33 research outputs found

    Power-spectrum analysis of local geomagnetic disturbances and their relationship to cosmic-ray and aurora intensity

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    Power-spectrum analyses have been carried out on two data sets of the geomagnetic K-index from the Athens and Sofia magnetic Observatories. For the period between 1956-1984, periodicities of about 2.8 and 6 months have been obtained. Similar results were found by the auto-correlation technique. Both periods are significant to 0.05 and 0.01 level, respectively. In our attempt to explain transient geomagnetic disturbances caused by other parameters, the K-index was correlated to cosmic-ray and aurora intensity. The best correlation coefficient between K-variations and cosmic-ray data from Athens Neutron-Monitor Station was 0.58 and between K-index and Auroral, activity index was 0.47. An attempt to interpret these periodicities and relationships has been made. © 1989 Kluwer Academic Publishers

    Spatial slip behavior of large strike-slip fault belts: Implications for the Holocene slip rates of the eastern termination of the North Anatolian Fault, Turkey

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    We present new data on Holocene slip rates for the eastern end of the North Anatolian Fault (NAF) by using the optically stimulated luminescence ages of the offset terrace deposits at two sites, where a total of four displaced landforms was studied. Each offset feature was analyzed independently, and three different assumptions were made for all the offsets, depending on whether the age of the upper tread (upper tread reconstruction), the lower tread (lower tread reconstruction), or all bounding surfaces (intermediate solution) were used in dating of the terrace risers. The deflected geometry of the risers strongly suggests the use of either the intermediate solution or the upper tread reconstruction. The joint slip rate distributions for the upper tread reconstructions and the intermediate solutions were modeled as 13.0 + 1.8 / 1.4 and 14.3 + 5.8 / 2.4 mm/yr (2σ), respectively. Although the intermediate solution covers the full range of ages for the measured displacements, the curved geometry of the terrace risers suggests that the initiations of the riser offsets are most probably close to the abandonment ages of the upper terrace treads. Therefore, we accepted the joint slip rate of the intermediate solution but suggested that the average rate for the main displacement zone of the eastern NAF should be close to its lower limits. This slower rate with respect to previous estimates suggests that the total deformation is not only accommodated on the main displacement zone but is also distributed along the secondary faults to the south of the easternmost segments of the NA