approach we combine domain thesauri as lexical conventions for the use of terms, and linguistic grammars as conventions for valid phrase structures. The approach is generic in order to make it reusable for any conceptual modelling language

    Triple immunofluorescence labeling of atherosclerotic plaque components in apoE/LDLR -/- mice.

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    This paper presents a simple and reliable method of triple immunofluorescence staining that allows simultaneous detection of various cell types present in atherosclerotic plaque of apolipoprotein E and LDL receptor-double knockout (apoE/LDLR -/-) mice. We used combined direct and indirect procedures applying commercially available primary antibodies raised in different species to detect smooth muscle cells (Cy3-conjugated mouse anti-smooth muscle actin, SMA), macrophages (rat anti-CD68) and T lymphocytes (rabbit anti-CD3). Fixation of the material in acetone and modified incubation protocol employing nonfat dry milk in preincubation and incubation media significantly increased the intensity of labeling and effectively quenched the background. Our method offers an efficient way to detect qualitative as well as quantitative changes of macrophages, T lymphocytes and smooth muscle cells in atherosclerotic plaque of apoE/LDLR -/- mice during atherosclerosis development or in response to pharmacological treatment

    Sterowanie robotem Robin Heart Pelikan z zastosowaniem siłowego sprzężenia zwrotnego = Force Feedback Control System Dedicated for Robin Heart Pelikan

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    Przedmiotem niniejszej pracy jest badanie systemów sterowania robota Robin Heart PVA (ang. Port Vision Able) z zastosowaniem specjalnych mikroczujników siły 3D MEMS. Postawiono trzy różne sposoby wykorzystania opracowywanych czujników: (1) jako czujnik siły wykorzystany jako mikrodżojstik zintegrowany w rękojeścią narzędzia endoskopowego, aby łatwo kontrolować ruch robota wizyjnego podczas pracy chirurga; (2) jako czujnik siły wewnątrz szczęki narzędzia endoskopowego dla dostarczenia informacji zwrotnej do operatora-chirurga, mierząc siłę chwytu; (3) jako czujnik wielowymiarowy dotyku na końcu narzędzia chirurgicznego, co ułatwia badanie palpacyjne do diagnostyki tkanek podczas pracy. Artykuł ten jest studium wykonalności w zakresie proponowanych zastosowań. Model sterowania robota przy użyciu prototypowego czujnika siły 3D został pomyślnie przetestowany w badaniach funkcjonalnych robota. Wstępne badania sensorów wykazały ich przydatność dla sterowania robotem ze sprzężeniem siłowym, aby ocenić stan tkanek oraz do oceny siły docisku chirurgicznego chwytaka. The aim of this work is to investigate the control systems of Robin Heart PVA (Port Vision Able) using special 3D MEMS force microsensors. Three different functions are targeted: (1) micro-joystick actuator to be integrated in the hilt of the laparoscope to easily control robotic movement during operation; (2) force sensor inside the laparoscopic jaw to provide feedback to the surgeon by measuring the grasping strength; (3) 3D force/tactile sensor which facilitates palpation for tissue diagnostics during operation. This paper is a feasibility study regarding these proposed applications. A model of the robot controller using a prototype 3D sensor force has been successfully tested during the study of functional robot. Pre-studies of prototype sensors have demonstrated their usefulness in robot force feedback system to assess the state of tissue and to assess the clamping force the grasper surgical system